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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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They've updated all of the old stages so far. Yoshi's Island in particular looks great now. I also wonder why you're still interested in this game enough to continually check updates, because I don't think I've ever seen you say a positive thing about it. I don't get it.

I was going to respond but then I looked at the username.

I've said it countless times, but here we go again: Stages continue to be the weakest aspect of all smash games.

At least this version has more than three good stages. Even though it's yet another jungle, the new DK stage looks great.
yo you know how like all new comers got some nice art work when they were announced?(not the game render, like actual art work, like the one with Shulk with bowser and marth) Did nintendo release one for Bowser Jr & the Koopalings? if so can someone post it, I haven't seen it. If they didnt: boo :( every single one released so far has been awesome, I've used all of em as a wallpaper for my phone.


Why are people hating on traveling stages?

Autoscrollers suck. Stuff like Skyloft, Pilotwings, and Delfino Plaza are fine, but stuff like 3D Land, Dreamland and (seemingly) Wuhu Island are terrible. Any stage where you spend as much time, if not more, fighting the stage as you do fighting the other players is horrible.


As in "Heathcliff"
Yup, outlines and everything.

Wait, Wait? Are you saying that your guy saw Ridley in outlines?

All the confirmed stages so far


The stage selection is only marginally better than Smash 3DS, but still god awful.

awful? Can you explain me why the stages selection are awful? I just want to see it from people's point of views?

I guess I'm too flexible when it come down to the stages because I just want a good balance between tournament legal stages and casual and fun stages.


yo you know how like all new comers got some nice art work when they were announced?(not the game render, like actual art work, like the one with Shulk with bowser and marth) Did nintendo release one for Bowser Jr & the Koopalings? if so can someone post it, I haven't seen it. If they didnt: boo :( every single one released so far has been awesome, I've used all of em as a wallpaper for my phone.

There is an image, but it's just made from assets used in the trailer.



Wait, Wait? Are you saying that your guy saw Ridley in outlines?

awful? Can you explain me why the stages selection are awful? I just want to see it from people's point of views?

I guess I'm too flexible when it come down to the stages because I just want a good balance between tournament legal stages and casual and fun stages.
When playing just for fun, I still don't like obtrusive stages. Walk offs, circle camping, walls, caves etc are fine, but the Yellow Devil is not fine. Rumble Falls is not fine. Flying Man is definitely not fine. I still look for a stage that mostly lets me fight on it, rather than actively fighting against me.

Though to clarify, I haven't paid much attention to these stages so far, and I'm just generally speaking. For this lineup, so far I'm just really glad to see Kongo back.


Wait, Wait? Are you saying that your guy saw Ridley in outlines?

awful? Can you explain me why the stages selection are awful? I just want to see it from people's point of views?

I guess I'm too flexible when it come down to the stages because I just want a good balance between tournament legal stages and casual and fun stages.

The majority of the new stages appear to interfere with the fights. I'm seriously baffled that people on the dev team thought stuff like Great Cave Offensive and Palutena's Temple were good ideas.


The majority of the new stages appear to interfere with the fights. I'm seriously baffled that people on the dev team thought stuff like Great Cave Offensive and Palutena's Temple were good ideas.
Because not everyone shares the same, narrow viewpoint on what makes a good stage? Heath's comment should make that clear. The devs have a different opinion just like everyone else. People like 75m here for God's sake.

Get over it and find stages to like.
awful? Can you explain me why the stages selection are awful? I just want to see it from people's point of views?

I guess I'm too flexible when it come down to the stages because I just want a good balance between tournament legal stages and casual and fun stages.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it awful myself, but it's certainly not winning any prizes either. A handful of the stages are gimmicky to the point of making battles not fun more than once per session (every stage with bosses, Gamer), another handful are ridiculously big to the point of not being fun outside of maybe in 8-player (Boxing Ring, Palutena's Temple, Great Cave Offensive, Garden of Hope, probably Wii Fit Studio, etc), and a good handful of the returning stages are just outright badly designed (75m, Skyworld, Stadium 2). And that's not even tallying up the walkoffs, which are fine in certain contexts (such as elements in a traveling stage) but have a bad habit of being horribly unsatisfying for all participants of the battle and completely removing a key element of the game - recovering from offstage.

At the very least it looks to have more good neutral stages than the 3DS version - but when the 3DS version literally only has three, it's hard to see that as a significant plus.


Unconfirmed Member
- Best MIA retro stages -




I just had an idea, wouldn't the original Sector Z be perfect for 8 player smash?

How did you manage to put Brinstar Depths and Foursides on there while somehow forgetting Yoshi Story (Melee) and Fountain of Dreams?

It's also incredibly disappointing that Yoshi's Island Melee got in over Yoshi Story.
The majority of the new stages appear to interfere with the fights. I'm seriously baffled that people on the dev team thought stuff like Great Cave Offensive and Palutena's Temple were good ideas.

My only problem with Great Cave Offensive is that it has the real chance of turning into a throw camping match every time. Stamina mode works a lot better for that one. And Palutena's Temple is fine since it's clearly made for 8 players and is a slightly better New Pork City without the Chimera.
Besides, Temple's back and it's not like we need any other big stage.


Because not everyone shares the same, narrow viewpoint on what makes a good stage? Heath's comment should make that clear. The devs have a different opinion just like everyone else. People like 75m here for God's sake.

Get over it and find stages to like.

I have found stages I like. It just sucks when there's only 3-4 good Wii U exclusive stages IMO.


The majority of the new stages appear to interfere with the fights. I'm seriously baffled that people on the dev team thought stuff like Great Cave Offensive and Palutena's Temple were good ideas.

It's Smash. While I do get the obsession for stagnant stages with platforms, I do like to have a good number of stages with crazy ideas as well. Especially when playing with more than two players.


All the confirmed stages so far


The stage selection is only marginally better than Smash 3DS, but still god awful.

Nooooooooooooo whyyyy the inferior version of Stadium. Ughhh....

Also, for the G&W Final Smash octopus image isn't that water more similar to Great Bay from Melee? Pirate Ship had cel-shaded water, you couldn't see through it at all (and I doubt they would change that aesthetic, it would ruin the look of the stage completely). I'm thinking it's either Great Bay or maybe a part of Wuhu Island we haven't seen yet that's closer to the shore of the beach or something.

Also, I hate how he has ruined the new Pokemon stage by shoving the terrible Brawl Rayquaza boss into it. I feel like it's pandering to ORAS as well by doing that :/


How did you manage to put Brinstar Depths and Foursides on there while somehow forgetting Yoshi Story (Melee) and Fountain of Dreams?

It's also incredibly disappointing that Yoshi's Island Melee got in over Yoshi Story.

Yoshi's Story is in the 3Ds version (EDIT: nope I thought about the wrong Yoshi stage). You're right about Fountain of Dreams though.
I have found stages I like. It just sucks when there's only 3-4 good Wii U exclusive stages IMO.

I mean honestly, the only stages that seem too intrusive to me are pyrosphere, gaur plains, wily's castle, Maybe Great cave offensive and Gamer (and depending on the nature of the crab, maybe garden of hope) in terms of stage hazards. A few are big, but that was necessary for 8 player smash. Most of the stages seem fine to me.
It's Smash. While I do get the obsession for stagnant stages with platforms, I do like to have a good number of stages with crazy ideas as well. Especially when playing with more than two players.
There's a difference between having a good number of stages with crazy ideas and balancing it with good, neutral stages and slightly-gimmicky stages that are still fun to fight on (see: Melee) and having the vast majority of stages be Wacky Gimmicky Stages that constantly directly interfere with battle.

How many brand new stages are on the Wii U that could reasonably be neutral? Town and City maybe. Miiverse - but that's just a Battlefield reskin. So a grand total of two.
Which is still up from the 3DS version's zero.
Honestly, if you really need more balanced tourney stages, there's always stage builder. ANd as long as the sharing features allow you to share through miiverse, It'd be very easy to make a standardized list for tournaments that are all shared through one account. It might not be ideal, but it works
Jr. had one of (if not the best trailer), but one of the worst (only better than Palutena's) art works. ):

I feel almost exactly the opposite. The trailer was ruined by Bowser Jr being a freaking mute (he didn't even go like "heh heh!" or anything), and the whole set-up was "Bowser Jr. fights people", so it wasn't even creative or clever or anything like that. A dull premise that was handled poorly because of Bowser Jr's awkward silence. I guess you could say it's like Greninja or Mega Man, but Mega Man was the opening trailer so it kinda fit, and Greninja had the cool Pokemon theme. This was just Bowser Jr fighting Mario in a ditch. It's probably my least favorite trailer I'd say, if only because I felt like there was so much potential.

The poster on the other hand, is really cool. My only problem with it is that Ludwig is front and center... for some reason.


As in "Heathcliff"
Ugh, why did you put Rayquaza in Kalo League? Kalo League genuinely look fantastic stage without Rayquaza.

When playing just for fun, I still don't like obtrusive stages. Walk offs, circle camping, walls, caves etc are fine, but the Yellow Devil is not fine. Rumble Falls is not fine. Flying Man is definitely not fine. I still look for a stage that mostly lets me fight on it, rather than actively fighting against me.

Though to clarify, I haven't paid much attention to these stages so far, and I'm just generally speaking. For this lineup, so far I'm just really glad to see Kongo back.

Yeah, I can see your point. I actually shared same concerns about those bosses being too obtrusive. Honestly, I don't mind bosses stages for casual sessions but at long they are not TOO obtrusive. It don't really stop me from asking for hazard stage toggle so I can use few stages that I like as tournament legal stages like Kalo League, Dr. Wily and Pyrosphere.

Well, I'm not sure if Kalo League is allowed or not tho but I heard that people saying that Pyrosphere and Dr. Wily stages without bosses are more likely to be tournament legal.

The majority of the new stages appear to interfere with the fights. I'm seriously baffled that people on the dev team thought stuff like Great Cave Offensive and Palutena's Temple were good ideas.

Great cave Offensive seem to be a lot of fun with casual friends in my opinion but I will wait and see how I felt about those stages after experiencing them in the action first.


As for the stages, eh. I like most the new ones they showed off last night, but I'm not a fan of bosses, the over-abundance of moving stages, and a lot of the choices of past stages.
I mean honestly, the only stages that seem too intrusive to me are pyrosphere, gaur plains, wily's castle, Maybe Great cave offensive and Gamer (and depending on the nature of the crab, maybe garden of hope) in terms of stage hazards. A few are big, but that was necessary for 8 player smash. Most of the stages seem fine to me.
So like, every boss stage?



Unconfirmed Member
Probably because no one cares about Yoshi's Story in 2014.

I don't see what that has to do with anything. We got a Wrecking Crew and Pac Man stage.

Honestly, if you really need more balanced tourney stages, there's always stage builder. ANd as long as the sharing features allow you to share through miiverse, It'd be very easy to make a standardized list for tournaments that are all shared through one account. It might not be ideal, but it works

Eh, I don't think stage builder creations are ever going to be standardized. I think the community would go with 5 legal stages before doing that.

Masked Man

I said wow
I dunno... I think the new stages are all pretty brilliant. I don't mind the occasional stage hazard like Yellow Devil or legendary Pokémon or Flying Men. Dealing with them and using them to your advantage is part of the fun! :D
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