Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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It sure is.



Maturity, bitches.
Everything I've said about Smash is true, but Sakurai got annoyed at me when I bought him a regular Chocolate Orange instead of a dark one for his Birthday so he removed things from Smash to try and make me look like a silly billy online.
Everything I've said about Smash is true, but Sakurai got annoyed at me when I bought him a regular Chocolate Orange instead of a dark one for his Birthday so he removed things from Smash to try and make me look like a silly billy online.

so you're reason there's no bag
Pyoro actually has his own minigame in all Warioware games except for DIY. He's a stable in the series so I'm really glad they put him in a Wario stage.


Maybe W101 will be lucky enough to get repped in the next game, just like Golden Sun did when it got music in Brawl!

Ouch. It stings. So hard. Sakurai, why?

Oh man, I sort of hoped we had a hidden Wonderful 101 level, but music being on the Galaxy Stage removes that chance. Nice, regardless.

I always thought a great Duck Hunt Stage would be one based off Wild Gunman, a wild west town...and this would point towards such a stage. Although I could see it fitting on Bridge of Eldin I guess.

I was really hoping for it, too. I mean, it's going to totally override Gusty Garden in my My Music, which is a feat. Our only hope now is to get really loud and rowdy about a DLC stage/character. ... Or except that this Wonderful IP's probably going to die after SSB4 :( At least they made a really good pick song-wise. Hopefully the Won-Stoppable 101 and Tables Turn's in there somewhere, too!

Nice idea about the Wild West town, too. I mean, I could dig it.


Did anyone mention Ultimate Chimera Trophy were shown in Smash Tour? I decided to take a look at the pictures again and I spotted Ultimate Chimera trophy.

I had a feeling it was back, but... actually, wait, so Mother's getting 2 Retro stages? Now I'm wondering if it really is just getting Magicant? Or if it's even getting Magicant at all, since that'd be 3 stages for Ness alone... If the Gematsu leaker was right about Lucas DLC, maybe he'll come with New Pork? Either way, I still just want a Cave of the Past/Devil Machine level. I know it's too creepy to be that likely, but I'd love it if it were there.

Can Gamer get Rhythm Heaven music

If the series doesn't get a stage that is

Yeah, don't count out Rhythm Heaven just yet!

... But I'm seriously beginning to fear that's going to happen, so yeah. That. As disappointing as it may be, and as much as I'm asking for through DLC. Granted, Ridley, Bayonetta, and Wonder Red really are the only newcomers I'm truly pushing for if we're assuming Dixie and Chorus Kids were cuts, so it might not be that much to ask for craziness with the stages...

Despite Nights Journey into dreams being terrible, I wouldn't mind a song being in the Lost Worlds level.

I love how even bad SEGA games have beautiful OSTs. I'd love to see that happen, myself! But I'm preparing for, like, Green Hill Zone's sound selection plus that awful theme to Sonic Colors (Maybe replacing Sonic Boom because of course they'd replace the best one), and that'll be it.

SThere probably isn't a Wind Waker level since all the Pirate Ship music is moved all around. I would imagine the Great Sea would obviously be on any Wind Waker level, but it's on Skyloft. Curiously Molgera's battle theme is missing though, maybe there's a Ganon inspired level or something or they just cut it because it was a rip (of a very good song).

The lack of Onett videos or information at all tells me either Magicant's music plays on the level and it confirms no Magicant, or Magicant's music doesn't play and it confirms Magicant is on the Wii U. I remember someone saying Onett footage isn't allowed, telling me something is up with that stage.

None of the Rumble Falls music has been seen playing. This strikes me as odd, since Smash Run has RF music, so if Hijinx had it, it would confirm that it wasn't back. RF also had great remixes.

Rainbow Cruise is on some level I don't remember, so that stage isn't back. It and Rumble Falls are the only two levels with Smash Run music that aren't accounted for yet. I think it may have replaced the Super Mario World music that was moved to Yoshi's Island from Delphino.

Neither Green Greens or Fountain of Dreams music is heard anywhere as far as I've seen. I'd be surprised if we don't see our good buddy Whispy in this game. Maybe Dream Land 64?

I'm still disappointed that there isn't going to be an HD Wind Waker level. I haven't played much of it, but it looks SO GOOD. Or at least bring back Brawl's best new level. I'm really asking for too much out of DLC, but I can see Pirate Ship happening.

... Wait, really? I guess that is suspect... I have no idea why they'd be sketchy about a thrice-returned level, though.

Weird about Rumble Falls, too. They wouldn't bring back a 4th DK stage... would they? That music better go somewhere, but maybe it's all unlockable for Rumble Falls?

And now that I think about it, I guess Ridley isn't the only character who's been in since the first game, isn't a Pokemon, and still isn't playable, now that you bring up Whispy Woods. But at least Whispy Woods is perfect as a stage hazard, having, like, 3 moves that rely entirely on him being foliage. I'd expect to see Dream Land 64, or at least Melee's Green Greens, but I'm still hoping Fountain of Dreams is missing because the original's back in stunning HD.


It's weird how the original pics of Gamer didn't have Pyoro.

I think Pyoro's a random factor. Like, he only shows up occasionally, like how Mona's only there every once in awhile, too. Albeit only as a sticker, which is kind of a shame. I dunno. I'm still bitter she didn't get into Mario Kart the second they revealed bikes, and I just want more Wario representation period.


Why do some snake haters have to be so mean?
I'm not saying everyone has to like the character. But I find it unfair when discussion on him can almost be turned into his fans being second class citizens. Makes no sense to me.

Goon Boon

So any confirmation/deconfirmation on Smash Tour online?

Other thing - Can you use Amiibo characters for co-op stuff (like co-op classic), or just normal smash?
I think Pyoro's a random factor. Like, he only shows up occasionally, like how Mona's only there every once in awhile, too. Albeit only as a sticker, which is kind of a shame. I dunno. I'm still bitter she didn't get into Mario Kart the second they revealed bikes, and I just want more Wario representation period.
Mona is in the stage? o_O


Well, people did say the DK series doesn't get enough representation.

Yes, as a background cameo in the Planet Zebes stage


And yup. Dedede was in the same boat, but at least he got promoted.

... Although technically, all the stage cameos in 64 got upgraded but Butterfree, Goonie, and the Necky flock from DKC. Lakitu and Ho-Oh are assists, Fly Guy's a stage hazard, and Bronto Burt and the other Metroid Mooks are Smash Run enemies. And Whispy Woods was ahead of the game being a full-on hazard to begin with.



Let's unite to do it! Wooooooooonder... Well, we're forum users. The best we can do is civilly note our desire, and the worst we could do would be to turn into monsters.

Mona is in the stage? o_O

Sorta? A sticker of her shows up on an easel that spawns randomly. This level's like Tortimer Island in that it changes shape each time it's played. It's not, like, she's on the TV, or one of the "cat scares," but she's acknowledged, at the very least.
Sorta? A sticker of her shows up on an easel that spawns randomly. This level's like Tortimer Island in that it changes shape each time it's played. It's not, like, she's on the TV, or one of the "cat scares," but she's acknowledged, at the very least.

Hoping more Warioware cameos like this show up, even if they're minor. Jimmy T has to, at least.



Did anyone mention Ultimate Chimera Trophy were shown in Smash Tour? I decided to take a look at the pictures again and I spotted Ultimate Chimera trophy.

Good eye! Man, I hate New Pork City, but I'd welcome its return with open arms as part of a DLC package that also included Lucas.
So happy about Ultimate Chimera getting a trophy after inexplicably lacking one in Brawl!

Also, if New Pork City were to come back, I'd welcome it with open arms, since in native 1080p HD it'll be MUCH easier to follow the action, and it's PERFECT for eight players!

YESSS, Gamer looks SO GOOD!!


OH WOW!! Music from The Wonderful 101!!



Hoping more Warioware cameos like this show up, even if they're minor. Jimmy T has to, at least.

He's already in; he cameos in the WarioWare stage on the 3DS. I think all the major-enough characters are covered (Plus 5-Volt), so I think that's all we're getting. Better than nothing, at least?


Oh man this stage is better than I imagined. Love that they kept the Super Metroid-esque dissonant chord theme whenever 5-Volt shows up and goes all terminator. :lol
Yeah, I'm really pleased that the ambient "night sounds" track is available since it's so great for atmosphere. I've seen other videos that show other tracks are available, as well, like Ashley's Theme. But it's much more suspenseful with the eerie original track. :)


Yeah, I'm really pleased that the ambient "night sounds" track is available since it's so great for atmosphere. I've seen other videos that show other tracks are available, as well, like Ashley's Theme. But it's much more suspenseful with the eerie original track. :)

Totally. Which is a bit of a shame, I guess, since WarioWare has such a magnificent OST. But it's still good that they're there, and if Stage Builder's worthwhile, I'll find, say, Jimmy T.'s aerobics song a good home.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Why do some snake haters have to be so mean?
I'm not saying everyone has to like the character. But I find it unfair when discussion on him can almost be turned into his fans being second class citizens. Makes no sense to me.

Dont pay attention to them

Azure J

Man, Gamer has to be a legal stage in competitive play. The potential it has for hilarious commentary is not to be understated. :lol

It also helps that the stage hazard isn't terribly intrusive, at least imo.
So hey, did we ever find out if Rayquaza is a stage hazard, stage boss, or a pokeball Pokemon?

Man, Gamer has to be a legal stage in competitive play. The potential it has for hilarious commentary is not to be understated. :lol

It also helps that the stage hazard isn't terribly intrusive, at least imo.

She, almost literally, appears every 10-20 seconds. Sometimes the players will be so focused, that they won't be able to pay attention to the background.

I would love if it was tourney viable though.
Man, Gamer has to be a legal stage in competitive play. The potential it has for hilarious commentary is not to be understated. :lol

It also helps that the stage hazard isn't terribly intrusive, at least imo.
I would think the ceiling on one of its arrangements would prevent that.

But I am pleasantly surprised how telegraphed the hazard actually is.
Man, Gamer has to be a legal stage in competitive play. The potential it has for hilarious commentary is not to be understated. :lol

It also helps that the stage hazard isn't terribly intrusive, at least imo.

pfft, save it for the random stage select auction tournaments :p

besides Garden of Hope can be one instead ;)


Man, Gamer has to be a legal stage in competitive play. The potential it has for hilarious commentary is not to be understated. :lol

It also helps that the stage hazard isn't terribly intrusive, at least imo.

It won't be, most likely, but if it is, I'll never not find that hilarious.

So hey, did we ever find out if Rayquaza is a stage hazard, stage boss, or a pokeball Pokemon?

Not only does it lack the P1-8 like MiguelMexMystery mentioned, but it seems to fly really low, looks to be in the foreground, and is electrified. So at the very least, it's one of the other 2.

Wonderful 101 music!? That's awesome! Shame it's on the Galaxy stage, where it's going to be competing with some other equally as amazing music.

I hate to admit it, but I think Gusty Garden isn't going to be set to maximum for me. Like, I may set everything else to low just because of the surprise Jerghingha music.
Speaking of music, I'd really like a remix of the Wistful Wild theme.
Nintendo Land had the perfect chance to remake it, but we got some crappy original music instead.

And if we're talking about music from other games on certain stages, might I suggest In the Wake of Doshin the Giant? Great nature-y piece for Garden of Hope.

On a side note, does the Bulborb roar in the normal version of the Forest of Hope piece?
In the Garden of Hope footage, you can hear the roar come up even without the Bulborb being there.


Speaking of music, I'd really like a remix of the Wistful Wild theme.
Nintendo Land had the perfect chance to remake it, but we got some crappy original music instead.

And if we're talking about music from other games on certain stages, might I suggest In the Wake of Doshin the Giant? Great nature-y piece for Garden of Hope.

On a side note, does the Bulborb roar in the normal version of the Forest of Hope piece?
In the Garden of Hope footage, you can hear the roar come up even without the Bulborb being there.

I didn't mind that original piece, but I was surprised they didn't just reuse the Wistful Wild theme. Personally, I just want the Forest Navel music to play, if we're not getting it as it's own stage, that is. A Cave/Dungeon level would represent Pikmin just as well as reusing the Forest of Hope/Awakening Wood/Garden of Hope locale again.

And I'd like some Doshin representation, to be honest. Always wanted to give Doshin a shot.


Maybe tourney organizers can create a "high-skill" tournament bracket where players have to take into account stage hazards like the mother in Gamer, in addition to fighting their opponents?
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