Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Not sure if everyone saw it, but the other day Nintendo released a clean screen of Mewtwo (I.E. not a screencap from the Direct).

It is SEXY:


Knowing Nintendo, he'll probably come out the same day Isabelle is available for Mario Kart 8. Always feast or famine with Nintendo.


Gold Member
In the game, there's a "Movies" menu, and one of the videos listed there is a tutorial on how to play the game. It's very easy to learn, but of course there's a lot of depth to master. No complicated button inputs, though. The controls are extremely easy, and all of the moves have super-satisfying feedback. :)

Perfect, that sounds exactly like something she'd enjoy


As in "Heathcliff"
BTW, not sure if everyone saw it, but the other day Nintendo released a clean screen of Mewtwo (I.E. not a screencap from the Direct):


Knowing Nintendo, he'll probably come out the same day Isabelle is available for Mario Kart 8. Always feast or famine with Nintendo.

Yeah, I saw the screenshot. I had to say that he look pretty GOOD.

Did they said that Mewtwo would coming out in early Spring? I know Animal Crossing x Mario Kart 8 DLC is coming out during May 2015.


Yeah, I saw the screenshot. I had to say that he look pretty GOOD.

Did they said that Mewtwo would coming out in early Spring? I know Animal Crossing x Mario Kart 8 DLC is coming out during May 2015.
Yeah, they said early spring. I guess May isn't "early" spring -- more like "right before summer" spring -- but it's still spring. :)

They've enhanced Mewtwo nicely. In retrospect, his head was a bit bulbous in Melee. They've really fine-tuned all of his proportions, while still making him look more lithe and capable than he does in the actual Pokémon games. :)


They've enhanced Mewtwo nicely. In retrospect, his head was a bit bulbous in Melee. They've really fine-tuned all of his proportions, while still making him look more lithe and capable than he does in the actual Pokémon games. :)
His Melee design is clearly meant to make him look like his original sprite in Red/Blue.

His new design is anime.


His Melee design is clearly meant to make him look like his original sprite in Red/Blue.

His new design is anime.
I'd say his new design is also reminiscent of how he looks in X/Y. Just more menacing. :)

Mewtwo as a free DLC incentive for owning both versions is kind of brilliant. There aren't too many Nintendo characters left who are "household names" in the way Mewtwo is. As arguably the third most popular Pokémon after Pikachu and Charizard, he has real star power, and thus selling power.

I eagerly await his return!
Mewtwo really looks great. I'm happy for all you Mewtwo fans - it's been a long time coming. :)

God, this stage is so cool. I can already tell I'm going to be playing it a lot.

Why do some snake haters have to be so mean?
I'm not saying everyone has to like the character. But I find it unfair when discussion on him can almost be turned into his fans being second class citizens. Makes no sense to me.

I agree. I feel for fans of all cut characters, including Snake. It's a crappy thing to have your main or one of your favorites cut. I may not miss Snake personally, but people tend to get downright nasty about him and treat his fans really badly. I'm not looking forward to the same thing potentially happening with Mega Man in Smash 5...

I put together a quick collage that shows all four transformations of Kalos Pokémon League:


Just gorgeous... <3

This stage is beautiful. Can't wait to see more of it! My favorite part is definitely Wailord just chillin' there in the Water-type arena. He's massive.


I really, really hope they update Mewtwo's moveset. Come ooooon Psystrike!
I'd be down for something new, but I'd also be perfectly happy with his Melee moves. So many touches I love -- the zigzagging Shadow Ball, the tail thwacks, the way he levitates items and hovers when dodging. But whatever they do, I'm just happy he's back in the game. Mewtwo is like... a time capsule from my childhood. He embodies so many fond memories of playing Pokémon with friends, and the awe I used to feel toward legendary Pokémon. :)


I agree. I feel for fans of all cut characters, including Snake. It's a crappy thing to have your main or one of your favorites cut. I may not miss Snake personally, but people tend to get downright nasty about him and treat his fans really badly. I'm not looking forward to the same thing potentially happening with Mega Man in Smash 5...

I think some of the Snake venom (pun intended) is because his series has always been a Playstation icon. You'd expect him to headline PSABR not Smash.
I'd be down for something new, but I'd also be perfectly happy with his Melee moves. So many touches I love -- the zigzagging Shadow Ball, the tail thwacks, the way he levitates items and hovers when dodging. But whatever they do, I'm just happy he's back in the game. He's like a time capsule from my childhood, embodying so many fond memories of playing Pokémon with friends. :)

But if they didn't update Mewtwo's moveset at all, it'd be uncomfortably similar to Lucario, right? They'll have to do something to differentiate it a bit more, especially if it's not coming until Spring 2015.

I think some of the Snake venom (pun intended) is because his series has always been a Playstation icon. You'd expect him to headline PSABR not Smash.

But that's exactly what made his appearance in Brawl so unexpected and fun. Don't get me wrong, Mega Man and Pac-Man are far better, more appropriate/fitting inclusions in my opinion, but the venom toward Snake fans isn't justified simply because the character is more of a PlayStation icon.


But if they didn't update Mewtwo's moveset at all, it'd be uncomfortably similar to Lucario, right? They'll have to do something to differentiate it a bit more, especially if it's not coming until Spring 2015.
The only move he shares with Lucario is forward smash, and maybe neutral special if you squint.
It needs to be somewhat bulbous, otherwise it diminishes the fetus symbolism.

Makes sense.

Not as bulbous as it used to be:


I'm preeeeeeetty sure that's a mod (haven't played Melee in forever but Mewtwo's lighting looks way off), but regardless I'm referring to the forehead. SSB4 Mewtwo's is quite round.

In any case, it's fascinating to look at from the perspective of the character's evolution. I'm just hoping they use the Melee actor and not the one from that Genesect movie, lol.

Edit: And like I asked before: just replace Disable/Confusion with cooler moves and I'm okay with whatever they do the rest (though I'd prefer a balance of new/old moves).
The only move he shares with Lucario is forward smash, and maybe neutral special if you squint.

Oh, okay. I was never a huge Mewtwo player and am not a Lucario player, so I'll take your word for it. But still, I was under the impression that Lucario "replaced" Mewtwo in Brawl in terms of his moveset in general feel (while still adding elements unique to Lucario).

I mean, they do technically share the same neutral special, right? Shadow Ball?


I think some of the Snake venom (pun intended) is because his series has always been a Playstation icon. You'd expect him to headline PSABR not Smash.

Yeah, Snake was fun to play as, but didn't fit at ALL IMO.

Sonic is the best fit because of the Nintendo/Sega history. If anything, I'd like Tails so we can do a Mario & Luigi vs Sonic & Tails match. My second grade dreams come true.

Megaman fits. He's had tons of representation across nintendo systems.

Pacman was a cool idea. Mario really dethroned him as a gaming icon back in the day. It's like he's coming back for revenge.

But Snake? Well...I guess it makes Kojima's kid happy he was in Brawl? But he just doesn't fit.


I agree. I feel for fans of all cut characters, including Snake. It's a crappy thing to have your main or one of your favorites cut. I may not miss Snake personally, but people tend to get downright nasty about him and treat his fans really badly. I'm not looking forward to the same thing potentially happening with Mega Man in Smash 5...
Your kind heart and smart maturity are a wonderful anomaly on the Internet, Ash. :) As a fan of Snake in Brawl, I appreciate the understanding. I'm 110% content with the roster in Smash 4, but I'd be over the moon if, say, Konami and Nintendo teamed up for Snake DLC -- Nintendo benefiting from more hype for Smash, and Konami using it to promote MGSV. Whatever happens, I'm perfectly happy with Smash 4, but I'll always have fond memories of Snake and what he brought to the series. :)


Oh, okay. I was never a huge Mewtwo player and am not a Lucario player, so I'll take your word for it. But still, I was under the impression that Lucario "replaced" Mewtwo in Brawl in terms of his moveset in general feel (while still adding elements unique to Lucario).

I mean, they do technically share the same neutral special, right? Shadow Ball?

Shadow Ball behaves differently from Aura Sphere, it undulates up and down while Aura Sphere travels in a straight line. Samus' Charge Shot has more in common with Aura Sphere than Shadow Ball.

Lucario did not replace Mewtwo, Mewtwo was planned but got cut because of Sonic.


My memories are a bit fuzzy, but I recall Mewtwo having some crazy move you had to use right next to your opponent, and it effectively put them in a stun state, as though their shield had broken. He sent a small bolt of lightning from his forehead into their forehead, or something. He had to be like right next to them.
Shadow Ball behaves differently from Aura Sphere, it undulates up and down while Aura Sphere travels in a straight line. Samus' Charge Shot has more in common with Aura Sphere than Shadow Ball.

Lucario did not replace Mewtwo, Mewtwo was planned but got cut because of Sonic.

It's also worth pointing out, that Lucario barely got in Brawl.

Which implies that both Lucario and Mewtwo were the last ones to be added before Sonic came into the picture.


My memories are a bit fuzzy, but I recall Mewtwo having some crazy move you had to use right next to your opponent, and it effectively put them in a stun state, as though their shield had broken. He like sent a small bolt of lightning from his forehead into their forehead. He had to be like right next to them.


It was useless.
My memories are a bit fuzzy, but I recall Mewtwo having some crazy move you had to use right next to your opponent, and it effectively put them in a stun state, as though their shield had broken. He sent a small bolt of lightning from his forehead into their forehead, or something. He had to be like right next to them.

Yeah, Disable.

edit - beat
I really hope they bring back the Special Movies from Melee. Always loved them and I used to watch them a whole lot.

And I also hope that Mewtwo keeps his best attack animations in Smash 4.







Makes sense.

I'm preeeeeeetty sure that's a mod (haven't played Melee in forever but Mewtwo's lighting looks way off), but regardless I'm referring to the forehead. SSB4 Mewtwo's is quite round.

In any case, it's fascinating to look at from the perspective of the character's evolution. I'm just hoping they use the Melee actor and not the one from that Genesect movie, lol.

Edit: And like I asked before: just replace Disable/Confusion with cooler moves and I'm okay with whatever they do the rest (though I'd prefer a balance of new/old moves).
That's Melee. And he looks almost exactly like his art in smash!



A worthy sacrifice, if I say so myself.

Prince Sable allowed me to make lewd pictures like this:

Something something Anaconda don't, something else something else, HawethorneKitty Avatar Quote. Maybe the Patrick guy, too.

Causing the original crash was a total retcon, but I think more crashes will be caused by it in future games, just like the one that happened at the end of Pikmin 3's credits.

Man, that'd be cool if we were getting another Pikmin anytime soon. At least we're getting those shorts? But I do want to see where they go with the Plasm Wraith from here. And I'm still cool with him being a playable character some day in Smash.
I wonder if that crash at the end of the game was a new Captain? Or Louie falling out of the ship?

Cloudtop Cruise has to be there. And if it's a direct rip and not an arrangement, I hope they incorporate its multiple variants, which would fit with Mario Circuit being a traveling stage.
I'm a little disappointed with the implications as well - W101 had so many great locations to use as the basis of stages - but this is at least better than no musical representation at all. If Jergingha isn't all we get, I'm hoping to see "Intertwined" on Colosseum, "Guyzoch Space Pirates ~ Teios Form" on Lylat Cruise or Orbital Gate, and "Lost City of Lowrule" on Bridge of Eldin or Temple.

I'm sure they will add Cloudtop Cruise; it was really popular. And I'm disappointed, too. That's why I really want there to be a W101 DLC pack with a fighter and a stage. I'm totally with you for the Guyzoch Space Pirates theme on Lylat Cruise/Orbital Gate (Or Sector Z, if that happens). I also liked the idea of Tables Turn playing on Wrecking Crew. How about Won-Stoppable 101 on Wily Castle? Gah... I really wish Nintendo put in the effort to make it their next big IP.

Hopefully Mewtwo teleports in and they don't just make his entrance the same but from a master ball.

I would be cool with his entrance being a Master Ball, but...

Mewtwo's stage entrance should be him floating in a laboratory tank, before awakening and bursting out mad as hell.

...but now I won't take anything less.


My memories are a bit fuzzy, but I recall Mewtwo having some crazy move you had to use right next to your opponent, and it effectively put them in a stun state, as though their shield had broken. He sent a small bolt of lightning from his forehead into their forehead, or something. He had to be like right next to them.

I know we've established what move it is, but the fact it was disable is sweetly ironic.

I like the way he just floats out nonchalantly. He's a total stoner.

It makes sense, though. For Wailord to weigh 877 lb. and be 47'07'', the thing'd have to be lighter than air! Add the fact that it's a whale out of water, and I'd float like that, too!


Unconfirmed Member
So there's no way you'd think they'd do an "all star" version of every stage, would they? I mean all star in the way a stage is in all star mode, the basic structure and movement are in each, but a lot of the randomized hazards (Warioware minigames, flying man, etc) absent.


I love how all the new stages look and will enjoy them casually but boy are they all hazard central. So far we have 8-9ish that all looking legal and a few in question.


So there's no way you'd think they'd do an "all star" version of every stage, would they? I mean all star in the way a stage is in all star mode, the basic structure and movement are in each, but a lot of the randomized hazards (Warioware minigames, flying man, etc) absent.

This is seriously why I want that Boss/Hazard Toggle; there's clearly one programmed in the 3DS version for All-Star mode! Why not just make it something you can turn on at any time?

Although for a second, I read this like you mean an "All-Star Stage" where elements from every stage would be present at some point. I know I've been singing praises about that Boss/Hazard Toggle since, well... Brawl? But that'd be too chaotic for me to be mad at.


It makes sense, though. For Wailord to weigh 877 lb. and be 47'07'', the thing'd have to be lighter than air! Add the fact that it's a whale out of water, and I'd float like that, too!
Wailord gives me warm fuzzies. When I see him, I think back to when Ruby and Sapphire hit Japan, and the sprites were first ripped to the Internet. Back then, we all knew about the first form, Wailmer, from the pre-release hype. But it blew my mind when I saw that the ball-like Wailmer evolved into an even more humongous, freighter-like Wailord! And who wouldn't want to hug that thing? Friggin' adorable. :-3


Who said Lucario barely got in Brawl? He seems pretty clearly planned from the beginning, considering he had a big role in the Subspace.
Sakurai said in an interview that Lucario was a character where they only managed to squeeze him in because the team was really committed and willing to work extra hard.
Who said Lucario barely got in Brawl? He seems pretty clearly planned from the beginning, considering he had a big role in the Subspace.


01/30/2014 10:25 PM
Lucario joined the battle for the first time in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which was released six years ago. The production staff of Brawl worked really hard to expand the character roster--without their efforts, Lucario probably never would have joined the battle.
Sakurai said in an interview that Lucario was a character where they only managed to squeeze him in because the team was really committed and willing to work extra hard.

He's said that about a lot of stuff that would have been planned early on.

I do have to wonder if maybe they quickly swapped Mewtwo with Lucario in the subspace though, although a couple scenes wouldn't make too much sense, his main thing was being able to sense Snake on the Halberd, and Mewtwo could have also done that.

Lucario plays way too much of a part in the subspace to be a rushed late addition.


He's said that about a lot of stuff that would have been planned early on.

I do have to wonder if maybe they quickly swapped Mewtwo with Lucario in the subspace though, although a couple scenes wouldn't make too much sense, his main thing was being able to sense Snake on the Halberd, and Mewtwo could have also done that.

Lucario plays way too much of a part in the subspace to be a rushed late addition.
I think what really happened is Lucario was planned from the start, but he was something Sakurai apprehensively agreed to when his staff convinced him they'd be able to pull it off. So in that sense, we don't necessarily know if he was "worked on" last.

Mr Buddy

All of these mewtwo images and gifs are getting me so hyyppeeee! Hopefully he gets the vastly superior Mewtwo Y as a final smash!

It also just occurred to me that 2 of the 7 fighters that were found in Brawls code have now been confirmed in the game. Is it possible that we might be getting the other 5 as dlc in the future? Maybe not plusle and minun (3ds issues if they work like the IC), but i could definitely see Dixie and Toon Zelda/Tetra making the cut.
lol at roy

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