Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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what about this subtitle?

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: 16 Ice Climbers? Impossible!


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 18: Dark Pit become playable character before Ridley

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 18: Bigger Stages, but no Big Characters allowed

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 18: Ridley still isn't allowed to play on Big Battlefield

or something like that


He's really the best sidekick.
linebeck fucking owns



Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe



Wolf and Lucas will always be on the battlefield in Fox and Ness' custom moves.

Nay. Until Fox and Ness change their A moves, nay. Hell, Fox only has one Wolf B move and it doesn't capture the spirit!
I thought Twilight Princess was total crap. 4/10 game. I would not recommend it to anyone.

It's funny to me how the Zelda games are so divisive. You have people saying a game like TP was "total crap" where I would say it's one of my favorite Zeldas (tied with OoT). And then you have people who say Majora's Mask is one of the best in the series and I would say it's one of the worst. Someone else says Skyward Sword was "truly a bad game" whereas I loved that one, too. It had issues... quite a few of them, but I still had a blast with it.

I really don't think there are any truly bad games in the main Zelda series, though. I have my preferences, but I have loved all of them.


Spirit Tracks is the most underrated Zelda game, imo.

I agree - if PH hadn't poisoned the well, it would have been much better received. But as it was, a top down 3D Zelda in the WW style on the DS utilising touch controls would have met a negative response regardless of the merits of its characters, score, mechanics or dungeon design.
I still have yet to play it.

I'm gonna remedy that next year.

If Spirit Tracks came out first instead of Phantom Hourglass, the Zelda DS games wouldn't be as hated as they are now. It still has it's problems (the flute sections can seriously fuck off, and the train was a bit underwhelming), but it's a way more enjoyable Zelda game than PH in pretty much every way. I'm still hoping that we get a new game that follows ST, just to finally see a more technologically advanced Zelda setting that still makes sense.
Twilight Princess had fantastic dungeons, bosses, and mini-bosses, but it felt a bit devoid of personality. The piss-filter, gritty NPCs and sparse landscapes made it a bit bland.

It also has the same problem many Zeldas have, which is there is no sense of urgency. "Oh no, Ganondorf is... doing something. Sitting in his castle. Oh no."

Majora's Mask remains the best 3D Zelda, in part because it remedied the above problem.

I don't understand any of this. The bosses, outside of that one ice dungeon boss, were simplistic and dull. The final boss was laughably bad, and not even challenging or interesting. The wolf segments were drab and dragged on forever, and the game had not evolved mechanically since the N64 ages. What? I still have to RUN UP TO A LEDGE to automatically jump in the direction I am facing?! How fun when the game auto-jumps you into Lake Hyrule for the 9th time. The last half of the game's dungeons were cool, I agree, but the early temples, especially Fire, were a snoozefest.


Has anyone taken the survey on Club Nintendo for Wii U Smash? They mention a demo of some kind. Is that indicative of something coming, or just a carry-over from the 3DS survey?

Mr Buddy

If Spirit Tracks came out first instead of Phantom Hourglass, the Zelda DS games wouldn't be as hated as they are now. It still has it's problems (the flute sections can seriously fuck off, and the train was a bit underwhelming), but it's a way more enjoyable Zelda game than PH in pretty much every way. I'm still hoping that we get a new game that follows ST, just to finally see a more technologically advanced Zelda setting that still makes sense.

You might just get your wish! Heres what Aonuma said when the Master Cycle was revealed.

The development team showed me how the Master Cycle races on the track, and I was overwhelmed by how great it looked. (It looked so cool that I also want it to appear in games I work on.)


Steampunk Zelda inbound?

As nonsensical as it is, i'd love the master cycle to be links final smash. He could do some captain Falcon shenanigans with it.
Why did he said fuck you to Shadow Hog? That's big if it's you.
I think they're the same person.

Did Shadow Hog post this on GAF originally? If so; thank you for sharing this gem Shadow Hog.
Made a thread about GameXplain's 40-minute analysis of Captain Toad, and said analysis has me wanting Smash DLC of Captain Toad/Toadette SO MUCH. <3
Haven't played 3D World yet, but I'll probably play this first. It looks way more fun and original.


Has anyone taken the survey on Club Nintendo for Wii U Smash? They mention a demo of some kind. Is that indicative of something coming, or just a carry-over from the 3DS survey?

Yup, I posted that a while ago. It made me think a demo is incoming, too. People on here, however, said a lot of games get that demo blurb. Here's to hoping for a demo the thursday before :p
Well, you're in luck, looks like you'll have two very fun and original games to play.

So I've heard.

I didn't get 3D World or Link Between Worlds last year because I got a Wii U at the beginning of November and bought Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3 to play first. Haven't gotten around to getting both of the Nov. 22 games, but I intend on playing both.

I wonder if this will be a trend.
Nov 22 2013 - Super Mario 3D World and Link Between Worlds
Nov 21 2014 - Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

It's a good day to launch games in the US, being a week before Black Friday.



We can't forget the most OP move ever!

I love his Melee forward throw, but I like how PM replaced it (Mewtwo does Minimize on you and then throws you). Not as bad ass, but still pretty neat.
The reason it's different in Project M is because they can't code for new projectiles and Lucario's forward throw doesn't have any. It's still cool that he crushes them to death before throwing them though.

Also I prefer his up throw because it looks awesome and kills

Oh, okay. I was never a huge Mewtwo player and am not a Lucario player, so I'll take your word for it. But still, I was under the impression that Lucario "replaced" Mewtwo in Brawl in terms of his moveset in general feel (while still adding elements unique to Lucario).

I mean, they do technically share the same neutral special, right? Shadow Ball?
Nah they play completely differently, I mained Mewtwo at the end of Melee's life and Lucario feels nothing like him. Mewtwo's all about that tail whip.

So there's no way you'd think they'd do an "all star" version of every stage, would they? I mean all star in the way a stage is in all star mode, the basic structure and movement are in each, but a lot of the randomized hazards (Warioware minigames, flying man, etc) absent.

This is seriously why I want that Boss/Hazard Toggle; there's clearly one programmed in the 3DS version for All-Star mode! Why not just make it something you can turn on at any time?
There would have to be one programmed in for debug purposes anyway.

I don't remember who said this, but I'd love a Boss/Hazard toggle or some form of stage customization. However, with the new stage builder it seems pretty easy to replicate the layouts of most stages so maybe that's why the team went with crazy ideas for the hazards.
For example, creating a "hazard-less Dr. Wily Castle" seems pretty easy on the stage builder. Same for Magicant. There'll be different assets of course, but you can even put the correspoding music in it!
Wily Castle's best feature is the changing platform layouts, which you can't do in stage builder. Similarly Magicant has the Dungeon Man platform which moves.

But even for stages you can recreate, without the right textures skybox and multiple music options you still lose a lot. I also saw people on Smashboards discussing how easy it would be to coordinate a set of stages between TOs and make sure that nobody changes them (which is harder to detect in freeform stages) and last time I checked the consensus was that it probably won't be worth it.

I mean there were recreations of old stages in Brawl, but never came to life until Project M ported the real ones.

what about this subtitle?

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: 16 Ice Climbers? Impossible!


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 18: Dark Pit become playable character before Ridley

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: Xander Mobus Brings the Hype!
I got nothing
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