Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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If you want to keep the discussion healthy, next time you can, instead of generalising like this:

... not do it??

People can mean both 'ALL people' and 'SOME people' depending on how you (want to) read it. I'm going to go ahead and assume he meant SOME people.

Sometimes it's a bit of a downer to get excited about a new feature or stage and then go on message boards and read what SEEMS (it's easier to be affected by negative criticism) like most people saying it looks bad/dumb. It's depressing sometimes and it makes me (and i'm sure others) want to go on the defensive side.

I don't know how ash feels, but I'd guess he's probably in a similar boat as I am. I think almost everything they showed last night looks great and is probably different levels of fun for different people, but sometimes the dissenters are (seemingly) louder than the people who are happy about the new stuff.


BBL: playing bayonetta


Unconfirmed Member
If you're complaining about the lack of neutral tourney stages I can get that, because that's more obvious (although there will almost definitely be more than Melee's 6 legal stages (and one of those is a counter pick)). But I feel it's dumb to write off a stage as not being fun without ever giving it a chance

Part of it is that "more than Melee" is not exactly a high bar. 6/29 is disappointing, Smash 4 is probably still going to be less than 10 out of nearly 50 stages.

I guess that's not really that big a of a deal though. Even in PM a lot of pretty neutral stages aren't even used, varies some but I think usually there are 5 starters and 5 additional counterpicks. I play a lot more stages than that (I think I have nearly 20 in random select, though a few are modded), but not really many more than the tourney legal ones in Melee.


As in "Heathcliff"
Alright, I'm catching up with all videos that people have been linking here.

I'm sure that people are aware that I expressed my concerns about bosses in the stages. Right now, I saw the videos from few sources and my concerns just melted away. Watching those stages in action really made me very hyped for upcoming release. Only 4 more weeks. :D

All modes look so amazing right now so I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with those modes with friends and families.

What's up with Boss Battles? I know it was founded in 3DS version but we didn't get any announcement of bosses yet. I guess we have to unlock boss battle mode since Boss Battle was secret mode for Brawl, iirc.


First Time Seeing This.


Now if only Clothing Customization applied to non-Mii characters

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Windy Hill...forgot that was in the game since we've barely seen it.

So...there's no hazards at all?


Er... is the giant wind mill on Windy Hill a walk-off rotating platform? It looked like it from the footage and that kind of makes me turned off from it in a 1v1 setting. In a teams setting it could certainly be fine, though. (It is a pretty large stage anyway, I doubt it'd be good for 1v1 just because of the potential for circle camping).

I'll check out the other stage videos later, I'm very curious about Jungle Hijinks and a few of the other stages.


super smash bros for wii u needs more vocal versions of songs

let's start with vs cynthia

Only if it continued with Moonstruck Blossom, Fi, Magolor Soul, Rosalina 3 and Forest Temple.

Also, regardless of probability, I want to see Moon River, Look Pimpin and Fly Me to the Moon on Windy Hill.

First Time Seeing This.

Now if only Clothing Customization applied to non-Mii characters

I'm guessing that's the image of Kyary Kirby and the accompanying Link? Even if it's regrettable that those costumes were impossible to include, at least we can hope for someone with modeling talent to mod them into the game. They'll make a good addition to the inevitable Toon Zelda and playable Isabelle mods.


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Besides the Stages I wonder if there any real secrets left?

Possibly "Boss Rush", I guess.
Also, regardless of probability, I want to see Moon River, Look Pimpin and Fly Me to the Moon on Windy Hill.

opening the door to any sega music is a dangerous thing

There's a Vocal Version of Pilotwing SNES "Light Plane".

and there's a vocal version of some DKCR music too, but why stop there?

vocal versions for every song!

Wait, there's a vocal remix of a DKCR song? WHAT?




Hey Ash, I hope you're right on all counts. That being said, just to play devil's advocate on a couple points:

- I think it was Ryce who pointed out that in Smash Tour, it's not just Flying Man who appears, but also Soulflee and other characters from Smash Run. Yet to our knowledge, there's no mode with enemies in the WiiU version. In other words, just because Flying Man's in Smash Tour, doesn't mean his corresponding stage is, as well.

It's souflee. You know, like souffle, the cake. It's a play on words cuz it's hard to catch :p

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Wait, there's a vocal remix of a DKCR song? WHAT?


By the way Ash, here's my thoughts on secret stages:

Melee had 11 Secret Stages, Brawl had 12 Secret Stages, so I'm gonna round it up to 15 possible Secret Wii U Stages...

I assume the one in the Direct was the Starting Stage List, whereas Congo Jungle and Smashville, seen in the site update, are secret stages...

1. Congo Jungle (64)
2. Dream Land (64)
3. Yoshi's Island (64)

First off, I think we'll see the three stages that were ported from 64 to Melee all return, so these three. We don't have a "normal" Kirby or Yoshi level yet, so they'd be nice. Yoshi having three stages feels a bit off, but then again, Melee Yoshi Island is just from Super Mario World.

4. Pokemon Stadium 2


5. WarioWare
6. Distant Planet
7. Flatzone 2

I think these three will return from the 3DS to give Wario, Pikmin, and GW a retro stage, that way all the non-3RD party series have at least one retro stage in the Wii U Version. I actually don't think GW will have a new stage this time around. I think Wrecking Crew will be his home-stage.

8. Mario Bros

They brought back 75M, I can see them bringing this back. Also a trophy of it can be seen in Smash Tour.

9. Smashville

10. Magicant
11. Mute City

Both these stages seem like they could be ported to the Wii U easily enough, and I don't see Sakurai taking the time to make more original Mother/F-Zero Stages.

11. New Pokemon Stage. It's one of their biggest series, I think we'll see another new one. Hopefully a city locale to match the 3DS layout of Elite Four/City. I'm thinking something from Black and White.

12. Wind Waker HD Stage. There's a lot of Wind Waker Trophies we saw, I don't see it being ignored, stage-wise.

13. 3rd Kid Icarus Stage. Probably something Underworldy, like a scrolling stage based on the original Kid Icarus. Sakurai bias, ahoy!

14. Bowser Stage. Something for Bowser and the Koopalings to call home. Bowser's Castle? The airships? Or Bowser World from 3D World even?

15. DHD Stage. Probably based off one of the Lightgun games, or a combination of them. Bet we'll see it in the reveal trailer. Would love a Wild Gunman Wild West Town, with Rolling Western and Tin Star Music!


And besides, I'm not actually telling anyone to GTFO. I've already made it quite clear I know very well those people are not going to stop complaining.
No, you're just telling everyone (implicitly or otherwise) how much you want them to shut up. Who you're addressing this to in particular is unclear, because you keep failing to actually identify them. A condescending 'they won't shut up no matter what I say' is neither conciliatory or non-provocative. It is, in fact, functionally the same thing as 'please shut up'.

Discussing how tourney legal a stage is isn't mutually exclusive with planning on having fun with it, and I have to roll my eyes when you grouse over anyone complaining about stages that 'do' stuff (which is, again, pretty condescending) when you're inciting (deliberately or otherwise, I don't know) people with statements about how anyone who wants a stage that's just a flat thing with platforms (something almost nobody was asking for; it's a strawman) can't have fun. Maybe you'd get less people 'complaining if you didn't put them on the defensive in the first place.

If you're not interested in a discussion, then be honest about it and don't provoke people. It's not hard.
We have to be getting close to thread #18 no?

yes the threads are supposed to max out at 20k posts
unless it's the League of Legends OT7 for some reason

anyway, 2nd time going through the stages, this time with presumably most of them:

Final Destination/Omega Forms
Battlefield/Miiverse (apparently Miiverse is completely identical functionally? someone correct me if it's not)
Town and City
Lylat Cruise

Starter/Counterpick (depends on 5 or 7 starter lists)
Castle Siege

Counterpick (hilariously these are all traveling stages lol)
Delfino Plaza
Wuhu Island

Potential counterpicks
Pokemon Stadium 2
Mushroom Kingdom U
Wrecking Crew
Yoshi's Wooly Wool? (that stage looks weird, also probably not cause the starting section being really big+walkoffs)

Stages that potentially are too big, but are otherwise fine (definitely viable doubles stages even if too big for singles)
Big Battlefield
Congo Jungle 64 (it should be fine, if Corneria shrinkage is any indication, but we'll see)
Windy Hill (almost certainly too big for singles)

total: 11-18 (probably 12-14 for singles and 14-16 for doubles)

(everything below is entirely subjective)

Kalos Pokemon League: what is up with the music there? Cynthia's theme sounds all messed up x(
Mario Galaxy: cool, would have preferred something from Gusty Garden Galaxy though
Mario Circuit (the new one): cool stage
Mario Circuit (Brawl): lameeeeeee
Luigi's Mansion: destroying the whole thing is fun
Yoshi's Island (Melee): really?
Jungle Hijinxs: the background shenanigans are gonna be hilarious
75m: meh
Gamer: wow I expected another WarioWare, better than I thought it would be
Temple: the OG giant stage everyone loves
Bridge of Eldin: ha the better Skyloft stage gets Gerudo Valley music
Pyrosphere: killing the hopes and dreams of Ridley fans everywhere
Norfair: this stage is cool
The Great Cave Offensive: 8 PLAYER SMASH
Orbital Gate: looks like Pokefloats 2.0 (this is a good thing, as long as the lasers aren't everywhere)
Port Town Aero Dive: don't even care enough
Onett: see PTAD
Coliseum: would have preferred some not-generic stage from one game specifically, oh well
Palutena's Temple: VIRIDIIIIIII <3
Skyworld: destroy it all #TeamViridi
Garden of Hope: what's going on in this stage again?
Boxing Ring: Metal Little Mac is stupid
Gaur Plain: I wanted Eryth Sea or Satorl Marsh damn it
Wii Fit Studio: this looks generic as hell
Wily's Castle: Yellow Devil pls
Pac-Land: we even know what this stage is like?


Besides the Stages I wonder if there any real secrets left?

Possibly "Boss Rush", I guess.

Sakurai isn't one to reveal absolutely everything about a game before release so there should be a few surprises. Probably nothing major (like new modes), but I bet there'll be some hidden stuff in the final game.

On another note, Smash Tour actually looks very fun. Unlike Mario Party, it seems turns don't drag for long so you could do a session in a manageable amount of time. I'll definitely try it.


Man, that opening cinematic sure is lame. It's the worst one yet. Oh well, at least everything else seems to be tremendously high quality.
Also couldn't agree with you more about stages. People need stop complaining (they won't) and go build custom stages that satisfy their very narrow tournament standards (they won't) and let the rest of us have stages that actually go places and do things (they won't).
Jungle Hijinxs is one of the most creative stages in the game, yet people complained about it right away, with barely any footage to go off of. It's certainly annoying to see.
God forbid we ever innovate - we need more variants of Battlefield!
People can mean both 'ALL people' and 'SOME people' depending on how you (want to) read it. I'm going to go ahead and assume he meant SOME people.

Sometimes it's a bit of a downer to get excited about a new feature or stage and then go on message boards and read what SEEMS (it's easier to be affected by negative criticism) like most people saying it looks bad/dumb. It's depressing sometimes and it makes me (and i'm sure others) want to go on the defensive side.

I don't know how ash feels, but I'd guess he's probably in a similar boat as I am. I think almost everything they showed last night looks great and is probably different levels of fun for different people, but sometimes the dissenters are (seemingly) louder than the people who are happy about the new stuff.
Yup, totally the case with me. I loved the Direct, but seeing so many people complain about things they haven't even seen much of (Garden of Hope hate because of the crab? Seriously?) just bothers me.

For the record, I think in some cases it's better to generalize than to specify certain people. Had Ash actually quoted the people who had complained in that way, it would've sounded way more like an attack.


what was the explanation on the system connectivity regarding spainkillers leaker.
since that didnt happen in the way it seemed to be mentioned originally.


Jungle Hijinxs is one of the most creative stages in the game, yet people complained about it right away, with barely any footage to go off of. It's certainly annoying to see.
God forbid we ever innovate - we need more variants of Battlefield!

I love D1, but his BANNED video sort of points out this terrible kneejerk reaction that some competitive minded players towards stages: if it shows ANY signs at all that it might disrupt the "normal" style of (1-on-1) smashing, some are immediately dismissive or suspicious of it.


yes the threads are supposed to max out at 20k posts
unless it's the League of Legends OT7 for some reason

anyway, 2nd time going through the stages, this time with presumably most of them:

Final Destination/Omega Forms
Battlefield/Miiverse (apparently Miiverse is completely identical functionally? someone correct me if it's not)
Town and City
Lylat Cruise

Starter/Counterpick (depends on 5 or 7 starter lists)
Castle Siege

Counterpick (hilariously these are all traveling stages lol)
Delfino Plaza
Wuhu Island

Potential counterpicks
Pokemon Stadium 2
Mushroom Kingdom U
Kalos Pokemon League (still has a chance!)
Wrecking Crew
Yoshi's Wooly Wool? (that stage looks weird, also probably not cause the starting section being really big+walkoffs)
I'm actually not clear on what the Brawl competitive scene feels on swimming. It's allowed? I was under the impression it wasn't, but I suppose I'm not very familiar with all that stuff.

You're giving Kalos League way too much credit, anyways. :lol. It's got walk-offs and rushing water at the beginning, plus that thing in the Steel phase where characters who dip into it turn into Metal variants. And the whole Fire phase. And I still dunno what's up with Rayquaza. Shit's gonna be fun, but you'll never see it in a tournament ever.

Orbital Gate is by far the best stage revealed thus far, with Mario Circuit as a fairly close second.

Mario Galaxy: Really cool idea in terms of stage structure. I'm a fan.
Mario Circuit: Totally genius. I still can't get over how they reinvented the whole idea of karts racing through a stage as a hazard.
Mario Circuit (Brawl): I never played this!
Luigi's Mansion: One of Brawl's better stages to be sure.
Yoshi's Island (Melee): It's nice that it's back, but #FreeFountainOfDreams.
Jungle Hijinxs: One of the stages that I was really, really impressed by. Not sure how much I'll actually wind up playing this, but it totally smacked around my understanding of how a Smash stage should even work, so it's got my thumbs up.
75m: Eh.
Gamer: Looks awesome. The 'cover' seems fairly well distributed, and the whole concept is just great. Throwing people out into the light is gonna be hilarious, and a lot more well implemented than Norfair, I'd imagine.
Wooly World: Looks fun. Wish it spent more time in the air, but I like the teetering platforms a lot.
Temple: The GOAT Supersize stage.
Bridge of Eldin: ...well, it's not the worst Zelda stage ever made.
Pyrosphere: Might be the best of the 'boss' stages. Still won't play it because screw boss hazards.
Norfair: I liked this stage in Brawl, and I'll probably like it in 4. RIP Frigate Orpheon though.
The Great Cave Offensive: This stage grows on me the more I think about it. I just need to find seven other people who would play it with me. :lol
Orbital Gate: Inspired in pretty much every way. Totally gorgeous, and they've got the best and sleekest platform transitions I've seen in a Smash game yet.
Port Town Aero Dive: Meh.
Onett: Woo!
Coliseum: I still think Grima's back/the Dragon's Table would be an amazing Smash stage. It looks better than Arena Ferox, but I dunno.
Palutena's Temple: Could have three stage bosses, auto-scroll, and have walk-offs everywhere. None of it will matter because VIRIDI.
Skyworld: I liked this stage in Brawl but AUTOMATICALLY INFERIOR KID ICARUS STAGE #TeamViridi
Garden of Hope: Looks... okay? The balancing platforms on the sides look like potentially a really dumb way to die. It'll probably be a fun dumb way, though. Looks alright otherwise.
Boxing Ring: Still one of the better stage concepts in the series so far. Looking forward to that jumbotron super hard.
Gaur Plain: RIP Prison Island or Fallen Arm
Wii Fit Studio: I don't even remember that much about the stage. It's a walk-off and that's it? I don't remember anything else notable about it.
Wily's Castle: Same old shit, awesome stage ruined by overly intrusive and frustrating Yellow Devil. Boss toggle when
Skyloft: Haven't seen that much from it, but the clips I have seen look great. I like what I see from the various segments of the stage. Just seems pretty well put together.
Kalos: Looks really fun, honestly. The water phase doesn't look that bad, because I mean, you wouldn't really be able to camp anyways thanks to the running water, and I suppose it'd make for a neat competition to try and stay safe on the platforms. I'm less clear on whatever's going on in the fire segment, but nothing I saw looked that bad. Just stay away from fire or hit people into it, not that crazy. Rayquaza is the biggest deal for me, but given how the structure of the stage seems to go, I doubt he'd be a traditional stage boss so much as a persistent hazard, so hopefully it won't be that bad? Need to see more.
Wrecking Crew: Looks super cool! I love the whole idea of busting down the building and constantly changing up the platform layout.

Doesn't cover everything, but those are the stages that I'm gonna bother writing about.

I love D1, but his BANNED video sort of points out this terrible kneejerk reaction that some competitive minded players towards stages: if it shows ANY signs at all that it might disrupt the "normal" style of (1-on-1) smashing, some are immediately dismissive or suspicious of it.
Banned isn't synonymous with 'we'll never play on it', ignoring the fact that it's totally tongue-in-check anyways from how much fun they were having calling it out. It just means it's unfriendly to a competitive landscape for one reason or another. Just check out his reaction video to the last Direct and the sentiment of 'it's cool, but it's banned' is everywhere.


I love D1, but his BANNED video sort of points out this terrible kneejerk reaction that some competitive minded players towards stages: if it shows ANY signs at all that it might disrupt the "normal" style of (1-on-1) smashing, some are immediately dismissive or suspicious of it.

To be fair, D1's BANNED reaction video is more parody and exaggerated on purpose (I'm sure you're aware, though, and just using it as an example). There are people that are like that video (in some cases, I am like that but in others I'm not: I actually really like Hyrule Temple still, for example and I loved PokeFloats and still do). I would never advocate them to be tournament legal, though, just because I like them. They really don't work as competitive stages.

And maybe sometimes I use that perspective too much when I haven't played the game yet when judging stages. Or, maybe it's a mix of my personal preferences and how much my preferences tend to mesh with the greater competitive community's stage lists. My own prefs. for Brawl stages literally narrowed down to only liking BF, Smashville, FD, Halberd, and Delfino (maybe one or two others I'm forgetting as well) even for FFAs with friends -- I'd refuse to go to a stage like Luigi's Mansion or PS2 even despite the fact that I would be playing with 2 or 3 other players anyway. I simply don't like stages determining when I can safely fight someone or interrupting things or interrupting how my character suddenly feels to play (looking at you, Warioware and PS2). It's just how I am and if people can't take how critical I am about stages then I don't know what to tell you, I'm not trying to rain on your parade.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I wish swimming was changed a bit too feel more than a simple gimmick..."swim attacks" would be fun.

EDIT: And when Kirby swims, he should have his float!
I love D1, but his BANNED video sort of points out this terrible kneejerk reaction that some competitive minded players towards stages: if it shows ANY signs at all that it might disrupt the "normal" style of (1-on-1) smashing, some are immediately dismissive or suspicious of it.

Yeah, unfortunately that was actually my first takeaway from that video.
Even back in Smash 64 and Melee almost every stage had some kind of gimmick, project m is really the only smash game that had loads of battlefield variants with no gimmicks


Banned isn't synonymous with 'we'll never play on it', ignoring the fact that it's totally tongue-in-check anyways from how much fun they were having calling it out. It just means it's unfriendly to a competitive landscape for one reason or another. Just check out his reaction video to the last Direct and the sentiment of 'it's cool, but it's banned' is everywhere.

I'm aware that it was tongue-in-cheek and I'm not saying D1 specifically is being closed minded either (I did watch his latest reaction video, he seemed curious about Jungle Hijinx instead of yelling BANNED at it so that was nice) but there are players (some on this forum) who take that approach of "bemoan first, ask questions later".
Even back in Smash 64 and Melee almost every stage had some kind of gimmick, project m is really the only smash game that had loads of battlefield variants with no gimmicks

aside from the one unlockable, Smash 64 stages are incredibly basic, and the "gimmicks" are minor at best (and there isn't even Battlefield/FD to boost those numbers)

edit: I mean really

Peach's Castle-one bumper in the middle, bottom part moves back and forth, that's it
Congo Jungle-platforms move+barrel, wooooo
Hyrule Castle-tornados
Planet Zebes-acid
Yoshi's Island-clouds that disappear if you stand on them too long
Dream Land-nothing (unless you count wind)
Sector Z-bigger Corneria, except it doesn't even have the extra Arwings shooting I think?
Saffron City-Pokemon show up on that one spot that is easily avoided from either side of the stage


I love D1, but his BANNED video sort of points out this terrible kneejerk reaction that some competitive minded players towards stages: if it shows ANY signs at all that it might disrupt the "normal" style of (1-on-1) smashing, some are immediately dismissive or suspicious of it.

I thought that was the point of the video haha. To parody that attitude.

But I'm not all that familiar with competitive Smash so idk


Smash 64 had the best stages.

Where is the Wooly World stage footage? I think I missed it in the Direct unless there's another video.


I wish swimming was changed a bit too feel more than a simple gimmick..."swim attacks" would be fun.

EDIT: And when Kirby swims, he should have his float!

Swimming should just alter your falling physics. No silly special animations or mechanical differences required. More often than not with swimming in Brawl you're fighting the mechanic more than you are the players or the stage. You either can never get out of the water to do anything, get hit constantly (which resets you from being able to get out), or you get spiked anyway. It's not an interesting mechanic after you've had the "spike battles" a dozen of times (which is why I stopped ever playing on stages like Pirate Ship with friends very quickly).

It feels like I'm treading through mud whenever you swim in Brawl. It's not a "good feeling" mechanic like the rest of the game.

Swimming in Brawl left much to be desired. It implemented in a half-baked way, almost like gliding was. Gliding had a gazillion immediate problems that they somehow missed and is what led to all the abuse of that single mechanic. Swimming is very similar to that in that you can reset the counter (and thus camp in the water and never drown) by jumping in and out constantly, you can "trap" people in the water by constantly hitting them, etc etc.It was just... ugh. It would be far more natural if the water just altered your physics when you fall into it.

I thought that was the point of the video haha. To parody that attitude.

But I'm not all that familiar with competitive Smash so idk

It was, it was to parody that attitude. And it was hilarious how reflective it is of most people. That's why it's a funny video.
If I had to guess secret stages at this point... Magicant, Mute City, something from Nintendo Land, Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World, Kirby's Return to Dreamland and Duck Hunt.


Bring back Metal Cavern and Saffron City. >:|

Metal Cavern in particular would be great to see updated (especially if it came with a new arrangement of its underrated theme), but I'm not expecting anything. Kongo Jungle alone is more than I initially thought we'd get from 64.

But if they manage to throw in Hyrule Castle, Saffron City and Mushroom Kingdom, I won't exactly be complaining.

so now that we have a wrecking crew stage waluigi is as good as confirmed for dlc right


Very nearly, but he'll only be truly confirmed if we're also getting a new Wind Waker stage.

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