The pelvis, of course. Wicked hitbox too.
EDIT: Found the hitbox pic:
Is that for real...
The pelvis, of course. Wicked hitbox too.
EDIT: Found the hitbox pic:
Anyone want to play on PSN tonight around 9 EST? Maybe even get a lobby going?
Is that for real...
No lol. The move is very useless though
No lol. The move is very useless though
Says you. I walked away from a match with my arms up after I hit my friend with this move.
It's surprisingly effective at stuffing gief's lariat
I wish. Raising the new puppy.
I messaged you on Monday for some matches but I didn't get a response. A shame, I was "working" from home that day and got a couple of sf and marvel sessions.
Anyone familiar with the cody matchup? Is there a move that can beat wakeup ex bingo? I'm trying all these option selects with Gouken and none of them are working. EX bingo beats ultra, ex tatsu, and jumping back. Neutral jumps seem to have too many frames and Cody can recover in time. Blocking is a good option but I prefer not to give Cody the chance to FADC it and possibly start his offense.
Invincibility runs out before it becomes active so you can probably option select it with something weird.
Invincibility runs out before it becomes active so you can probably option select it with something weird. Example with Makoto: after ex oroshi, forward dash, f.lp, neutral jump, OS U1 beats that and everything else he can do except wakeup ex tornado punch thing I think. I'm sure Gouken has something similar if you mess with the neutral jump timing. Makoto's standard 4f safejump after ex oroshi is usually forward dash st.lp, but for that you use f.lp to delay the neutral jump so the OS will work.
Gouken has a number of set ups with demon flip dive kicks that will beat DP's or make them whiff. I'm sure they would make EX bingo whiff as well and just punish with sweep and it gives you the same set up again I think. If you're not in the right position and are not sure then you'll just have to bait if they have meter and you really think they're going to do it.
Dive kick setups to make moves whiff aren't that reliable in my experience. They're generally not safe jumps or are very obvious.
OS Neutral jump is a bit late. Cody recovers before Gouken is grounded. I can punish if I just bait it with a preemptive neutral jump but that'll lose to a lot of options.
I don't mean whiffing the dive kick on purpose if that's what you think I meant. I mean dive kicks where Gouken is directly over the head of his opponent. These set ups will either beat invincible reversals clean or make them whiff. My friend is a Gouken player and uses it against my Evil Ryu all the time. My only way to escape block stun is to predict it and dash under. But he will mix it up with dive kicks that keep him more in front of me so that I can't rely on the same thing to get me out.
I've seen him use it against some Cody players. They're in the same position as me, trying to reversal just puts them in the same position again and trying to predict whether he's over your head, in front of you, or using a safe jump dive kick can get you blown up pretty hard since Gouken does so much damage.
Not talking about OS neutral jump.
I know you what you meant. Would you happen to know the exact setup by any chance? Most of the time, those setups can be beaten by auto correct dps. If you have time to dash under it, it's definitely not safe.
EX Bingo has a lot of invincibility frames so it can be pretty difficult to beat or trade with. If you do get it to whiff, the most you'll probably get is a sweep.
rice....give me a time EST.
Gouken can use his demon flip dive kick the same way as Cammy's dive kicks or Akuma's demon flip dive kick. Their not safe jumps, just impossible or extremely difficult to DP. That's why you don't see anybody trying to DP Akuma's demon flip dive kick in high level play. They'll get blown up for it, and Gouken can do the same thing
The only anti air that may work is something like Gouken's counter, Cammy's U2 or Guy's EX tatsu since they cover their characters entire surrounding and not just their front side. As for EX bingo, I'm pretty sure Cody will whiff and you can recover first to punish with sweep or something.
But if you're going to continue playing Gouken, you should learn these set ups. This way you can pressure Shoto's and DP characters without having to worry about wake up DP's.
Gouken's dive kick doesn't even compare to Cammy's or Akuma's. People don't dp Akuma's demon flip in high level play isn't because of his dive kick. It's because he has other options and they are much more ambiguous than Gouken's.
I know some anti dp setups but like I said earlier, they're not safe at all and can be rather obvious. Some setups are just baits and the actual dive kick doesn't even hit at all. Let me know if you ever find the exact setup your friend uses. An ambiguous dive kick that can't be anti aired without counter seems too good to be true.
I feel really dense here but I'm having problems with just doing a straight cr mp to flash kick off a jump in. I cant ever seem to get enough charge. The only other option is to learn the 1 frame link to get charge. BibleThump
I feel really dense here but I'm having problems with just doing a straight cr mp to flash kick off a jump in. I cant ever seem to get enough charge. The only other option is to learn the 1 frame link to get charge. BibleThump
Anyone want some games on PSN?
Speaking of Cody, what should Adon do in that matchup?
Guy is such a frustrating character to play against
I just found out one of my managers plays SF4. This could end up going very well or very poorly.
If Gouken can't OS an ultra off of any of his weak attacks, he's not going to be able to beat EX Bingo. Just do a meaty low or jab and punish it on block if he does a reversal, or bait it by neutral jumping.
Don't think I can play tonight. If I can, it won't be till really late at night like 1-2AM in the morning. Sorry man I didn't mean for our rematch to take this long.
i don't mind. gimme a date. your choice. best of 5. FT5 or FT10!
Bacon mushroom cheesesteak wrap with mayo and ketchup.
Dat call out! :O
I don't like onions and BBQ sauce and a cheesesteak does not mix.
The best cheesesteak here are Jim's or Roma's, not Genos or Pats actually. They are mid-tier at best when it comes to it.
Bacon mushroom cheesesteak wrap with mayo and ketchup.
Bacon mushroom cheesesteak wrap with mayo and ketchup.
It's funny, I talked to my direct supervisor and he laughed about it. He also suggested that I should just body him. When I asked if I should give him a game to placate his ego, my supervisor countered with "well, why not just do 2/3, and dick around in the first game to see if you should turn it up?"You gonna have to job to him lol.
It's funny, I talked to my direct supervisor and he laughed about it. He also suggested that I should just body him. When I asked if I should give him a game to placate his ego, my supervisor countered with "well, why not just do 2/3, and dick around in the first game to see if you should turn it up?"
Not a bad idea tbh