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Super Street Fighter 4 Æ |OT5| Waiting to go from Super to Ultra

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It's funny, I talked to my direct supervisor and he laughed about it. He also suggested that I should just body him. When I asked if I should give him a game to placate his ego, my supervisor countered with "well, why not just do 2/3, and dick around in the first game to see if you should turn it up?"

Not a bad idea tbh

Do a FT10 for a raise!
It's funny, I talked to my direct supervisor and he laughed about it. He also suggested that I should just body him. When I asked if I should give him a game to placate his ego, my supervisor countered with "well, why not just do 2/3, and dick around in the first game to see if you should turn it up?"

Not a bad idea tbh

he's gonna fire you when he finds out you play on pad.


he's gonna fire you when he finds out you play on pad.



Plane Escape Torment
I'm having a hard time with the deejay match up as Akuma. Deejay shuts down Akuma's vortex 100%, and Akuma has to play this match slowly and try to out-footsie Deejay and abuse Focus attack. Any tips? I know there is an unblockable on Deejay but aside from that?


Go for a zoning strategy. I would think Deejay loses the fireball war pretty hard against Akuma, and Akuma's pokes are superior.


my ps3 copy of ssf4 has stopped working. The game freezes on the vs screen the majority of the time. I deleted game data, still no dice. Halp.


Dee-Jay sucks. Neutralize his fireballs, go for a knockdown. Once you get it he's completely vulnerable to safe jumps and crouch strings. I've played Dee-Jay and he's not that special.


I'm having a hard time with the deejay match up as Akuma. Deejay shuts down Akuma's vortex 100%, and Akuma has to play this match slowly and try to out-footsie Deejay and abuse Focus attack. Any tips? I know there is an unblockable on Deejay but aside from that?
Akuma can pretty much have his way at any time in the match. Although it doesn't matter too much how you play, it is usually a better idea to play defensively and punish anything DeeJay throws out. If you are going to air fireball, you should be doing jab air fireballs, and do them lower to the ground. That way DeeJay can't slide or safely ex sobat through them.

If the DeeJay is staying back throwing fireballs, just match them with your own + red fireball (watch your spacing on them though and watch the opponent's meter; you can get ex sobat'd real easily if you throw out bad fireballs). What will usually happen is that the DeeJay player will try to mix up sliding under and knee shotting over fireballs to close space. If you are at a range where a whiffed knee shot into one of deejay's low normals will hit, the better idea is to just wait and hit stand fierce as soon as you see deejay go into the air. It will stuff all of deejay's jumpins (inc knee shot) clean. Don't get roped into DeeJay's fireball game (i.e. They throw a fireball, you jump over it or neutral jump, they walk up and hit you with something). Manage your meter wisely, always keep a meter for (late) ex air fireball to keep yourself out of that situation.

At a closer range Akuma's normals pretty much shit on DeeJay's. Akuma can low strong or crouch fierce a knee shot on reaction, and on the ground Akuma's stand fierce, stand roundhouse, and sweep are very hard for deejay to deal with. That being said don't spam them, as DeeJay can (although it has to be predictive) slide under them, or for the sweep, short sobat over it.

In terms of blocked specials, #1 mistake i always see is Akumas trying to punish a blocked short sobat with sweep. It is an unsafe special, yes, but sweep doesn't punish it. Low forward into fireball or low strong into tatsu is a better option (especially low strong as that would stuff any potential followup from DJ). Its -5, -7, -9 and -8 for short, forward, roundhouse, and ex versions of sobat kick respectively. So while sweep will work for all other versions (unless it is extremely well spaced and that is difficult due to Akuma's maneuverability), it won't work for short sobat.

If you get the knockdown on DeeJay i would say 90% of the time do an empty demon flip into low. DeeJay's core weakness in this game is that he has NO answer for meaty low attacks, so that grants you free pressure. I assume that you are probably having trouble because you are trying to run a standard vortex game on him and are getting upkicked all day. Abuse Akuma's walkspeed and go for throw mixups after initial crouch pressure. If you vary your throw timing It is especially effective against DeeJay since his slow shorts makes it incredibly hard for him to tech throws properly.

If DeeJay gets the knockdown on you there isn't really much he can accomplish to get major damage. His "vortex" isn't really a vortex at all and more of a will/won't crossup type of scenario. It leads to low damage, and is frankly very easy to see due to his floaty jump. Teleport will help you the most there (you can even mix it up with the directions) because DeeJay cannot do anything about it without charge, with charge it requires a hard read which forgoes any type of potential pressure, and is still incredibly hard even if you have the charge. Put it this way: I'd say about 80% of the time you will get away with it free. For the 20% that the DeeJay player is anticipating it, 10% of the time they will either try to walk up and press a button to punish it (you will have recovered in time) and the other 10% they will just ex sobat you. (60dmg on your end, you go flying fullscreen, safe and away from any sort of continual pressure, neutral situation thereafter) Frankly the risk/reward is pretty much in your favor, just do it (tm). You have a DP too btw. :p

In terms of pressure and blockstrings DeeJay actually doesn't have a safe blockstring (outside of low jab > low jab). DeeJay does have a decent forward walkspeed though, so if you do freeze up he can catch you sleeping, but it is something you should keep in mind. If you are out of his low jab range you technically are in the clear.

Honestly though for the most part Akuma can with without any major adjustment outside of his knockdown mixups not including the high component. He completely outclasses deejay and the amount of effort required to win against akuma with deejay far outweighs the amount of effort required to win against deejay with akuma. You have the better character, don't respect him, you don't have to. The more respect that character the more chances you give him. As a DeeJay main that is probably my biggest gripe with any type of win i may get: if you respect me too much you make my life way easier. DeeJay isn't good, stop treating him like he is.


360 player. I'm having a lot of trouble online; 19 losses, zero wins. Still having fun though!

What are you supposed to do against jump-ins and aggressive play as Makoto? I'm using her crouching medium kick for jump-ins, but it doesn't stop deep jump-ins; should I back dash and then crouching medium kick, or should I try using her shoryuken motion special (Which seems to have a really short hitbox)? As for aggressive play, I keep getting pushed into the corner where I don't really have any "Get off me" options. Maybe Ex-Orochi or Ex-Hayate when the opponent jumps? Normals don't seem to work because Makoto's lights are kinda slow. I'm trying to be aggressive so that I don't get pushed there at all.


360 player. I'm having a lot of trouble online; 19 losses, zero wins. Still having fun though!

What are you supposed to do against jump-ins and aggressive play as Makoto? I'm using her crouching medium kick for jump-ins, but it doesn't stop deep jump-ins; should I back dash and then crouching medium kick, or should I try using her shoryuken motion special (Which seems to have a really short hitbox)? As for aggressive play, I keep getting pushed into the corner where I don't really have any "Get off me" options. Maybe Ex-Orochi or Ex-Hayate when the opponent jumps? Normals don't seem to work because Makoto's lights are kinda slow. I'm trying to be aggressive so that I don't get pushed there at all.

A lot of Makoto's will just throw out st.mp because it will beat or at least trade with most normals.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
360 player. I'm having a lot of trouble online; 19 losses, zero wins. Still having fun though!

What are you supposed to do against jump-ins and aggressive play as Makoto? I'm using her crouching medium kick for jump-ins, but it doesn't stop deep jump-ins; should I back dash and then crouching medium kick, or should I try using her shoryuken motion special (Which seems to have a really short hitbox)? As for aggressive play, I keep getting pushed into the corner where I don't really have any "Get off me" options. Maybe Ex-Orochi or Ex-Hayate when the opponent jumps? Normals don't seem to work because Makoto's lights are kinda slow. I'm trying to be aggressive so that I don't get pushed there at all.

Light dp is amazing but it's super slow so you're probably better off focus backdashing in those kinds of situations if you're new to the game.

Honestly Makoto is one of the most beginner unfriendly characters there are so you might want to learn the game with someone else first and come back to her later if you're still interested in playing her.


Light dp is amazing but it's super slow so you're probably better off focus backdashing in those kinds of situations if you're new to the game.

Honestly Makoto is one of the most beginner unfriendly characters there are so you might want to learn the game with someone else first and come back to her later if you're still interested in playing her.

I'm learning that the hard way


A lot of Makoto's will just throw out st.mp because it will beat or at least trade with most normals.
Love the standing medium punch.

Light dp is amazing but it's super slow so you're probably better off focus backdashing in those kinds of situations if you're new to the game.

Honestly Makoto is one of the most beginner unfriendly characters there are so you might want to learn the game with someone else first and come back to her later if you're still interested in playing her.
Thanks. I'll try practicing both.

Are there any characters with a similar playstyle that are more beginner friendly? I like playing an aggressive character, I just really suck at the defensive part.


Neo Member
Abel's not really beginner friendly.

If you want an aggressive character who is easy to use, I would look into Cammy or Cody.


Nothing makes you feel quite so bad about yourself as practicing combos perfectly in training mode and then going into ranked and spazzing out.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Abel's not really beginner friendly.

If you want an aggressive character who is easy to use, I would look into Cammy or Cody.

Abel is a hell of a lot more beginner friendly than Makoto and has a similar playstyle, but there are definitely more beginner friendly characters than Abel, yes.


Neo Member
Abel is a hell of a lot more beginner friendly than Makoto and has a similar playstyle, but there are definitely more beginner friendly characters than Abel, yes.

I think his step kick hitconfirm can be a bit too tricky to learn for new players. At least Cammy and Cody you can turn a crouch tech into a full knockdown combo.
You can just spam his auto mixup faux rekkas doe.

all i do is roll-crouching HP-air grab move. it works 5% of the time and i win 10% of my matches.

but gat damn do you get an euphoric feeling when it lands.

also, 80% of the time i do Abels Rekka, people block the 1st 2 hits but get grabbed by the 3rd. i admit i myself don't know exactly how to avoid it. i think you just jump?


all i do is roll-crouching HP-air grab move. it works 5% of the time and i win 10% of my matches.

but gat damn do you get an euphoric feeling when it lands.

also, 80% of the time i do Abels Rekka, people block the 1st 2 hits but get grabbed by the 3rd. i admit i myself don't know exactly how to avoid it. i think you just jump?

I think the last hit is an overhead or you can choose to make it a low. Most people go for the overhead though, and that stupid thing looks like a low so it always fucks me up.


Neo Member
all i do is roll-crouching HP-air grab move. it works 5% of the time and i win 10% of my matches.

but gat damn do you get an euphoric feeling when it lands.

also, 80% of the time i do Abels Rekka, people block the 1st 2 hits but get grabbed by the 3rd. i admit i myself don't know exactly how to avoid it. i think you just jump?

I just mash on reversal after I block the first two rekkas.


I think his step kick hitconfirm can be a bit too tricky to learn for new players. At least Cammy and Cody you can turn a crouch tech into a full knockdown combo.

Cody can't link off of his cr. lk, unless you meant the player techs with cr mp or cr hp.

Unless you meant punishing the other players crouch tech. Then again, everyone can punish those with a full knockdown combo.


Cody can't link off of his cr. lk, unless you meant the player techs with cr mp or cr hp.

Unless you meant punishing the other players crouch tech. Then again, everyone can punish those with a full knockdown combo.

You can do cr.lp.cr.lp cr.lk Criminal upper, I havent tried it without the 2 punches though.


Neo Member
Cody can't link off of his cr. lk, unless you meant the player techs with cr mp or cr hp.

Unless you meant punishing the other players crouch tech. Then again, everyone can punish those with a full knockdown combo.

I guess saying crouch tech was wrong. How about cr. jab then? Both Cammy and Cody and do like 2-3 jabs to hitconfirm into a combo.

Abel on the other hand has to either do a pathetic string of lights or reset into command grab or step kick.


You can do cr.lp.cr.lp cr.lk Criminal upper, I havent tried it without the 2 punches though.

You can't really tech with cr. lp, you'll just get cr. lk since kicks take priority. If they throw and you start with lp without teching, you'll just get thrown.

Cody's cr. lk is special cancel-able but you can't safely confirm off of it, which is what you would have to do with a crouch tech. You have to fully commit to the cancel without confirming. Cammy, on the other hand, can link off her cr lk to cr lp > st hp/cr. mp xx spiral arrow. All off a crouch tech.


Nothing makes you feel quite so bad about yourself as practicing combos perfectly in training mode and then going into ranked and spazzing out.


Are there any characters with a similar playstyle that are more beginner friendly? I like playing an aggressive character, I just really suck at the defensive part.

What about Adon? I wouldn't say that he has a similar playstyle to Makoto, but he is an extremely aggressive character. And I'd say that he's pretty beginner friendly since his move inputs are almost identical to the majority of the cast.

What about Adon? I wouldn't say that he has a similar playstyle to Makoto, but he is an extremely aggressive character. And I'd say that he's pretty beginner friendly since his move inputs are almost identical to the majority of the cast.

Adon's confirms are harder than most since its usually crouching lp/lk into dps like sagat, and for me when I was learning him, I would get a lot of wrong specials due to input overlap (jaguar tooth and jaguar kick on the ground).


Got my fightstick a few days ago. And have mainly just messed around with the trials in SF4 since, just to get used to it mainly. And It's pretty crazy how much easier it is for me to do inputs precisely, both directional and with the buttons. I'm able to pull of pretty much all supers and ultra in 1 or 2 tries. And things like shoryukens that require the Z pattern is also much easier to pull off.

So far I've managed to complete a decent number of new trials on various characters, that I hadn't previously been able to. And virtually all the trials I had done when I played with a gamepad are much easier now.

Really loving the stick so far. Now I just need to start actually fighting players online :p
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