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Super Street Fighter 4 Æ |OT5| Waiting to go from Super to Ultra

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Plane Escape Torment
Akuma can pretty much have his way at any time in the match. Although it doesn't matter too much how you play, it is usually a better idea to play defensively and punish anything DeeJay throws out. If you are going to air fireball, you should be doing jab air fireballs, and do them lower to the ground. That way DeeJay can't slide or safely ex sobat through them.

If the DeeJay is staying back throwing fireballs, just match them with your own + red fireball (watch your spacing on them though and watch the opponent's meter; you can get ex sobat'd real easily if you throw out bad fireballs). What will usually happen is that the DeeJay player will try to mix up sliding under and knee shotting over fireballs to close space. If you are at a range where a whiffed knee shot into one of deejay's low normals will hit, the better idea is to just wait and hit stand fierce as soon as you see deejay go into the air. It will stuff all of deejay's jumpins (inc knee shot) clean. Don't get roped into DeeJay's fireball game (i.e. They throw a fireball, you jump over it or neutral jump, they walk up and hit you with something). Manage your meter wisely, always keep a meter for (late) ex air fireball to keep yourself out of that situation.

At a closer range Akuma's normals pretty much shit on DeeJay's. Akuma can low strong or crouch fierce a knee shot on reaction, and on the ground Akuma's stand fierce, stand roundhouse, and sweep are very hard for deejay to deal with. That being said don't spam them, as DeeJay can (although it has to be predictive) slide under them, or for the sweep, short sobat over it.

In terms of blocked specials, #1 mistake i always see is Akumas trying to punish a blocked short sobat with sweep. It is an unsafe special, yes, but sweep doesn't punish it. Low forward into fireball or low strong into tatsu is a better option (especially low strong as that would stuff any potential followup from DJ). Its -5, -7, -9 and -8 for short, forward, roundhouse, and ex versions of sobat kick respectively. So while sweep will work for all other versions (unless it is extremely well spaced and that is difficult due to Akuma's maneuverability), it won't work for short sobat.

If you get the knockdown on DeeJay i would say 90% of the time do an empty demon flip into low. DeeJay's core weakness in this game is that he has NO answer for meaty low attacks, so that grants you free pressure. I assume that you are probably having trouble because you are trying to run a standard vortex game on him and are getting upkicked all day. Abuse Akuma's walkspeed and go for throw mixups after initial crouch pressure. If you vary your throw timing It is especially effective against DeeJay since his slow shorts makes it incredibly hard for him to tech throws properly.

If DeeJay gets the knockdown on you there isn't really much he can accomplish to get major damage. His "vortex" isn't really a vortex at all and more of a will/won't crossup type of scenario. It leads to low damage, and is frankly very easy to see due to his floaty jump. Teleport will help you the most there (you can even mix it up with the directions) because DeeJay cannot do anything about it without charge, with charge it requires a hard read which forgoes any type of potential pressure, and is still incredibly hard even if you have the charge. Put it this way: I'd say about 80% of the time you will get away with it free. For the 20% that the DeeJay player is anticipating it, 10% of the time they will either try to walk up and press a button to punish it (you will have recovered in time) and the other 10% they will just ex sobat you. (60dmg on your end, you go flying fullscreen, safe and away from any sort of continual pressure, neutral situation thereafter) Frankly the risk/reward is pretty much in your favor, just do it (tm). You have a DP too btw. :p

In terms of pressure and blockstrings DeeJay actually doesn't have a safe blockstring (outside of low jab > low jab). DeeJay does have a decent forward walkspeed though, so if you do freeze up he can catch you sleeping, but it is something you should keep in mind. If you are out of his low jab range you technically are in the clear.

Honestly though for the most part Akuma can with without any major adjustment outside of his knockdown mixups not including the high component. He completely outclasses deejay and the amount of effort required to win against akuma with deejay far outweighs the amount of effort required to win against deejay with akuma. You have the better character, don't respect him, you don't have to. The more respect that character the more chances you give him. As a DeeJay main that is probably my biggest gripe with any type of win i may get: if you respect me too much you make my life way easier. DeeJay isn't good, stop treating him like he is.

Hey thanks for the write up. I know in theory that Deejay is supposed to be an easy match up for Akuma, but I don't know if I agree with all that you said. Especially the part about respecting the Deejay player. What you are kind of saying is that I should be playing this match without respecting the other player, ie doing random shit, mashing dp etc... Which is basically admitting that Deejay can fuck up Akuma's usual game (shuts down all air vortex options, trades with low air fireballs, very hard to dp his knee shot on reaction from certain distance, etc...). I had a couple of deejay matches since my last post and basically I won by playing run away and frustrating the shit out of the deejay player with fireballs. I hate playing like that but I really feel like there aren't other options. Good deejays anticipate that Akuma will just use safe jumps or safe vortex options and always tech throws or block, so the game always resets to neutral.


Hey thanks for the write up. I know in theory that Deejay is supposed to be an easy match up for Akuma, but I don't know if I agree with all that you said. Especially the part about respecting the Deejay player. What you are kind of saying is that I should be playing this match without respecting the other player, ie doing random shit, mashing dp etc... Which is basically admitting that Deejay can fuck up Akuma's usual game (shuts down all air vortex options, trades with low air fireballs, very hard to dp his knee shot on reaction from certain distance, etc...). I had a couple of deejay matches since my last post and basically I won by playing run away and frustrating the shit out of the deejay player with fireballs. I hate playing like that but I really feel like there aren't other options. Good deejays anticipate that Akuma will just use safe jumps or safe vortex options and always tech throws or block, so the game always resets to neutral.

Getting guaranteed, safe, pressure is still really good. Most characters don't even have that. Focus more on learning how to open your opponent up on offense in regards to frame traps and footsies instead of ambiguously hard to block mixups and you will come out a stronger player overall.

And yeah, anti airing knee shot with DP online is kinda hard, but theoretically, you should be able to beat it every time. Keep trying.


Is there a reason behind why I only ever meet C rank opponents online, even though I'm a D with zero wins to my name? Think I've played 20 matches in total so far xD
GG Threi, glad we finally had a chance to do a long set. The matches between our mains were back and forth, I think we were nearly even when I decided to start picking Yun.

My thoughts on the match. DJ is a hard for Evil Ryu. Which is why I played so defensively. Up close your buttons beat mines, you have a anti-fireball move, and you can follow your projectile which is why I FADC'd so much so I could avoid pressure. From what I've learned over the years playing against DJ as Evil Ryu, I found this style to be my best way of winning. Play runaway, bait a lot, and use very high dive kicks to beat or trade with DJ's up kicks.

As for the random DP's, some were desperation, others I just felt I had to do sometimes to make you remember that they're there or you'll just pressure me all day with no fear. Another amusing thing is that we both push buttons like crazy. I got counter hit so often from what I can remember and you hit me out of a lot of stuff when I didn't expect buttons to come out so quickly lol. And getting hit by a sobat kick after blocking one because it goes over my low forward brought back some bad memories. I had to try and remember to hit st. HP to beat that instead.

Anyways, good games again.



I don't think the MU is in DJ's favor tbh. The damage differential is quite a bit, and DJ has a hard time dealing with ERoo knockdown pressure (the standard weakness he has against everyone). You definitely had the right idea though, runaway is the way to go (but then again with ERoo's walkspeed and fast as hell low forward it shouldn't be a problem walking deejay to the corner)

The high divekicks was something I did notice but never really got used to (what i should be doing is delaying my upkicks or jump-back fiercing but it's a force of habit to follow the character's unaltered jump arc; its pretty hard to adjust).

As for the button pressing that was more me just trying to figure out hitboxes on your normals. I was trying to feel out just how good ERoo's stand forward was (for it to trade with the first hit of my stand forward when i'm at frame advantage says something!).

Anyways GGs


Anyone here that has a playlist they use when playing street fighter? Currently trying to make one that gets me pumped when playing, only at 10 songs so far though, so could use a lot more.

If you know any good songs that are similar to the ones here, please feel free to link them to me :)


I usually just put on my fav fighting game themes, don't do it that often thesedays. Tracks I used where shit like

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOBtn46lLIs (Best Ryu theme hands down, especially dat second round switch)

I don't think the MU is in DJ's favor tbh. The damage differential is quite a bit, and DJ has a hard time dealing with ERoo knockdown pressure (the standard weakness he has against everyone). You definitely had the right idea though, runaway is the way to go (but then again with ERoo's walkspeed and fast as hell low forward it shouldn't be a problem walking deejay to the corner)

Other DJ players also feel the match up is in his favor against Evil Ryu. Unlike Ryu, his long reaching normals are slow. I notice you thought his low forward is fast, it's actually 7f, his sweep is also 7f. Both are much slower than Ryu's. It's difficult for me to punish any of your sobat kicks on block unless you do it point blank in my face. With good spacing I either can't punish it or have a very small window to do it.

That's part of the reason why I'm kind of afraid to walk up to DJ. Sobat kicks go over my lows and on block I can't even punish them most of the time. Far MK beats all of my buttons as well. Only time it will trade is when I send out my far MK first which is also 7f. When I wasn't in frame advantage I was reluctant to try and pressure you for all these reasons. Oh and trying to anti-air knee drop is freaking hard.

A faster low forward and sweep is what I'm hoping Evil Ryu gets in USF4. He probably won't get both, but hopefully at least one of them. It's really the only thing he needs to become a very good character. Another thing, LK axe kick is -7 on block. I noticed you weren't punishing it which is why I kept going for it. I'm also hoping that move becomes safer on block in USF4(at least -5).


Anyone here that has a playlist they use when playing street fighter? Currently trying to make one that gets me pumped when playing, only at 10 songs so far though, so could use a lot more.

If you know any good songs that are similar to the ones here, please feel free to link them to me :)



Yeahhh, that's whats real. I've had the in-game soundtrack off for years now.

Mannn, real talk, Ryu's third strike stage theme is my favorite in the whole damn game. Jazzy NYC and Makoto's Rindo-kan dojo theme hype as fuck but,when that round two beat drop hits, that's real shit. In the old days i liked playing Ryu on player two side so I could hear that. :)


Mannn, real talk, Ryu's third strike stage theme is my favorite in the whole damn game. Jazzy NYC and Makoto's Rindo-kan dojo theme hype as fuck but,when that round two beat drop hits, that's real shit. In the old days i liked playing Ryu on player two side so I could hear that. :)

I remember using Ryu on GGPO one day and I was like, this themes aight but it aint all dat, than the second round started and it was like, yo shit got real!


The music in 3S is generally just good overall. Ryu round 2 theme is dope and so is Q's and Jazzy NYC. Then you have Dudley's theme, Snowland, Urien, and Gills theme... Fuck, 3S had some good music.


Anyone have any tips for how to stay focused on doing input quick and precisely during the heat of battle? I don't really have any trouble doing it when I'm doing trials or in training mode with an enemy that doesn't fight back. But the moment I have to fight an enemy that fights back, my ability to pull of moves falls quite drastically.

Anyway, of to bed. Hope there are some tips waiting for me later :)

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Anyone have any tips for how to stay focused on doing input quick and precisely during the heat of battle? I don't really have any trouble doing it when I'm doing trials or in training mode with an enemy that doesn't fight back. But the moment I have to fight an enemy that fights back, my ability to pull of moves falls quite drastically.

Anyway, of to bed. Hope there are some tips waiting for me later :)

Experience. 36~ games is nothing.
anybody know a way to battle clammy hands? After playing a while, it really bothers me and messes up some of my inputs
juicebox wears gloves


Neo Member
Anyone have any tips for how to stay focused on doing input quick and precisely during the heat of battle? I don't really have any trouble doing it when I'm doing trials or in training mode with an enemy that doesn't fight back. But the moment I have to fight an enemy that fights back, my ability to pull of moves falls quite drastically.

Anyway, of to bed. Hope there are some tips waiting for me later :)

Just keep playing. In some matches, don't focus on winning but focus on being able to land or hitconfirm a combo.


Anyone have any tips for how to stay focused on doing input quick and precisely during the heat of battle? I don't really have any trouble doing it when I'm doing trials or in training mode with an enemy that doesn't fight back. But the moment I have to fight an enemy that fights back, my ability to pull of moves falls quite drastically.

Anyway, of to bed. Hope there are some tips waiting for me later :)

It's just a matter of being COMFORTABLE doing it in a match. If you can do it in training mode, then you have the capabilities necessary to do it in a match.

And how do you get comfortable doing it in a match? Experience. You have to do it over and over and over and over and over....


Mrs. Harvey
Get use to losing a lot. Maybe all your matches. Get use to being depressed about peaking, about not being able to do certain combos, punishes, losing to everything. Get use to wanting to quit and hang it up. Because that's what playing fighting games will do to you. You can only move an inch at a time unless you are fundamentally sound from years and years of being familiar with fighting games already.
i've come to terms with the fact that i don't have the execution like a lot of players (i can't do 3 hadoukens in a row).

I've learned i don't NEED to do the fancy comboes to win, sometimes a standing Hard Punch does just as much damage. So instead i trained myself to learn the positions and situations where i can use the normals and come out victorious.

But this also took practice. You have to find what you feel comfortable with and get good at that. Just like every character fills a specific niche (charge rushdown, speedy grappler etc) find yours!


I hate this game, I hate Makoto, I'm switching characters again. Woe is me.

Don't you play like a bajillion fighting games? That's way too many characters and matchups for a brain to process lol you'd probably have a lot more successes if you just stuck to 1 or 2 games.


Don't you play like a bajillion fighting games? That's way too many characters and matchups for a brain to process lol you'd probably have a lot more successes if you just stuck to 1 or 2 games.

I play a lot, but I tend to only practice/play 1-3 FG's at any given time. Right now I'm mainly practicing GG/SF. SFIV is pretty much the only game I have a consistent playing time with, due to the amount of competition mainly.


Either host a ranked match or head to endless.

You can also futz around in arcade mode and turn on fight request

There's virtually no one from my region playing right now. And the only ones there are have shit connection lol.

Tried joining an american players lobby, and couldn't do shit because of lag...


You should just go into training mode and practice some bnbs while watching something if you're dead set on playing.

What region are you in? UK?


You should just go into training mode and practice some bnbs while watching something if you're dead set on playing.

What region are you in? UK?

I guess so? I live in Denmark which is quite close to the UK.

And yeah I'm basically just sitting in trial mode currently. Trying to get guiles challenge number 10 currently, which is fucking bullshit because 9 out of 10 times he just a shitty flash kick instead of a double flash.

What's bnbs btw?


Don't play makoto online.

It's not good for your morale.

Just play someone with a shoryuken.

Thats what im doing. Trying out Ken atm, started with juri but I just kept getting my ass beaten. Still do, but at least now I win a game once in a blue moon :p

Unrelated note. How do I not get hit by that charge attack that bypasses block, that all characters, have upon wakeup? When I try to do it most players are able to break it with a seemingly instant attack such as a shoryuken or whatever, even if they don't have any meter available for an EX version of the attack. Is it just a matter of pure timing?


I finally started having some success this weekend using Rose. She has some real shit match ups at least at my skill level, but its the first time I feel like I can use the whole character.

I will echo the sentiment above to just pick a dumb shoto with a fast reversal. That stuff can be stupid hard to block on even the best connection sometimes.


DeeJay tips .

As an Akuma player , excellent tip here . I fight much better against Deejay after watching a few Tokido videos , especially on his fireball game . The Akuma stand fierce is really a great tool in dealing with DJ knee jumps .

And 1 more thing that I sometimes do is using LK demon flip over DJ slow fireball . Then I'll try to do a delayed flip demon dive kick which will beat DJ slide and lands a full combo , and usually trade with anything not EX upkick . It's kind of a risk/reward move if you're anticipating slide .

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Thats what im doing. Trying out Ken atm, started with juri but I just kept getting my ass beaten. Still do, but at least now I win a game once in a blue moon :p

Unrelated note. How do I not get hit by that charge attack that bypasses block, that all characters, have upon wakeup? When I try to do it most players are able to break it with a seemingly instant attack such as a shoryuken or whatever, even if they don't have any meter available for an EX version of the attack. Is it just a matter of pure timing?

Reversals break armor.
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