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Super Street Fighter 4 Æ |OT5| Waiting to go from Super to Ultra

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So I picked up a "Brawlstick" for this and a few other games, and have been having some serious issues transitioning. Mainly, I can't seem to nail the stick inputs with any consistency. Even basic stuff like jumping backwards and forwards doesn't seem to come out consistently. Is this just me being terrible, or is the actual hardware having issues/should I look at replacing it with something better?

ooh ooh

ooh kill em'

Why is this cat smug so nice

we still love doe art

So I picked up a "Brawlstick" for this and a few other games, and have been having some serious issues transitioning. Mainly, I can't seem to nail the stick inputs with any consistency. Even basic stuff like jumping backwards and forwards doesn't seem to come out consistently. Is this just me being terrible, or is the actual hardware having issues/should I look at replacing it with something better?

Just keep practicing with it till you're used to it. It can take some work to go from pad to stick.


Been visiting Asia for the past week and a half. Stopped by an arcade in Hong Kong and had to show the locals how America gets down. Racked up a couple 10+ game win streaks. None of them really spoke much English and I can't really speak Chinese so I couldn't really get too many details about their scene.


This weekend I'll be in Singapore so I'm gonna try to make it out to this beat a pro vs Xian event if I have time.



Sad I missed out in the USF4 loketest marathon at Super Arcade! Would have loved to test out the mak changes and I'll be back home by the time the loketest goes to Toughcookie in Singapore.
Too bad you weren't in SoCal to test out the new and improved Mak. Those EX fukiage combos were just ridiculous. She's going to be crazy good in Ultra if that sticks.


Unconfirmed Member
Man... hopped online last night for the first time in months and boy do I stink.
Managed to scrape 4/10 wins and only 2 of them were satisfying.

If anyone happens to be on east asian time and fancies helping me get back in shape, my PSN ID is BobioJapan.
ggs RiceEater.

thx for the beatdowns. near the end my fingers started fumbling im sure you noticed all the dropped comboes. also i kept doing the mp-hp-med hurricane kick when i meant to do the shoulder bash since its safer. so many screwups.

also FUCK GUY's U1 RANGE ! that goddamn 2nd hit! aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg!


So having that T.hawk itch this morning, I put a little bit of thought into what I would want to add to him if they were adding more stuff in addition to his current set of changes in USF4. Here's what I thought of in the last hour or two.

Damage from 120 to 140
On block: -5 to -3
On hit: -1 to +1

Currently a very punishable button if whiffed. It also has a very short range and is now more negative than st.hk (due to st.hk being -2f on block USF4).

My suggested changes would make it more rewarding to use at close range and safe on hit but still more punishable than st.hk on block. No change to start-up/active would make it a difficult move to time as well.

cl.HP -
Reduced Knock back
On Block: +1 to 0
On hit: +6 to +5 (Standing Opponents) no change to crouchers.

As it is currently, this move is pretty useless for T.hawk. It has +6 on hit and +11 on crouchers but it knocks opponents back so far the only thing that can feasibly hit is cr.mk which is actually a 1f link, I believe.

Reducing the knock back to allow combos would make this more useful and make the T.hawk cross-up more dangerous when combined with the increased activation range for cl.mp that has been reported. Reduction to advantage on hit would make the combo a 1f link but the damage would be a big reward for the execution.

st.LK -
On block: -2 to -1
On hit: +1 to +2
Recovery: 9f to 8f

Currently an ok move for T.hawk but compared to both st.lp and st.mp, isn't nearly as functional. It has longer range than st.lp but cannot be chained or linked and it has worse data overall (including damage). Reach seems a little worse than st.mp (off the top of my head, anyway) but st.mp has better frame advantage and damage.

This change to frame advantage brings it to the same level as st.mp. This would allow st.lk to be Hawk's pressure tool when walking in an opponent in an offensive situation.

st.MK -
Active frames 3f to 4f
Recovery: 11f to 10f

Hawk's mini-boot. he steps back and sticks his foot out. It acts like a counter-poke because his hurt-box is bit farther back. Much shorter range than st.mp and less damage overall makes it hard to use as an offensive tool.

Increasing the active frames on this would differentiate it from st.mp and make it the go to button for footsies when you're facing an opponent with superior buttons like Ryu's cr.mk. A slight reduction in recovery frames would make it easier to use while walking a person down as well.

cr.LK -
On hit: 3f to 4f

AE version of cr.LK's only advantages over cr.LP is that it has to be blocked low, has 10 more damage and it might have a bit more range, I believe.

Change would allow a cr.lk to link with st.lp. This would give him a combo in USF4 with like cr.lk, st.lp,, cr.mk, ex,spire. That'd be entirely 1f links though...

Thrust Peak -
Recovery 12f to 7f
On Block: -7f to -2f
On Hit: -3f to +1f

Condor Dive: Usable on back jump

Condor Dive EX:
Start-up: 11f to 6f
Invincibility: 1-7f

These 3 taken from UltraDavid. I thought these were pretty fair and useful.

I also thought about a hard knockdown on HK Tomahawk buster so it would be more useful in combos but that might be a bit too powerful. Cr.lk would probably not be needed either as it'd be pretty anti-grappler but I thought I'd list it anyway.

I didn't want to buff T.hawk's SPDs because I felt like that should really be the domain of Zangief in-close. T.Hawk has combos an mix-ups in close so I figured it might be a good idea to further increase his strength there.


I don't know anything about T.Hawk but I'll give you my thoughts on some of those changes. First off, some of the frame data changes seem inconsistent...like they don't increase/decrease by the same amount. For st.hp, if it becomes -3 on block it should be +1 on hit. Shaving off those 2 frames comes from somewhere, either reduced recovery or additional hit stun, but regardless the changes should be uniform.

St.hp sounds like it would be too good. The only other character that has a normal that does 140 damage is Zangief but it's offset by having slow startup (his far normals) or punishable on block (his close normals). This change would give T.Hawk a relatively fast normal that appears to be unpunishable aside from supers. I could be wrong on that but what moves can currently punish st.hp on block at max distance?

Changing his cl.hp doesn't seem to be changing anything. If he can link into cr.mk, wouldn't the Ultra changes give him some new combos regardless? Same thing with st.lk. It doesn't seem like he gains anything based on your description. In what situations would you use that button vs st.lp or st.mp? (I just checked the changes from the loktests and it seems there is less pushback from cl.hp)

You mentioned you wanted to further increase his strengths but that doesn't solve any of his problems and wouldn't really make him a better character. He has a lot of trouble getting in which is what the changes should be addressing. Improved walk speed, better condor dive, and more time after throws/knockdowns are the first thing that came to my mind.


I don't know anything about T.Hawk but I'll give you my thoughts on some of those changes. First off, some of the frame data changes seem inconsistent...like they don't increase/decrease by the same amount. For st.hp, if it becomes -3 on block it should be +1 on hit. Shaving off those 2 frames comes from somewhere, either reduced recovery or additional hit stun, but regardless the changes should be uniform.

Fixed the one you mentioned. Let me know if you spot any other problems. I was inputting stuff and probably input the wrong numbers everywhere other than the ones I got from UltraDavid.

St.hp sounds like it would be too good. The only other character that has a normal that does 140 damage is Zangief but it's offset by having slow startup (his far normals) or punishable on block (his close normals). This change would give T.Hawk a relatively fast normal that appears to be unpunishable aside from supers. I could be wrong on that but what moves can currently punish st.hp on block at max distance?

Currently, Hawk's st.hp has 8 start-up, 2 active frames and has very little range to it. It makes it very hard to hit an opponent with it as a result. The effective range of it is probably something close to st.lp or maybe shorter and I think I've seen it whiff on crouching opponents on occasion as well. Gief's does does damage and has reach in exchange for its speed. Along that line I considering I thought the range deficiencies, low active frames, and recover on this normal would need to be offset to make it more appealing to use. UltraDavid had a similar idea though he reduced the recovery on it instead of increasing the damage.

For reference, T.hawk's crouching HP is 140 damage although it's two hits. His close hp and close hk are 130/140 respectively but don't lead to anything right now.

Changing his cl.hp doesn't seem to be changing anything. If he can link into cr.mk, wouldn't the Ultra changes give him some new combos regardless? Same thing with st.lk. It doesn't seem like he gains anything based on your description. In what situations would you use that button vs st.lp or st.mp? (I just checked the changes from the loktests and it seems there is less pushback from cl.hp)

cl.hp isn't getting reduced push back. It's cl.mp that did unless both got a pushback reduction and no one actually reported it correctly, lol.

cr.mk xx condor spire doesn't currently combo when hit on the tip of the attack except maybe EX (I'm going to test that next week) which doesn't give him a real combo, I believe. The change would basically give make his cross-up more dangerous in exchange for execution. As of the latest USF4 build, splash, cl.mp, cl.mp, dp is a combo. Reducing the knock back and frame advantage on hit for cl.hp gives him a heavier execution version of this combo. I'd definitely say that cl.hp could take a reduction in damage dealt in this case though, from 130 to 110ish so that it's a significant increase to a combo but not too overpowering.

There are a few implications to cl.mp push back being reduced that I just thought of though, hrm.

As for st.lk, it would be used in conjunction with his new walk speed to get in on opponents. st.lk doesn't have the advantage that st.lp does on hit or block but does have better range and active frames. I think it'd be a more ideal button to use. St.mp currently has longer range, better advantage and more damage, but is slower and has fewer active frames which really doesn't make it ideal for walking in on an opponent aggressively. Hawk can't get in on folks with better buttons because his buttons don't really apply enough pressure to let him walk in as needed. Giving st.lk the same advantage as st.mp makes it the better choice to use to walk in on folks because of how fast it is. it's not as good as st.lp but the range and active frames should cover it, I think.

Basically, the idea is that Hawk should have a button for the ranges he has to cover as he walks in. st.hk > st.mp > st.lk > st.lp should allow him a button for each range and the idea behind adjusting the advantage so you would want to use st.lp > st.lk > st.mp > st.hk as you get closer. That distance between st.lp and st.mp is rough for hawk, very rough.

You mentioned you wanted to further increase his strengths but that doesn't solve any of his problems and wouldn't really make him a better character. He has a lot of trouble getting in which is what the changes should be addressing. Improved walk speed, better condor dive, and more time after throws/knockdowns are the first thing that came to my mind.

Improved Walk speed is already in and the button changes I mentioned were with that in mind. He needs to be able to fend for himself on that front as he goes in. Better condor dive would be far too easy to mess up. It needs to be punishable on block and I think it's fine as it is currently. The UltraDavid changes were probably the best ones that could be done for them without running into balancing issues.

As for knockdowns, LP SPD's range buff helps with that but a bit. The real problem with trying to buff throw/knockdown time is that he doesn't have moves that actually hard knockdown at longer ranges thus allowing him to walk in. Ex. spire already helps him go through projectiles and adding a hard knockdown would be stupid to it. So it's really footsies that need to be improved for him. Hard knockdown for Dive would be silly too.

I'm mostly tossing some ideas out though. Hawk still needs buffs and I don't think a lot of folks really know where to go from where he is with the Alpha builds for USF4.
So there are two goals for Hawk imo: 1) make him better and 2) differentiate him from Zangief and Hugo (I don't really consider Hakan to be in that pure grappler category).

Tbh I don't think Hawk should get a hit confirm starting from a low attack like cr lk to st lp etc. Gief already has a low hit confirm. I don't think he needs a better close st fierce; the ability to do close mp close mp xx dp on more characters is good enough. I also don't really think he should be doing 140 damage on a fast far st fierce, that just seems like too much. I'm down with slight frame buffs to some normals, some of which he's getting already, but the damage is fine imo.

The more I think about how to buff Hawk while differentiating him from the other grapplers, the more I think about mobility. After all, this was the biggest difference between him and Zangief even back in SF2, where he had faster walkspeed and air mobility in a game where air mobility was rare. In SF4, Gief jumps occasionally but mostly after establishing a ground game. Hugo seems like he'll have even weaker mobility. And two of Hawk's buffs mentioned in USF4 so far are mostly about mobility. My idea:

--Walk speed: retain as in current USF4 build

--Cr mk: retain cancelability as in current USF4 build

--Condor dive
-----Regular version: available on jump back, height restriction lessened, startup changed from 11f to 8f
-----Ex version: startup changed from 11f to 6f, made hit & throw invincible on first 5 frames

The buff to walk speed is an obvious mobility buff. The cr mk cancelability buff is not about comboing (which it can't do except point blank anyway) but about being able to cancel into spire to pursue the opponent from a little farther and a little more safely.

Allowing regular condor dive to be used on the jump back means that he play better mobility games in the mid range or even be a threat while running away, which would be an interesting take on a grappler I think. Allowing regular dive to be used lower to the ground and shortening its startup could give him the ability to move around fireballs and normals better and allow him to set up counterhits or pursuit better. At the same time, keeping it just as punishable means that playing a counterhit or pursuit game is just as risky as it is now, just a bit more effective when it works.

Giving invincibility to ex dive that ends before it hits is about giving him an actual threat in the air. Jump down+mp beats some air to airs but not as many as it might have been intended to. It would beat on-reaction jump fierces and early dragon punches, making his giant floaty jump more of a threat. And not changing the height requirement for ex dive means that he wouldn't have any instant ground to air invincibility. I don't think there'd be anything too good about spending a bar of meter for an unsafe option that runs out of invincibility before it hits. It would just be an improvement.

I feel like this THawk, even without buffing his footsie normals, becomes a better threat with significant gameplay differences from the other grapplers. Zangief can be the all around grappler type; Hugo can be corner control and raw damage; and Hawk can be mobility.
I have another idea too, one that's probably even less likely to happen:

-----LP: gets HP SPD's range
-----HP: gets LP SPD's range

Hawk goes many games without ever using any spd but lp. Its smaller damage is offset by its much better followup opportunities, even at point blank range. HP is mostly used as a round ender or where you need guaranteed damage and in those rare times when when Hawk wants to stay away after.

Switching things up makes Hawk players use both LP and HP. If you want the better post-spd mixups of LP spd, which I think Hawk players probably still will, you need to work your way in deeper first. If you want more range or more damage or to stay away after, you use HP instead.

I don't think having his biggest damage and range on the same button will be a problem. All of his SPDs do less damage than Gief's by version, and after all, we're only talking the difference between (in AE2012) spd ranges of 1.50 and 1.40. By contrast, Gief's LP has a range of 1.75 and his HP has 1.35.

This also matches well with improving his mobility I think. With better walk speed to catch up after HP spd, there's less of a positioning penalty. And with being a bit more mobile will hopefully come opportunities to get closer for LP spd and its followup mixup!

It also makes his spd buttons different than other grapplers, since his far range option would be on HP instead of LP. Yay diversity!


Setec Astronomer
Another way to buff HP SPD is to reduce the landing recovery on a whiffed condor dive. As it is, T. Hawk can get back to where he was with a low dive, but will be in a neutral standing state only right about the same time as the other person is getting up, if not just a bit before, so there isn't much he can do except be closer.


Tbh I don't think Hawk should get a hit confirm starting from a low attack like cr lk to st lp etc. Gief already has a low hit confirm. I don't think he needs a better close st fierce; the ability to do close mp close mp xx dp on more characters is good enough. I also don't really think he should be doing 140 damage on a fast far st fierce, that just seems like too much. I'm down with slight frame buffs to some normals, some of which he's getting already, but the damage is fine imo.

Most of these ideas were just coming out this morning so you'll have to excuse me if they sound a bit weird/stupid. =P

Yeah. I kinda figured that cr.lk would not be a great idea but I put it out anyway.

Looking at cl.hp a bit more now that I can sit in front of the game you're right, it cl.mp, cl.mp x dp would be more than enough for a cross-up combo. I would like to give it a bigger use though. Hrm, maybe increase the stun a bit more? Best you can really get is cr.mk for a follow-up. But that would probably be too powerful.

Looking at the range of st.hp, I probably was misremembering the st.hp from Super Turbo. But honestly, I don't see the move used by many other T.hawks and I don't hit it all that often myself. I definitely agree with 140 being too much after actually seeing the range on it though.

How about st.lk and st.mk?

The more I think about how to buff Hawk while differentiating him from the other grapplers, the more I think about mobility. After all, this was the biggest difference between him and Zangief even back in SF2, where he had faster walkspeed and air mobility in a game where air mobility was rare. In SF4, Gief jumps occasionally but mostly after establishing a ground game. Hugo seems like he'll have even weaker mobility. And two of Hawk's buffs mentioned in USF4 so far are mostly about mobility.

I definitely agree. Hawk's mobility is definitely his biggest asset that's how he's different from Gief and Hugo. But at the same time, that's a pretty difficult aspect to balance correctly. In addition, there are many characters with air mobility in this game. So while it definitely differentiates him from the other grapplers, I worried if it'll be helpful for other match-ups.

My idea:

--Walk speed: retain as in current USF4 build

--Cr mk: retain cancelability as in current USF4 build

--Condor dive
-----Regular version: available on jump back, height restriction lessened, startup changed from 11f to 8f
-----Ex version: startup changed from 11f to 6f, made hit & throw invincible on first 5 frames

The buff to walk speed is an obvious mobility buff. The cr mk cancelability buff is not about comboing (which it can't do except point blank anyway) but about being able to cancel into spire to pursue the opponent from a little farther and a little more safely.

Allowing regular condor dive to be used on the jump back means that he play better mobility games in the mid range or even be a threat while running away, which would be an interesting take on a grappler I think. Allowing regular dive to be used lower to the ground and shortening its startup could give him the ability to move around fireballs and normals better and allow him to set up counterhits or pursuit better. Giving invincibility to ex dive that ends before it hits is about giving him an actual threat in the air. Jump down+mp beats some air to airs but not as many as it might have been intended to. Having ex dive makes his giant floaty jump more of a threat, since it would beat on-reaction jump fierces and early dragon punches. I

At the same time, keeping dive just as punishable as it currently is would keep a cost on all this so he wouldn't become some stupid Cammy or Yun type. And not changing the height requirement for ex dive means that he wouldn't have any instant ground to air invincibility.

Yeah, I saw the reasoning and agreed with these. It alleviates some of the positions that you can put yourself into with Hawk and let's him get around some stuff better than before.

But at the same time, dive buffs are kind of a double-edged sword. The recovery of dives that don't hit currently is 22 frames, I believe. That means they're still quite punishable. So even if we're zipping around fireballs at the mid-range someone can come up and still get a punish or even a full combo. So it while it adds options, I don't know if necessarily alleviates it. The dive is also predictable too which hurts and it's not a great pursuit angle like it was in ST.

I'll put some more thought into it but I do know I want his normals buffed in some form. Even if we didnt' get a dive buff, I'm happy with the walk speed buff and cancellable cr.mk helps a lot with his mobility. I'm just worried about his normals in a footsie situation being inadequate and still forcing Hawk into a bad situation despite the additions.

I have another idea too, one that's probably even less likely to happen:

-----LP: gets HP SPD's range
-----HP: gets LP SPD's range

Hawk goes many games without ever using any spd but lp. Its smaller damage is offset by its much better followup opportunities, even at point blank range. HP is mostly used as a round ender or where you need guaranteed damage and in those rare times when when Hawk wants to stay away after.

Switching things up makes Hawk players use both LP and HP. If you want the better post-spd mixups of LP spd, which I think Hawk players probably still will, you need to work your way in deeper first. If you want more range or more damage or to stay away after, you use HP instead.

I don't think having his biggest damage and range on the same button will be a problem. All of his SPDs do less damage than Gief's by version, and after all, we're only talking the difference between (in AE2012) spd ranges of 1.50 and 1.40. By contrast, Gief's LP has a range of 1.75 and his HP has 1.35.

This also matches well with improving his mobility I think. With better walk speed to catch up after HP spd, there's less of a positioning penalty. And with being a bit more mobile will hopefully come opportunities to get closer for LP spd and its followup mixup!

It also makes his spd buttons different than other grapplers, since his far range option would be on HP instead of LP. Yay diversity!

LP and HP SPD range swapped would be really an interesting idea. It would force Hawk to be fighting full screen and his mobility would help him a ton. It basically be the reverse of Hugo or Gief where they want to stay in all the time because they have to. Walk speed would mitigate the positioning issue and it could be a bit more emphasis on Hawk's normals too which, on the whole, are surprisingly good despite holes.


Setec Astronomer
But at the same time, dive buffs are kind of a double-edged sword. The recovery of dives that don't hit currently is 22 frames, I believe. That means they're still quite punishable. So even if we're zipping around fireballs at the mid-range someone can come up and still get a punish or even a full combo. So it while it adds options, I don't know if necessarily alleviates it. The dive is also predictable too which hurts and it's not a great pursuit angle like it was in ST.
It's also not good at challenging many normals, which is fine I think. Messing with whiff recovery also doesn't change that it's minus forever on block, although keeping the landing recovery the same in that case is key as it prevents a blanka ball situation where it would be highly negative but tricky to fully punish with some characters because the ground window is small.


Its not really "falling for it", Dhalsim literally can't do anything.

Every character can do something. Most people just don't know what to do and try to press buttons after the fireball. They'll just end up getting counter hit by the following mk. There's actually a gap between gouken's mk and fireball where you can just throw him.


So after stewing on it a bit more. If they changed only one thing on top of T.hawk's current stuff fir USF4, I'd personally want an increase in active frames for st.mk. that will probably help me the most (alongside the walk speed buff) to get in on opponents.


One of the things I really like is finding out new setups given how old this game is. I found it through trial and error playing in endless but its working out pretty well. I'm using Gouken and at the moment, this particular setup only works on Cody.

Backthrow > Close Standing Fierce xx HK Demonflip kick

Looks pretty simple but the timing is kind of hard. You have to land the close fierce as early as possible but if it's too early, you'll get far fierce. It's a fake crossup standing (opponent may get hit with the followup since you land on the other side), crossup if crouching and you can OS the df kick with sweep to beat out most of Cody's escape options except EX slide. It'll only whiff if the Cody player is in neutral which will never happen.

I'm trying to use different normals as well as changing the timing to see if this setup will work against other characters. So far, the divekick will only work against characters with wider hitboxes. It seems to whiff on all shotos.


I think it would be really, really cool to differentiate Hawk from the other grapplers (beyond and excluding sucking). What about making some jumping attacks 2in1 to C. Dive? This would definitely help with getting in. Maybe make it so one version gives less positional advantage on hit, but offers some safety for him on block, and it would lend another layer to it. It would also serve to make him very much unique in his approach. Grapplers...
If you're interested Kingblacktoof is doing a USF4 mod for the PC version. He's not waiting till he completes the entire cast though. He's doing one character at a time and has completed 13 so far but I think he plans on completing the entire cast. My character is next so I'm looking forward to that. Here is the link if you're interested



Been visiting Asia for the past week and a half. Stopped by an arcade in Hong Kong and had to show the locals how America gets down. Racked up a couple 10+ game win streaks. None of them really spoke much English and I can't really speak Chinese so I couldn't really get too many details about their scene.


This weekend I'll be in Singapore so I'm gonna try to make it out to this beat a pro vs Xian event if I have time.



Sad I missed out in the USF4 loketest marathon at Super Arcade! Would have loved to test out the mak changes and I'll be back home by the time the loketest goes to Toughcookie in Singapore.

Dat Jtai MVGame


anyone want to play on PC? Honestly the way things are going with USF4 DeeJay is going to get STEAMROLLED in that game (even worse than how it is now) and i am trying to sharpen up as much as possible.

gt: jeonjo
Oh I didn't know smuggles on XBL was actually Smug.

I played him some other time and got bodied but I've seen that tag so many times I thought it was someone else.
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