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Super Street Fighter 4 Æ |OT5| Waiting to go from Super to Ultra

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anyone want to play on PC? Honestly the way things are going with USF4 DeeJay is going to get STEAMROLLED in that game (even worse than how it is now) and i am trying to sharpen up as much as possible.

gt: jeonjo

I see nothing but buffs, is it because of delayed wake up that you feel this way? That would effect his wake up game with cross up and knee shots but it also affects everybody else. Do you think DJ's zoning and neutral game will not be good enough to compete against most of the cast?

Haven't been in this thread in a while, but have you guys seen this?

Battle of the EVO Champions! Daigo vs Xian FT10

Daigo won 10-0

Talk about being late to the party lol. BTW Daigo won SSF4 at EVO 2010 :p


I see nothing but buffs, is it because of delayed wake up that you feel this way? That would effect his wake up game with cross up and knee shots but it also affects everybody else. Do you think DJ's zoning and neutral game will not be good enough to compete against most of the cast?
It's less that he's getting buffed and more that everyone else (especially his poorer matchups in the game) are getting buffed more than him, in areas that make matchups versus him easier. Meanwhile, DeeJay's buffs don't particularly make his poor matchups better.

What Capcom is doing with him right now is just taking safe, baby steps at trying to make him a good character, but still want to keep him "honest" (read: mid tier or lower, but not terrible). That is perfectly acceptable and a large part of the reason a lot of DeeJay players even use him, but at this moment it's keeping him down. Capcom is buffing DeeJay to make him a viable character in AE2012, not USF4. If these changes were applied to DeeJay alone and everyone else stayed the exact same, it may actually bump him from low to mid tier. But thats the problem though, he doesn't exist in a vacuum. Rose for example, is getting stuff that makes her more viable against characters better than her. Rose happens to be one of DeeJay's worst matchups in the game and she can pretty much completely shut him down on all areas of the screen. DeeJay, on the other hand, got pretty much nothing to make her deal with characters like Rose better. Seriously, what does a Rose player need to fear? A quicker recovering short sobat? The same one most Rose players didn't even bother practice punishing right now as It doesn't amount to much in the matchup and they can win even if it was -5, -3, or 0 on block? How about makoto, who gains a ground combo into a left/right mixup. What does DeeJay gain defensively to combat that? His EX upkicks will still whiff and he has to take the mixup anyways, Makoto doesn't have to work any harder to get in than she has already, she doesn't have to adjust her gameplan in any way. Look at dudley. Once he gets in its free. It's how it's been now, it's how it's been in the future, it's how it should be based on his character design. He's getting buffed to heaven, so he gets in a bit easier (extended normal range) and once he gets in, its even free-er. On deejay's side? Is it harder to keep dudley out now? No. Once dudley is in does deejay have anything to possibly get him off? No.

Seriously, think about it. Is there really anything you see in DeeJay's changelog that says to you "wow he will be a pain in the ass to fight now/I don't think I can beat any DeeJays now"? How you currently approach the matchup, is there anything in that changelog that would make you think twice about how you go about things?

It's pretty obvious why this is happening though. DeeJay is one of the least-used characters in the game. That translates into the least amount of feedback in what would make him a better char, and thus Capcom doesn't have much to work off. Most people can't even name more than 3 notable DeeJay players in the entire WORLD, and that's an issue.
It's pretty obvious why this is happening though. DeeJay is one of the least-used characters in the game. That translates into the least amount of feedback in what would make him a better char, and thus Capcom doesn't have much to work off. Most people can't even name more than 3 notable DeeJay players in the entire WORLD, and that's an issue.

"dj's ultra 2 needs to do less damage, it does way too much and it's far too strong against characters"


thats actually makes for a great example.

Say Capcom was to say "new buff for deejay: we removed the wallbounce from his U2"

You damn well know that me and blackule would be going "YES, FUCKING FINALLY THANK YOU CAPCOM"

...but is that a major buff though? All it's doing is changing something that was inexplicably bad about deejay to something that is normal, in-line with the rest of the cast. It doesn't actually change any of his matchups, does it? Thats the issue here, not all buffs are equal, and deejay's buffs have been rather...tame. The 5f to 4f low short is another example.


That reduced startup on crouching lk can be pretty big depending on the matchup and what kind of damage it leads to. Are there any moves that only cr.lk can punish? Maybe Makoto's EX Hayate?


That reduced startup on crouching lk can be pretty big depending on the matchup and what kind of damage it leads to. Are there any moves that only cr.lk can punish? Maybe Makoto's EX Hayate?
As a punish DeeJay's low jab is already 4f, so any punish opportunities are already present in this game, a faster low short won't change that much. His low short can only chain into low jab, and can only cancel into short sobat, fireball, or super.

So basically deejay gains a 120dmg (potentially more with a full super bar) punish for any normal -4 or more outside of jab range (but within the range of his low short). Within jab range, nothing is changed.
Well the LK sobat being -3 now does make it more spammy. At least you got that going for you :p

Don't know about you guys but me and the Evil Ryu army were in full force. We were actually the #1 character thread in terms of post for a while until the infamous Akuma thread obliterated it. But it was mainly tons of Akuma mains and haters going back and forth with each other. Our thread had some crazies as well but I think for the most part it was full of knowledgeable players with well thought out opinions.

Overall I'm pretty happy about how Ultra Evil Ryu has turned out so far and I hope he stays that way when it's all said and done. He is still missing one thing that I was really hoping for but I can live with it if the rest stays.
There's just some characters it seems they don't seem to want to buff. Dee Jay is one of them and so is a character like Dan. Yeah he's a joke character but that doesn't mean he has to be bad. capcom plz
Capcom doesn't care about black people.

But really though, I was speaking to Blaqskillz on twitter (Deejay player from Socal) he said there is more buffs for Deejay to look forward too but not to get too excited.

On the U2 Wall bounce issue, he said that it's not as easy as it seems. They might have to change the whole animation after the last punch of the U2 and they don't want to spend that much time on Deejay. What they could do is just take the maracas animation after the intro out but they don't want to spend that much time on Deejay.

Some of the things that were asked for in the Deejay suggestion thread was totally ignored, while things that weren't asked for were implemented, which wasn't bad, but they didn't treat the issues Deejay players really asked for.

I'm happy Combofiend understands that Deejay players have nothing except an ultra on wakeup to deal with meaty shorts. I really hope they either make up kick hit low like how Gouken's ex Tatsu now hits low or give Ex-MGU more invincibility so it actually has use outside of combos.

His ultra 1 still doesn't work off of a focus attack, I already know Capcom won't spend time trying to make that work. But come the fuck on lol. I really hope Deejay will feel like a complete character this time around, but Deejay players might have to look for ver.2015.

He also still does no damage or stun, has one of the worst throw ranges in the game, a terrible backdash, ex.Sobat should have fireball invincibility throughout the whole attack not just when its close enough etc etc

fuck character loyalty



Damn. That was easily one of the closest sets I've played recently. I decided to leave whenever someone got to 10 first and it came down to 10-9 in the end. There was a bit of lag so we both dropped combos but it was still fun.

There's something about your playstyle I can't really grasp. You're just really hard to read. I would notice you'd throw out EX fireball after a throw break and that got me a few times. I decided to jump immediately after the next tech and I just get dp'd out of the air. Your spacing is really good too. I had to rely on little setplays and spamming roundhouse haha


Damn. That was easily one of the closest sets I've played recently. I decided to leave whenever someone got to 10 first and it came down to 10-9 in the end. There was a bit of lag so we both dropped combos but it was still fun.

There's something about your playstyle I can't really grasp. You're just really hard to read. I would notice you'd throw out EX fireball after a throw break and that got me a few times. I decided to jump immediately after the next tech and I just get dp'd out of the air. Your spacing is really good too. I had to rely on little setplays and spamming roundhouse haha

Haha, yeah I try to be as random as possible, although sometimes I think I fall prey to doing the same things on certain scenarios which can get read as you demonstrated but that will happen with a FT10.

Your zoning game with Gouken is great. Very hard to get in and good use of normals.
I've spent the last 3 days just messing around with my character with the Ultra mod installed. It's just a fan made mod with the same changes as the ones in the current USF4 change log. Man do I love this Evil Ryu, having that new target combo and 6f sweep just feels so good. I just can't go back to AE 2012 Evil Ryu. I don't even want to uninstall it so I can play online because I just don't have the motivation to play this version anymore. Man if only this Evil Ryu was in AE 2012 he would be a beast. That wait till June is going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.
Before it was only 5, now it's up to 25. So it works on the same exact characters that it would with Akuma. Hopefully the final number ends up being 30 though.


Get a new comp. GFWL decides to lock me out of my account, I can't play the game on PC anymore- at least until Ultra.

This is why I will avoid Microsoft services as much as possible in the future.

Where did July/August info come from, and is PC version going to be that delayed? They kinda have to get PC out by July because GFWL shuts down July 1st


I've spent the last 3 days just messing around with my character with the Ultra mod installed. It's just a fan made mod with the same changes as the ones in the current USF4 change log. Man do I love this Evil Ryu, having that new target combo and 6f sweep just feels so good. I just can't go back to AE 2012 Evil Ryu. I don't even want to uninstall it so I can play online because I just don't have the motivation to play this version anymore. Man if only this Evil Ryu was in AE 2012 he would be a beast. That wait till June is going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.

If we both have the patched files installed for both Mak and e.ryu can we play online?
If we both have the patched files installed for both Mak and e.ryu can we play online?

You know, I wondered the same exact thing. I was actually going to propose that idea at some point to see if anybody would try with me. I'm down for it if you are?

So far I only have the mod for Ken, Mak, and Evil Ryu because they were the ones I was most interested in trying out. Hopefully it works as long as we have the same character mods.
- Cr. and st. MP +10 damage.

- When Yun whiffs command throw, all recovery frames are counter hit.

- Tenshin (command throw) should always deal 1 point of damage.

- All invincibility frames removed from dragon kicks? (in need of confirmation)
Those Yun changes so far lmao



You know, I wondered the same exact thing. I was actually going to propose that idea at some point to see if anybody would try with me. I'm down for it if you are?

So far I only have the mod for Ken, Mak, and Evil Ryu because they were the ones I was most interested in trying out. Hopefully it works as long as we have the same character mods.

I feel like it should work. IIRC you could play rainbow sf4 online if both people had it installed. I might remember wrong though. We can try next time I see you online.
Some Deejay changes from the Ultra build

-Knee shot had 3 more frames of hitstun

-Ex mgu now launches higher

Dash U2 easier, hopefully they FIXED his U2

- Ex mgu is now -8 on block

yes lets nerf Deejay, thx Capcom

- Ex mgu can now be focus cancelled
You could already FADC ex MGU, thanks for reinstating what Deejay already had and calling it a buff (see f.HP hitting float on CH :/)

- mk sobat has more hit stun on the first hit
Cool, but why not HK too?

More tools, Deejay still gonna get eaten alive on wakeup. They messed with the MGU but didn't give it anymore invincibility :/ and nerfed the recovery because Deejay is OP


Is it mashed or unmashed ex mgu? Because mashed ex mgu to -8 is actually a buff.

More hitstun on knee shot isn't needed, he needs more blockstun. It is a free punish on tall chars like sagat on block. DeeJay players should be going from knee shot to stand jab anyways.

But hey, more nonbuffs plz
Is it mashed or unmashed ex mgu? Because mashed ex mgu to -8 is actually a buff.

More hitstun on knee shot isn't needed, he needs more blockstun. It is a free punish on tall chars like sagat on block. DeeJay players should be going from knee shot to stand jab anyways.

But hey, more nonbuffs plz

kneeshot > stMK > stMP > HK Sobat tho


I decided to read the Gouken forums on SRK. Some of the changes they want are hilariously bad. Some things they want are: counter to work against throws, counter to not get beaten by reversals, stand lk to hit low and demon flip slide to have less recovery and break armor. It's like watching a bunch of kids pile on one bad idea after another.

I personally think Gouken is a mid tier character and the hard part about balancing him is that it could lead to some broken stuff. Giving him more ways to land a combo while keeping his zoning game intact makes for a very scary character. If they were to give him more ways to combo, they would definitely reduce the damage on all of his specials. Here's how I would change gouken.

Redistribute the damage of close HK
It's a really good anti air for those who attempt a cross up in the neutral. Off the top of my head, the only other characters who have useful normal like this is Cammy's close fierce and Sakura's crouch fierce. It currently does 2 hits (40+70) but as an antiair, only the first one hits. They could redistribute it to 70+40 or 60+50. As it is right now, it doesn't really deter people who jump a lot. A mistimed hk could lead to a pretty big punish too.

Reduce the recovery of crouching MK by 2 frames
Not the most essential change but I think it'd be pretty useful to make it less punishable. It's currently -2 on hit and -5 on block. I will often use it to crouch tech since its a pretty fast normal and has some use for dive kick characters. The change would bring it to 0 on hit and -3 on block.

Reduce startup of crouching LK by 1 frame
This would bring the startup from 5 frames to 4 frames. Gives gouken more opportunities to use it as a punish.

Allow close MK to activate from further away
Gouken's only 3 frame normal and it has terrible range. Becomes a useful tool to counter wider frame traps. As of right now, the opponent only needs to hit a couple of jabs before close mk becomes far mk. Whiffing far mk can lead to a pretty big punish.

Reduce pushback of crouching HP
Makes crouching HP xx EX palm a bit more consistent. I think it could also be achieved by reducing the startup of EX palm. The opponent may fall out of the combo if the distance is too far or they get hit by a crossup.

Make the hitbox of counter the same as its hurtbox
Currently, the hitbox is smaller than the hurtbox. There are some situations where counter will activate but the opponent won't get hit.

Overall, I think these changes make gouken a more complete character. His zoning remains the same so good matchups against grapplers don't become too lopsided. Now he can hold his own a tad bit better when he's up close. I thought about giving gouken ways to combo from lights but I'm indifferent about it. It doesn't really fix any of his problems.
I'm happy that Sako won Capcom Cup with Evil Ryu and only Evil Ryu, but I hope this doesn't influence Capcom to make any changes to his current changes for the worse. It's a uneasy feeling to see your character win a big tournament because their is always the fear they may clip his balls because that seems to be what Capcom prefers to do rather than just buffing weaker characters.

I still consider the AE 2012 version of him to be mid tier at best and that he should keep everything he's been given in Ultra so far. Hopefully he makes it through all these loketest unscathed. I heard that they took away Sagat's ability to special cancel the 2nd hit of st. LK. So it's still a pretty scary time for anybody who mains a character with good buffs or is already good and may be getting more of the nerf bat.
I decided to read the Gouken forums on SRK. Some of the changes they want are hilariously bad. Some things they want are: counter to work against throws, counter to not get beaten by reversals, stand lk to hit low and demon flip slide to have less recovery and break armor. It's like watching a bunch of kids pile on one bad idea after another.

I'm happy that Sako won Capcom Cup with Evil Ryu and only Evil Ryu, but I hope this doesn't influence Capcom to make any changes to his current changes for the worse. It's a uneasy feeling to see your character win a big tournament because their is always the fear they may clip his balls because that seems to be what Capcom prefers to do rather than just buffing weaker characters.

I still consider the AE 2012 version of him to be mid tier at best and that he should keep everything he's been given in Ultra so far. Hopefully he makes it through all these loketest unscathed. I heard that they took away Sagat's ability to special cancel the 2nd hit of st. LK. So it's still a pretty scary time for anybody who mains a character with good buffs or is already good and may be getting more of the nerf bat.
I feel like it's inevitable now that they will tune down the buffs he got and give him some slight nerfs because of that win. It's just the way Capcom works sometimes. And wtf they took away Sagat's lk cancel? I think they should just make it one hit again and leave it special cancelable. Slight nerf and significant buff.
I feel like it's inevitable now that they will tune down the buffs he got and give him some slight nerfs because of that win. It's just the way Capcom works sometimes. And wtf they took away Sagat's lk cancel? I think they should just make it one hit again and leave it special cancelable. Slight nerf and significant buff.

If you look at the buffs he got, their is really only one buff that I feel most Evil Ryu players actually care about. A lot of his buffs I consider to be "fixes" rather than true buffs. Let me just go through the list quickly

- Health 950. I never wanted this in the first place and I don't care if they remove it
- Foward Medium Kick has better downward hitbox. This is a fix, ensures his hop kick won't whiff against low attacks
- Heavy Axe Kick start up is 25f. It doesn't even make a difference to be honest, keep it or remove it, Evil Ryu players won't care
- Target Combo can now be done from far standing MP. This is a fix, he actually has a target combo worth using now
- +1f of blockstun on his Crouching Medium Kick. This is a fix, ensures his low forward > fireball is always a true block string like it's suppose to be.
- Light Hurricane Kick travels 0.3 distance instead of 0.2. This is in between being a buff and fix. It doesn't offer him any thing new, just helps him avoid whiffing the LK tatsu from further ranges
- Ultra 2: Start up for 2nd Shoryuken reduced by 2f. This is fix, ensures opponent won't fall out of the 2nd SRK of the Ultra. When this happens, it really sucks

- Crouch Heavy Kick start up is 6 frame: His best "true" buff IMO. Part of Evil Ryu's issues is that all his long range normals are kind of slow. He has trouble dealing with other footsie character who dominate him because of their superior normals. He also has trouble punishing moves that are unsafe on block but have a fair bit of push back so he can't punish with his faster normals like cr. MP because it won't reach.

With delayed wake up, set play will be weakened so Evil Ryu's ability to tatsu sweep more characters isn't as big of a deal as it would have been before. He pretty much just needs it just to be stronger in footsies. This is the only thing missing in his arsenal and it would hurt if they took it away. So I hope that isn't the case because he actually had a 6f sweep during the AE 2012 loketest before they removed it for the final version.


Just got called a crack-head after perfecting some chap twice with Ibuki, not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment or not.
In the process of learning E.Ryu and wanted to ask this, is the hit stun for his dive kick less than Akumas demon flip dive kick? I ask because it just seems like E.Ryu dive kick is harder to combo into than Akumas demon flip kick.


Argh- why is it everyone can do low jab into fierce hands but me?

If I was to ever get a lesson from pro players- that is the one thing I'd want to learn. That said I'd probably lose some unpredictability.


Argh- why is it everyone can do low jab into fierce hands but me?

If I was to ever get a lesson from pro players- that is the one thing I'd want to learn. That said I'd probably lose some unpredictability.

Do you know how to piano buttons? If you do, what method do you use? I think the most common way is L, M, H, M, H. For me, it feels more comfortable if my fingers go from right to left. So I would do L, H, M, L, H. I don't play a character that needs to piano buttons but I can get it rather consistently in training mode.

If you use pad, I have no idea then.
Argh- why is it everyone can do low jab into fierce hands but me?

If I was to ever get a lesson from pro players- that is the one thing I'd want to learn. That said I'd probably lose some unpredictability.

It's not that hard, just takes practice.

Just have to find a way that feels comfortable and/or natural to you. Are you using an arcade stick?
Looking at a TE stick, if we were to assign the top row of buttons numbers (1=jab, 2=strong, 3=fierce, 4=XXX), then you would learn how to piano the button inputs like so:

Or you assign the last button (4/XXX from above) with another punch button like jab:
This method involves you sliding your finger(s) across the top row of buttons and then back to fierce.

Here are some tutorials via event scrubs (though you should just watch all the videos on Vesper Arcade's YouTube Channel:

I tried each method listed above for a day each and then settled on 12313 being most comfortable.


Those Yun changes make me cry, I was trying to main him, but now I am not so sure I want to. Meh, maybe I should just go with Ken.
Consolidating my/Hungbee's ideas for THawk here.

--Rundown: USF4 will have 3-4 pure grapplers: Zangief, Hugo, Hawk, and maybe Hakan. I want them to have significant gameplay differences, and I think that's possible if each of them is designed with a different take on the grappler archetype. Imo Zangief is the Ryu of grapplers, the jack of all trades. Hugo is slow with corner control and big damage. Hakan has weird powerup and dash canceling mechanics. And Hawk can be the mobility type; after all, in ST he was the faster, more air-mobile version of Gief. These ideas try to bring that out. They also try to help Hawk deal with the fact that delayed getup will hurt his major source of mixups and damage, the ambiguous crossup after lp spd, without giving him totally new stuff like low hit confirms. Instead, they give him the ability to be at better ranges for footsies and to get up close more easily to make up for his loss of up close expected damage.

--Walk speed: faster like current USF4 build
-----Obvious mobility buff.

--Cr mk: cancelable like in current USF4 build
-----Not about comboing but about canceling into spire to follow the opponent more safely from farther. But the benefit of this is limited without a corresponding buff in mobility to condor spire.

-----Regular spire: 3 fewer frames of startup (17), all have 9 active frames, 3 fewer recovery frames (all 4+4)
----------This is to make spire a more useful mobility tool that isn't so unsafe. Regular spire still won't be comboable and still won't be safe on block, but it'll be -4 point blank instead of its current -7. Again, though, the reason for this is for mobility and pursuit so that he has options to make up for worse post lp spd mixups.
-----EX spire: 3 fewer recovery frames
----------Again, just about being more mobile.

--Condor dive
-----Regular version: available on jump back, height restriction lessened, startup changed from 11f to 6f
---------------Allowing regular condor dive to be used jumping back lets him play better mobility games in the mid range or even be a threat while running away, which would be an interesting take on a grappler I think. Allowing regular dive to be used lower to the ground and shortening its startup could give him the ability to move around fireballs and normals better and allow him to set up counterhits or pursuit better. At the same time, keeping it just as punishable means that playing a counterhit or pursuit game is just as risky as it is now, just a bit more effective when it works.
-----Ex version: startup changed from 11f to 6f, made hit & throw invincible on first 5 frames
---------------This is about giving him an actual threat in the air. Jump down+mp beats some air to airs but not as many as it might have been intended to. It would beat opponents' on-reaction jump fierces and early dragon punches, making his giant floaty jump less of a hindrance. And not changing the height requirement for ex dive means that he wouldn't have instant ground to air invincibility.

----Spinning Pile Driver
-----LP: gets HP SPD's range
-----MP: same
-----HP: gets LP SPD's range
----------This should make Hawk actually use all his spd strengths while differentiating him from other grapplers which all have farthest range and least damage on LP. All of his SPDs already do less damage than Gief's by version, we're only talking the difference between (in AE2012) spd ranges of 1.50 and 1.40, and he'll need to make up damage from not being able to count on post-lp spd mixups as much, so I don't think this will be too good or weird. MP may be the go-to spd in Ultra because it does good damage and, with better mobility, lets him at least walk back up after. LP will be used if you're close and really need a mixup, and HP will be if you're at max range or need damage or don't mind having to walk farther in after. But again, better mobility means he should still get chances to land LP spd and he won't be hurt as much positionally for using HP.


I'm down with pretty much everything in that list, but jesus fuck no at allowing condor dive on jump back. Unless it's got some severe height restriction on it, NOPE.
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