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Super Street Fighter 4 Æ |OT5| Waiting to go from Super to Ultra

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I've been noticing that I've been getting jumped in on constantly and not anti-airing. Is there anything that you guys have tried to get better at punishing jump-ins?

my problem, especially when an opponent is closer than mid range to me. It's like when they get past that range(id say approximately the range where ryu's c.mk would just hit) I literally cant even react to them jumping in. At least past that range I either get the AA, or at least realize they're jumping in when its too late and at least try and do the input. When they're closer its like I dont even realize theyve jumped in on me until after they've already done so.
Fuck you're right maybe I should pick up a pocket grappler just for these guys.

Not a fan of playing Sagat in these matchups, I'd rather play against Cammy lmao.

As bad as the matchup is for Hawk, I honestly love fighting Sagat. There's something about fighting him that just pumps me up. I feel like a Saiyan, drooling and shit over a strong fight.


Speaking of DeeJay, does anyone else think that he and Dan have the best reversals in the game? I kind of judge it on how effective Fuerte's splash can stuff it. After all these years, I've found that his splash cannot stop a Dan SRK reversal or DeeJay's EX upkick reversal.

Some characters will get stuffed (Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Akuma, etc), or whiff (if you time it right, like Yun's EX upkicks), but DeeJay and Dan don't whiff or trade; they HIT you :(
Speaking of DeeJay, does anyone else think that he and Dan have the best reversals in the game? I kind of judge it on how effective Fuerte's splash can stuff it. After all these years, I've found that his splash cannot stop a Dan SRK reversal or DeeJay's EX upkick reversal.

Some characters will get stuffed (Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Akuma, etc), or whiff (if you time it right, like Yun's EX upkicks), but DeeJay and Dan don't whiff or trade; they HIT you :(
But can't you safe jump DeeJay's and punish him easily? Just don't try to cross him up...
From my experience Seth has the longest invincible DP (but slower), and I usually BS ppl by abusing it.
Speaking of DeeJay, does anyone else think that he and Dan have the best reversals in the game? I kind of judge it on how effective Fuerte's splash can stuff it. After all these years, I've found that his splash cannot stop a Dan SRK reversal or DeeJay's EX upkick reversal.

Some characters will get stuffed (Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Akuma, etc), or whiff (if you time it right, like Yun's EX upkicks), but DeeJay and Dan don't whiff or trade; they HIT you :(

Don't jump in, use a meaty tool against DJ. Problem solved.


But can't you safe jump DeeJay's and punish him easily? Just don't try to cross him up...
From my experience Seth has the longest invincible DP (but slower), and I usually BS ppl by abusing it.

Yeah. What I'm talking about may just simply be character dependent anyway. But I figured that since those were two were the only guys' reversals that always wins out that it was like that across the board.

What about Seth's dive kick or Guy's elbow thing? Who wins when DeeJay or Dan goes for the reversal?


5f cr.short
Far.HP has a terrible hitbox, and is supposed to float on CH but barely does
Close.HP really has no use. First hit is special cancellable but it would be a waste of damage to do so.
Far.HK is really slow and some characters can punish it on hit
cr.HP doesn't Anti air like it should, really bad hitbox
cl.HK is so clunky. only use is for its super cancel. It should be special cancellable at least.

Ah i see. The few times I messed around with Deejay in training mode he felt really solid to me, guess in practice it doesn't play out that way though.

my problem, especially when an opponent is closer than mid range to me. It's like when they get past that range(id say approximately the range where ryu's c.mk would just hit) I literally cant even react to them jumping in. At least past that range I either get the AA, or at least realize they're jumping in when its too late and at least try and do the input. When they're closer its like I dont even realize theyve jumped in on me until after they've already done so.

A lot of it is just anticipation. I play a fireball character so its easier to predict when they're going to jump, but any character will have some situations where they can put their opponent in tough spots where the majority of players are going to jump(pressure in the corner for instance).

What I've noticed I is that a lot of players will test you early on to see if you're capable of consistently anti-airing, if you're not they'll just keep jumping on you.

As bad as the matchup is for Hawk, I honestly love fighting Sagat. There's something about fighting him that just pumps me up. I feel like a Saiyan, drooling and shit over a strong fight.

Gat,Gief, and Hawk are so huge those fights always feel so manly and epic.

Imagine Hugo-Hawk in Ultra.


What's bad about his buttons? Plus his walk speed is freaking good.
For the most part they all have slow startup, bad hitboxes, short range, and long recovery. The only real exception to this is his standing jabs, which are actually really good, but they don't lead into much for him.

To go into it one by one:

close jab: this is a legitimately good jab, has a good hitbox, hits crouchers, and has fast startup and recovery

far jab: also good, has fast startup and recovery, makes a good last second antiair

low jab: middle of the road, nothing really particularly good or bad about it (it can be chained into itself i guess)

close short: pretty crappy, only use it has is that it has zero pushback when you hit it.

far short: slow startup for a light button, but okay recovery. Limited use due to the low hitbox on a standing move.

low short: this is where the issue starts. DeeJay needs to be relying on this button the most out of all, and it's the biggest letdown. Very slow startup, Very slow recovery, and deceptively poor range (the hitbox ends before DeeJay's ankles). It's essentially a low forward in properties but has low short damage and hitstun...leaving DeeJay without a real low short. It really hurts him. (Startup being 1f faster in USF4)

close strong: primarily an anti-air move (hits directly vertical). Tough to use though due to close strong and far strong having vastly different startup times.

far strong: pretty much deejay's "best" antiair...by a good margin. It's a medium strength move. This is an issue (and contributes to him having low damage: having to rely on this move instead of others due to how bad they are). Although it has ok range (ok in reference to the rest of deejay's normals, not compared to the rest of the cast), it's higher hitbox makes it ineffective in the ground game. (will be getting buffed in USF4, mostly for more combo potential)

low strong: his old ST poke, nowhere in the same league as good as it was in that game (range, damage, speed, or hitbox). It's been buffed twice now in an effort to get it more use and still can't be applied very well. (It's getting buffed again in usf4)

close forward: this, along with his close jab, is deejay's legit best button. If far forward was deleted and he only had close forward, he would no doubt shoot up a tier. Great hitbox, startup, and frame advantage, can combo into itself (and a lot of other things). Unfortunately it's a close button which means you will only be seeing it in meaty pressure or combos.

far forward: Crappy normal that deejay is forced to use because its the closest thing he has to a good ranged normal. Somewhat ok startup (but slower if you use it as a ranged poke), terrible damage if you use it as a ranged poke (60dmg), and terrible frame advantage (unless you cancel the first hit...which doesn't have much range.) Mediocre hitbox as well. Only saving grace for it is if you are in that range where you are close enough that the first hit of far mk won't whiff but not too close that close mk will come out, it can make a pretty good armor breaker. However, that range is very narrow, and even attempting that is a huge risk in itself.

low forward: Deejay's sweep. Its pretty fast for a sweep. That's about the only good thing it has going for it. The range is very bad, and the damage is pretty low.

close fierce: A two hit punch, it has decent startup but it being two hits causes a bunch of issues for him (you can use the first hit as a close range antiair...kinda...but the second hit whiffing will leave you in a terrible position, the first hit does poor damage (50dmg), close strong does more. Only the first hit is cancellable too, meaning this button has no use at all to deejay as there is another button that does what it can do better.

far fierce: WTF capcom. This should be one of deejay's best anti-airs...and its complete garbage. Complete and utter shit. slow-ish startup, poor range, awful recovery, horrible hitbox. They keep adding stupid gimmicks to this button but the button itself remains trash.

low fierce: As a ground poke it's really bad, slow startup, poor range, very poor recovery. It's pretty bad as an anti-air too except for one little caveat - its surprisingly effective at stuffing dive kicks. Due to where it's hitbox is, and it having a good number of active frames, its blows them up pretty well. This is the only area that I think DeeJay is more effective than Guile.

close roundhouse: Odd move. It was hilariously bad in SSF4 (as in it would NOT hit...the move was literally broken on some characters), but they fixed it somewhat. Its a bit slow to use as a close range antiair but once again, like a bunch of deejay's normals, it's multi-hitting. The damage is separated, meaning its very little damage (you will only be getting the second hit - 60dmg) and his medium-strength buttons do more.

far roundhouse: DeeJay's longest-ranged poke...which has slow startup, a bad hitbox (its his furthest-ranged poke but even then the hitbox isn't at deejay's feet), and REALLY bad recovery (non-cancellable -5 on hit). Might as well use LK sobat, it's pretty much a completely faster move.

low roundhouse: His slide. Nothing like it was in ST, currently the slowest slide in the game (well technically bison's slide is 1 frame slower but his is entirely different in application and can be focus cancelled). Capcom made the slide shorter in AE to make it able to be a bit more useful on the ground (easier to space) but in doing so it's actually worse as an anti air now. Either way it's still focus bait, and considering it's the only way deejay can maintain forward movement while holding a charge (compare with guile's knee bazooka) it only amplifies how bad deejay's midrage game is.

As it stands right now he is a character filled with conceptual anti-airs as normals (sorta like dhalsim), and not much in the way of effective ground pokes. That creates a pretty big hole in his neutral game, and he suffers for it. On top of that his situational anti-airs don't really work as advertised. But yes, he does have a good walkspeed.

MIMIC said:
Speaking of DeeJay, does anyone else think that he and Dan have the best reversals in the game? I kind of judge it on how effective Fuerte's splash can stuff it. After all these years, I've found that his splash cannot stop a Dan SRK reversal or DeeJay's EX upkick reversal.

Some characters will get stuffed (Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Akuma, etc), or whiff (if you time it right, like Yun's EX upkicks), but DeeJay and Dan don't whiff or trade; they HIT you :(
Dan does have one of the better SRKs in the game, along with Oni and Seth. Oni's however, can't be made safe (yet). DeeJay's upkicks are an effective antiair, yes (assuming you have charge), but it comes with it's own set of problems. You can't make it safe or FADC it (due to it being airborne from the first active frame), and as stated many times, it whiffs on crouching opponents. I'd say it's about as effective as blanka's EX upball.

Yeah. What I'm talking about may just simply be character dependent anyway. But I figured that since those were two were the only guys' reversals that always wins out that it was like that across the board.

What about Seth's dive kick or Guy's elbow thing? Who wins when DeeJay or Dan goes for the reversal?
It depends on how early you input the command. If you do it too early than Seth's dive kick and guy's elbow will win every time. This is hard for characters like seth, sakura, and adon since their air-to-ground moves are really fast. If you delay it enough then yeah, upkicks will beat it.

Its all about hitbox/hurtbox interaction and invincibility frames. You always want to time the move that when their hitbox reaches you, you are on the invincibility frames of your reversal, and when your reversal is on it's first active frame, its right on their hurtbox. The later the reversal, the better simply put.

On a related note Rose's jump fierce is really hard to antiair, it can stuff EX upkicks clean.


A lot of it is just anticipation. I play a fireball character so its easier to predict when they're going to jump, but any character will have some situations where they can put their opponent in tough spots where the majority of players are going to jump(pressure in the corner for instance).

What I've noticed I is that a lot of players will test you early on to see if you're capable of consistently anti-airing, if you're not they'll just keep jumping on you.

I play Makoto, people get the jump on me all day. I feel like I should just go into ranked with the sole purpose of SRK'ing as many jump ins as possible, without worrying about anything else. Thing is, when I do this, i tend to stand around and then opponents tend to stop jumping :/


I play Makoto, people get the jump on me all day. I feel like I should just go into ranked with the sole purpose of SRK'ing as many jump ins as possible, without worrying about anything else. Thing is, when I do this, i tend to stand around and then opponents tend to stop jumping :/
Maybe the problem isn't your anti-airing, but your ground game instead?

The idea of a mental stack might help you understand how people are so good at anti-airing. Particularly this:
I also want to introduce the concept of Autopilot. Autopilot is the subconscious script your gameplay follows once you get good but aren’t terribly playing attention. You can learn to play the game quite competently without really “thinking”. The advantage here though isn’t that you don’t have to think — it’s that you can use your autopilot to free up mental resources to make more decisions.
If you just stand there and wait for the jump, they will likely never jump (and might even gain an advantage). Having a functioning Autopilot allows you to decide what things you want to put your focus on. Your auto piloted actions will never be as good as they would be if they had your full attention, but by choosing where you full attention goes, you can pull off things that seem, to inexperienced players, super human.
Once you get a solid game plan, you can pay less attention to what you're supposed to do and start reacting faster to what your opponent is doing. I imagine that this is why I've seen good players (like PR Balrog when he streams) say that they aren't doing anything when they're beating bad players. They might just be running their basic autopilot game, which is strong enough to beat a lot of weaker players who can't handle it.

I personally have awful defense and crack really easily, so I can kinda anti-air until my opponent cracks my ground game (which is not too hard since I'm bad lol). After that I fall apart to mixups and jump-ins.
Maybe the problem isn't your anti-airing, but your ground game instead?

The idea of a mental stack might help you understand how people are so good at anti-airing. Particularly this:

Once you get a solid game plan, you can pay less attention to what you're supposed to do and start reacting faster to what your opponent is doing. I imagine that this is why I've seen good players (like PR Balrog when he streams) say that they aren't doing anything when they're beating bad players. They might just be running their basic autopilot game, which is strong enough to beat a lot of weaker players who can't handle it.

I personally have awful defense and crack really easily, so I can kinda anti-air until my opponent cracks my ground game (which is not too hard since I'm bad lol). After that I fall apart to mixups and jump-ins.

WOW! That was extremely helpful OceanBlue. I appreciate you posting that article.


Maybe the problem isn't your anti-airing, but your ground game instead?

The idea of a mental stack might help you understand how people are so good at anti-airing. Particularly this:

Once you get a solid game plan, you can pay less attention to what you're supposed to do and start reacting faster to what your opponent is doing. I imagine that this is why I've seen good players (like PR Balrog when he streams) say that they aren't doing anything when they're beating bad players. They might just be running their basic autopilot game, which is strong enough to beat a lot of weaker players who can't handle it.

I personally have awful defense and crack really easily, so I can kinda anti-air until my opponent cracks my ground game (which is not too hard since I'm bad lol). After that I fall apart to mixups and jump-ins.

Thanks for this. That article pretty much describes my problem.
Anyone think of having a sf4 tourney like the gaf marvel tournament coming up?

I announced this a while back, but I plan on running a SF4 tourney with the prize being a free copy of Ultra(DLC only though when it gets closer to the launch date. Since PC version won't be out for a while, it will be 360 and PS3 only for now. I don't know how I want to do it though. Do people want to play for real or have it be more luck based and have it random select instead?

I did a random select SF4 tourney to win a copy of SFxT a while back. It seemed like everybody had a good time. I would prefer that method because I don't want the better players to just bulldoze the rest so easily. Maybe Mr. 4000pp guy gets Hakan and has no clue what to do against someone who isn't that good and gets a character he's familiar with, so he can win. But we still have a while until USF4 hits console so we can discuss the format later.

As for when, I wanted to run it about a week or two before Ultra's release date whenever that is(which should be late May I assume). But since you're just talking about a regular tourney. I'm up for it as long as it's a one day thing or only last a week. Try to do something like GAFbats and people will drop left and right.
Thanks man. Yea I've been trying to grind as much as I can.

Do you main Yun? I noticed you had more BP with Seth.
I try to, but yah I main Yun and don't really play Seth much anymore unless I don't like the matchup. Sort of getting ready for Ultra Seth nerf train..
so salty right now. was about to beat this dude that was ranked 34 or something with Oni but then my stick decided to not accept any inputs for the last 10 seconds of the match. so I was walking around helplessly. I unplugged my detachable cord then plugged it back in and everything was fine again. what could have caused this? I have a Mad Catz TE-S that's modded with MC Cthulhu (with the detachable cables for all of the consoles and everything)

also, we should campaign to get Capcom to add TTT2 style (like Tekken Tunes) custom soundtracks to Ultra SF4. It may be too late for it to be there for launch, but maybe they can patch it in after...


Mrs. Harvey
My vision for running an ongoing set of tournaments on GAF included actual sponsors, commentary, use of technology and such not yet in homes and various other goodies. But the amount of people and people actually giving a crap to put effort into it was and is inadequate. And that is why we can't have nice things.
And Ono continues to hint USF4 for PS4



I really hope it happens. PS4 version would be great because we finally get the nice clean visuals of the PC version on console and being able to stream straight from the console is also a nice feature that I figure we will use. The only other thing I would need is for someone(like Hori, Qanba, or MCZ) to release a quality fight stick and I'm good to go.


My vision for running an ongoing set of tournaments on GAF included actual sponsors, commentary, use of technology and such not yet in homes and various other goodies. But the amount of people and people actually giving a crap to put effort into it was and is inadequate. And that is why we can't have nice things.

Maybe people would give a crap if they were aware of what's being planned?

Going on a little tangent, I've never really enjoyed listening to people commentate endless lobbies. Just feels off. Don't really know how to explain it.


I'd definitely be down for an online AE tournament assuming its 360 and it lasts only one day.

I ignore the Marvel stuff because online Marvel is a waste of time.
And Ono continues to hint USF4 for PS4



I really hope it happens. PS4 version would be great because we finally get the nice clean visuals of the PC version on console and being able to stream straight from the console is also a nice feature that I figure we will use. The only other thing I would need is for someone(like Hori, Qanba, or MCZ) to release a quality fight stick and I'm good to go.
But probably wont be as prevalent in tournies for at least a year because everyone has to buy new sticks, etc etc. Unless current sticks work on PS4?


Mrs. Harvey
Maybe people would give a crap if they were aware of what's being planned?

Maybe if you actually know what you are talking about before you comment?

How long have you been here? Oh wait. 2012. Figures.

There's been numerous times where I've made posts and such about having a tournament for various games and giving out actual prizes of worth. Nine out of ten times nobody gives a shit. My main thing is to have no less than 32 people interested otherwise it will not be worth my time spending my own money, doing various other things and getting certain parties involved, like MadCatz, to run it.
I ran several tournaments, the first being the most successful GAF tournament to date not just fighting games but GAF as whole; but to replicate that success again is next to impossible.
The very last tournament I ran while successful in some ways was the longest damn tournament in history, lasting over six months and ended up being more of a pain in the ass than anything. I'm not going to put myself through that shit ever again.
Bottom line is most of fighting GAF rarely plays the actual games yet alone would participate in a tournament. You'll be able to run miniscule tournaments here and there but not to the level that I'd like worth throwing in high profile prizes to.
Now I'm planning to actually throw a Xrd and Ultra tournament respectively but we'll see how that goes.

We managed that just fine back in vanilla.

Even had a PS3 tournament at the same time.

Back when SFIV was just blowing up, SF OT was Fighting GAF OT and there were 40+ regs along with OTs being in gaming. Nowadays, yeah right.
I could see Ultra bringing in enough for a tourney but could we have one just for bragging rights in the next couple of months. Doesn't have to be for a prize (or like GafBats or something). Guess I'm just hungry for SSF4 now for some reason >_< (if only marvel netcode was passable).


Maybe if you actually know what you are talking about before you comment?

How long have you been here? Oh wait. 2012. Figures.

There's been numerous times where I've made posts and such about having a tournament for various games and giving out actual prizes of worth. Nine out of ten times nobody gives a shit. My main thing is to have no less than 32 people interested otherwise it will not be worth my time spending my own money, doing various other things and getting certain parties involved, like MadCatz, to run it.
I ran several tournaments, the first being the most successful GAF tournament to date not just fighting games but GAF as whole; but to replicate that success again is next to impossible.
The very last tournament I ran while successful in some ways was the longest damn tournament in history, lasting over six months and ended up being more of a pain in the ass than anything. I'm not going to put myself through that shit ever again.
Bottom line is most of fighting GAF rarely plays the actual games yet alone would participate in a tournament. You'll be able to run miniscule tournaments here and there but not to the level that I'd like worth throwing in high profile prizes to.
Now I'm planning to actually throw a Xrd and Ultra tournament respectively but we'll see how that goes.

Shit, is this SRK? Making snide comments based on when people joined? I didn't mean any malice in my previous post.

You tried testing the waters and said there wasn't any interest in what you're offering. Were they aware that you're hoping to incorporate sponsors, commentary and some sort of technology in the future? You'll get people who are interested simply because they enjoy playing the game but some people just don't give a shit unless you offer something that appeals to them. Some people may like whatever prize you're offering while others won't. Some people may like having commentary on their matches so they can learn from their mistakes while others couldn't care less about it. Maybe people like to play for recognition? Being recognized by a particular sponsor could fulfill their need.

Try and find out what people want in a tournament and see if your resources can actually fulfill their needs.


Mrs. Harvey
No I'm totally dumb as a rock and that I don't beat it into people's heads over and over on things when I want and have something done for me.

I'm not even going to bother answering and explaining your comments because if you were around would know the answers to that. And because you weren't around to see is why you are saying these things in the first place. One thing I hate is when people tell me what to do when one, they have no experience in doing it themselves and two, they actually talk like they know the situation.
ggs rice.


I got so angry in that last round of the last game because of all the input misses. Don't know if it was lag or just me but I didn't get my st. MP into shoulder when you focused me and then landed Ultra. I didn't get my EX red focus after hit confirming a shoulder. And then you won with a throw because I didn't get my up kicks when I dive kicked and mashed it. Too bad we can't play when I'm in Sac, it would be more fulfilling then online where I'm always terrified to miss my links.


No I'm totally dumb as a rock and that I don't beat it into people's heads over and over on things when I want and have something done for me.

I'm not even going to bother answering and explaining your comments because if you were around would know the answers to that. And because you weren't around to see is why you are saying these things in the first place. One thing I hate is when people tell me what to do when one, they have no experience in doing it themselves and two, they actually talk like they know the situation.

You're right that I don't know much about this particular situation. Which is why I asked if people were aware of what you're trying to accomplish. It wouldn't hurt to clarify the situation instead of resorting to "you weren't around".

In regards to my experience, I've worked on numerous projects for a couple of big companies. They weren't tournaments but were much bigger in scale. I know a thing or two about organizing an event or launching a product.


Mrs. Harvey
I don't have to clarify anything when the proof is in the pudding and use of common sense will tell you what I say is true. Look at the OTs of every fighting game thread. Look at the people posting in FGW. Pay attention to see if they are actually playing the games, what they are talking about, what they are interested in, etc. I don't have to say a single word and the people that have been here just as long knows what I'm talking about.


And Ono continues to hint USF4 for PS4



I really hope it happens. PS4 version would be great because we finally get the nice clean visuals of the PC version on console and being able to stream straight from the console is also a nice feature that I figure we will use. The only other thing I would need is for someone(like Hori, Qanba, or MCZ) to release a quality fight stick and I'm good to go.

USF4 for PS4 makes great sense if SF5 isn't coming for a long while.

That said, PC version ensures that SF4 will last, so I'm not too worried about it either way.
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