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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Imm0rt4l said:
PP on the other hand can be a bitch to maintain.

I have a really bad habit of chasing down shitty people who lag in ranked to prove I can beat them or something. It usually ends in tears.


Hey guys, just wondering if anyone had advice. Ever since I bought SSF4:AE for PS3. In Versus mode the game freezes if I pick characters like Sakura, Rose, Sagat, and some others. Any ideas? I did delete all of my save data for SF4 and SSF4 just to try it and no luck.


Do you have the game data installed? Either install if you don't or delete it from the game data folder and try without it or re-install it.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Had a Sagat throw fireballs at me earlier for like 75 seconds and still won with like > 50% health when I finally got the time over. I think those are my favorite kinds of victories.


Timedog said:
Combos used in this tutorial:
cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.mp xx fireball
cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.hp xx hk hurricane kick

Now it's time for you to learn to "hit confirm". There is a reason why I made you practice those two specific combos, it is because they set up a nice decision tree for hit confirming with Ryu. Hit confirming is when you figure out if the opponent is blocking within the first few hits you throw out of an attempted combo, then depending on if the hits land or if they're blocked, you go into a safe blockstring or a powerful combo.

Blockstring = a combo that is blocked by the opponent the entire time, but you finish the combo anyway in order to build up super meter and to keep pressure on the opponent.

Hit Confirm Practice Setup: Go into training mode, set the dummy to to "random block". Usually you'd use "autoblock" if you're just practicing combos, but for hitconfirming we need random block. Choose the black colored ryu outfit (if you're using his original, and not a DLC outfit) because after you get this down you're going to be a fucking badass and you want to look the part. This is the most important step, actually.

Hit Confirming: Both of the combos I showed you start out with lk, lp. Why would I include such meager attacks into supposedly "good" combos when you could be using much more powerful attacks? It is because the only real function these hits have is to test the opponent to see if they are blocking before going into more powerful hits.

With the dummy on random, do the first two hits (lk then lp). If the dummy blocks the first lk attack, then after lp go into mp xx fireball. You want to do this combo if the opponent blocks because it's mostly safe. There are a few characters in a few situations that can punish you in-between the mp and fireball, but 95% of the time you will not get punished using this blockstring.

If the dummy gets hit by the first lk, then after the following lp go into cr.hp xx whirly whirl sky kick. This combo does significantly more damage than the other combo, but "on block" (if the opponent blocks) it is very easily punishable. You could end up eating a damaging combo, a super, or an ultra. Because the risk is so great, for this type of combo you NEED to make sure it's going to land. That's what the first lk is for. The following lp is there to give you a little bit of time to react to whether or not the first lk hit, and then make a decision as to whether or not to end in a fireball (safe on block) or hurricane kick (damaging but unsafe on block).

Eureka! Now you know how to hit confirm effectively, now you just need to practice the shit out of it. You should do a solid couple of hours of practice hit confirming in training mode whenever you have the time, then after that practice it for a little bit as part of your routine whenever you hit up training mode (which is hopefully a decent amount of time since you're new and you're soon going to be a fucking Ryu monster).

Note #1: ALWAYS start out the hit confirm with lk. You might be wondering, "why can't I just do lp, lp--hitting one button twice is easier than hitting two buttons?". The reason is because lk can only be blocked low while lp can be blocked ANY way. Sometimes you'll catch the opponent blocking high and hit them with the lk, whereas if you were using lp, they would have blocked the entire combo.

Note #2: You may have noticed that sometimes, depending on your positioning, your cr.hp whiffs completely in the hurricane kick combo. Hits nothing but air. Over time you will learn the positioning, and when the cr.hp will whiff. When you know it's going to whiff, you can substitute cr.mp, which is slightly less powerful, but has longer horizontal reach. Don't worry too much about this yet, right now you need to get the concept of hit confirming put into practice without worrying about substituting moves (which will become somewhat important later). I'll have a section on advanced block strings later.

Go, my young world warrior. Face the challenges that await.

thanks! this is a very user friendly guide.

so i don't know if i should advance to the next stage yet, but i was able to execute the two combos according to the random blocks 75% of the times. took probably a bit over 2 hours and my eyes are kinda tired at the screen.

i also went online to test my progress and was beaten by a honda(had problem against his slamming drops and the grapple move) and guy(he was too fast. he already punched me before i was even able to execute the combos. had to rely on hadoken and cr. hk.) online is a bit intense since there a lot more going on and harder to execute the combos due to pressure/timing.

if u think i'm ready for the next challenge, bring it on! cause i'm ready!


USD said:
Fuck, Momochi is so good.
I mean this with the least amount of dickriding possible, but Momochi/Kindevu/Mago/Daigo/Sako/Justin/etc., these guys literally can pick up any character in the game and instantly be better than 95% of all players that use that character. And if they decide to main them or stick with them you can go ahead and kick that up to >99%. It's disgusting, really.
Its not like momochi is doing anything new with cody, but his footsies, spacing, execution, set-ups/mix-ups, and being amazing with frame traps makes him look like hes doing something new. Its really is something to marvel at.


Yeah, true. Several times I thought he was about to be gate kept. Squeezing out such clutch wins down to the wire. I'd kill to have half that execution ability.
That crouch jab linked into stand strong, into crouch fierce criminal upper is pretty hard to do cause they are both one frame links and he was doing it with like 95% consistency. He dont fuck around.


good credit (by proxy)
tigerin said:
thanks! this is a very user friendly guide.

so i don't know if i should advance to the next stage yet, but i was able to execute the two combos according to the random blocks 75% of the times. took probably a bit over 2 hours and my eyes are kinda tired at the screen.

i also went online to test my progress and was beaten by a honda(had problem against his slamming drops and the grapple move) and guy(he was too fast. he already punched me before i was even able to execute the combos. had to rely on hadoken and cr. hk.) online is a bit intense since there a lot more going on and harder to execute the combos due to pressure/timing.

if u think i'm ready for the next challenge, bring it on! cause i'm ready!

Practice it for another two hours, an hour on two different days. After that you'll continue to do about 10 minutes per day of practice on top of the new stuff I'll have you practice. While you're practicing that, also add some extra time on those occasions to practice these combos.

j.hp, cr.mp, cr.hp, hp dragon punch
j.hp, cr.hp xx EX Hurricane Kick, Ultra I ***opponent must be in the corner

These are going to be your combos for when you know your initial jump-in attack is going to hit (like if you jump in on someone right as they're throwing a fireball, or if they just whiffed an their ultra and are in their vulnerability stage) and you want to do as much damage as possible. If someone has a huge vulnerability but you're not in a position to jump in on them, you can skip that first j.hp in both combos. Practice it both ways (jumping in, or starting on the ground).

Doing this stuff online: You have to practice these things a fuckload before you can do them well in a live game. You also have to be attempting them in live games too though, you can't just try to be training mode champion but hold back the techniques/combos online "until you're good enough at them". It doesn't work like that. It might be scary to try stuff that you're not quite sure about in real matches, but you have to. Trust me, Mr. Future Amazing Ryu Player.

Note #1: in the combo ending in ultra, we skip the cr.mp that is present in the other combo because of the damage scaling system in the Street Fighter IV engine. Not adding in the cr.mp makes the combo a little easier, and also makes it do more damage, surprisingly. Try it in training mode--as listed that combo does 541 damage, whereas if you add an extra cr.mp between the j.hp and the cr.hp, it only does 526 damage. Here's an explanation of damage scaling.

Note #2: The second combo only works if the opponent is in the corner, and you have at least 1 bar of super meter, and an ultra charged up. It is limited but useful to know because it is fucking powerful.

Note #3: ANYTHING I have you practice, make sure you practice it EQUALLY from the left and the right side. If you have a side where something is harder, practice it MORE from that side. You do not want to favor a side, that will get you into trouble a lot.
Shoutouts to the #2 ranked Fuerte on XBL. Bastard raged quit as I had him dizzied, then I proceeded to taunt and went for the 3rd round kill. Motherfucker didn't want to lose dem points.


black_vegeta said:
Shoutouts to the #2 ranked Fuerte on XBL. Bastard raged quit as I had him dizzied, then I proceeded to taunt and went for the 3rd round kill. Motherfucker didn't want to lose dem points.
Too bad he lost pp anyways.
So here are a couple random questions all on ps3

1: Why does my pp not show rank? I'm almost about 3k pp so im at least in the top 10000, not sure why it doesnt show up

2: Got to the top 500 with my shin bison, thats top 500 of all psn players right?

3: Do you get more or less points depending on your performance rankings?

4: Is it ok to say that T.Hawk v dictator is in favor of t.hawk? I feel like he bodies me. Let me put it this way, im just free so ignore me.

5: Is there an updated match up list chart for ae?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Sweet. I got a date with Vryu. Hopefully he'll be able to tell me some things I can use to get over this hump.

I feel like this is the nerd version of climbing a foggy Tibetan mountain to seek training from a wise and powerful monk.


Onion_Relish said:
4: Is it ok to say that T.Hawk v dictator is in favor of t.hawk? I feel like he bodies me. Let me put it this way, im just free so ignore me.

Gief/Hawk have almost always been brutal matches for Bison, so don't feel too bad about it.


good credit (by proxy)
black_vegeta said:
Shoutouts to the #2 ranked Fuerte on XBL. Bastard raged quit as I had him dizzied, then I proceeded to taunt and went for the 3rd round kill. Motherfucker didn't want to lose dem points.

If it's that lperu guy who got 2nd place in EVO online, he's not that good.


So according to Tokido, Sako and Mago europe is better than USA at SF? Weird, i just hope the guys from beatbycontest didn't alter the interview.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
GGs to AE PC crew tonight. Don't know who all is who on GAF, or if any of them will even see this, but I know Nabs was there, throwing my ass every five seconds lawl.
Imm0rt4l said:
No, he's good

at paper rock scissors bullshit characters
I actually messaged you on psn the other day. Want a ft 10 kumite sometime tonight? I should be available.

N4Us said:
Gief/Hawk have almost always been brutal matches for Bison, so don't feel too bad about it.
But thats the thing, I'm not too afraid of gief. Maybe It's just a mental block I have due to not a lot of experience and lag tactics. Against gief its safe to meaty headstomp and devils reverse whereas hawk is like a bigger stronger faster gief with a fucking dp. It isn't to say I haven't beaten hawks, but its definately unsettling to have to try to win solely on pokes and maybe a devils combo into ultra 1. I would rather get my ass wailed on by Seth. At least I know with 2 combos I can kill him Haha
SamVimes said:
So according to Tokido, Sako and Mago europe is better than USA at SF? Weird, i just hope the guys from beatbycontest didn't alter the interview.
I dont know why this suprises you. American players when it comes to AE still havent found themselves. look at how many characters people play look at how few they have on a master level (there are people who have a great main though but their play with their alts is bad or worse they just dont have a main and all their characters are mediocre)


Whats up with the 2012 news? Im looking forward to possibly getting back into playing a non intentionally imbalanced version of AE.


Onion_Relish said:
I actually messaged you on psn the other day. Want a ft 10 kumite sometime tonight? I should be available.
Really? I didn't get a message. I'm down for a ft10, hell I'd like to play even longer than that if possible.


I think I'm preparing for a massive grinding streak. I really need to get over this beginning hump and get the basics of the game down.

Does half an hour warmup of trying to pull off 10-25-50 special attacks in a row sound good? I still can't execute in a match when I know there's time. There's been plenty of times when I've seen a whiffed ultra and I know I can bust out my own ultra and punish, but it just doesn't come out and I do something stupid like an EX Hadoken or SRK instead because my hand is all flustered.


Anyone use cable for high speed? Might be moving and the two options ( while having a nice bump in speed ) are At&T and Charter. Just wondering.
cackhyena said:
Anyone use cable for high speed? Might be moving and the two options ( while having a nice bump in speed ) are At&T and Charter. Just wondering.

Most of the people I know hate Charter even more than AT&T
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