MIMIC said:
(thankfully, I only play another Fuerte once every 1,000 matches ^_^)
Thankfully, it's the same for the rest of us. Bless the lord.
Here's a short list of vomitinducingly annoying characters to play against :
El Fuerte - sit still, please just sit still
Blanka - fuck your hitbox
Guile - stop it
T.Hawk - Oh lord what is this character
Dee Jay - Hate you because and ONLY because of your upkicks
Cammy - hey look at me I can do shitty moves that have retard hitboxes and still not get punished
Juri - playing you in a laggy match is my personal hell
Fei - ...
Gen - Forget Dee Jay, your kicks are worse. Drop dead old man.
Hakan - I hate you.
All of them, remove all of them from the game.