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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
jlai said:

Yea I'm just as surprised. Though the dream was basically a stream of a lobby and an american flag popped up with "jlai" next to it. Although my thoughts wandered away and the dream reached another stage.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
cackhyena said:
Tell me it's leguna. Make my day.

I just made your day!

Leguna said:
So I was playing Ryu's challenge mode last night and noticed how inconsistent being able to pull of these combos were. I was doing this really simple challenge:
couch medium punch x 2
couch fiece kick

That's it! Of course I was able to do pass the challenge, but what was shocking was how inconsistent it was to execute.

Lyte Edge said:
So is a "couch kick" when you have Ryu sit down on a comfy sofa and stretch his legs?

Links have to be timed properly. The reason this was "inconsistent" to you is because you don't understand what the difference between links and chain combos are. And no, I am not going to go over all this again; we already had a discussion on it.

Leguna said:
Bullshit, its just horribly inconsistent or stupidly hard to execute something that should be so stupidly easy to do.

Leguna said:
This is exactly what's stopping SF4 from being the best it could be.

Leguna said:
and my point its in consistent. It is possible to get it on the first try, but not 10 times in a row.

Leguna said:

Down, medium punch, medium punch, fierce kick



Leguna said:
Lyte Edge said:
This is why you need to learn what the difference between chains and links are. With chains you can just do D+MP > D+MP > D+HK all in a row. With links it's like D+MP xx D+MP xx D+HK. It's just different timing. It's not impossible and it's not shit game design. You need to put time into this game to be good at it. And you don't. It's as simple as that...if you can't do the whole thing, start with just D+MP xx D+MP.
Again, you are not getting my point. I'm saying the timing thing you mention here IS RIDICULOUS for such as short and useless combo!

If I'm full of shit, THEN RECORD YOURSELF DOING IT 10 TIMES IN ROW WITHOUT MESSING UP ONCE!!!!! The one full of shit is you. Don't defend something you, a videogame veteran, can't even do!!!!!!

Leguna said:
Lyte Edge said:
You are the one whining about something you can't do properly. That's not the game designers' fault.

Leguna said:
Lyte Edge said:
It's not "ridiculous." It just cannot be done by furiously tapping each button in succession. You have to learn the timing. And you're too lazy to do that.

Leguna said:
Lyte Edge said:
I said I did it on the second try...on the *3DS version*...when I came home yesterday. :lol: :lol: :lol: It just takes practice to get the timing down.
So what!!!! Its not reliable if it doesn't work only 50% of the time! Its actually more like 70% it doesn't come out. My point is that EVEN WITH PRACTISE, you will NEVER, EVER master it!!!! We all are VERY good at fighting games, we of all people shouldn't be having difficulties with executing a tiny shit combo like this!

Legun" said:
Lyte Edge said:
You're a lazy player. You don't want to devote any time to learning how to play fighting games properly. That's why you love the 3DS SSF4, since you can just press the touch screen and let the game do all the work for you!
Lazy has nothing to do with it. My claim is that its IMPOSSIBLE TO DO 10 TIMES IN A ROW! If you can't do that, then its no doubt unreliable in battle!

(note- nobody told him this--)
Leguna said:
So you are telling me that only the top .000001% of players of SSF4 are the only ones capable of the 3 hit combo link? I'm sorry but that's retarded. Thinking that's alright is stupid.

NO VIDEO, I'M RIGHT, PERIOD! Burden of proof is on you!

Leguna said:
Toonami99 said:
Like I said you can ask another forum or thread if this video is too hard to demand. I never gave you a percentage of people that can do it. I just pointed that asking us who barely play the game to make a video for the input is a waste of time for us.
No no no, YOU could ask them for that or, dare I say it...you could do it yourself sense you guys claim its possible or else AGREE THAT ITS TOO HARD TO EXECUTE! Stop assuming there's some one out there that can do it 10 times in a row.

Request time!
Lyte Edge said:
Hey guys, I have a request for someone who's proficient with Ryu.

Can someone create a video showing Ryu's crouching MP xx MP xx HK link combo being done 10 times in a row?

An infamous friend of mine (long-time members know who!) claims this is "IMPOSSIBLE" and that nobody can pull this off.

Lost Fragment said:
I just did it 6 times in a row and I don't even play Ryu. So yea give me a minute or 10.

A few minutes later:




good credit (by proxy)
OH yeah! His SF3 gloating! AND HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A LINK IS.


Unlike moi, who gloats with impunity, since I back up my shit talk every single time.


Red Liquorice said:


Also could someone explain what conditions allow the use of fukiage after a FA crumple? Is it timing, or after a dash, or at a certain point in the crumple that allows it to hit the opponent, I can never figure it out.

Not sure what exact timing is but I usually walk up and do it around when they drop down to their knees. I've seen some players dash back and dash forward to use that as timing after the FA crumple forward dash. The window to do it is more strict on some chars with smaller hurtboxes.


biosnake20 said:
Now someone do cr.lp xx cl.mp xx cr.hp into criminal upper 10 times in a row with Cody lol. Even as a Cody player I cant do it 10 times in a row. I get to like 8 times then fuck up.

Hahaha, I can do that in my sleep!


Bacon of Hope
omg leguna. ive been on gaf way too fucking long.

oh hey lyte you should ask desk to do it 10 times in a row with one hand then send it to him.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
haunts said:
omg leguna. ive been on gaf way too fucking long.

oh hey lyte you should ask desk to do it 10 times in a row with one hand then send it to him.

Doing this one-handed wouldn't be that difficult. Ask him to do it with his face instead.
To be COMPLETELY fair, this is a good example of the unintuitiveness of links why they shouldn't be in games, regardless of the idiocy behind the argument. I'm ok with links, but I do know a lot of educated and top players are against the concept.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
FindMyFarms said:
To be COMPLETELY fair, this is a good example of the unintuitiveness of links why they shouldn't be in games, regardless of the idiocy behind the argument. I'm ok with links, but I do know a lot of educated and top players are against the concept.

Yeah. Whether this kind of stuff should be in the game at all is actually a fair debate. I don't mind links personally, but I've heard convincing arguments against it too.


Bacon of Hope
Lost Fragment said:
Yeah. Whether this kind of stuff should be in the game at all is actually a fair debate. I don't mind links personally, but I've heard convincing arguments against it too.

Id like to hear both sides. Sounds interesting.


good credit (by proxy)
I think plinking is the dumbest shit imaginable. Just make links easier if you feel the need to have plinking in the game.

Nyoro SF

I don't mind links, but I do have several friends who just absolutely abhor them. Says it's an annoying barrier of entry that is really not fun at all.


Reminds of this fucking idiot in the Crysis thread saying its AI was a "FAIL design" because he occasionally spent a lot of time meticulously picking off a large group of soldiers only to be killed by the final one.

IMO, once the challenge in gaming is subjugated by demands to appeal to the masses - it forfeits any distinguishing merits as a hobby. Interactivity is meaningless if it takes place while your brain is asleep.


good credit (by proxy)
cackhyena said:
I guess I'm not understanding why there is a case against links. What's the downside?

it puts up artificial walls to true strategic play. Call me when chess (as Killian loves to compare SF to so much) has 1 frame links.


good credit (by proxy)
cackhyena said:
Care to explain?
Your options are crippled not by your knowledge of the game, but by how much you practice finger movements and timing. I guess it doesn't really matter though cause Dhalsim is in the game.

Shoutouts to Arturo losing.


I guess I'm still too new to this stuff, but what's the alternative? Being able to just press the buttons regardless of frames and having the moves come out in sequence anyway?
Lost Fragment said:
Yeah. Whether this kind of stuff should be in the game at all is actually a fair debate. I don't mind links personally, but I've heard convincing arguments against it too.

What are the convincing arguments you have heard about against them?

I am genuinely curious. It's a good discussion point as others have pointed out.


good credit (by proxy)
cackhyena said:
I guess I'm still too new to this stuff, but what's the alternative? Being able to just press the buttons regardless of frames and having the moves come out in sequence anyway?

cancels, a la Marvel and Blaz Blue, or Street Fighter when you press jab or lk with most characters, you don't really need to time it that well to do a combo.


cackhyena said:
I guess I'm still too new to this stuff, but what's the alternative? Being able to just press the buttons regardless of frames and having the moves come out in sequence anyway?


good credit (by proxy)
with a link, you need to wait until the animation completely finishes before inputting your next move in the combo.

with a cancel/chain, you can input the next move anytime during the recovery animation of the first move, and instead of finishing that recovery animation, it immediately goes into the next move.
I like links, I don't even mind 1 framers that much. The only type of link I hate are the ones with a move that takes a while to finish before you finally try to hit the link. A couple examples would be Fei's chicken wing into st. fierce or Evil Ryu's axe kick into cr. strong. This is the one reason why I never did forward fierce combos with Ryu. I'm sitting there waiting and waiting for the move to finish so I can input the next move and then I get it wrong most of the time. Even the 2 frame cr. LP, I still struggle with.

Funny that you bring up the cr. MPx2, cr. HK link. When I main'd Ryu, I practiced that link religiously. I didn't think it was that hard, but I almost never hit it 10 times in a row. Probably like 6 or 7 in a row a lot before I screwed up. I think doing jabs into sweep is easier. It's still a 1 frame link, but since the jab it itself is such a quick move, it feels more rhythm based where you're hitting buttons in succession quickly one after another rather then press and wait, press and wait type of feel from strong strong roundhouse.


cHaotix8 said:
Hahaha, I can do that in my sleep!


I'm actually doing this combo much more consistently now that I've gotten the general timing down for it. Since I don't plink, it's a little tough, but I'm working on practicing plinking just for this combo honestly. Looks too damn good!


Pfffffffffffft, link whiners. Never gets old. "Oh noes, it's not fair that someone who practices something more than me is better at it than I am!" Play Ibuki then if timing your links is too hard. Good thing Capcom makes an easy mode game for people with no desire to learn link timing. Oh and they have another one coming out called SF x T. And if they make a new Darkstalkers, that is yet another easy mode combo fest! Thank god they know better than to dumb all of SF down with chain combos for the whiners.


Setec Astronomer
Timedog said:
cancels, a la Marvel and Blaz Blue, or Street Fighter when you press jab or lk with most characters, you don't really need to time it that well to do a combo.
One frame links exist in Blazblue. It also has combos that don't have clear timing cues after a longer gap in input than you'd have in SF4.

Any game with frame advantage is going to have links of some sort. The difference is how extensive and important other combo options are.
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