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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Mrs. Harvey
Fighters are button mashers.
You played one, you played them all.
Doesn't take skills or intelligence.
Boring to watch.

Even the people running the event and certain commentators seem to brush off fighting games as something insignificant.

Also, despite the amount of spectators and attendees I guess for the down times, sponsors are still going in hard for the event. It's because the PC market is vast and there are tons of product to sell. That's besides the fact FPS and RTS are the staples in competitive gaming.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Fighters are button mashers.
You played one, you played them all.
Doesn't take skills or intelligence.
Boring to watch.

Even the people running the event and certain commentators seem to brush off fighting games as something insignificant.

Also, despite the amount of spectators and attendees I guess for the down times, sponsors are still going in hard for the event. It's because the PC market is vast and there are tons of product to sell. That's besides the fact FPS and RTS are the staples in competitive gaming.

The host of the whole event called Infiltration a "champion button masher"


Forever Platinum
Hey all, just had a pretty funny encounter online that I figured you guys would appreciate.

Myself and some other gaffers were playing HoN matchmaking, and we ran into a 5 man group with a guy on the team named lamerboi2. Before the match starts people normally talk to the other team, so after exchanging some gl hf's I asked lamerboi2 if he chokes like lamerboi does. It turned out it was actually lamerboi playing, and he got super mad about it. We lost because we miscommunicated and picked a bad team and a gimmicky strategy, but they didn't want to run it back due to salt/knowing they had a chance of losing(based off listening in on his stream to their chat).

To summarize the game's discussion, they called me a shit talking scrub who would 0-2 at tournament. My initial comment was the only thing that could have been conceived as shit talking, and I would absolutely 0-2, since I'm a casual fighter player. I told them so and he got what seemed to be more mad. I went on to explain that my comment wasn't malicious, that I couldn't believe no one had ever made that joke to him lightheartedly in the past, how well he played before the choke, and that I was sure he was the only person in their voice chat not laughing at what I said. Someone else in his group agreed with me, and after the match sent me a message saying he had no idea why lamerboi got so mad. Seemed like 2 out of the 5 wanted to run it back, but the others did not.

We got a pretty good laugh about it, but I'm a little upset we didn't just play them in a normal game, would've been much different.

Here's the chat log from the game if you guys want to see: http://maide.ca/chat.php?match_id=70368792
I didn't believe it was lamerboi lol


http://www.twitch.tv/torontotoptiers/b/301033008 about 19 mins in is me getting blown up by JS

Watching now, the tournament nerves kind of show. Also some execution errors (a spinning bird kick that was supposed to be a hazanshu, for example). I guess it wasn't as bad as I remembered when I remember that he's much more experienced than me. Still, nothing worth bragging about.


Hey all, just had a pretty funny encounter online that I figured you guys would appreciate.

Myself and some other gaffers were playing HoN matchmaking, and we ran into a 5 man group with a guy on the team named lamerboi2. Before the match starts people normally talk to the other team, so after exchanging some gl hf's I asked lamerboi2 if he chokes like lamerboi does. It turned out it was actually lamerboi playing, and he got super mad about it. We lost because we intercommunicated and picked a bad team and a gimmicky strategy, but they didn't want to run it back due to salt/knowing they had a chance of losing(based off listening in on his stream to their chat).

To summarize the game's discussion, they called me a shit talking scrub who would 0-2 at tournament. My initial comment was the only thing that could have been conceived as shit talking, and I would absolutely 0-2, since I'm a casual fighter player. I told them so and he got what seemed to be more mad. I went on to explain that my comment wasn't malicious, that I couldn't believe no one had ever made that joke to him lightheartedly in the past, how well he played before the choke, and that I was sure he was the only person in their voice chat not laughing at what I said. Someone else in his group agreed with me, and after the match sent me a message saying he had no idea why lamerboi got so mad. Seemed like 2 out of the 5 wanted to run it back, but the others did not.

We got a pretty good laugh about it, but I'm a little upset we didn't just play them in a normal game, would've been much different.

Here's the chat log from the game if you guys want to see: http://maide.ca/chat.php?match_id=70368792
I didn't believe it was lamerboi lol

you suck, jackass
Fighters are button mashers.
You played one, you played them all.
Doesn't take skills or intelligence.
Boring to watch.

Even the people running the event and certain commentators seem to brush off fighting games as something insignificant.

Also, despite the amount of spectators and attendees I guess for the down times, sponsors are still going in hard for the event. It's because the PC market is vast and there are tons of product to sell. That's besides the fact FPS and RTS are the staples in competitive gaming.
The host of the whole event called Infiltration a "champion button masher"
Wow smh.
Fighters are button mashers.
You played one, you played them all.
Doesn't take skills or intelligence.
Boring to watch.

Even the people running the event and certain commentators seem to brush off fighting games as something insignificant.

This is exactly why I think every fighting game fan should oppose the whole "SF4/MvC3 for MLG" crap. Bad things always happen when your games are controlled by people who don't appreciate and understand them.


Because MLG is run by SC2 stream watchers? SC2 chat people call every game that isn't SC2 a button masher/baby game, including the other MLG games. Dreamhack isn't even run by MLG anyway.

There are other reasons to be careful about letting a larger group like MLG become a big part of the FG scene, but not sure if the fanbase of SC2 is one of those.

EDIT: Nice to see that SC2 fans on Reddit are nicer (for the most part). http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/mq1qg/seriously_dont_boo_the_street_fighter_gamers/
http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/mq1qg/seriously_dont_boo_the_street_fighter_gamers/c32xusg said:
People pissing on other people's passions deserve no attention. Big plays will always be big plays, regardless if you are playing Starcraft 2, Street Fighter 4, Heroes of Newerth, Counterstrike, Dota2, Call of Duty, League of Legends, Quake Live, Marvel versus Capcom, Halo or Mario Party.


And I'm saying that Dreamhack and MLG are different groups, so I'm not sure why you are equating them. I may be wrong on this, but I feel like Europe especially gives FG less respect than RTS/MOBA/other PC stuff because they aren't as big there.
I wasn't complaining about the stream idiots, you know something is wrong when the commentators and organizers aren't showing respect for SF4.

3700 first place prize isn't showing respect? Having a tournament at all isn't showing respect? European dude tries to make a joke and it falls flat on it's face? THIS INSJUSTICE MUST NOT STAND. ONLY HOMEGROWN FGC TOURNAMENTS EVER.
Hey all, just had a pretty funny encounter online that I figured you guys would appreciate.

Myself and some other gaffers were playing HoN matchmaking, and we ran into a 5 man group with a guy on the team named lamerboi2. Before the match starts people normally talk to the other team, so after exchanging some gl hf's I asked lamerboi2 if he chokes like lamerboi does. It turned out it was actually lamerboi playing, and he got super mad about it. We lost because we intercommunicated and picked a bad team and a gimmicky strategy, but they didn't want to run it back due to salt/knowing they had a chance of losing(based off listening in on his stream to their chat).

To summarize the game's discussion, they called me a shit talking scrub who would 0-2 at tournament. My initial comment was the only thing that could have been conceived as shit talking, and I would absolutely 0-2, since I'm a casual fighter player. I told them so and he got what seemed to be more mad. I went on to explain that my comment wasn't malicious, that I couldn't believe no one had ever made that joke to him lightheartedly in the past, how well he played before the choke, and that I was sure he was the only person in their voice chat not laughing at what I said. Someone else in his group agreed with me, and after the match sent me a message saying he had no idea why lamerboi got so mad. Seemed like 2 out of the 5 wanted to run it back, but the others did not.

We got a pretty good laugh about it, but I'm a little upset we didn't just play them in a normal game, would've been much different.

Here's the chat log from the game if you guys want to see: http://maide.ca/chat.php?match_id=70368792
I didn't believe it was lamerboi lol
That's hilarious
This is exactly why I think every fighting game fan should oppose the whole "SF4/MvC3 for MLG" crap. Bad things always happen when your games are controlled by people who don't appreciate and understand them.

So because we got trolled by stream monsters, we shouldn't advocate sf4 for mlg? Or is it because the tournament wasn't that hype? The european scene is much smaller than in the US and Japan so that wouldn't make sense either.


I'm pretty sure it will do well enough. It's laid out very nicely inside and is really easy to mod cosmetically. I'm interested to see if it'll be dual moddable though.
I will be returning after December's 2012 edition update
I walked out of AE because of the Jab Headbutt nerf in protest

so when it returns, I will return


Hey all, just had a pretty funny encounter online that I figured you guys would appreciate.

Myself and some other gaffers were playing HoN matchmaking, and we ran into a 5 man group with a guy on the team named lamerboi2. Before the match starts people normally talk to the other team, so after exchanging some gl hf's I asked lamerboi2 if he chokes like lamerboi does. It turned out it was actually lamerboi playing, and he got super mad about it. We lost because we intercommunicated and picked a bad team and a gimmicky strategy, but they didn't want to run it back due to salt/knowing they had a chance of losing(based off listening in on his stream to their chat).

To summarize the game's discussion, they called me a shit talking scrub who would 0-2 at tournament. My initial comment was the only thing that could have been conceived as shit talking, and I would absolutely 0-2, since I'm a casual fighter player. I told them so and he got what seemed to be more mad. I went on to explain that my comment wasn't malicious, that I couldn't believe no one had ever made that joke to him lightheartedly in the past, how well he played before the choke, and that I was sure he was the only person in their voice chat not laughing at what I said. Someone else in his group agreed with me, and after the match sent me a message saying he had no idea why lamerboi got so mad. Seemed like 2 out of the 5 wanted to run it back, but the others did not.

We got a pretty good laugh about it, but I'm a little upset we didn't just play them in a normal game, would've been much different.

Here's the chat log from the game if you guys want to see: http://maide.ca/chat.php?match_id=70368792
I didn't believe it was lamerboi lol

Why am I not surprised lamerboi is a big, insecure baby?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

SF + my monitor = nono

shit has like 30ms of inputlag or something.
Man I just had one of those online sessions that was suppose to be maybe just 30 minutes long but turned into 6 hours lol. I actually played Vanilla on my PC in the early morning. At first there weren't many people, but gradually I found more guys to play. But almost every one of them were horrible, even the high PP players. And because of that I bumped my BP from 2000 to 3000. I received a couple of hate mail. One from a guy who kept losing to me and then finally won, another said that I was using some kind of program to get auto combos instead of doing it myself.

Anyway I'm still just playing some online matches and planned on quitting soon because I already spent more time then I originally planned. Then I meet this European guys. His language is French but I later learn that he's Belgian. He started off with Ryu I think, I beat him. He switched to Ken and I still beat him. Then my biggest fear came true, this guy switched to Blanka and that's obviously his main. We start off going back and forth a lot. We're probably even through the first 20 or so games. Then he starts kicking my ass. We played like 5 hours total I think and he probably won 80% of the matches after the first 20 or so matches. I swear I played over 100 matches against this guy.

I enjoyed it and I'm glad to see that there are still some players still playing Vanilla that kind of knows what they're doing. But yeah, basically fuck Blanka is all I really wanted to say.

EDIT: Damn it Corky, seeing your avatar above me just fuels my rage.

BTW this is what the guy said to me

WTFDudeOMG: nice auto combo script you got there.

Me: If you got AE on Xbox then we can play there so you can expose me since I won't have any auto combos

WTFDudeOMG: your a retard. the xbox system is just as easily cheated on as the pc is and I can see your a scriptor first site. don't try denying it. your a pathetic cheating loser and will always be one. I don't care really. whatever helps your lack of skill

Me: Whatever makes you feel better.
Dammit, hurry up ver.2012. I miss you, AE!

I'm just quietly sucking at UMvC3 in the meantime. Really looking forward to SCR

I'm really looking forward to that Blanka buff/nerf. Go ahead and have the knockdown on hit all you want. At least he can't do EX up ball on wake up anymore for free against Shoto's.

I've been playing with Yeb's mod a lot for practice. The problem is that after the first round ends, most of the time I'll lose connection with my opponent. Good thing I've won every single first round when this happened or my opponents would think I'm a quitter. Since I can't play online on AE PC, I just switched over to Vanilla and the rest is history.


I'm really looking forward to that Blanka buff/nerf. Go ahead and have the knockdown on hit all you want. At least he can't do EX up ball on wake up anymore for free against Shoto's.

I've been playing with Yeb's mod a lot for practice. The problem is that after the first round ends, most of the time I'll lose connection with my opponent. Good thing I've won every single first round when this happened or my opponents would think I'm a quitter. Since I can't play online on AE PC, I just switched over to Vanilla and the rest is history.

If you're gonna play online just switch the folder back to the original and vice versa when you wanna play yeb's build.


I'm really looking forward to that Blanka buff/nerf. Go ahead and have the knockdown on hit all you want. At least he can't do EX up ball on wake up anymore for free against Shoto's.

I've been playing with Yeb's mod a lot for practice. The problem is that after the first round ends, most of the time I'll lose connection with my opponent. Good thing I've won every single first round when this happened or my opponents would think I'm a quitter. Since I can't play online on AE PC, I just switched over to Vanilla and the rest is history.

You didn't win any round, the game probably just got out of sync in the first couple of seconds.


So why is Blanka such bullshit in this game? I don't remember him being this annoying in past incarnations. I'm relatively new to SF4, so I can't pinpoint exactly why I hate him so without sounding like a whining scrub.
So why is Blanka such bullshit in this game? I don't remember him being this annoying in past incarnations. I'm relatively new to SF4, so I can't pinpoint exactly why I hate him so without sounding like a whining scrub.

it's okay to hate Blanka here :) That green bastard pisses us all off

I use Blanka once in a while to see what it's like to be on the other side.....it feels evil.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Just to clarify, it isn't no lag. It just has very little (and consistant) lag. Nothing is no lag.

crt bitches *crip sign*

What are the arcade cabinets "made of"? With regards to display, is it somekind of super 0ms display there or what?


Well my older cabs use a CRT. Not sure about the new ones.

I've read that the old Capcom cabs like mine (CPS2 era) actually do have a slight lag of 4 ms. But something that small is basically unnoticeable.
You didn't win any round, the game probably just got out of sync in the first couple of seconds.

Then what happens during the 1st round. I'm playing and my character is doing everything I'm inputting and my opponents aren't just training dummies. They're putting up a good/decent fight. What was I seeing my opponents and I never played each other?
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