I believe 360 and PC are the same in that regard while PS3 has a frame or two of lag.
Don't badmouth my coconut connection you goddamned spoiled piece of ---
.... I hope the netcode is good enough for my shit ISP. Damn
Speaking about input lag...
Played on a CRT. Holy shit what a difference
Fuerte v. Viper is the definition of a no-footsies matchup. Its like Street Fighter without the Street Fighter. I can already see Viper super-jumping across the screen randomly, with Fuerte running around making his weird noises.
Shit's a mental asylum.
Be careful you aren't looking at "response time", because it's not the same thing as input lag.Yeap, occasionally I play with my mate on his old crt and it's amazing. I've been eyeing a monitor that people and tests claim has a 0.6ms input latency compared to a hypothetical 0 ms for a crt.
Be careful you aren't looking at "response time", because it's not the same thing as input lag.
So... is PC still getting 2012 tomorrow? =\
They should be
Fuerte v. Viper is the definition of a no-footsies matchup. Its like Street Fighter without the Street Fighter. I can already see Viper super-jumping across the screen randomly, with Fuerte running around making his weird noises.
Shit's a mental asylum.
Haha this is damn accurate. Such awesome characters :s
Never give up guys. Also any tips to upload videos to youtube maintaining the framerate? I lost half of it on that one
I remember the fingercramp mvc guide for babies making a disclaimer that youtube will force videos to =>30 fps even though it's recorded at 60. Haven't looked at the vid, on my phone, but if that is the issue, Im not sure anything can be done.
Those who have been eagerly awaiting the 2012 Update for the PC version of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, your wait ends tomorrow. As of Tuesday, February 28th, you will be able to download the update from Games for Windows Live. Unfortunately, you Steam users out there will have to wait until Thursday morning, but hey, what's another couple days?
Fuck GFWL. >:l
With Capcom rhythm you would think no one is able to release weekly updates.
They're going to have like 5 people online today.
Number 2 here. O:
I am having trouble with Cammy's TK cannon spike. I can do ex no problem but for the life of me I can't do regular. It wasn't taken out was it? Damn I suck lol.
Update is live! (For non-steam users.)
How can I do this? I can never do this because I always do the regular special.
After 3 tries and no connect i gave up and that was 8pm....lol this game is dead, or a lot of people purchased it on steam, have to wait for them to get the update....
Using same region and going on ranked I found like 9 different people, so it's notvery populated at least here on the WC but that was also when Cross Assault for going on and a little after it ended so maybe it's a not a good representation but that's just me being optimistic.
I hope it's more populated by tomorrow or Thursday because the connections are really good. Even with Cloudius in Hawaii the connection held up pretty well outside a few matches with weird issues. And sorry for not selecting training stage, Cloud. =( I keep forgetting that etiquette on pc.
That was quite alright. For some reason, some stages didn't seem to run 60 fps in my eyes. So I hit training room because I know thats the cleanest stage there.
You seem to leveled up quite a bit as well. Good shit.