You sir are beyond ridiculously godlike.USD said:Data
So beastly. How much do you pay?Zissou said:At home:
As long as you don't get in the habit of only using 2 of her TCs, she's incredibly tricky and fun.Imm0rt4l said:Man, I played a little Ibuki today and I don't know why I stopped taking her seriously. She's so much fun. Gonna have to go back in the lab with her.
comrade said:So beastly. How much do you pay?
Here's mine. $99 50mbps down, 5mbps up package.
I actually became kinda stagnant with her. I was kinda always dash mixups, tsumuji loops, and cr. lp, cr. lp, st. mk xx neck breaker---->tc vortex or tsumuji loop knock down depending on my situation. It became kinda boring, but after getting my ass handed to me by this guy nuckledudu who was using ibuki it kinda lit a fire under my ass. Ever anti air he did would lead to like 200 damage. I don't maximize damage like that. I gotta diversify my bonds. She's got so many tools/style points to take advantage of.Professor Beef said:As long as you don't get in the habit of only using 2 of her TCs, she's incredibly tricky and fun.
[B]Rank No. of Votes Player Name Character[/B]
01. 17879 Umehara Yun
02. 17564 Fuudo Fei Long
03. 16790 Nemo Yang
04. 14943 Tokido Akuma
05. 13989 YHC-Mochi Dhalsim
06. 13914 Sako Yang
07. 13448 Kazunoko Yun
08. 13409 Haitani Makoto
09. 13379 RF Sagat
10. 12155 Uryo Sakura
12 invites, 4 other players decided by the preliminary tournament. The prelim tourney is 64 player max, 2 brackets, top 2 from each advance to the main tourney.KidA Seven said:So it will be 12 total players since Momochi won the qualifying tourney?
itwasTuesday said:
I don't understand how you can get salty over a winChavelo said:Jesus christ am I pissed off right now... Usually I get pretty good matches with my cousin offline, but why the fuck did he decided to go with a keepaway akuma today? He didn't win a single fucking match, but when he kept doing the same bullshit (jump away and hadoken, jump away and hadoken, JUMP FUCKING AWAY AND THROW PLASMA LIKE A BITCH) and not actually fighting like he usually does (his Sagat keeps away too, but at least he gets close and blows me up), I had to just close the AE PC window and told him to get the fuck out of my room.
You don't do that shit offline, man. That's for trolling online. >:-(
That format was for the online tournaments. The main tournament for GG#4 is the same as US tournaments (and the other offline GG tournaments that proceeded it), for the most part: double-elim, best 2-of-3. The GG systems has a few twists to it though, like the ability to waive matches. I'm too lazy to look up the exact rules though.Satyamdas said:Is GodsGarden #4 in the same format as last time? 1st to 10 style? Cause that shit is godlike. ^_^
For the latter question, on PC, yes, for ~$15. For 360 or PS3? No, so assuming you're starting from scratch, it will run you around $50 for all of the costumes.ShinAmano said:Asked earlier didn't get a there a place that has images of all of the DLC outfits and which packs they come in...also is there a comprehensive DLC for all outfits?
Holy shit really?USD said:For the latter question, on PC, yes, for ~$15. For 360 or PS3? No, so assuming you're starting from scratch, it will run you around $50 for all of the costumes.
youtube. search for the specific alt pack name.ShinAmano said:Holy shit really?
That is crazy...which also leads to the initial there a place to view the outfits so I can cherry pick?
Are you trying to tell me that this isn't really the Dalai Lama? I feel less spiritually complete already. :'(KidA Seven said:I mean as in it's really him. It's true that it's his official twitter, but that is different from it actually being him behind the tweets. It could be shared in that someone will make the English tweets. Sort of like Ronaldo. It's his official twitter, but his pr team is behind the tweets.
Not that it really matters.
That would be awesome if true. I love the costumes, but none of my friends have them so I can't show them off onlinetoasty_T said:Sucks that there isnt at least the compiled costume packs with all the costumes from each set like Shoryuken pack or whatever. On PC at least you can get all your characters costumes for $6 (and whoever else is a part of that set).
I think they're going to re-do the prices on PSN/XBLA to make them like the PC prices. Heard it somewhere but I can't remember where exactly.
Chavelo said:Jesus christ am I pissed off right now... Usually I get pretty good matches with my cousin offline, but why the fuck did he decided to go with a keepaway akuma today? He didn't win a single fucking match, but when he kept doing the same bullshit (jump away and hadoken, jump away and hadoken, JUMP FUCKING AWAY AND THROW PLASMA LIKE A BITCH) and not actually fighting like he usually does (his Sagat keeps away too, but at least he gets close and blows me up), I had to just close the AE PC window and told him to get the fuck out of my room.
You don't do that shit offline, man. That's for trolling online. >:-(
Lostconfused said:So I am having trouble with going from fierce punch into Change of direction when plinking the fierce punch. The only way I think I can do it if I do a QCF after plinking and using negative edge for the fierce input.
What I am really asking is that, can some one make the same input they were plinking quickly enough or is it just easier to use negative edge instead?
Will stream monster.black_vegeta said:Dat NSB tonight!!!
Oh I figured out that much. I mean I tried using negative edge to see if it would actually work. I just don't think I can input fierce again quickly enough to cancel into change of direction without using negative edge.rivals said:Using negative edge with plinking can be tricky because you have to make sure that you don't let go of both buttons at the same time or you'll get the EX version of the special. When I was playing Rufus I plink+negative edged his bnb and I did something like this:
Chavelo said:Jesus christ am I pissed off right now... Usually I get pretty good matches with my cousin offline, but why the fuck did he decided to go with a keepaway akuma today? He didn't win a single fucking match, but when he kept doing the same bullshit (jump away and hadoken, jump away and hadoken, JUMP FUCKING AWAY AND THROW PLASMA LIKE A BITCH) and not actually fighting like he usually does (his Sagat keeps away too, but at least he gets close and blows me up), I had to just close the AE PC window and told him to get the fuck out of my room.
You don't do that shit offline, man. That's for trolling online. >:-(
You mad
You can keep pressing MP and release just HP.Oh I figured out that much. I mean I tried using negative edge to see if it would actually work. I just don't think I can input fierce again quickly enough to cancel into change of direction without using negative edge. said:
Lostconfused said:Edit: This is the most depressing thing about fighting games. Incredibly difficult execution. Its like hey you can't play this until you press these buttons in an extremely specific pattern for a week or a month until you can get it right every time all the time.
biosnake20 said:
Lostconfused said:Oh I figured out that much. I mean I tried using negative edge to see if it would actually work. I just don't think I can input fierce again quickly enough to cancel into change of direction without using negative edge.
Lostconfused said:Edit: This is the most depressing thing about fighting games. Incredibly difficult execution. Its like hey you can't play this until you press these buttons in an extremely specific pattern for a week or a month until you can get it right every time all the time.