I like that rose. Had to figure out what she was saying during the projectile. Was literally hearing "soul f**k" lol
Edit: I like all these Rose's.
Edit 2: Well, there goes the Tekken sponsoring. But don't worry, I'll surely take care of them.
Edit 3: And here comes the strong lineup of Tekken batters.
Edit 4: And there goes the strong lineup of Tekken batters....heads down.
Edit 5: I like that Sakura.
Edit 6: Tekken batters aren't done yet. Just you all wait. Let's go comrades.
Edit 7: Flattened on the screen Smash Bros. style by a fellow comrade. Not cool.
Edit 8: Degen is turning to cannibalism.
Edit 9: Degen demonstrating the power of the IRON FIST.
Edit 10: And there he goes with a HOOOOOOOOOOOME RUUUUUUUU - or not.
Edit 11: OH MAN THAT MAKOTO SUPER WAS SUPER HOOOOO --- oh wait, not a Tekken batter? NOT HOT.....NOOOOOT HOT.