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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Bah, that sucks. Dudley was my man in 3s, but I guess I can take up Balrog/Blanka again. They're fun, and they're primarily who I played in SF4. I haven't tried AE yet, but I don't imagine they've changed since the days of 2T, hahaha.

Given my lack of 4 knowledge, does anyone play similarly to 3s Dudley? I don't really know the case very well.

Nope. He's still a fun character to use, but expect to run into some problems.
Guess you're not nabsbeats then. I'm in an endless set with Audie and when I entered he was bodying a dude named nabsbeats using Guile. Since you were talking about it at the exact same time he was being bodied, I assumed it was you.

Preach on Brother:


What can i say, he's a tryhard.


Saint Nic
OK, my GFWL ID is actually now nicogaGAF. My old gamertag has been closed indefinitely per my request, and I have no intention of calling MS to get it activated again.


This DL is ridiculous. I also didn't realize Steam stops your DL's while playing other games, so the entire time I was playing Darksiders, it was on chill mode.

Is Dudley any good in this edition? I was reading that he's pretty shitty compared to his 3rd Strike showing.

Dudley isn't a terrible character in this game, he just require a lot more effort to win with. If you don't want to put a lot of effort into the character you should probably look at someone else. I'd like the say the closest thing to Dudley though is going to be Zangief.

But yeah guys, I finally fixed my lag problem on my PC version so feel free to add me on steam/gfwl: heyitschaotix/Its Chaotix


Saint Nic
Dudley isn't a terrible character in this game, he just require a lot more effort to win with. If you don't want to put a lot of effort into the character you should probably look at someone else. I'd like the say the closest thing to Dudley though is going to be Zangief.

Ick, I hate Zangief, haha. I played practice with a bunch of characters last night and found Juri to be fun. I'll give her a go for a bit and see how she fares.


Saint Nic
Most of my victories were with Juri. Only had one with Akuma, everyone dodges my Raging Demon ;_;

Akuma is apparently a shitty matchup for Juri. I did some reading last night on her, and Sakura/Akuma are two of her worst matchups. Thankfully, my friends and I only play casually, so I don't need to worry too much about matchups right now. :) But if I start playing with you GAF folk who are more skilled, matchups will probably come into play, haha.


So my PC version isn't registering my keyboard. Says to press Start and I'm literally just mashing everything on my keyboard and it isn't helping. Anyone have this problem?


If anyone wants to play the GWFL version of AE just send me a FR. Gamertag is JoeFenix.

I haven't played in quite a while and I was never godlike or anything but i'd like to get back into it!


If anyone wants to play the GWFL version of AE just send me a FR. Gamertag is JoeFenix.

I haven't played in quite a while and I was never godlike or anything but i'd like to get back into it!

posts like this make me depressed :(

I have a long, long, long way to go before I'm anywhere near competant.
GG JoeFenix and Onemic. Onemic, what is up with your connection lol? Me and Fenix had much much better games even though he's from Canada. Anyways I'm glad I could finally get a chance to play you guys. My main is Evil Ryu but I'm trying to learn Yun so that's why I used him the majority of the time.


GG JoeFenix and Onemic. Onemic, what is up with your connection lol? Me and Fenix had much much better games even though he's from Canada. Anyways I'm glad I could finally get a chance to play you guys. My main is Evil Ryu but I'm trying to learn Yun so that's why I used him the majority of the time.

Ya ggs. I'm actually from Canada as well, for some reason GFWL thhinks I'm from the US. I guess that's why my matches with him were really smooth. And Ryu is my main, but I'm also putting a majority of my time into learning Yun and soon Makoto. You already play him great man.
Ya ggs. I'm actually from Canada as well, for some reason GFWL thhinks I'm from the US. I guess that's why my matches with him were really smooth. And Ryu is my main, but I'm also putting a majority of my time into learning Yun and soon Makoto. You already play him great man.

Thanks man, keep it up though. I just wonder if we can solve our connection issue or if that's something we just can't do anything about?

And fenix, one big thing I was noticing from you. After you landed Abel's cr. HP, you kept trying to do the air throw after your recovered from the cr. HP. You're suppose to cancel the 2nd hit of the cr. HP into the air throw to land it. Or you can cancel into the LP roll and then into air throw. It's up to you, but most Abel players just do the cr. HP and special cancel into the air throw immediately. You were losing a lot of damage by not doing this correctly.


Thanks man, keep it up though. I just wonder if we can solve are connection issue or if that's something we just can't do anything about?

And fenix, one big thing I was noticing from you. After you landed Abel's cr. HP, you kept trying to do the air throw after your recovered from the cr. HP. You're suppose to cancel the 2nd hit of the cr. HP into the air throw to land it. Or you can cancel into the LP roll and then into air throw. It's up to you, but most Abel players just do the cr. HP and special cancel into the air throw immediately. You were losing a lot of damage by not doing this correctly.

I have a repeater around that I could hook up to my wireless to make the connection stronger, so maybe that'll help?
So you're on wireless, that could explain why our matches were so laggy. I don't know about repeaters, but if you could play on a wired connection that could help. I just remember trying to play COD4 and SF4 on my PS3 using the WiFi back in 2009. It was impossible because the lag was so bad. But do whatever you can.


Thanks man, keep it up though. I just wonder if we can solve our connection issue or if that's something we just can't do anything about?

And fenix, one big thing I was noticing from you. After you landed Abel's cr. HP, you kept trying to do the air throw after your recovered from the cr. HP. You're suppose to cancel the 2nd hit of the cr. HP into the air throw to land it. Or you can cancel into the LP roll and then into air throw. It's up to you, but most Abel players just do the cr. HP and special cancel into the air throw immediately. You were losing a lot of damage by not doing this correctly.

Yeah, I know about canceling the second hit into falling sky but i'm just super rusty. Haven't played in like 18 months so it's gonna take me a little while to get my stuff down.

Thanks for the tips though, was fun fighting you!


Alright, I need the EASIEST and CHEAPEST mofudgin character to play. I am god awful at fight games, SF in particular. I can't link shit, I can't mix up properly, I can't cross up, I can't combo into a super or anything.

Gief is a good choice.

One button special move, and you can mash-out his command throws.
You're fucked against turtling shoto's though.


Hello all, first post, yay. Hope to get some matches with some of you guys in the future. Gamertag: Uyghur Ulmas X.

Any people from SoCal here that visit Family Fun Arcade?
Gief is a good choice.

One button special move, and you can mash-out his command throws.
You're fucked against turtling shoto's though.

It depends who his competition is though. If he plays against other people like him, then yeah I'd put money on his day 1 Gief against another guys day 1 Ryu. But if he plays against intermediate players then he's going to get bodied regardless of which character he and his opponent uses.

Tomah, my advice to you is this, you actually have to learn how to play this game. Pick up a character, learn how he/she works and what he/she needs to do against the rest of the cast. It's going to be a very long journey, but if you stick with it then you may find some satisfaction in the work you put in and all the new things you learn even if you never end up being that good.

If you don't want to do that, it's cool. You can still enjoy the game and maybe watch it on streams as well if you like. But I think you would be missing out on a lot though. I really didn't start getting into SF4 or fighters in general until I started learning all the mind games and intricacies that go on during matches. If you ever get to that point(and you don't need to be good to understand stuff like this), then I think you would appreciate playing and watching fighters more.
Just picked this up on GFWL, I suck but it's a lot of fun.

Why does my opponent always get to choose stages though? Not once was I allowed to choose during online VS.


Saint Nic
So noob question - how do you create a room for you and friend to just fight back and forth in? I played a bunch of matches online last night (lost every one, woooo), so I want to play with some of you guys who might be more on my level to learn with.


So noob question - how do you create a room for you and friend to just fight back and forth in? I played a bunch of matches online last night (lost every one, woooo), so I want to play with some of you guys who might be more on my level to learn with.

Endless match, set the number of participants to 2 and private slots to 1.

Well the number of participants is irrelevant so long as you set the number of private slots to it's maximum.


Jew Gamer
So I've been in a rut lately, dunno why. I've worked so long to be able to do all of my moves on twitch reaction that I've been twitching them out when I should just be waiting for an opening.

But I gotta get over that, because I am heading to my first local on Wednesday.

Going to be working on my matchups, outside of CPU Versus on Hardest over and over again to read all their moves if anyone would like to help me learn some matchups online (PSN) that would be great, I have all day Tuesday (after gym) and most of Wednesday (work till 3 then gym) until the local.

Want to go in with as much matchup knowledge as I can for my Adon! (I miss Ken, I really should try and get him to this level)

Edit: Also late night Monday night, same thing but probably won't be done from the gym until at least 10ish


So I've been in a rut lately, dunno why. I've worked so long to be able to do all of my moves on twitch reaction that I've been twitching them out when I should just be waiting for an opening.

But I gotta get over that, because I am heading to my first local on Wednesday.

Going to be working on my matchups, outside of CPU Versus on Hardest over and over again to read all their moves if anyone would like to help me learn some matchups online (PSN) that would be great, I have all day Tuesday (after gym) and most of Wednesday (work till 3 then gym) until the local.

Want to go in with as much matchup knowledge as I can for my Adon! (I miss Ken, I really should try and get him to this level)

Edit: Also late night Monday night, same thing but probably won't be done from the gym until at least 10ish



I got like 5 double perfects the other night :D

Also, I played a really good Fuerte along the way. Yes...Fuerte is annoying, but I kinda enjoy the challenge of fighting him. I also learned that I'm still the most aggressive Fuerte that I know of (in my encounters, that is). They all run away and wait for me to make the first move. Maybe that's why I lose so often to the bad ones. lol

But Seth is WAYYYYYY more annoying that Fuerte. It's not even 50/50 with him when he's standing over your body. It's like 70/20 Seth. Miss one block and you're back to getting tap danced on (after that combo with the spin kick, of course)


Saint Nic
I'm finally getting the hang of playing with a 360 controller on my PC. I don't have a stick yet (largely because I haven't decided if I want to invest in one), but it's been fun. I finally started winning a bit with Juri, too.

Ironically, I played a Fuerte...The guy had a mic and was SORT of trash talking? The first round he didn't do much. The second round, he started saying something like, "OK, here we," and started going ape shit on the screen. I caught him off guard SO much and won by going ultra on him when he tried to jump over me.

Fun night!
Why is Fuerte considered bottom tier when everyone hates playing him? Same with T Hawk.

Fuerte is extremely annoying to play against, Hawk is like a troll character. When I play Fuerte, I don't even feel like I'm playing Street Fighter. I feel like me and the other guy are just doing stuff and hopefully I can win the match. I mean the character runs around like a maniac constantly trying to bait you and annoy you until you get sick and tired of it and try to attack. That's when they'll look for there opportunities to get a knockdown and annoy you even more.

Hawk on the other hand, I think it has more to do with how people play him. 90% of the Hawk players I face online will do this. I attack them and when I'm close to them, they 50/50 all day. Either they'll go for a command throw or a DP and somehow they guess right like 80% of the time. Besides that, his jump is a freaking mix up. If you don't have reactions, you're just not sure whether you should DP or not. Then they may go for gimmicks like whiff hawk dives into command throw. A lot of Hawk players will go use every scrubby tactic that the character has and against me anyways, it works most of the time lol.

That's why I hate playing against these two characters. But Fuerte especially, he's up there with Blanka as my most hated character in the game. Hawk may be annoying as well, but at least I can rush him down so I'll take that over Fuerte's antics any day.


Why is Fuerte considered bottom tier when everyone hates playing him? Same with T Hawk.

A lot of people hate playing him because of how unorthodox his attacks are...particularly his splash. It's a little like Viper's flame kick: you don't which way to block....because 99% of the time, it's a cross-up. :) And it never feels quite right blocking the cross-up...so you get pissed when you don't block it. Reminds me of Honda's butt splash....but much quicker.

But If you're a bad/beginner Fuerte, you can get blown up pretty quickly. He has NO safe wake-up options (like a FADC srk/flashkick/uppercut move). Back dash is pretty shitty.

Also, Fuerte has no damaging combo.....other than his RSF, which is why it is VERY important that any serious Fuerte player know how to do it. 4 splashes aren't going to kill anyone.


Was there ever a gaf metatag created for pc players? I can go ahead and manage one and that'll make playing with PC gaf easier having to add just one gamertag instead of a bunch of folks.


Am I too late for the Fuerte hate? I think people vastly exaggerate the potential of the character. His mixup isn't that ambiguous and almost everything he has is unsafe. All you have to do is rush him down from the start of the match to win. Really, if you're giving a Fuerte player room to breathe, then you absolutely deserve to lose.

But Seth is WAYYYYYY more annoying that Fuerte. It's not even 50/50 with him when he's standing over your body. It's like 70/20 Seth. Miss one block and you're back to getting tap danced on (after that combo with the spin kick, of course)
Yep, Seth's mixup is so powerful that 10% of the matchup just disappears.

Am I the only one who thinks getting street fighter player's autographs is pointless?

I think it's stupid, especially when you're in the same tournament as the person you're playing. It's basically just you saying "please brand me as a person who will never be able to compete with you!" Any time I see it happen I just shake my head.

Nyoro SF

Yeah I always thought it was really strange to get an autograph from a top player. A picture together is a much better idea, signatures feel valueless.


Been playing 3S a lot lately to improve my execution and I think I've fallen in love....With Makoto.

New SF4 main incoming!
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