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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Not yet, I figured I'd work my way through the AI difficulties before jumping online. Am I detrimenting myself?

Nah, but you'll definitely want to get acquainted with the variety of skill level out there. I used to play Street Fighter all the time (mainly Alpha 3) and I thought I was the shit when I would wreck the computer on the hardest level and my sucky brother with my Chun-Li. Then I got into XBL and saw that I had a LOT of other stuff to learn.

But all that pre-online stuff was EXTREMELY helpful; you get a good sense of the controls and the timing of moves and whatnot.


Mrs. Harvey
Tonight will be hot. Why? Because I'm going to make it hot. :)

Don't expect to do anything tonight so I'm going to have a long lobby and stream running.
Nah, but you'll definitely want to get acquainted with the variety of skill level out there. I used to play Street Fighter all the time (mainly Alpha 3) and I thought I was the shit when I would wreck the computer on the hardest level and my sucky brother with my Chun-Li. Then I got into XBL and saw that I had a LOT of other stuff to learn.

But all that pre-online stuff was EXTREMELY helpful; you get a good sense of the controls and the timing of moves and whatnot.

It's a good thing I'm not under the perception that once I can beat the hardest AI I will be the Ultimate SF player!


To those people on the previous page asking for Makoto advice, get well acquainted with her normals. Her whole set of normals are among the best in the game and nearly all of them can serve some purpose, namely S.MP for pressure, and C.MK for anti-airing. After that its just adjusting for matchups/players and knowing how to execute different strategies and setups.

There's this guide: http://otersi.com/makotobible/testspread_nov03.pdf but it is a little outdated since its for AE, not 2012. I haven't actually looked through it and only skimmed through it quickly when I was linked to it today but from what I saw it seemed pretty extensive. Setups have since been changed a little because of different timings for some moves, but all the information about normals is more or less the same and still a good primer for beginners.

Thanks, I managed to read through most of that guide already. Any advice on how I can land ex tsurugi after a corner combo? It always whiffs or I just get a jump mk.


Thanks, I managed to read through most of that guide already. Any advice on how I can land ex tsurugi after a corner combo? It always whiffs or I just get a jump mk.

After Ex Hayate and Fukiage? You can just hold up forward after putting in the fukiage input, don't have to press down beforehand to jump cancel or anything like that. After that just put in the QCB motion and press KK.


So how healthy has the SSF4AE PC community been? I just acquired the game via Amazon's $10 and am wondering if I was better off getting it for consoles.

From my matches online, it seems pretty healthy. Always plenty of people online and I just as frequent arcade requests on PC compared to PSN. Competition seems much tougher though. I don't see many newbies around and most of the people I face are 2000+ pp and body me to hell :(


Mrs. Harvey
Kadey1up. You can still add me. Dont know the next time I'll be on. I'm too busy right still trying to finish my video project.


Gief is kinda fun. I wanna learn him. Works well with my lameness and lack of combos lol

And Rice, just to disappoint you further, I cleared trail 19 for the first time too. It was actually quite a pain to learn the timing to connect the srk after FADC. lol
And Rice, just to disappoint you further, I cleared trail 19 for the first time too. It was actually quite a pain to learn the timing to connect the srk after FADC. lol

You did it the hard way, I did it the easy way. Instead of trying to FADC after the first hit of fierce SRK, I used a focus attack and then SRK as Dan was crumbling. In this state, you can land two consecutive fierce SRK FADC's with the 3rd and final SRK hitting only once. It's probably not what they wanted you to do, but it gets the job done and can save you some headaches if you're execution sucks.


Ha, I never even thought of that. I didn't even realize you can get a crumple after an attack still. Thought it had to be raw FA or else it would take too long to connect.
Ha, I never even thought of that. I didn't even realize you can get a crumple after an attack still. Thought it had to be raw FA or else it would take too long to connect.

I think you may have misunderstood. I started with a raw focus attack and waited until Dan was crumpling. Then I did a SRK, FADC into another SRK, FADC and then a final SRK to finish the trial. If you fierce SRK a character when he/she is crumpling then it acts the same as if you landed a counter hit. Meaning you can land a full U1 or MP SRK for example. The same goes if you land a fierce SRK while your opponent is back dashing.

What did I just watch that was crazy!!

Whats your xbox gamertag? I wouldn't mind getting some games in and hopefully learn a thing or two. My gt is xCobalt.

Kadey1up. You can still add me. Dont know the next time I'll be on. I'm too busy right still trying to finish my video project.

I'm going to add you guys, but remember I'm still real new to the game!


How important are block strings in the game? I've never learned them and maining Yun/Makoto I see a lot of the pro players use them extensively. Are they just as important as combos and how exactly do you learn them and know that you are getting a true block strong?


How important are block strings in the game? I've never learned them and maining Yun/Makoto I see a lot of the pro players use them extensively. Are they just as important as combos and how exactly do you learn them and know that you are getting a true block strong?

Blockstrings are generally used to hit-confirm into more damage, while some characters like Guile will use them to push you out regardless, while Bison will just cr.LK > cr.LK xx Scissors regardless of whether or not you're blocking.

Due to how fast these light normals come out, when done properly, they leave the opponent in a perpetual blockstun (See: Mashproof) until the attacker is no longer in range.

Because these attacks are numerous and stymied, you can stop a blockstring prematurely to go in for a tick-throw or tick-command grab. If you know your opponent is using Option Select Tech (Down+Back+LK+LP is used to tech throws or take the offensive momentum away if you block, since it will default to crouching LK) you can try a frame trap (Where you throw out a beefier, slower normal to stuff the tech attempt).

Frame traps aren't mash-proof, however. If someone is mashing SRK, you were better off finishing the blockstring and holding down-back.

All of these offensive options branch off of the garden-variety blockstring that most characters are capable of performing. Like... here's an incomplete flowchart of choices for Akuma off of a crossup j.MK. The standard blockstring would be cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP > cr.MK xx Hadouken

Opponent blocks a cross-up j.MK
---1 cr.LK
------2 cr.LP/cr.HK OS versus backdash. If opponent dashes (end)
---------3 Hit-confirm off of string.
------------4 LK.Tatsu > Sweep/Shoryuken (end)
------------4 cr.HP xx Teleport xx Ultra II (end)
------------4 cr.MP xx Demon Flip Throw (end)
------------4 Opponent is still blocking (You've hit-confirmed by this point)
---------------5 s.HK Kara-Throw or simply Walk Up and Throw the Guy (end)
---------------5 Walk up cr.MP frame trap because you think the guy is doing late OS Tech.
------------------6 Hit-confirm into more shenanigans (end)
---------------5 Block to bait reversal something. (end)
---------------5 s.HK/f.MP Kara-Super Demon (end)
---------------5 Finish string with cr.MK xx Hadouken for chip damage (end)


Blockstrings are generally used to hit-confirm into more damage, while some characters like Guile will use them to push you out regardless, while Bison will just cr.LK > cr.LK xx Scissors regardless of whether or not you're blocking.

Due to how fast these light normals come out, when done properly, they leave the opponent in a perpetual blockstun (See: Mashproof) until the attacker is no longer in range.

Because these attacks are numerous and stymied, you can stop a blockstring prematurely to go in for a tick-throw or tick-command grab. If you know your opponent is using Option Select Tech (Down+Back+LK+LP is used to tech throws or take the offensive momentum away if you block, since it will default to crouching LK) you can try a frame trap (Where you throw out a beefier, slower normal to stuff the tech attempt).

Frame traps aren't mash-proof, however. If someone is mashing SRK, you were better off finishing the blockstring and holding down-back.

All of these offensive options branch off of the garden-variety blockstring that most characters are capable of performing. Like... here's an incomplete flowchart of choices for Akuma off of a crossup j.MK. The standard blockstring would be cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP > cr.MK xx Hadouken

Opponent blocks a cross-up j.MK
---1 cr.LK
------2 cr.LP/cr.HK OS versus backdash. If opponent dashes (end)
---------3 Hit-confirm off of string.
------------4 LK.Tatsu > Sweep/Shoryuken (end)
------------4 cr.HP xx Teleport xx Ultra II (end)
------------4 cr.MP xx Demon Flip Throw (end)
------------4 Opponent is still blocking (You've hit-confirmed by this point)
---------------5 s.HK Kara-Throw or simply Walk Up and Throw the Guy (end)
---------------5 Walk up cr.MP frame trap because you think the guy is doing late OS Tech.
------------------6 Hit-confirm into more shenanigans (end)
---------------5 Block to bait reversal something. (end)
---------------5 s.HK/f.MP Kara-Super Demon (end)
---------------5 Finish string with cr.MK xx Hadouken for chip damage (end)

ah thanks for that. Looks like I should be practicing blockstrings just as much as I do comobs. I always find that if I get my hit blocked I never really know what to do and I usually just continue with the cobo without cancelling into a special. I get a lot of reversals because of that. Is there any way to get out of a block string? Ccharacters like Ibuki, Dudley, Bison, and cody seem to be able to go on forever, without me being able to get out of it.

The guy that made the Rindoukan Makoto bible updated it for 2012. Great read for aspiring Makoto players.


Props to http://twitter.com/blackadde

Yes! Thanks for the update. The biggest problem in using Makoto for me is her movement. It seems like it relies exclusively on dash and her command normals as you pretty much aren't going anywhere with her normal walk speed.


ah thanks for that. Looks like I should be practicing blockstrings just as much as I do comobs. I always find that if I get my hit blocked I never really know what to do and I usually just continue with the cobo without cancelling into a special. I get a lot of reversals because of that. Is there any way to get out of a block string? Ccharacters like Ibuki, Dudley, Bison, and cody seem to be able to go on forever, without me being able to get out of it.

If your hits are getting blocked, simply throw your opponent. If they're crouch teching, then you need to start setting up frame traps. Depending on the character, you can attempt to cross them up if you're at a good range. You may also run into opponents who will mash their way out of blockstrings and in that case, you should be staggering your strings slightly so you can block if they attempt to do so (and punish them accordingly).

If you're on the receiving end, you can do a reversal between the normal and special move they're hitting you with but it is risky. Depending on the blockstring, you can also throw out a fast hitting normal between their string. Sometimes all you need to do is wait it out and look for the throw. If you successfully tech the throw, the situation is reset and you can try to apply your pressure.


ah thanks for that. Looks like I should be practicing blockstrings just as much as I do comobs. I always find that if I get my hit blocked I never really know what to do and I usually just continue with the cobo without cancelling into a special. I get a lot of reversals because of that.

Once you get a hang of your character, you'll learn about all kinds of things to do if they keep blocking. One thing I love doing as Fuerte after my blockstring (Fuerte with a blockstring????? WTF? =p) is to do a focus attack (level 1 or level 2) and then restart the block string.

It works well because (to piggy-back off of Krackatoa's advice):

After a blockstring.....

They're still blocking
--------Focus attack
--------------*It Hits* (if they press a button)
--------------*They block it*
-------------------do another block string

Focus attacks keep people guessing. Don't get out of the way and you set yourself up to deal with another block string. Block too long (level 3 focus attack) and now you're about to eat a lot of damage.

But recognize your opponents habits. If they're mashing during block strings, throw out a couple of hits then stop and wait for your opponent to do whatever move he was mashing, then punish it.

You'll see a lot of players throw out 2 or 3 hits during a block string and then stop....just to see if their opponent is mashing out a reversal. It kinda lets you know ahead of time when kind of player you are facing

Is there any way to get out of a block string? Ccharacters like Ibuki, Dudley, Bison, and cody seem to be able to go on forever, without me being able to get out of it.

Yeah....those characters keep you on your toes because you have to react pretty quickly with them. Most characters have good back dashes so one very good strategy is to block the first couple of moves then back dash as SOON as there is a pause in the block string. Block strings push you back so as soon as you get that small window of opportunity, use it. Your opponent definitely knows that you're being pushed back with each move that gets blocked so understand that they will attempt to close that gap as soon as possible. But know WHEN to back dash; know when there is a very low probability of having your back dash punished. This means that you should have a decent understanding of your opponent's moves as well.

I also see a lot of players focus attack dash out of some moves. You absorb the first hit (if they throw one) and get to back away. I don't use it a lot because it's pretty useless with Fuerte. Most character's get away moves are EX moves. If you don't have meter, then you have to just block. :)

OOOORRRRR....take the offensive the first chance you get.

Yes! Thanks for the update. The biggest problem in using Makoto for me is her movement. It seems like it relies exclusively on dash and her command normals as you pretty much aren't going anywhere with her normal walk speed.

Oh, you use Makoto? Yeah, her dash is probably the best in the game. Get that one gap and dash the eff out of there.

And yeah...Makoto has to dash....a lot :)

EDIT: Too lazy too proofread my post :-/

EDIT2: Regarding Makoto and blocking against characters like Cody, this Makoto demonstrates exactly what I was talking about: she blocked Cody's cross-up, his c.LP and then IMMEDIATELY back dashed out of harm's way: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml6TIYBsa-M#t=5m06s


Anybody wanna play on PSN right now? I'm not that good but neither are the guys i'm playing lol I need somebody to teach me stuff.

PSN ID is Marz1991

Edit: and does everybody play Ryu on this game or what? holy shit you think people would get tired of playing Ryu dittos every match.


Anybody wanna play on PSN right now? I'm not that good but neither are the guys i'm playing lol I need somebody to teach me stuff.

PSN ID is Marz1991

Edit: and does everybody play Ryu on this game or what? holy shit you think people would get tired of playing Ryu dittos every match.

Either Ryu or his evil twin :)


Hello Street GAF. Got a little technical question for you.

I play on Xbox 360 and I started playing ranked matches again, after finally caving and buying Arcade Edition.

I was wondering : is the ranking unique to each plaftorm (a different ranking for 360, PS3 and PC), or is there some merging of the rankings done server side so we have a more accurate representation of one's ranking ?

I ask this because I was fighting a Guile earlier with less than 2k points, but he was placed 3700th for the character. So this means there are not a lot of Guile players out there, at least on 360. But I was wondering if other platforms are taken into account or not.

Anybody has any info on this ?


Jew Gamer
So I've got plinking (getting it down), I have my links (tightening them), I know my combos like the back of my hand (w/ Adon), I know the range of my moves and how to pick an Ultra to counter a character (still would love to learn my matchup knowledge with more characters, if anyone wants to play BlkVlt on PSN)

From this point, what else do I need to work on for top level play?

A few things I really know I need to work on are my buffering (I am good at doing things on reaction but I'm sure having some buffers would work wonders for me) and how to break out of block stun but those will come in due time I am sure the more I practice.
Just get out there and get a ton of matches under your belt. Spend time watching replays of your matches and pick out the spots where you could have done better in the match, regardless if it was a win or loss. Post up your matches here or in the character specific forums in SRK to get feedback.

From your post it seems like you are improving your execution, so just getting your matchups down will help you greatly.


Jew Gamer
Just get out there and get a ton of matches under your belt. Spend time watching replays of your matches and pick out the spots where you could have done better in the match, regardless if it was a win or loss. Post up your matches here or in the character specific forums in SRK to get feedback.

From your post it seems like you are improving your execution, so just getting your matchups down will help you greatly.

That's pretty much what I feel like I am lacking is those sweet matchups

My execution is pretty tight, almost too tight. I've gotten to the point I am inputting moves without even realizing it, for example with Adon if I hit them I'll end my link with a JU but if they are blocking I'll pull out a JK or JT to get away from them or possibly bait them.

I don't even think about it anymore, that is just how I respond to the match. I'd like to be a bit more focused on everything but Adon has too many 1 or 2 frame links :(


Once you get a hang of your character, you'll learn about all kinds of things to do if they keep blocking. One thing I love doing as Fuerte after my blockstring (Fuerte with a blockstring????? WTF? =p) is to do a focus attack (level 1 or level 2) and then restart the block string.

It works well because (to piggy-back off of Krackatoa's advice):

After a blockstring.....

They're still blocking
--------Focus attack
--------------*It Hits* (if they press a button)
--------------*They block it*
-------------------do another block string

Focus attacks keep people guessing. Don't get out of the way and you set yourself up to deal with another block string. Block too long (level 3 focus attack) and now you're about to eat a lot of damage.

I like doing that with gouken as well. There's only about 4 or 5 characters that are safe when you attempt a focus and dash out of it. With gouken, I will sometimes go for a level 2 focus then dash and counter hit with fierce if they crouch tech. Definitely risky if the opponent has good reactions but it has been favorable for me.


Once you get a hang of your character, you'll learn about all kinds of things to do if they keep blocking. One thing I love doing as Fuerte after my blockstring (Fuerte with a blockstring????? WTF? =p) is to do a focus attack (level 1 or level 2) and then restart the block string.

It works well because (to piggy-back off of Krackatoa's advice):

After a blockstring.....

They're still blocking
--------Focus attack
--------------*It Hits* (if they press a button)
--------------*They block it*
-------------------do another block string

Focus attacks keep people guessing. Don't get out of the way and you set yourself up to deal with another block string. Block too long (level 3 focus attack) and now you're about to eat a lot of damage.

But recognize your opponents habits. If they're mashing during block strings, throw out a couple of hits then stop and wait for your opponent to do whatever move he was mashing, then punish it.

You'll see a lot of players throw out 2 or 3 hits during a block string and then stop....just to see if their opponent is mashing out a reversal. It kinda lets you know ahead of time when kind of player you are facing

Yeah....those characters keep you on your toes because you have to react pretty quickly with them. Most characters have good back dashes so one very good strategy is to block the first couple of moves then back dash as SOON as there is a pause in the block string. Block strings push you back so as soon as you get that small window of opportunity, use it. Your opponent definitely knows that you're being pushed back with each move that gets blocked so understand that they will attempt to close that gap as soon as possible. But know WHEN to back dash; know when there is a very low probability of having your back dash punished. This means that you should have a decent understanding of your opponent's moves as well.

I also see a lot of players focus attack dash out of some moves. You absorb the first hit (if they throw one) and get to back away. I don't use it a lot because it's pretty useless with Fuerte. Most character's get away moves are EX moves. If you don't have meter, then you have to just block. :)

OOOORRRRR....take the offensive the first chance you get.

Oh, you use Makoto? Yeah, her dash is probably the best in the game. Get that one gap and dash the eff out of there.

And yeah...Makoto has to dash....a lot :)

EDIT: Too lazy too proofread my post :-/

EDIT2: Regarding Makoto and blocking against characters like Cody, this Makoto demonstrates exactly what I was talking about: she blocked Cody's cross-up, his c.LP and then IMMEDIATELY back dashed out of harm's way: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml6TIYBsa-M#t=5m06s

Thanks! There seems to be a distinct lack of information for newcomers about blockstrings. It's almost like it's expected that you already know what they are and how they work, yet I see everyone using it. Anyone know of Yun/Makoto blockstrings and options during the strings?


Thanks! There seems to be a distinct lack of information for newcomers about blockstrings. It's almost like it's expected that you already know what they are and how they work, yet I see everyone using it. Anyone know of Yun/Makoto blockstrings and options during the strings?

yun can just do
cr.short x 3 — finish with linked s.short xx lunge punch
cr.short cr.jab s.jab — finish with linked s.strong xx whatever
123 TC: s.jab s.short s.strong — finish by cancelling the s.strong into whatever

makoto only has one chainable normal, so her only true blockstrings are
c.jab c.jab c.jab — which leads nowhere, don't use it
c.jab s.jab — finish with linking either c.short or s.strong xx hayate

unlike MOST fighting games, blockstun in sf4 is super short so almost nobody has true blockstrings outside of chained normals. traditionally they're hitconfirm strings that are safe vs reversals if the other guy tries to mash out something because you're out of range to get hit by the time you're done.


If you don't have a problem with laggy matches then I'll stick around next time. I assumed you'd rather play with smoother matches so I just left.


Mrs. Harvey
Well, I've been using Sim lately and he's not a combo heavy character so lag at that level doesn't bother me much.

If there is no lag, I tend to go for mixup and combo heavy characters.
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