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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?

So someone uploaded a lot of SF4 pool matches, mines was one of them. Me getting bodied by PR Rog


Overall I went 3-2 and lost to Ranmasama in losers finals of my pool. I'm actually really happy with how I did. Something I've noticed is that I play really really different in tournaments compared to online. Online I will rush in blindly and mash uppercuts a lot. In this tournament, I played very defensively and never mashed once. Part of it is me giving too much respect to not only the well known players, but everybody I play. It helped me win some games but I do feel like I need to be more of a risk taker as well.

In pools I beat a Vega, Balrog, and Bison. They were charge characters so I out turtled them and only went on the offensive when I got knockdowns. I got a lot of mileage out of my EX axe kick which is overhead and they weren't blocking it. Against Ranma, I had a couple of rounds where I got bodied and a couple where I did pretty well. I kind of liked the last round because he dizzied me and used his super to bring me down to about 5% health while still not losing any himself. I then started mounting a comeback but fell short when he finally killed me with about 30% of his health left.

Anyways I had a good time and I'm looking forward to attending tournaments again as this was my first one since last July. Their was a lot of combos that I dropped a lot of stuff I wanted to do in matches that I didn't do. So I guess you could say some of my hunger is back.

GGs, this was my first night ever playing SSFIVAE with knowing the game's basics. I keep mixing up punches and kicks (not used to having both) and up-backing to chicken block, haha. I can't believe people think Marvel is more random than this game. Lay it on me.

GGs, this was my first night ever playing SSFIVAE with knowing the game's basics. I keep mixing up punches and kicks (not used to having both) and up-backing to chicken block, haha. I can't believe people think Marvel is more random than this game. Lay it on me.

GGs Karst. Welcome to Street Fighter IV haha
I know how you feel, sometimes I would come back to SF after a long layoff and I'll try pushblocking lol

Some fundamentals, though I won't go too in depth since you probably know or are aware of these concepts:
Try to only jump-in if you're going for a setup or it's a guaranteed safe situation. I picked Gief and landed his aerial ultra 2s on you to try to illustrate the point that jumping is fundamentally not the best option for movement.
Learn the ideal anti-airs for your character. if someone is jumping in free and getting pressure on you all day you're in trouble.
Practice SRK xx FADC. it's safe pressure and can keep your blockstrings going.
I plink almost every input out of habit. Just helps to give you that extra frame of input.
There are a lot of input shortcuts in this game like down-forward x2 = srk. Some of them might be useful to you, but i don't really use them too often.
Safe jump setups are really character dependent on you to learn. I know honda has like 3 safe jumps, but other characters can have a ton and they really are useful.
I don't really use option-selects since Honda's game isn't too dependent on them but they have their uses too. I wouldn't worry about them and safe jumps at this point. I would stick to learning anti airs, safe pokes, and a couple of bnbs (off different confirms and/or jump-ins) to get you started.

Okay, so it seems you've taken a liking to Akuma? I'm pretty much a Honda character specialist, so I would have to refer you to the SRK boards (if you dare, that site is atrocious now) for specifics on matchups and combos. There may be some Akumas that can chime in here for some advice too.

So with Akuma, his walkspeed is A+ Walking forward and using roundhouse is generally a good way to apply pressure. His crouching mk xx fireball isn't too bad. Akuma really can mix it up with zoning and pressure, but at heart he's a vortex character. Once you score a knockdown, look to start the vortex with demon flip, empty jump, etc.
A lot of street fighter is knowing your matchups and your options in each matchup. There are a lot of instances of character-specific combos, as well as punishes on block.
Generally since this is a heavy footsie based game, you'll need to learn how to confirm your combos off of certain pokes or light punch/kick. for example, a basic punish if someone tries to hit you with a sweep (or something else that is like -7 on block) would be like cr.lp x2 > cr.mk xx fireball (i have no idea if this is an actual combo for akuma, but you get the point).
You can still do trials in this game (even though they're not configured to AE2012), and maybe like the first 13 or so will help you understand combos with cancelling and links in this game. A prime example is Ryu's trial of cr.mp > cr.mp > sweep, which is just links.
Obviously the best Akuma in the business is Infiltration, so I would check out his match footage. Tokido is a good one too. Eita has a good akuma but is more grounded in fundamentals, so that might be a better starting point. You can find a lot of their online matches though, so you can see their inputs too.

Did you have any specific questions? I feel like you can really be good at this game, it just takes some time and learning the matchups.


oh yeah, i forgot about frame traps. these are a good way to catch people who mash option select crouch tech (i mash dat shit all day). frame traps and safe jumps are the only reason why i'm starting to learn bipson, because he has quite a few of them. he's also not a heavy execution character which is perfect for me. are there any other characters you were interested in learning?


FR was one of the best ran tournaments I've ever been to. Everything started on time for the most part, with very little waiting and down time. Definitely plan on going to the next one if I can.

I ended up tying for 25th in SFIV. Lost 1-2 to Flash Metroid in winners top 64 because I dropped a Machine Gun Blow ender in the first match against his Akuma, then messed up a DP in the last round against his Zangief in the last match. Lost 1-2 to Druseph's Honda because I messed up some anti airs and the Honda matchup being pretty dumb. I totally out played him for the first half of each match. Then, got touched once for like 45-50% damage (400 damage super omgggg). I should have just picked Balrog and beat him on the ground, but I kept thinking that my Dudley was strong enough. Oh well, guess there's next time.

I went 3-2 against Ryan Hart's Sagat in a money match, then 2-3 against him in the rematch. Dude's zoning is so good that I had a bunch of trouble going through fireballs on reaction without just sitting there looking for them. I beat Alukard's Balrog/Evil Ryu in a money match too 5-4. Lost a $1 money match to Knuckledu's Guile 2-3, but it was like 6 am by then and I couldn't punish Sonic booms.

Overall, I think I did okay, but I know I could have done better. I should have beaten Flash. I would have played Ricky after that, and I think I could have taken him if I played my best. Next time I guess.

Shoutouts to USD, DBJ and Vexco! Didn't get to meet you Rice Eater but you looked good on stream.
Shoutouts to USD, DBJ and Vexco! Didn't get to meet you Rice Eater but you looked good on stream.

Good shit Chaotix, as for me not meeting anybody, sorry for being anti-social. The thing is that I only planned on going one day with a couple of friends who don't play. I was literally only their for 4 hours. Got their around 3pm, watched matches for a while, played my pool matches from 6pm to 7:20 and left soon after. I actually wanted to stay longer but my friends were bored, hot, and not enjoying the body odor either. So I did them a favor and told them I was ready to go.

Next time I would actually like to meet some of you guys and get some casuals in like I did at EVO 2011 when I met God's Beard. Are you going to "The Fall Classic". That's in my home state so I will definitely be there. If you are then I'll see you there.


Mrs. Harvey
Yeah good stuff Rice. The way PR Rog played, I'm convinced Naruo would destroy him. Don't think he could handle E.Ryu mixups at a high level.


Mrs. Harvey
Don't like the SF X Sanrio stick being Pink and Black. It doesn't look right to me so I switched the shells and covers of the stick with the Red SFXT stick. Looks much better to me.






What seems to be the problem?

off the top of my head:

- How do you tech properly, most of the time if I see a throw coming an I tech or crouch tech the throw happens anyway

- How do you properly use focus attacks? I've been trying to incorporate them into my game and they seem to make me die faster. I can't FA jumpins as the opponent can always block the FA after landing yet people can always do it to me. I also don't know the proper time to use it to try and get in on the ground. I've been trying to force myself to only neutral jump and jump back and try to use FA's to get in.....It's not really working as intended.

- When do you know when you can punish attacks? I have no idea what's safe and what's not leading me to constantly eat damage when I think something is unsafe, press a button, and eat a ton of dmg. Like the other points above most people can do it to me(either through reversals or normals) is it something where I just have to check frame data for everyones moveset? I generally find it harder to judge what normals/specials are safe in Capcom titles compared to other fighters.

That's it atm as that's what I've been focusing on this past week. The rest would be character specific.


Rodent Whores
off the top of my head:

- How do you tech properly, most of the time if I see a throw coming an I tech or crouch tech the throw happens anyway

- How do you properly use focus attacks? I've been trying to incorporate them into my game and they seem to make me die faster. I can't FA jumpins as the opponent can always block the FA after landing yet people can always do it to me. I also don't know the proper time to use it to try and get in on the ground. I've been trying to force myself to only neutral jump and jump back and try to use FA's to get in.....It's not really working as intended.

- When do you know when you can punish attacks? I have no idea what's safe and what's not leading me to constantly eat damage when I think something is unsafe, press a button, and eat a ton of dmg. Like the other points above most people can do it to me(either through reversals or normals) is it something where I just have to check frame data for everyones moveset? I generally find it harder to judge what normals/specials are safe in Capcom titles compared to other fighters.

That's it atm as that's what I've been focusing on this past week. The rest would be character specific.

Hm, throw teching is all about anticipation and timing. Personally, I don't really "see" throws coming, I usually just anticipate then and then try to tech. Watch some videos of people playing with the inputs showing, and see when they try to tech.

You can also try to plink throw tech with medium punch to give you more chances to tech.

You probably shouldn't try to FA jump ins that much, just focus and backdash or something. A lot of FAs are too slow to be reliably timed to beat out a jump in + shoryuken, for example.

Getting in with only FAs is more of an advanced technique. You might want to get more familiar with the game before relying on that too much. You can jump in once in a while, just don't be predictable. Try to read your opponent's behavior, and jump in when they do a slow attack, like a fireball.

You could read frame data...but that's kinda boring. You get an idea for what's safe just by playing the game. At least be familiar with your own frame data a little, and remember what your fastest moves are. Then, see which of those moves you can use as a reliable combo starter.

As a general rule, you can probably punish most blocked or whiffed special attacks. For some characters, their recovery animation on their normal moves is deceptively fast, so they are good at frame trapping you. If you keep getting blown up by this, just block more. Or, counter poke with moves that have a faster start up time.


Hm, throw teching is all about anticipation and timing. Personally, I don't really "see" throws coming, I usually just anticipate then and then try to tech. Watch some videos of people playing with the inputs showing, and see when they try to tech.

You can also try to plink throw tech with medium punch to give you more chances to tech.

You probably shouldn't try to FA jump ins that much, just focus and backdash or something. A lot of FAs are too slow to be reliably timed to beat out a jump in + shoryuken, for example.

Getting in with only FAs is more of an advanced technique. You might want to get more familiar with the game before relying on that too much. You can jump in once in a while, just don't be predictable. Try to read your opponent's behavior, and jump in when they do a slow attack, like a fireball.

You could read frame data...but that's kinda boring. You get an idea for what's safe just by playing the game. At least be familiar with your own frame data a little, and remember what your fastest moves are. Then, see which of those moves you can use as a reliable combo starter.

As a general rule, you can probably punish most blocked or whiffed special attacks. For some characters, their recovery animation on their normal moves is deceptively fast, so they are good at frame trapping you. If you keep getting blown up by this, just block more. Or, counter poke with moves that have a faster start up time.

I get blown up by gimmicky shit. ie gouken doing a crouching forward into fireball x infinity when I'm in the corner, same with rose's crouching forward into drill. If I press a button I get blown up. Then there's Ryu/Ken/Akuma whiffed light SRK into another SRK.

How do you not be predictable with jumping in? I feel like my jumpins are always predictable, which is why I've been trying to limit it as much as possible.(for reference I use Makoto/Yun/Akuma)


Well the ken Lp srk spam is generally harder to punish online. I would recommend you hitting up your local scene the play will be much more refined and fun.


Rodent Whores
I get blown up by gimmicky shit. ie gouken doing a crouching forward into fireball x infinity when I'm in the corner, same with rose's crouching forward into drill. If I press a button I get blown up. Then there's Ryu/Ken/Akuma whiffed light SRK into another SRK.

How do you not be predictable with jumping in? I feel like my jumpins are always predictable, which is why I've been trying to limit it as much as possible.(for reference I use Makoto/Yun/Akuma)

For the gimmicky stuff you mentioned, be more patient with your blocking. Not everything is punishable, and players can use their opponents' tendencies to push buttons against them. Recognize that this is a strategy your opponent is using, and adjust your playstyle accordingly. You obviously see the pattern if you're talking about it now. The key is to realize this during the match, and adjust in real time. If they keep spamming that stuff out, you can mash out an SRK now and then, but don't do that too much otherwise they'll get wise and then start to bait out SRKs from you.

At the least, try not to jump in when your opponent has a good opportunity to anti air you. If you are both in a neutral position, and you just decide to jump in for no good reason, a decent player will probably knock you out of it, especially if his character has a lot of good anti air options.

If you're gonna jump in, do it in a safe manner. If you feel like a player keeps anti airing you with the same move, the next time you jump in, do it slightly farther away so that their anti air whiffs and you get a free punish. Or, score a hard knockdown and try to do a safe jump in. Google this if you dont' know what that is.

Learn to read your opponent's patterns, and jump in whenever they do a slow move. Always watch for habits and see if you can take advantage of them.

Once you get good at jumping in without getting blown up, you can move on to advanced jump in techniques like cross ups, or jumping in and then immediately going for a low short to start a combo, or srk to blow up a throw tech.

Other ways of getting in is to use footsies and take a gradual approach.

Move in close, inch by inch, and throw out some pokes and play footsies with your opponent. You can search for videos of playing footsies in SF4 on youtube. Akuma has a lot of good tools for this. His sweep in particular is really strong, and once you score a hard knockdown, you can start some demon flip or safe jump tricks.

Also with Akuma, you can have a relatively safe jump in to close distance by using the air fireball and the EX air fireball to cover you while you are in the air.


Against bad players like me who don't have the reactions, a having a strong ground game really factors into whether you'll be able to jump in or not.




Sorry for the stupid questions, but how do I execute moves like this? My controller's d-pad is way too mushy so I've been using the analog stick, still suck too much to do this.


You can try circling around from down forward to up forward clockwise to make it easier on yourself. No need to go in sharp angles.




Sorry for the stupid questions but how do I execute moves like this? My controller's d-pad is way too mushy so I've been using the analog stick, still suck too much to do this.

I've been playing this game since forever, and I've found SF4's official notation of move inputs to be the stupidest thing ever.

The first picture with the white arrow is where the move begins. I suppose it's separated from the other picture because it denotes a charge. But anyway:

First picture: hold down-back

With the second picture (the black arrow), the moves are arranged at points from first to last, following the path of the arrow. So, start from the beginning: the first point of the arrow is at down-forward. The second point is down-back. The 3rd and final point (where the arrow ends) is up-forward.

So just follow the path of the arrow to see what position your joystick (or whatever) should be in. (edit: or just use this)
Just note that you don't have to do up+forward to end the Double Flash Kick. You can end with Up+back as well.

As Edgeward said, you can do circular motion.

You can charge Down+back, then do half circle back > up+back kick


Neo Member
I get blown up by gimmicky shit. ie gouken doing a crouching forward into fireball x infinity when I'm in the corner, same with rose's crouching forward into drill. If I press a button I get blown up. Then there's Ryu/Ken/Akuma whiffed light SRK into another SRK.

How do you not be predictable with jumping in? I feel like my jumpins are always predictable, which is why I've been trying to limit it as much as possible.(for reference I use Makoto/Yun/Akuma)

Those aren't gimmicky shit, they are legit blockstrings. Funfact: a shoto can whiff st.lk in the middle of Rose's cr.mp xx drill blockstring. The drill will whiff because of your st.lk and you get a free punish.


onemic: VesperArcade on youtube has a great series of tutorials.

shoot me a PSN message (Beckx) and next time I'm on we'll play (unfortunately I don't have a PSN headset), my low level of execution should help. :)


For the gimmicky stuff you mentioned, be more patient with your blocking. Not everything is punishable, and players can use their opponents' tendencies to push buttons against them. Recognize that this is a strategy your opponent is using, and adjust your playstyle accordingly. You obviously see the pattern if you're talking about it now. The key is to realize this during the match, and adjust in real time. If they keep spamming that stuff out, you can mash out an SRK now and then, but don't do that too much otherwise they'll get wise and then start to bait out SRKs from you.

At the least, try not to jump in when your opponent has a good opportunity to anti air you. If you are both in a neutral position, and you just decide to jump in for no good reason, a decent player will probably knock you out of it, especially if his character has a lot of good anti air options.

If you're gonna jump in, do it in a safe manner. If you feel like a player keeps anti airing you with the same move, the next time you jump in, do it slightly farther away so that their anti air whiffs and you get a free punish. Or, score a hard knockdown and try to do a safe jump in. Google this if you dont' know what that is.

Learn to read your opponent's patterns, and jump in whenever they do a slow move. Always watch for habits and see if you can take advantage of them.

Once you get good at jumping in without getting blown up, you can move on to advanced jump in techniques like cross ups, or jumping in and then immediately going for a low short to start a combo, or srk to blow up a throw tech.

Other ways of getting in is to use footsies and take a gradual approach.

Move in close, inch by inch, and throw out some pokes and play footsies with your opponent. You can search for videos of playing footsies in SF4 on youtube. Akuma has a lot of good tools for this. His sweep in particular is really strong, and once you score a hard knockdown, you can start some demon flip or safe jump tricks.

Also with Akuma, you can have a relatively safe jump in to close distance by using the air fireball and the EX air fireball to cover you while you are in the air.

Problem is, minus Akuma my reversal options are pretty limited with Yun and especially with Makoto who has no real reversals(EX oroshi dont count :mad: ) in terms of the footsie game my problem with Yun comes from him having no good sweep, so I'm rather limited to trying to get in on the ground, but yet I hear that to be a good Yun you need to have a very solid ground game. (which is why I've been trying to limit myself to neutral jumping and FA's with all my chars) With Akuma, I don't really know what to do if they're always crouch blocking. I'll hit training mode for trying to get in with an air fireball. I usually can never the placement right.

onemic: VesperArcade on youtube has a great series of tutorials.

shoot me a PSN message (Beckx) and next time I'm on we'll play (unfortunately I don't have a PSN headset), my low level of execution should help. :)

I'm down. I think I've only played you in P4A before.


Anyone else wish fireballs were a bit stronger overall? Too many ways to avoid them, too many dead zones to land in without taking damage, and too easy to land in spots that keep the ground-game at a neutral. Full-screen pressure is non-existent unless the opponent makes a human error of mis-timing a jump. And so forth...
I know fireballs weren't too good in 3S and SFA3 but I'd like to see some kind of a return to semi-glory.


Problem is, minus Akuma my reversal options are pretty limited with Yun and especially with Makoto who has no real reversals(EX oroshi dont count :mad: )

The one true option on wake up : Block or don't be in that position. You'd cry tears if you'd ever play ST. Yun has a DP, a command throw and backdash. Mak has a command throw and a backdash.

Those two characters have more wakeup options than Cody.

in terms of the footsie game my problem with Yun comes from him having no good sweep, so I'm rather limited to trying to get in on the ground, but yet I hear that to be a good Yun you need to have a very solid ground game.

Yun has fast normals, lunge punch and dive kicks to get in. Get beat by a specific move, go to training mode, record that move and try different normals to see which one beats which. You can punish laggy normals with lunge punch on reaction if you look for them I think. Not a Yun player but I play against a very good one. There are lots of ways to score a knockdown that doesn't involve a sweep.

With Akuma, I don't really know what to do if they're always crouch blocking. I'll hit training mode for trying to get in with an air fireball. I usually can never the placement right.

Always blocking ? You have a big wheel of options ... Raw Throw (You have a very fast walk speed remember), tick throw, tick then neutral jump (meh option but you see if they mash tech os), sMP overhead, cross up tatsu into sweep, frame trap if they always tech throws, poke them with fireballs until you walk them back into the corner and I could go on and on and on.

Edit :

Anyone else wish fireballs were a bit stronger overall? Too many ways to avoid them, too many dead zones to land in without taking damage, and too easy to land in spots that keep the ground-game at a neutral. Full-screen pressure is non-existent unless the opponent makes a human error of mis-timing a jump. And so forth...
I know fireballs weren't too good in 3S and SFA3 but I'd like to see some kind of a return to semi-glory.

You mean O.Sagat level of broken ? FBs are pretty good in 2012. You just need to learn how to have a proper fb game if you want them to be successful.


You're right in that there is no true full-screen pressure. Using fireballs at full screen is more to just annoy your opponent than anything else, and I don't really see a reason that should be any different in SF4. For most characters fireballs are most effective slightly out of footsie range, where they cannot be reacted to effectively. They're a poke designed to keep you from getting in, and to frustrate you into jumping. That's just how fireball characters play in this game, and I think they fulfill their role well.

I say this as a Juri player who really likes to zone. :p

then I mash ex pinwheel


My one gripe is this: at the range that they're most effective (close), its so easy to be jumped in on. And many fireballs recover too slow so that you'll recover just in time to block and not AA (there are exceptions).

I just watched a match on Finest Fighters, Rog v. Ryu. In the grande scheme of things Ryu's fireball pressure didn't do much of anything. Compared to ST fireballs don't put you in that mind-frame of "I have to jump in RIGHT now or I'll be chipped to death." You can easily neutral, focus, or use a specific special.

I know that playing ST Dee-Jay v. Ryu, if I don't guess the correct opening attack I will probably lose the whole round. And then you have characters who have fireballs but don't really zone too well, such as Dee-Jay, Rose.

I'd like a minor buff to fireballs in the next SF. I'm not talking O. Sagat as someone mentioned (that was too insane, I agree), but something better than what it is.

I think a middle-ground can be reached, I really do.


Rodent Whores
Problem is, minus Akuma my reversal options are pretty limited with Yun and especially with Makoto who has no real reversals(EX oroshi dont count :mad: ) in terms of the footsie game my problem with Yun comes from him having no good sweep, so I'm rather limited to trying to get in on the ground, but yet I hear that to be a good Yun you need to have a very solid ground game. (which is why I've been trying to limit myself to neutral jumping and FA's with all my chars) With Akuma, I don't really know what to do if they're always crouch blocking. I'll hit training mode for trying to get in with an air fireball. I usually can never the placement right.

Yun doesn't need a sweep to get in. Lunge punch and dive kick all day baby. If you limit yourself too much, then you deny yourself the option to do something in the chance that it is actually a good option to do at some moment. Unless you obviously have a very bad habit of doing something that always gets you punished.

As for Akuma, you can annoy crouch blockers relentlessly. Fireball and air fireball them to death if all they wanna do is crouch block. Fireball them from a distance where you can recover with enough time to react to their jump in, and then anti air them. Make them eat so much chip that it messes up their defensive game. If they try to fireball you back (especially if they have a slow recovery), EX demon flip kick them and combo. If they keep holding back and you wanna get in, just walk right up to them. Walk right up and start the footsie game with sweep, crouch low forward...get up close and pressure with crouch medium punch block strings. Do a low short tick throw. Make them scared of the throw and afraid to block. Jump in once in a while if you think you got them scared to press buttons. If they keep blocking, do demon flip throw instead of kick. You also have a decently fast overhead standing normal.
iirc onemic your akuma was pretty easy to open up until you started mashing dp through alot of my unsafe stuff. maybe adapt to that lame style akuma with air fireballs and fierce AA? and for crouch techers, does akuma have frame traps against that? maybe do overhead or something. gotta mix up that style once in awhile.


Rodent Whores
You can condition you opponent to expect throw after jump ins, walk up tick throw, etc. and then instead of doing that, do cr.mp into combo or low short into combo or jump in srk, or tick walk up EX hurricane kick. Those all blow up crouch tech pretty well if used properly.


Ever lost so many games you think "am I the worst player on XBL!?"

Then I remember Beef and I come back to my senses
Throughout the past year my winrate was around 10-20% (when i was really grinding it out in the past I would lose about 50-60 games daily while winning about 5), so yeah. I'd even post some stats (yo 12k matches what's good) but my saves for all versions of this game have been deleted multiple times.


Throughout the past year my winrate was around 10-20% (when i was really grinding it out in the past I would lose about 50-60 games daily while winning about 5), so yeah. I'd even post some stats (yo 12k matches what's good) but my saves for all versions of this game have been deleted multiple times.

Don't you play deejay? Aren't you like over 3k pp? Liesss.
I need to stop fighting ranked once i lose 3 in a row. i get into a bad habit of getting bopped for the next 10 matches and im too stubborn to take a break.

my poor BP!


Neo Member
Problem is, minus Akuma my reversal options are pretty limited with Yun and especially with Makoto who has no real reversals(EX oroshi dont count :mad: ) in terms of the footsie game my problem with Yun comes from him having no good sweep, so I'm rather limited to trying to get in on the ground, but yet I hear that to be a good Yun you need to have a very solid ground game. (which is why I've been trying to limit myself to neutral jumping and FA's with all my chars) With Akuma, I don't really know what to do if they're always crouch blocking. I'll hit training mode for trying to get in with an air fireball. I usually can never the placement right.

SF4 is a game of discipline, blocking is almost always the best option. For your footsie game with Yun you don't need a sweep, you can just whiff punish limbs with cr.mk.

As for Akuma, mix up your tick throws, early and delay frametraps into sweep or full combo when people are just crouch blocking. Akuma's best counterhit frametraps are cr.mp (links into far st.hk for max damage combo or sweep for knockdown) and close st.hp (confirm into xx fireball fadc whatever). The only thing you need to be wary of is how you time your frametraps against how your opponent likes to tech throws ie. if a person likes to stand tech (Dhalsim players) and you delay your frametrap too much, you'll be thrown out of the startup of your normal.
someone teach me how to play this game.
We should play sometime, since I just started. I play a scrubby as hell Akuma right now, because it lets me jump and do things. I like jumping!

I tried Sagat but I end up mind-fucking myself in choosing between his high and low fireballs. -_-

GGs Karst. Welcome to Street Fighter IV haha
I know how you feel, sometimes I would come back to SF after a long layoff and I'll try pushblocking lol
I never tried pushblocking, so I guess that's good. I just up-back too much. Which is funny since I don't up-back with Dormammu really.

Some fundamentals, though I won't go too in depth since you probably know or are aware of these concepts:
Try to only jump-in if you're going for a setup or it's a guaranteed safe situation. I picked Gief and landed his aerial ultra 2s on you to try to illustrate the point that jumping is fundamentally not the best option for movement.
What should I do when you are right next to me and I don't want you there? Haha. I guess I should learn the input for Akuma's teleport...

Learn the ideal anti-airs for your character. if someone is jumping in free and getting pressure on you all day you're in trouble.
Yeah, I was learning my inputs still. Sagat just seems to have s.FK and the SRK for anti-airs. I was learning Akuma's as we went. Often you got in on me through a jump-in for free because I would go for the SRK input and not get it out in time. I need to get used to using normals as anti-airs more often.

Practice SRK xx FADC. it's safe pressure and can keep your blockstrings going.
Does that have to be EX SRK?

I plink almost every input out of habit. Just helps to give you that extra frame of input.
I am not good at this.

There are a lot of input shortcuts in this game like down-forward x2 = srk. Some of them might be useful to you, but i don't really use them too often.
My SRK inputs are really solid since I spam Purification with Dormammu all day. ;-) I'd rather not become lazy, too.

Safe jump setups are really character dependent on you to learn. I know honda has like 3 safe jumps, but other characters can have a ton and they really are useful.
I don't really use option-selects since Honda's game isn't too dependent on them but they have their uses too. I wouldn't worry about them and safe jumps at this point. I would stick to learning anti airs, safe pokes, and a couple of bnbs (off different confirms and/or jump-ins) to get you started.
Can you tell me what all those are, or recommend a particular Akuma video guide for me? I feel weird playing Akuma in SFIV but not using him in Marvel, but everyone else is just too grounded for my taste. I like that free air fireball pressure...

Okay, so it seems you've taken a liking to Akuma? I'm pretty much a Honda character specialist, so I would have to refer you to the SRK boards (if you dare, that site is atrocious now) for specifics on matchups and combos. There may be some Akumas that can chime in here for some advice too.
I'm not touching SRK. :p I'd say that I like what Akuma has to offer, but I'm not set on him. The only thing entirely off the table for me are charge characters - I just can't handle them. And I'm primarily an aesthetic player with a love for harassing people with projectiles, so Akuma seems like a good fit. I tried Evil Ryu and he doesn't seem to offer much. Oni isn't anything like my style.

So with Akuma, his walkspeed is A+ Walking forward and using roundhouse is generally a good way to apply pressure. His crouching mk xx fireball isn't too bad. Akuma really can mix it up with zoning and pressure, but at heart he's a vortex character. Once you score a knockdown, look to start the vortex with demon flip, empty jump, etc.
Yeah, I have to learn his inputs for the demon flip and such. I did it in training mode for the first time after we quit. In our matches I had to stick to the basic f.MP and c.H mix-ups. I'll try to remember to use his roundhouse more.

A lot of street fighter is knowing your matchups and your options in each matchup. There are a lot of instances of character-specific combos, as well as punishes on block.
I probably won't learn all that stuff, my play for this game will be very casual.

Generally since this is a heavy footsie based game, you'll need to learn how to confirm your combos off of certain pokes or light punch/kick. for example, a basic punish if someone tries to hit you with a sweep (or something else that is like -7 on block) would be like cr.lp x2 > cr.mk xx fireball (i have no idea if this is an actual combo for akuma, but you get the point).
I figured I should be doing stuff like that, I just don't know what it is. I know I see tatsu > DP a lot as a combo, though.

You can still do trials in this game (even though they're not configured to AE2012), and maybe like the first 13 or so will help you understand combos with cancelling and links in this game. A prime example is Ryu's trial of cr.mp > cr.mp > sweep, which is just links.
Are they good for learning practical things for your character? I suppose Marvel has jaded me.

Obviously the best Akuma in the business is Infiltration, so I would check out his match footage. Tokido is a good one too. Eita has a good akuma but is more grounded in fundamentals, so that might be a better starting point. You can find a lot of their online matches though, so you can see their inputs too.
Maybe I should watch the SSFIVAE GF for FR...

Did you have any specific questions? I feel like you can really be good at this game, it just takes some time and learning the matchups.
Can you lay out all the specifics of focus attacks? I got nailed with a lot of unblockables until I figured out that (apparently?) 2 or more hits breaks focus.


oh yeah, i forgot about frame traps. these are a good way to catch people who mash option select crouch tech (i mash dat shit all day). frame traps and safe jumps are the only reason why i'm starting to learn bipson, because he has quite a few of them. he's also not a heavy execution character which is perfect for me. are there any other characters you were interested in learning?
I just want to find the character that's right for me.


Don't you play deejay? Aren't you like over 3k pp? Liesss.
100% true. Ask anyone i play with regularly.

If anything it shows that if even i (who i feel is a naturally bad player) can get somewhere with deejay (who is definitely bad), then anyone can.

grind it out, get salty, vent on gaf,
break your disk in half due to constant months of stress and loss
, and level up. If you arent naturally talented its all you can do.
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