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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Is anyone up to date on Akuma tech? I haven't grinded the game since Super but plan to enter a couple of tourneys next month and I'm not clear on the new subtle tactics I'm seeing on streams.


Is anyone up to date on Akuma tech? I haven't grinded the game since Super but plan to enter a couple of tourneys next month and I'm not clear on the new subtle tactics I'm seeing on streams.


  • Demon Flip (LK, MK, or HK all dependent on spacing and whether or not you want to land in front or behind)
    • Whiff Palm
      • Normal
      • Throw
      • Super
    • Throw
    • Divekick
  • *delay*Jump
    • Meaty J.HK
    • Crossup Tatsu
  • probably other stuff i'm forgetting, i think there might be a xup fireball setup off sweep

Forward Throw

  • Forward Dash x2
    • Meaty J.HK
    • Crossup Tatsu
  • Forward Dash x1
    • HK Demon Flip (walk forward slightly before doing the demon flip to land behind them with whiff palm)
      • Whiff Palm
        • Normal
        • Throw
        • Super
      • Throw
      • Divekick

There's probably a billion other setups I'm not including here, but these are some simple beginnings to his vortex. His gameplan is still just: Get a knockdown -> Win. His walk speed lets him play footsies very easily, his normals are amazing.


Thanks, that stuff hasn't changed for the most part but I'll relearn it, along with stuff like c.lp > cl.hp > U2.

Since I didn't play AE much, I know he gets less advantage on the forward throw, that didn't remove his safe jumps?


Thanks, that stuff hasn't changed for the most part but I'll relearn it, along with stuff like c.lp > cl.hp > U2.

Since I didn't play AE much, I know he gets less advantage on the forward throw, that didn't remove his safe jumps?

I think the dash dash meaty j.hk is like a 5 or 6 frame safejump still. Dunno about others :X

Wasn't sure how much of Akuma you knew so just sharing my very basic knowledge of him :p


That helps for sure! The "first" thing to do after forward throw in vanilla was dash x2 > mk.flip > dive kick. Sounds like I should be doing the 1 dash > step > hk flip instead.

Also, a whole lot less of s.HK.

Can I ask how these unblockables work? Are they character-specific setups?

Edit: 5/6 frames isn't a safe jump IIRC, as that's slow enough for cannon spike or tiger uppercut to hit.


That helps for sure! The "first" thing to do after forward throw in vanilla was dash x2 > mk.flip > dive kick. Sounds like I should be doing the 1 dash > step > hk flip instead.

Also, a whole lot less of s.HK.

Can I ask how these unblockables work? Are they character-specific setups?

Edit: 5/6 frames isn't a safe jump IIRC, as that's slow enough for cannon spike or tiger uppercut to hit.

It'll beat slow DPs only, you're right. Stuff like Dudley's Jet Upper, Ibuki's Kazekiri, Balrog's Headbutt, etc.

Unblockables are a jumping attack that is precisely targeted to land on the middle of an opponent as they wake up. They abuse a phenomenon in the game where if someone is holding towards as they wake up, the game moves them one pixel forward.

Them moving one pixel forward is what causes the jumping attack to switch sides, meaning the person now has to switch the side they are blocking. This is why doing a flicker guard (switch between forward and back blocking in 1 frame), or guarding on the EXACT frame you wake up, will allow you to block the 'unblockable'.

Most of the unblockables in the game are character specific because not everyone has the same hurtbox when waking up.


Mrs. Harvey
You will never become a better player.

You do the same setups 9999 times over in any session.
You mash DPs more than Timedog, Eissan and Edgeward put together.
You do moves that are unsafe at point blank over and over.
You do wake up ultras like it's going out of business.
You rely too much on special moves instead of learning to utilize normals.
Even after months you have not shown any sort of improvement on any of the above.

And until you work on any, some or all of these you will never become a better player.


You will never become a better player.

You do the same setups 9999 times over in any session.
You mash DPs more than Timedog, Eissan and Edgeward put together.
You do moves that are unsafe at point blank over and over.
You do wake up ultras like it's going out of business.
You rely too much on special moves instead of learning to utilize normals.
Even after months you have not shown any sort of improvement on any of the above.

And until you work on any, some or all of these you will never become a better player.

Who are you talking too? Lmao.


he's Virgin Tight™
The coconut tookz my PP'z againz :(

The unlimited power of coconutz! Nah it felt kinda off. Its weird my connection had been working pretty damn well for the last few days and the day I decide to fight some Gaffers (shout outs to Freegments) it goes off. I'd love to fight you with a better connection at least.


You will never become a better player.

You do the same setups 9999 times over in any session.
You mash DPs more than Timedog, Eissan and Edgeward put together.
You do moves that are unsafe at point blank over and over.
You do wake up ultras like it's going out of business.
You rely too much on special moves instead of learning to utilize normals.
Even after months you have not shown any sort of improvement on any of the above.

And until you work on any, some or all of these you will never become a better player.

Shots fired.

But who was hit?


Mrs. Harvey
I think that is enough about him.

I don't really care how people play their games but when you whine about not getting better when it's clear as day on why you are not, you leave yourself up for criticism after a certain point of time. I get my doses of beatings, best thing to do is try and learn from it and move onto the next game. Online play is what it is.


You will never become a better player.

You do the same setups 9999 times over in any session.
You mash DPs more than Timedog, Eissan and Edgeward put together.
You do moves that are unsafe at point blank over and over.
You do wake up ultras like it's going out of business.
You rely too much on special moves instead of learning to utilize normals.
Even after months you have not shown any sort of improvement on any of the above.

And until you work on any, some or all of these you will never become a better player.
Sounds like DBJ's sakura




Sounds like DBJ's sakura

But Sakura's setups will work 9999 times every time
And mash DP FADC combo = 400 dmg
And point blank moves over and over = +frame advantage
And wake up U2 is too stronk
And who needs normals when you have Tatsu
And who needs improvement when you can knockdown into setup x infinity



I think that is enough about him.

I don't really care how people play their games but when you whine about not getting better when it's clear as day on why you are not, you leave yourself up for criticism after a certain point of time. I get my doses of beatings, best thing to do is try and learn from it and move onto the next game. Online play is what it is.

Poor Professor Beef, it just never ends
You will never become a better player.

You do the same setups 9999 times over in any session.
You mash DPs more than Timedog, Eissan and Edgeward put together.
You do moves that are unsafe at point blank over and over.
You do wake up ultras like it's going out of business.
You rely too much on special moves instead of learning to utilize normals.
Even after months you have not shown any sort of improvement on any of the above.

And until you work on any, some or all of these you will never become a better player.

Oh my God, Professor Beef on mothafuckin' NOTICE



I played you a couple of days ago. I'm the asshole who abused dat taunt function in our last match. ^_^

GT: Battle Kat

Aw you asshole. First night back and I had to deal with that. I don't know if you noticed it, but there was several points where I literally couldn't move to the right of the screen. I could only neutral jump and look like an idiot. Stick keeps doing that ever 10 matches or so.
How do I El Fuerte? Any good beginner tutorials?

After you get the knock down (and his air throw or ground throws always seem good with his mobility) you should do a splash to start with. What they do to try to counter it should tell you all you need to know.

If they get hit free by it? Happy days, just do whatever.

If they block it? You are in for a tougher match. Go for the grab next time. Most of the time it'll hit. Then go for the grab again and then a slide. They'll now be pretty mind fucked so do a run into nothing and punish the whiffed reversal. As the match continues you just want to get more and more into their head. Other tricks include wall jump into nothing, or wall jump into U2. Even if it doesn't work, you want them to hesitate. Once they start doing that you can knock them down and start you mix ups.

If they do something else like the right reversal on wake up or FADC out of it? You are probably fucked. Think about what character you are going to pick in the next round.

Elf is really worth learning and I love the style. It isn't so much random, as it is predicting exactly what the opponent is going to do to get away from you. In this way, every round turns into a really dynamic puzzle.

If you can do RSF loops you will be especially deadly because they will not want to make a mistake (which means mistakes), but I don't think you need to go that far to have fun (and probably will not).


How do I El Fuerte? Any good beginner tutorials?

Yay! A fellow Fuerte player ^_^

Just some friendly advice:

1. Get good at starting and stopping the run. You don't always have to start the run and immediately do a splash/fajita/tortilla. I see too many beginner Fuerte players just start the run and immediately do a move. It gets too predictable. Psyche your opponent out.

2. Although I don't do it as often as I should, try and work the Quesadilla bomb into your arsenal. The best strategy against Fuerte is to do a Focus Attack to counter his primary move: the splash. His Q-bomb is his only armor breaking move. I only use it against top players (and sometimes not even then). You'll be ahead of the curve if you start using it early.

3. Fuerte has a wall splash (medium punch) and a wall grab (hard punch). Use them. When you go for the wall splash, go for the cross-up. It rarely ever blocked correctly.

4. Speaking of blocking: learn to block well. When Fuerte is in the corner, he is pretty much fucked. Unless your opponent didn't guess correctly guess that you're gonna use his EX leg throw to get away (his only escape move), you are at your opponent's mercy. They buffed his c.LP so you can spam it if you get some room. But that'll only get you so far.

One strategy for being in the corner: wait for your opponent to wait for you to jump. Fuerte's moves rely on being in the air so most people will guess that you're going to attempt to try something. DON'T. Just wait. Once your opponent jumps at you an effort to counter you move, GET OUT. Fuerte has the best wall jump in the game, so after your opponent lands, wall jump out of there.

5. I know you're a beginner but it's critical that you learn how to do his RSF. It's a pretty advanced move so if you're planning on using him for a while, try and familiarize yourself with it. It's his only true "combo" so you're gonna wanna learn it. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

6. Although Ultra I does a ton of damage, Ultra 2 is easier to land and doesn't require super quick reflexes. It USED to be the most damaging Ultra, but that was before Capcom nerfed him >_<

Also, if you're feeling helpless, Ultra 2 is his "wake-up Ultra" move. It's pretty quick, so if your opponent is trying something when you're knocked down, it'll grab them.

7. I've noticed that many people don't utilize his standing HK. It's a really weird move that has a weird hit box that's safe against a lot of attacks. It has quick recovery so if you whiff, you can usually throw your opponent after you miss. It works great against opponents who think that they can just walk up to you, too. That's usually how I use it.

It's also great because it can be used as an overhead if distanced properly.

8. His anti-air move is his c.HP. It works great.

9. Try and do tortillas when they're knocked down the corner. If you time it correctly against certain players and they try a wake-up Ultra or something dumb, you'll sail right over them and can punish them.

10. The most important thing about this game is match-ups. So essentially you have to play a lot of matches to learn what WORKS against certain players and what DOESN'T work against certain players. For example: against players that have a SRK, it's not really smart to do a bunch of wake-up slides. For charge characters, it's effective to flip to the other side of them after a knockdown to kill their charge.

I do the flip all the time out of habit after watching another Fuerte player when I was learning him.

11. Also, LEARN YOUR OPPONENT. Try and predict his moves. Fuerte is a wild character so it's important to try and be a few steps ahead of your opponent. Does your opponent always backdash after a wake-up? If so, then SPAM THE SLIDE. Does he always do wake-up SRK? Then punish him with a focus attack.


Here's a vid of me playing a Ryu player just for reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3_zii2ReRs. Not my vid; someone else uploaded it.

Some of the moves I use: in the video

0:29 - standing HK (but I don't land it)
0:30 - cross-up wall splash
0:58 - cross-up wall splash
1:01 - Anti-air (c.HP)
2:40 - RSF

As for video tutorials, I don't really know of any good ones specifically. There are bound to be a couple on YouTube though.

Also, the Event Hubs strategy guide has some really helpful info: http://www.eventhubs.com/guides/2008/jul/08/el-fuerte-street-fighter-4-character-guide/
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