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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?

AkumaHokoru said:
wait so asking for pictures of a game from a magazine is a ban? really o.0 I didnt know that.
According TOS, posting it get you banned. The TOS doesn't specifically say asking for it will get you banned, but I guess it can be just as bad.
Congrats on the 1st episode Haunts, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Funny little story: I tried to convince my bowling team(from this past Summer) to call ourselves Frame Traps, but it didn't work out.


Really like the set-up you guys got with the show. Nice to see the Southtown guys let you eat up the electricity firing up those machines as cool background. Only caught the tail end of the last portion but I'll be there for sure next time from beginning to end.
Rice-Eater said:
Congrats on the 1st episode Haunts, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Funny little story: I tried to convince my bowling team(from this past Summer) to call ourselves Frame Traps, but it didn't work out.

Awesome name for a bowling team!


GunbladeV said:
Was messing around with PC AE, how common is this with fuerte? lol, my favorite part was it led to a counterhit combo still

All the time. But normally Fuerte's overhead will pass through tons of moves without getting hit at all. Last time I checked, with the right timing it'll go through:

EX dash punches
All Buffalo Headbutts
All Cannon Spikes
HK Thunder Knuckle
EX Rolling Sobats
All Flame Kicks
All Chicken Wings
All Flash Kicks
All Rekkas
EX Jet Upper**
All of Yun's A-Airs


Abel's U2*
Balrog's U1**
C.Viper's U1
Cammy's U1
Chun-Li's U2
Dudley's U2
Makoto's U1
Sakura's U1
Vega's U2
Yun's U1
Yang's U1
Fei's U1 (I think)

*Only if the Abel Player doesn't hold down
**May get hit once, but you still pass through.

I never did a comprehensive check in AE so some of these might not work anymore, but I doubt it.


Need USD godlike translation!

Famitsu interview with Tomoaki Ayano (assistant producer, designer, capcom official blogger):


A lot of interesting questions (the ones that I can understand) regarding
1. why the twins and feilong are considered overpowered (from capcom's pov)
2. how they were tweaked (command throw, block stun, pretty detail)
3. annual update for SSF4?
4. the schedule of the 2012 patch release
5. the future of sf x tk






good credit (by proxy)
Dear Crapcom,

Here are some changes that I would like to see for Regular Ryu that wouldn't make him overpowered but would make him competitive again:

-make his sweep like Akumas, instead of being the worst in the game. His sweep is so fucking bad that it's comical. This shit shouldn't be in a fucking competitive fighting game.
-give him his active frames back on his cr. mk, taking them away was a huge wtf move.
-give EX Tatsu and Ultra I vanilla damage.
-give EX hadoken 2 frames shorter recovery

Fuck you very much,


Dat PC AE 10 man community is great...


I didnt even know dudley could counter pick anyone, especially a poking spam vega.

This was also in an endless i just joined and didnt even see who he was using, im pretty sure.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Hey gunblade where you at? Europe? I need more pc ae buddies from the same continent :I
Wow, I just had one of those "why did I do that" moments.

I decided to play Vanilla on PC just because I wanted to try and do 4 st. HK loops with Akuma, and end it with tatsu > sweep. Then I figure "what the hell, lets see who's online. After a half hour or so of match that consisted of lag and input lag, I notice this one guy keeps coming back. He played Akuma against me at first, I played Seth. He has around 2000 PP, I beat him about 3 times then he switches to Blanka. I beat him about 4-5 times in a row then the dude starts adjusting. He plays a extremely lame runaway blanka consisting of a lot of jump back and throw fierce as soon as possible. And he kept doing EX ball and fierce ball even though I could punish it.

He starts beating me more and I'm getting mad. What's even worse is that he has input lag on his side. He's just doing shit, no matter how much I punish him for it. It's worth it for him because it's so hard for me to punish it under those conditions. Lag basically takes away the skill difference and makes us about even. I'm doing a lot of hit confirms and stuff, he does fierce, round house, throws, and blanka ball and this shit hits me because it's very hard to even block or tech. We trade some for about 8 games or so then I finally pull away and win about 5 in a row before I call it quits. We played each other exclusively in ranked for like 2 hours.

In the end I'm thinking to myself, why did I do that. It was pretty laggy, but I had one of those rage moments where I wanted this guy to know how much he sucks and I was going to prove it by kicking his ass even under those shitty conditions. Honestly, it seems everybody still on Vanilla PC really sucks. The few very high PP players, I ran into were trash, most GAF'ers could tear them a new one under good conditions. Almost every game was chock full of not just lag, but input lag. I think I experienced one game where I felt little to no lag. But even under those conditions, I was able to do some decent combos. But I didn't see the same from anybody I played, not one. It was almost like the 2nd month of vanilla console where people started understanding the game a bit but still couldn't do a simple hit confirm. Will I ever do that again, who knows. But I must say, it felt pretty good to play Vanilla Seth, but at the same time gat dayum, the dude bleeds hard compared to the current version. It's the stun that really stands out to me.


GunbladeV said:
Dat PC AE 10 man community is great...


I didnt even know dudley could counter pick anyone, especially a poking spam vega.

This was also in an endless i just joined and didnt even see who he was using, im pretty sure.
Hey, it's my buddy Nartyscire! Looks like "Counter picking f....." is his new stock message to send out after every match.

I played him a few weeks ago and I bodied his shit free with Sim (dude is ass). After those matches, he sent me a friendly message joking about taking his BP and whatnot. So when I saw him again a few days later I thought I'd give him a chance and pick a different character, even though I forgot what character he used. I picked Seth and lost by a pixel because I suck at SF4. He sends me a message right away:


o_O The fuck?? I thought we were cool, bro?! :|

So I sent him a message back saying if anything I was counterpicking and handicapping myself by not picking my main. Told him I forgot who he used anyway so how the fuck could I counterpick? Told him to cry moar. His response?



Ahhh, it was a joke. Silly me. :p

So last night I run into him again in ranked. I pick Sim and body his shitty Vega. Like clockwork the message comes in:

You're only winning because Sim is so good and cheap against Vega. I tell him he better pick Yun if he wants to beat me, and even then I'll rape his face off. He says I'm stupid because Yun isn't a charge character. I tell him it's not my fault he is mentally challenged and can't play motion characters. He messages me back that it is my fault. I had no comeback to that.

So I have now come to the conclusion that Mr. Nartyscire is not working with a full deck. Dude is ghostriding the short bus if you know what I mean and now I feel kinda bad about calling him retarded. :*(
Rice-Eater said:
In the end I'm thinking to myself, why did I do that. It was pretty laggy, but I had one of those rage moments where I wanted this guy to know how much he sucks and I was going to prove it by kicking his ass even under those shitty conditions.

I do that to myself too, esp. against lag Blanka players...I want to show them that their spam tactics are fuckin scrubby. But sometimes, when lag is on their side, I often dig a hole for myself even more. And i hate it when I am just driven by rage and get too greedy with offense and end up eating a random ultra.


Neo Member
Timedog said:
Dear Crapcom,

Here are some changes that I would like to see for Regular Ryu that wouldn't make him overpowered but would make him competitive again:

-make his sweep like Akumas, instead of being the worst in the game. His sweep is so fucking bad that it's comical. This shit shouldn't be in a fucking competitive fighting game.

Ryu's sweep is one of the best wiff punishers in the game. He also has several ways to combo into it. It's no where near close to "worst in the game".

Sweeps is not just some normal you are suppose to toss out randomly and hope it hits.

It's funny that you write "Regular Ryu" so whe don't mistake him with eryu, when he has one of the worst in the game.
Yeah, Ryu's sweep is gdlk, man. You can combo into it from anything and it leads into all sorts of option selects which is what Ryu is all about right now.

didn't notice it was timedog lol
Timedog said:
Dear Crapcom,

Here are some changes that I would like to see for Regular Ryu that wouldn't make him overpowered but would make him competitive again:

-make his sweep like Akumas, instead of being the worst in the game. His sweep is so fucking bad that it's comical. This shit shouldn't be in a fucking competitive fighting game.
-give him his active frames back on his cr. mk, taking them away was a huge wtf move.
-give EX Tatsu and Ultra I vanilla damage.
-give EX hadoken 2 frames shorter recovery

Fuck you very much,


_Xenon_ said:
A lot of interesting questions (the ones that I can understand) regarding
1. why the twins and feilong are considered overpowered (from capcom's pov)
2. how they were tweaked (command throw, block stun, pretty detail)
3. annual update for SSF4?
4. the schedule of the 2012 patch release
5. the future of sf x tk

Daigo switching characters every year?


Neo Member
PhatSaqs said:
Any characters sweep will look bad compared to Akumas.

Ryus sweep is nowhere near bad tho.

Why does everyone think Akuma's sweep is so good? He can't combo it outside from lk tatsu, it has medicore startup and half the cast can punish it with an ultra on block.

Akuma's that toss out random st.hk and c.hk and think its safe and they are "master of footsies" are my favorite kind after jump back fireball Akuma's.

Look at gouken,deejay and ryu if you want good sweeps.


holdbrillanj said:
Why does everyone think Akuma's sweep is so good? He can't combo it outside from lk tatsu, it has medicore startup and half the cast can punish it with an ultra on block.
His walk speed, range and startup combined with the threat of shit like s.RH make it essential. Yeah a handful of characters can punish with Ultras but it's still one of the best sweeps in the game.


holdbrillanj said:
It's -9. Chars with a forward moving ultra (chun,dudley, cody,cammy+++) can punish it unless he cancel the sweep into ultra.
It's a great sweep because it starts up in 6 frames (2 frames faster than Rog's sweep) and only has 9 recovery frames (compared to Ryu's 14). And Akuma's quick walk speed plus his frame traps make it a very useful poke.

Also, even those who can punish with Ultra will still have to deal with his sweep during the time they don't have it stocked.

Nyoro SF

I thought Akuma could combo st.LP into sweep for a punish; I see Tokido do it a lot.

Don't forget that he can also cancel his sweep into Ultra if he smells a punish coming.


holdbrillanj said:
Why does everyone think Akuma's sweep is so good? He can't combo it outside from lk tatsu, it has medicore startup and half the cast can punish it with an ultra on block.

Akuma's that toss out random st.hk and c.hk and think its safe and they are "master of footsies" are my favorite kind after jump back fireball Akuma's.

Look at gouken,deejay and ryu if you want good sweeps.
ryu's is punishable on block too. I'll agree goukens sweep is really good though, that's one thing he has going for him.


I don't see how it's worse than Ryu's, the startup is the same, the range very similar, once he has ultra it's almost unpunishable (and even when he doesn't it's less punishable than Ryu's) and the walkspeed allow him to be always in range.


Neo Member
I never said akuma's sweep was bad. I just don't get why everyone mentions it everytime people write about sweeps. People compare it to rog's jab and dictator low shorts.
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