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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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LakeEarth said:
I kinda agree with this. Any special that Adon does is beat by EX headbutt, including his air-kick pressure. If Honda is turtling, Adon has to be tricky as fuck to get in.
Same thing can be said about many other chars when they turtle. Also EX headbutt is meter dependant, it's not just a shoryuken with a kick. And safe jump/option select regular rising jaguar beat all honda has, honda's invincibility wears off and then it's jaguar time.

Not trying to be a dick here BTW, and I'm not sure if I'm coming out as one since I haven't slept yet :(

EDIT: Ken beats chun now??? How???
so apparently next month there's going to me a local major and art and sp00ky and justin and dieminion are supposed to be there.
i might go, but if i do i would just enter blaz because i don't think they play that game :lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Would be great if people would post why they figure a match-up is the way they think it is, numbers can't really prove a point - actual points could be debated at least.


Skilotonn said:
Would be great if people would post why they figure a match-up is the way they think it is, numbers can't really prove a point - actual points could be debated at least.
Sorry, I'm going to sleep right nao, if later anyone is interested or care I will post my detailed opinions.


_dementia said:
so apparently next month there's going to me a local major and art and sp00ky and justin and dieminion are supposed to be there.
i might go, but if i do i would just enter blaz because i don't think they play that game :lol

Don't scare.


Setec Astronomer
_dementia said:
so apparently next month there's going to me a local major and art and sp00ky and justin and dieminion are supposed to be there.
i might go, but if i do i would just enter blaz because i don't think they play that game :lol
I've pot monstered for art before. Chances are you won't even play them.


There's one thing about that list that puzzles me. Sakura. How come she's pretty much all 4/6s? I'm not so much asking based on her strength, but a spread looking like that seems improbable. Not impossible, but unlikely. I mean, of course the better known characters will have an advantage over her, they're better known and everyone good knows what they can do. I just have the feeling that some of those are arbitrary, maybe because there's no one no-one really good that play her competitively. That or I'm expecting someone that far down to have at least one 3/7, but she doesn't. Seems odd to me.

That I like to play as Sakura may or may not have something to do with why I wonder.


gutabo said:
PS2: This is supposed to be from Japan, right? Well, where's the big tourney result backing it up? Even Akimo is using Free Jay now!
I think DeeJay is his online/secondary. I'm pretty sure Honda is still his main.

*edit* Reasoning for matchups huh.


Threi said:
I personally would have it like this tbh:

DeeJay/Bison = 4.5-5.5 Bison
DeeJay/Rog = 4-6 Rog
DeeJay/Chun = 5-5
DeeJay/Gief = 5-5
DeeJay/Hawk = 6-4 DeeJay
I say slightly in Bison's favor because deejay has an extremely hard time dealing with scissor pressure from any range, especially in the corner. Despite it being even frames on block, any followup that deejay tries will be stuffed by bison's st.mk. lk and ex upkicks is the exception. So it is possible to break the pressure, but the risk/reward is heavily in bison's favor. cr. lk doesn't get tagged by lk sobat, contrary to popular belief, it starts up, is active, and recovers all before lk sobat even reaches it's active frames. It will be blocked. lk sobat DOES tag bison's cr.mk though. DeeJay cannot keepout bison nearly as well as guile can, his best normal antiair (st.mp) will lose to bison's jump-in hp (or give a nasty trade). Jumping HP is effective though. Bison's U2 is extremely effective on DeeJay, and bison's dashes make gaining ground a non-issue.

HOWEVER. DeeJay can pressure Bison rather easily. Bison has trouble with chars that crossup alot, between short hop and his crossup DeeJay can mess up bison just as much offensively as bison can mess up Deejay.

Balrog/DeeJay is rather simple. DeeJay cannot handle jab pressure. DeeJay can't do anything to prevent jab dash punches, and he can get in on deejay extremely easy. Low jumps that are hard to anti-air combined with great air-to-ground moves, deejay's rather slow normals, and you have a not-too-fun time.

DeeJay/Chun is the strange one. On paper, it should be HEAVILY in Chun's favor (DeeJay's major lacking area is his extremely poor footsie game, something that Chun excells at) but I don't see it as such. It's true that DeeJay has pretty much no footsie game, but he isn't a footsie char, he is a space control/mixup char (not zoning as people think, he is rather poor at that tbh). Chun of course can't utilize her great aerial moves, because deejay is one of the few chars that can match her in that area. lk sobat will hit so many of her moves, including her sweep. Chun doesn't like crossups either, and ex sbk can be so easily safe-jumped.

T.Hawk is so much easier to keep out than Zangief, and both are equally dangerous once they get in (Gief moreso even), having T. Hawk as a worse matchup makes no sense to me.

Honda/DeeJay i'm not too sure about. I think it's closer to even. Honda's jumping mp does mess up deejay's anti-air options, but you can adjust and use jump hp instead. It seems like it's tough for honda to get in either way.

In my opinion his standout matchups are

In the opponent's favor:
Bison (Slightly)
Balrog (Noticeably)
Rose (Slightly)
Dhalsim (Maybe)
Abel (Maybe)
Adon (Slightly)

In DeeJay's favor:
T.Hawk (Noticeably)
Makoto (Slightly)
Rufus (Slightly)
Ibuki (Slightly)
Cody (Slightly)
Beat a 13k Chun with my 1900 Mak.
Feels good man...
granted it was really really close in the end... and that I might have gotten lucky when I finished her... and really I only played that dude once before he lef-SHUTTUP LEMME HAVE MY MOMENT!


hitsugi said:
Honda #1. Does this mean capcom will nerf him into the ground?

...please, capcom.

That'll be really awesome because I have about had it with honda players that do butt slams all day and take advantage of lag. :|
Zapages said:
That'll be really awesome because I have about had it with honda players that do butt slams all day and take advantage of lag. :|

Yes, let the Honda hate flow.

My Hoda nerf wishlist Capcom:

1. More recovery frames after butt slam.
2. Less chip damage from hands & less damage output from actually getting hit by hands.
3. Reduce EX headbutt damage



Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Threi said:

So what do you think of the DeeJay/Makoto matchup, ooc?

I'm sorta inclined to agree that it's slightly in DeeJay's favor right now because he can zone her. But he's pretty free on wakeup and the risk/reward going on when he rushes her down doesn't seem to be that great for him, so I'm not entirely convinced.


Zapages said:
That'll be really awesome because I have about had it with honda players that do butt slams all day and take advantage of lag. :|

I just can't stand the fact that he has effortless combos that do like 40%.

I've also noticed a trend of people jumping at honda in round 3 when they're out of health. It's obvious that they'll eat a headbutt, but they almost always do it anyway.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Razor210 said:



And get yo' ass on later today, bitch.

Edit: Oh, your brother posting Dee Jay matchups. Yeah, I don't trust either of you on that. ;) :lol ;)

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So has anyone ever figured out why they made Viper's far st.hp special cancellable? It's not useful at all, and it never has been.

Ok, so some of Dudley's best mixups come off his cMP... but I'm never in cMP range against characters where it would matter -_-

I'm always either well within cLP range, or out of cMP range. Very specific punish option. Sigh.


Lost Fragment said:
So what do you think of the DeeJay/Makoto matchup, ooc?

I'm sorta inclined to agree that it's slightly in DeeJay's favor right now because he can zone her. But he's pretty free on wakeup and the risk/reward going on when he rushes her down doesn't seem to be that great for him, so I'm not entirely convinced.
Slightly in deejay's favor, similar reasoning with bison, only difference being makoto cannot stop deejay's fireball/ghetto zoning game, and mak is worse defensively (well kinda, a wakeup fa > backdash is a pretty decent tool imo if you aren't cornered).

Both can eat deejay for breakfast in the corner though. Makoto can push the corpse to the corner fast because of her crazy-ass dash.


Tier Whore
God's Beard said:
Ok, so some of Dudley's best mixups come off his cMP... but I'm never in cMP range against characters where it would matter -_-

I'm always either well within cLP range, or out of cMP range. Very specific punish option. Sigh.

Talking about duds, how do you manage against DJ, got raped last night. I had no answers to the guys dj... just a complete wash! Was 10x worst than any guile match I ever had...
DarkoMaledictus said:
Talking about duds, how do you manage against DJ, got raped last night. I had no answers to the guys dj... just a complete wash! Was 10x worst than any guile match I ever had...
Ask Threi how I deal with Deejay.


cHaotix8 said:
Especially you.

Oh you lol. You're going down. GL at SB btw.

Anyways, yeah, Cody-Seth is definitely not 6-4 at all in Cody's favor. Cody has the damage to scare any Seth player, but any good Seth player knows the game of runaway which Cody lacks tools to catch at a consistent level. And once Seth scores a knockdown, yeah, it's horrible for Cody. I say switch that shit around, and make it 6-4 Seth. or 5-5 due to the damage output IF Cody gets in and stays in.

*reference to the almighty JOP, whose Seth destroys me with hilarious 360 setups*


Imm0rt4l said:
lol @ fuerte/gouken matchup being 5/5

When I play Goukens, I usually win but it's NEVER a walk in the park (now, Fuerte vs. Makoto....THAT'S a walk in the park :lol) That parry of his puts a stop to the splash (and mix-ups) and if you miss one tech, then Fuerte eats a VERY painful Ultra.

My advice: jump more often (after you use a lot of parries because Fuerte will attempt tortilla or fajita buster)
KS Seven X said:
Some nice Ibuki stuff. Probably only works once in a blue moon since you can just be DP'd out of it.


Fun to watch though.

LOL just saw this, this has got to be some of the worst shit i've ever seen :lol :lol :lol

I love how EVERY setup starts off with standing right next to a not blocking opponent, not to mention none of those dashes are ambiguous, and some are NEGATIVE on hit. (st. mk xx rh dash)

What's funny is reading the comments section this guy seriously thinks he's good. Note that these setups are for "expert level" only :lol

Thomas said:
I get what you're saying, and yes it is true that ppl can mash, but if you notice some of the mix-ups I did helps prevent mashing because it catches them off guard. For ex, just dashing in front of them and not behind. And for those who have higher level of playing wouldn't grab as much because my distance from my opponent after my dash appears to be in a non-grabbing distance.

OH BTW Thomas one of Socal's finest :lol :lol


Joekage said:
GL at SB btw.

Not going anymore cause I couldn't get anyone else to go and split a room. Shit, Dallas.

FindMyFarms said:
Does Cody even have any matchups in his favor lol?

He beats Dudley because of his footsies, but then again, who doesn't?

Yeah, Mike Ross put Thomas on blast.
FindMyFarms said:
LOL just saw this, this has got to be some of the worst shit i've ever seen :lol :lol :lol

I love how EVERY setup starts off with standing right next to a not blocking opponent, not to mention none of those dashes are ambiguous, and some are NEGATIVE on hit. (st. mk xx rh dash)

What's funny is reading the comments section this guy seriously thinks he's good. Note that these setups are for "expert level" only :lol

OH BTW Thomas one of Socal's finest :lol :lol

Let the boy have his fun, man. He likes swirling the joystick, he's not hurting anybody.


Mrs. Harvey
Rice Eater > Alex Valle
Black Vegeta > Keno
Rentahamster > Art
Drohne > Die
Hito > That one guy that plays Hawk, forgot his name
Kuma > Ed Ma
Relix > Shizza
Farms > James Chen
Gutabo > Mike Ross
Jazz > Ryder
Joe > Sabre
Botox > Blaze
DBJ > Andre and Min
God's beard > Marn
Lost Fragment > Flash

Thomas vs Flash Metroid

Kadey said:
Rice Eater > Alex Valle
Black Vegeta > Keno
Rentahamster > Art
Drohne > Die
Hito > That one guy that plays Hawk, forgot his name
Kuma > Ed Ma
Relix > Shizza
Farms > James Chen
Gutabo > Mike Ross
Jazz > Ryder
Joe > Sabre
Botox > Blaze
DBJ > Andre and Min
God's beard > Marn
Lost Fragment > Flash


AZ Greg > Tatsu?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Kadey said:
Rice Eater > Alex Valle
Black Vegeta > Keno
Rentahamster > Art
Drohne > Die
Hito > That one guy that plays Hawk, forgot his name
Kuma > Ed Ma
Relix > Shizza
Farms > James Chen
Gutabo > Mike Ross
Jazz > Ryder
Joe > Sabre
Botox > Blaze
DBJ > Andre and Min
God's beard > Marn
Lost Fragment > VRyu



and :O


Mrs. Harvey
Updated. :D

Rice Eater > John Choi
Black Vegeta > Keno
Rentahamster > Art
Drohne > Die
Hito > That one guy that plays Hawk, forgot his name
Kuma > Ed Ma
Relix > Shizza
Farms > James Chen
Gutabo > Mike Ross
Jazz > Ryder
Joe > Sabre
Botox > Blaze
DBJ > Andre and Min
God's beard > Marn
Lost Fragment > Vryu
AZ > Tatsu
Sephiroth RK > Flash
Mimic > Kai
Immortal > Valle
Panda > Nerdjosh
Me > Online Tony
Grifter > Shady K
Dunpeal > Inthul
Captmcblack > Hiro
Rikichi > Sanford


Oh, and I'm running a Blazblue CS tourney, IM that one guy that I own alcohol to to enter. He's like taking names.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
FindMyFarms said:
Does Cody even have any matchups in his favor lol?

Not really.

He needs a Rocket Launcher attack to shut up HADOKEN! HADOKEN! HADOKEN! HADOKEN! spammers/runaway. >:|


Mrs. Harvey
_dementia said:
Kadey I don't get a mention even though I post the most?
:( :( :(

You're the thread monster on the sidelines. Much better than the thread monsters on SRK.

Hito > Hito?

The guy I'm thinking of just recently signed with EMP and is one of the brothers. He plays T.Hawk. He was on the TS stream a few times.
_dementia said:
Kadey I don't get a mention even though I post the most?
:( :( :(

You ignored my challenge, how can you challenge SRK?

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