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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Imm0rt4l said:
yea srk has been down all day for me. I find it interesting that Cammy made their top 10.
She can get variations of the "sako" off pretty much anything now.

prodystopian said:
Why is Akuma at 4? I know he's always been considered near top, but I thought he got a nerf or two for AE?

cuz the basic stuff that made him top tier material are still in tact.


Did we ever get Japanese impressions of Oni and E.Ryu?

I don't recall seeing any footage from Japan AE cabs, everything I saw was from US based AE cabs.
h3ro said:
Did we ever get Japanese impressions of Oni and E.Ryu?

I don't recall seeing any footage from Japan AE cabs, everything I saw was from US based AE cabs.
Probably not. I imagine the cabs are all online and audited in some way, so operators would be wary of unlocking them and facing the consequences.


Blah blah blah- Most of you guys are horrible at arguing.

And that's funny calling someone other than Jay territorial. That guy gets made jealous when a top player plays on SRKlive instead of his stream. Acted like Valle and Sabre betrayed him because they're mods there.

So... just because Jay is territorial, it means SRK can't be territorial too? Mind = blown. Here are the facts: SRK is territorial as fuck. Are you going to deny it? I said nothing about how "territorial" Peaceful Jay may or may not be.

Hitokage said:
I never claimed Eventhubs was perfect. From the same SRK Wiki that the frame data is posted on (which btw, is seriously NOT easy to find; so it's a horrible resource for new players):

So yeah, I'm not sure what's better for upcoming players. Having zero information, or actually making an attempt to provide useful information. Let me know what you think.

If SmokeMaxX is any indication, they're a lot of people who are willing to go to that single site and deem it an infallible news resource.(Even when it's not) Well, let them do their own work.
I'm not even going to ask if you can read my posts, because obviously you can't. I said it's not necessarily bad. Stop jumping on the bandwagon. SRK is good in its own aspects, Eventhubs is good in its own aspects. If you can't accept that, continue to be close-minded.

people actually defend Eventhubs?

Their character guides a complete joke. Iplaywinner is a far better site for people who are completely terrible at the game (me!) and need a head start, and option-select.com has a good roundup of how the better players look at the characters.

I just looked over the Balrog guides for Eventhubs vs. IPW and they're roughly the same. IPW goes more in-depth, but Eventhubs provides better, concise info "at a glance" (note this "for upcoming players" theme I've been talking about).

Chavelo said:
Hahaha, was about to post something to counter with then I go ahead read what everyone else said. So, yeah. I love GAF. Does all the work for me and it's not afraid of anything, eh? /sips coffee at work
This is particularly hilarious because you posted some bullshit that you just spouted off with zero basis whatsoever. I actually did the work to prove you wrong, and you STILL think you're right. That really how you argue? Keep talking bullshit and ignoring it when people prove you wrong.

And for those with a shortterm memory:
Chavelo said:
You do know the reason people don't like them it's cause all of that frame data, guides, and tier lists were pulled from...

SRK and Iplaywinner?

me said:
Define "pulled"? I've looked at their character guides and they look nothing like either SRK (which doesn't have independent guides unless you're talking about their wiki, which is ass, or the forums, which isn't really SRK's material to claim ownership of to begin with) or IPW (useful character section, but not any more or less useful than EH's, just different).

I looked at the frame data and IPW doesn't seem to have frame data. As for SRK, the Eventhubs frame data table does look very similar to the SRK wiki's frame data table, so I think that's semi-sketchy... except for the fact that the person who did all the frame data (pretty much Gilley) is sourced at the bottom of each frame data page. And considering how Gilley is the own who went through the trouble of getting that information, I think (barring any major complaint from him personally) it is sufficient for them to just cite him as the source. Also, the EH frame data info is more accurate than the SRK wiki.

Tier lists are definitely not IPW's. IPW's is made by Filipino Champ I believe. EH either uses another source (which they link to) or make their own (though I'm not sure how they do any of that). I don't believe SRK has a tier list (again, I don't look through their wiki because it's pretty much ass.

So... looking back at all your points... I'm actually gonna call BS on what you said unless you can provide proof otherwise.


prodystopian said:
Why is Akuma at 4? I know he's always been considered near top, but I thought he got a nerf or two for AE?
He lost escape Tatsu, but for the most part, he's exactly the same.
USD said:
He lost escape Tatsu, but for the most part, he's exactly the same.

It was that and the EX Tatsu nerf that I was thinking of, but even that isn't a terrible nerf. From what I read when Super came out, his EX Tatsu is good in some situations, but definitely not pivotal for him.

def sim

prodystopian said:
It was that and the EX Tatsu nerf that I was thinking of, but even that isn't a terrible nerf. From what I read when Super came out, his EX Tatsu is good in some situations, but definitely not pivotal for him.

Dude was given a buff too. His strong dp has more invincibility, so guaranteed 130 damage on anti air instead of 80 from fierce DP.


I like how people are omitting the gigantic buff that Akuma's U2 got in relation to his tier status. Sure, only Eita is big on U2 now, but the ability to combo it without meter from just about anything sounds pretty nice to me.

def sim

hitsugi said:
I like how people are omitting the gigantic buff that Akuma's U2 got in relation to his tier status. Sure, only Eita is big on U2 now, but the ability to combo it without meter from just about anything sounds pretty nice to me.

It'll still be match up specific though, wouldn't it? It doesn't do very much damage, at least in relation to what Akuma already does from vortex.

Raging demon is still going to be around for AA or focus killing. Also, ridiculous damage.


FlightOfHeaven said:
So, uh, do I have to make another PSN account to download that pack?

I want to give Capcom money. Why must I jump through hoops to give them money.
Yea I'm pretty sure you do. Apparently the pack won't be available to you if you already own one of the costume packs.


Yeah, in certain match ups it's definitely more convenient to have the threat of demon, but U2 does decent damage and is incredibly simple to land now. Pretty much any mix up goes into it and it's just a lot of fun to do :D
SmokeMaxX said:
So... just because Jay is territorial, it means SRK can't be territorial too? Mind = blown. Here are the facts: SRK is territorial as fuck. Are you going to deny it? I said nothing about how "territorial" Peaceful Jay may or may not be.

You know who's territorial as fuck? Are you ready for your mind to explode again? 1..2..3: Eventhubs. Maybe I should start to hate them? too late.

Aruarian Reflection already threw you on your back with a couple of sentences about the comparison of news updates. EH hasn't been doing any better than SRK in terms of number of updates. And all you could reply with was some half-assed conspiracy theory about streams. (which doesn't even relate)

Humoring you, my reply is the idea of SRK telling EH to lay off the evo season doesn't make any sense. My complaint about eventhubs cockblocking iplaywinner/team spooky streams came from zero coverage of their locals or smaller tournaments like montreal. those aren't evo branded. majors like wcw, because it's so heavily advertised, they can't help but make news out of it. (But they still avoid embedding the stream directly to the site, and they had no problem doing that for level-up streams or oni/evil ryu reveal streams).

The rest of what you wrote, I'll just avoid like I did before. It just reads like some dude who's comparing his months of time on eventhubs with a few minutes on srk/ipw. "I would go to SRK more if SRK weren't down" stupid. SRK hasn't been down since Gamerbee blew Justin up last year. You haven't been visiting anything outside of EH enough to make the comparison that they're better.

And here's the finisher. Being territorial, Catalyst is doing something right, if people like you are willing to look past their shady as fuck citation practices for multi colored guides derived from lifted SRK posts.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
SmokeMaxX said:

Personally, I'm not too big of a fan of SRK either. Most of that has to do with how they manage their forums. I might not agree 100% of the time with how the admins on GAF run things (especially lately), but browing SRK often makes me thankful for how things are done here for the most part.

It's true that both SRK and EventHubs list inaccurate information. If a fan site has a large cache of information and none of the staff are really getting paid, then naturally things aren't going to be as comprehensive, accurate, and organized as they could be. As someone who spent way too much of his free time and sanity being a department head at RPGamer.com once upon a time, I'm pretty sympathetic to this.

Now, even though SRK and EventHubs have many similarities, there are a few big, big differences.

First, SRK has been a respected community fixture for ages, and they've given back to the community time and time again. Whether you like them or not, their actions have earned them measure of respect over the years. EventHubs doesn't share this luxury.

Second—and this is the big one IMO—SRK aren't unapologetic content thieves. Where does most of the information on SRK come from? SRK members. Where does most of the information on EventHubs come from? Other places. And not only that. EventHubs has a long track record of taking information without giving proper credit, taking videos and reposting them, etc.

This isn't to say that SRK or IPW or any site is perfect, but when those sites fuck up, they usually own up to it and fix their mistakes. If EventHubs fucks up, they'll just ignore you or ban you from their site if you complain about it there. And they don't even seem concerned that they fuck up so long as they have some kind of content to put on their front page.

So anyway, EventHubs could still earn the respect of the greater FGC if they really wanted to, but I don't think they're as interested in that as they should be. It's the most visited fighting game fan site out there as far as I know. That's what they care about. As long as they've got that, they don't care how they got there.


You know who's territorial as fuck? Are you ready for your mind to explode again? 1..2..3: Eventhubs. Maybe I should start to hate them? too late.

Aruarian Reflection already threw you your back with a couple of sentences about the comparison of news updates. EH hasn't been doing any better than SRK in terms of number of updates. And all you could reply with was some half-assed conspiracy theory about streams. (which doesn't even relate)

Humoring you, my reply is the idea of SRK telling EH to lay off the evo season doesn't make any sense. My complaint about eventhubs cockblocking iplaywinner/team spooky streams came from zero coverage of their locals or smaller tournaments like montreal. those aren't evo branded. majors like wcw, because it's so heavily advertised, they can't help but make news out of it. (But they still avoid embedding the stream directly to the site, and they had no problem doing that for level-up streams or oni/evil ryu reveal streams).

The rest of what you wrote, I'll just avoid like I did before. It just reads like some dude who's comparing his months of time on eventhubs with a few minutes on srk/ipw. "I would go to SRK more if SRK weren't down" stupid. SRK hasn't been down since Gamerbee blew Justin up last year. You haven't been visiting anything outside of EH enough to make the comparison that they're better.

And here's the finisher. Being territorial, Catalyst is doing something right, if people like you are willing to look past their shady as fuck citation practices for multi colored guides derived from lifted SRK posts.
Once again, you have zero reading comprehension. I'm defending Eventhubs because everyone is saying Eventhubs = trash and SRK/IPW = Godlike. I don't honestly give a fuck how territorial Eventhubs is because SRK is exactly the same way. I'm not saying EH > SRK, but that at the very least, EH is a very useful resource for a large number of players, whether you want to admit it or not. A resource that shouldn't be trashed just because people are biased or think it's the "cool thing to do."

As for the news, I visit both pages pretty much everyday. EH news is better. As a consumer, I honestly don't care where the news comes from as long as I get it in its entirety. The only news that SRK posts that EH doesn't post happens to either be related to Evo or have an inherent problem with EH (coincidence?). On the other hand, EH posts far more news than SRK. I'm a lazy as fuck person and I am on the SRK boards just about every single day (Joekage and Chaotix can attest to that). There's no way in hell I'd be visiting EH if it didn't provide me information that SRK can't or won't do. And- as the Tournament Organizer of the largest tournament in my state, a tournament that FindMyFarms, Chaotix, and soon Joekage have attended/will attend, I can't help but sympathize when Eventhubs manually posts my tournament info on their front page newsfeed whereas SRK very rarely posts local events (maybe once a month?) on their newsfeed.

Eventhubs has no incentive to provide coverage of local/smaller tournaments. If you submit info on your tourney, they'll put it as a local event- but to provide coverage? Zero incentive. Honestly nobody cares about the smaller tournaments except the people already attending. If it's a major and it's not related to Evo, it'll be on Eventhubs guaranteed with results posted clearly. The same can't be said for SRK.

And don't even try to act like I don't visit anything outside of Eventhubs. You're just showing your ignorance. I'll give you a clue- MY thread is the second most active thread on our regional board on SRK. I'M the guy who gets everything together for pretty much the entire fucking Arkansas fighting game community. I am on SRK probably 10x more than I'm on Eventhubs. What the hell have YOU done for your community?


Pssh, try to tell ME that I'm only on Eventhubs. If you spent any amount of time on SRK, you'd see that I'm very frequently on the Newbie Saikyo Dojo helping new players out with their problems.

And you bet your ass Catalyst is doing something right. I shouldn't have to dig around looking for something that should be easy as hell to find. If I'm an aspiring Street Fighter player and I want some brief info on how certain things work: Do I go to SRK and read through the blank Wiki or the garbage stickies (seriously, half of the matchup threads have blank information saying "Coming Soon!") or do I go to EH? IPW also has excellent guides, but the whole website isn't structured as clearly as EH and they're a bit too much... "info-overload." Eventhubs is like the Sparknotes to the SRK threads.

First, SRK has been a respected community fixture for ages, and they've given back to the community time and time again. Whether you like them or not, their actions have earned them measure of respect over the years. EventHubs doesn't share this luxury.

Second—and this is the big one IMO—SRK aren't unapologetic content thieves. Where does most of the information on SRK come from? SRK members. Where does most of the information on EventHubs come from? Other places. And not only that. EventHubs has a long track record of taking information without giving proper credit, taking videos and reposting them, etc.

This isn't to say that SRK or IPW or any site is perfect, but when those sites fuck up, they usually own up to it and fix their mistakes. If EventHubs fucks up, they'll just ignore you or ban you from their site if you complain about it there. And they don't even seem concerned that they fuck up so long as they have some kind of content to put on their front page.

So anyway, EventHubs could still earn the respect of the greater FGC if they really wanted to, but I don't think they're as interested in that as they should be. It's the most visited fighting game fan site out there as far as I know. That's what they care about. As long as they've got that, they don't care how they got there.
I like SRK. I don't know how this "I hate SRK" thing came around. I just think it's unfair to shit on EH even if they do some shady things. SRK's been good to me and like last year, I'm gonna attend Evo this year. As for EH being shady and immature- yeah sure. I'll agree. I've seen much of it first-hand. But, I'd argue that what they provide is good enough to offset their shadiness. Perhaps not for content-owners, but definitely for the end-user. Anyway, I think Maj should just sue EH if it becomes a big deal (since he wrote a big article about this a while ago). SonicHurricane has rights to their works which EH can't reproduce unless given permission from SH. Considering EH also makes money for SH's content, that's probably a pretty big problem (under the law).

DryEyeRelief said:
He implied the idea that it's common occurrence.
And unsurprisingly, you again make these stupid assumptions. I'm on SRK nearly everyday. I never implied that they're down constantly. I said that they've been down for the past half-day which, when I posted, was a FACT. Now keep trolling. Oh and yeah, SRK does have a lot of problems, most noticeably their buggy forums. I've never been on forums as buggy as SRK's. I still use them, but you really can't help but notice all the problems with them.
SmokeMaxX said:
Once again, you have zero reading comprehension. I'm defending Eventhubs because everyone is saying Eventhubs = trash and SRK/IPW = Godlike. I don't honestly give a fuck how territorial Eventhubs is because SRK is exactly the same way. I'm not saying EH > SRK, but that at the very least, EH is a very useful resource for a large number of players, whether you want to admit it or not. A resource that shouldn't be trashed just because people are biased or think it's the "cool thing to do."

Uhh...we're bashing Eventhubs because they're morally corrupt. Do you not honestly see that? MiniBossBattle didn't post on this thread because he wanted to fit in.

I'm too old to argue a long list of opinionated points that go in all sorts of unrelated directions to prove a point. (Seriously, what is the point of saying SRK's forum is buggy? What does that have to do with eventhubs? You're not really making the "I don't hate SRK" idea any less convincing)

I'm just going to quote this and let it speak for itself:

SmokeMaxX said:
I like SRK. I don't know how this "I hate SRK" thing came around. I just think it's unfair to shit on EH even if they do some shady things. As for EH being shady and immature- yeah sure. I'll agree. I've seen much of it first-hand. But, I'd argue that what they provide is good enough to offset their shadiness. Perhaps not for content-owners, but definitely for the end-user.

And I'll be sure to tell spooky that eventhubs cockblocking his streams is just his imagination. He'll just have to rely on being on the front page of SRK.


DryEyeRelief said:
Uhh...we're bashing Eventhubs because they're morally corrupt. Do you not honestly see that? MiniBossBattle didn't post on this thread because he wanted to fit in.

I'm too old to argue a long list of opinionated points that go in all sorts of unrelated directions to prove a point. (Seriously, what is the point of saying SRK's forum is buggy? What does that have to do with eventhubs? You're not really making the "I don't hate SRK" idea any less convincing)

I'm just going to quote this and let it speak for itself:

And I'll be sure to tell spooky that eventhubs cockblocking his streams is just his imagination. He'll just have to rely on being on the front page of SRK.
It's cool that you nitpick through my posts for things that you want to argue about whereas I dissect every one of your arguments and provide a proper response to it. Yeah sure "unrelated directions"- unrelated if you're not going to reply to them. Hell, I might as well just randomly string words together from your sentences and argue about that.

I honestly don't even think that you read my posts because I already responded to EH being morally corrupt. Life isn't perfect. I don't expect my fast food to come from organic cows or my cheap clothes to come from factories where all the workers are upstanding citizens that are of age and well-paid. In the real world, I'm a consumer. Or whatever the -reading free news from gaming websites- equivalent of that is. However they obtain the news, as long as they're not breaking the law, is fine by me as long as I get what I want in a legible, clear fashion. If they ARE breaking the law, then prosecute them to the full extent of the law. The problem is that EH provides what no other website has shown to be capable of. Sure they are shady in many aspects, but everything is clear. When you go to their homepage, they give you news. When you click the SF section, you get SF. From there you can click on a character and then frame data and get that. It's not 100% accurate, but I haven't seen 100% accurate information from any other source anyway. It provides the best of SRK and IPW- news updated constantly with a clear place to find character information in a succinct manner.

And the point of saying SRK's forum is buggy is because you implied that I implied that SRK's forum is always down. Which, by the way, what in the hell was the point of saying THAT? I was attempting to rationalize your thought process, which apparently was a huge mistake.

And I'm not gonna hate on Spooky because he does his shit and he does it well. When he streams major tournaments, I see his streams on EH. Even when I know he's streaming some small local tourney, I honestly don't care enough to click the link. That's my assumption of the thought process behind EH's exclusion.

EDIT: Chavelo- Personal attacks aren't allowed, but seriously you really need to think before you post. Like I said, you posted all this garbage without fact-checking. As soon as I call you out on it, you run away. I'm actually pretty sure that you only hate on Eventhubs because it's "the cool thing to do around here." I can't really fathom any other reason why, since your reasoning on why everyone hates EH is full of lies and made of non-sense.

EDIT2: Oh and because I'm getting (unsurprisingly) misunderstood- The "What have you done for your community" is in response to A) people shitting on EH for not doing anything for the community and B) people trying to argue that all I do is sit on my ass and read Eventhubs all day.


I can't wait for SSF4:3DS.
On a related note, anyone remember arguing with 10 year olds? Where they just pick and choose what they want to argue about and as soon as you prove them wrong, they just run away and stop talking trash just to save face?


Okay, look. Maybe I'm just going around and trolling whatever you're saying, but I guess I owe you an explanation of why I think what you're saying kinda ticks people off.

You said yourself that you think eventhubs is a great place for the end-consumer. Not gonna deny that. I don't even think eventhubs is a bad site to begin with, the only thing they can do now is just improve on their content... since they already have it.

What I have an issue with is when the people that create the content itself get screwed over. How about you go ask your "fellow" providers to this community what they think of eventhubs?

I mean, do you even read OTHER websites besides eventhubs or SRK?

You do know a lot of people try to get some type of profit out of what they write, right? Why else would someone like Maj or SRK or even GAF would call them out, right?

Do you happen to know what happens when you embed a youtube video or just say "credit to whoever wrote this"? No clicks or revenue to the creator.

I hope you get what I'm trying to say and why it upsets me, and not trying to ride some bandwagon.

I apologize if I upset you or something. So, yeah...

SmokeMaxX said:
On a related note, anyone remember arguing with 10 year olds? Where they just pick and choose what they want to argue about and as soon as you prove them wrong, they just run away and stop talking trash just to save face?

I stopped because we're obviously just going to go in circles. Sorry for not wanting to participate in that. And you never really did prove me wrong. I said they were morally corrupt, you agreed. You're willing to look past that, others aren't.

Putting you on ignore now, because you're giving me a headache by your foam mouth willingness to embarrass yourself.
And I'm not gonna hate on Spooky because he does his shit and he does it well. When he streams major tournaments, I see his streams on EH. Even when I know he's streaming some small local tourney, I honestly don't care enough to click the link. That's my assumption of the thought process behind EH's exclusion.

oh? EH posts our shit again? They got mad at us for a long time because we blew them up about their content theft. The owner of EH then stopped posting our streams (which didnt hurt us at all)

Bottom line on this one. EH used to post entire articles from other game sites and not credits anyone they got fed intentionally bad info twice and then called on it before they began back linking where they got their info.



does anyone remember SRK pre-mvc2 days?

you know, when the forums were around 30 people large and they had weekly articles trying to help communities learn how to run proper tournaments and how brackets worked, etc.?

I do. SRK is a whole other monster today, and while I don't really care for it anymore.. it's far from eventhubs.


dear livegafjournal:

man playing guile is so liberating. Everything is just so much better, faster, more effective...

when you want to punish something you punish it, don't have to fear any whiffs...

feels so good man.

until i watch the replay and see that im playing lame as hell...then i feel bad and go back to deejay.

and now i lost another 200PP (now at ~2400 FYI, an even 1500 from my peak) just making mistakes because i forgot you have to worry about a million and a half more things as deejay.

So now im kinda stuck.

Do i take the easy way out and just change chars? Or do i tough it out with my existing char.

If i do the former i will have wasted all this time for nothing, gunna feel bad because im just a no good tier whoring scrub, and more importantly the reason for my losses is because of my mistakes, not because deejay is horrible. He can win matches, it just takes a bit more effort.

Or, i can stick it out, continue trying (and failing) to level up, increasingly get frustrated with the game, and wind up breaking something out of rage. Then i can just label myself as an idiot who gets too emotionally attached (moreso than i already am unfortunately) to videogames.

it's a tough choice mang.


on topic: what i don't get with eventhubs is why they feel the need to claim everything as their own work. They are already popular enough, nobody would have any problem if they were simply a news aggregator and credited their sources, pretty much everyone would still go there anyways (i know i would, most everything via google search pops up with it as the first result).

But they seem to want people who visit their site to believe that the work is theirs. Just credit the people, give the link and let them get some clicks as well.


prodystopian said:
So I just found out I am going to GDC. Are any of the AE cabs in NorCal near the Moscone Center? Also, any other SF Gaffers going to GDC?
I'll be there, but probably too busy with stuff to head out on an AE search.
With Sony announcing the NGP recently, does anybody else hope that maybe they'll create SSF4 AE(hopefully arcade perfect port) for the NGP with USB arcade stick support. I talked about this with a buddy and we're both definitely on board if something like that were to happen. Hell I was interested in getting the system anyways, but having that would make it so much more tempting.
FlightOfHeaven said:

I mean, I understand wanting it on portables, but... with arcade stick support??
Something to do on plane rides to Evo.

PSP Go supported sixaxis/dualshock3. A hacked wireless arcade stick using the guts from either pad worked.


What difference is this going to make? No sense in trying to build up hype, when the cat is already out of the bag...

"The Capcops are coming! The Capcops are coming!". They sure did. It was only a matter of days before Capcom dropped the hammer on our local arcade asking the owner to relock the unlocked Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition characters, Oni Akuma and Evil Ryu. As soon as news broke out about the unlocked characters, Pro SF Fighters traveled far and wide to get their hands on 'em. Some, who I know personally, have broke night playing these characters non-stop. Although it may have seemed pretty radical at the time, It's a good thing they did. The characters, we hear, will be relocked asap and might be at the time of this post.


I would suppose the PSP2 would allow for peripherals, since it's going to have storage anyways.

Just... strange.

I figure I keep the stick at home, eh.
FlightOfHeaven said:

I mean, I understand wanting it on portables, but... with arcade stick support??

Yes, me and a buddy talked about how we can play in the car while heading to tournaments or other situations like this. I know it may sound a little strange but we both like the idea and would be down for it. And with the power of the NGP, the game wouldn't have to sacrifice anything to be on the NGP. So it would almost perfectly emulate the home experience(minus the big screen and comfort I guess).

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Rice-Eater said:
With Sony announcing the NGP recently, does anybody else hope that maybe they'll create SSF4 AE(hopefully arcade perfect port) for the NGP with USB arcade stick support. I talked about this with a buddy and we're both definitely on board if something like that were to happen. Hell I was interested in getting the system anyways, but having that would make it so much more tempting.

... you would need some kind of cradle or something to stand the NGP on so that you could see it, and you couldn't have your face THAT close to the screen, because you'd have your stick on your lap.

I just don't see it working dude. It would be a novel idea if NGP would have HDMI out (from what I hear, it doesn't) so you could have a portable SFIV that you could hook up to a TV and then bring along your stick for some hotel room action or something. But yeah a stick hooking up to NGP's screen doesn't sound like fun at all.

... plus I would think you would probably be better off with a Bluetooth Arcade stick since I doubt the NGP is going to have a USB port in it, but it will probably have Bluetooth like the current PSPGo.


More notable teams to add to the NSB list:

Shuccho Tsukimiya Bushin-Ryu Dojo
Kiryu Tsukimiya (Guy)
ACQUA (Ibuki)
Keshikaran (Fei Long)

Mr Diagram
MACHI (Akuma)
Momochi (Makoto)
Kindevu (Yun)

Yume no Zangi-Zangi-Hawk
CANTONA (Zangief) - #1 Zangief
Zangi-tan (Zangief) - #2 Zangief
KOG (T.Hawk) - #2 Hawk (behind Shiro)

Quite the dream team.

Remember, NSB19 is scheduled to start at 11 PM EST tomorrow (just under 24 hours from now).


Setec Astronomer
SmokeMaxX said:
In the real world, I'm a consumer. Or whatever the -reading free news from gaming websites- equivalent of that is. However they obtain the news, as long as they're not breaking the law, is fine by me as long as I get what I want in a legible, clear fashion. If they ARE breaking the law, then prosecute them to the full extent of the law.
It's one thing if we're talking about some faceless entity, but you see, I empathize with Maj when he gets shat on. I know he puts in a ton of work for the content he's contributed, and quite frankly his site has been far more informative and illuminating than anything posted on Eventhubs.

Furthermore, even in the days of Vanilla there were other sites that produced information far more useful than movelists and bits of frame data. Like this or this.
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