-Focus Attack armor box is larger, extended forward, so some attacks that would whiff before won't
Focus armor box in AE
-Backflip Kick (DF+LK) start-up is 12F, and hitbox is somewhat smaller, so it might be harder use in the same way in AE
-Major changes to Ultra Spark (UC2)
-Start-up is 4F (1F slower), and hitbox shrinks right after the move hits active frames
-11 Active frames
-After the 5F active frame, hitbox becomes bigger; by the 11F the hitbox is the same size it was in Super
-Damage is now 450 (down from 500)
UC2 damage in Super
UC2 damage in AE
-st.MK hurtbox from the shin to tip is cut, making it easier to use as a check
-Depending on the situation, it can be used as a front anti-air
st.MK in AE
-No changes to cr.HP, but because the move is 4F and forces stand, it's a good move to include in combos
-In the last two active fames, the hitbox becomes bigger, and there's no hurtbox from the wrist to tip, making it an unusually strong anti-air
-Almost no changes to hitboxes
-The now-3F cr.LK has extremely long reach, and is easy to use as a poke
-The move is only +2 on hit, so you can't link after it, but we recommend cancelling it into Ruffian Kick
-A number of damage changes introduced
-Flash Kick is now 100/120/130 for LK/MK/HK (down from 130/140/160)
-Sonic Hurricane does 300 damage (down from 420), start-up is 10 frames (slower from 1+7)
- Flying Mare (neutral/forward air throw) and Flying Buster Drop (back air throw) are now 4F, so be aware they're slightly different from Super
UC2 damage in Super
UC2 damage in AE
-st.HK, frequently used as a poke, anti-air, etc., does different damage at the tip and base, as mentioned in the previous blgo
-80 damage from the calf to tip, 110 at point-blank
-Has two hitboxes, but only one actually hits
st.HK in AE
-cr.LK has a bigger hurtbox, extended foward
-Depending on your opponents attack, it might be stuffed or trade more often
cr.LK in AE
Next week is E.Honda, Gouken, Rose, Ibuki, Seth, and Akuma.