The Take Out Bandit said:Ryu got a Jersey Shore makeover.
it's still not as cool as Akuma's blow out
The Take Out Bandit said:Ryu got a Jersey Shore makeover.
BotoxAgent said:it's still not as cool as Akuma's blow out
Where can I buy this?AkumaHokoru said:The story of the hole in e.ryu's chest is like this.
In the Capcom official Chinese manwha (like how udon's comics are official here in america) Ryu awakened and lost control in the middle of a fight with Akuma. Akuma was struggling with his own restraints on as Ryu started to win Akuma however was having none of this, went shin, and PUNCHED a hole clean through Ryu's chest. needless to say Akuma won the fight. Ryu survived and gained control and could activate at will after.
find a chinatown pray they have it. other than that good luck chief_dementia said:Where can I buy this?
I want to edit that panel with Ryu lamenting over his wound and ruined gi exclaiming:
My chest!
My bloody chest!
My outfit!
AkumaHokoru said:The story of the hole in e.ryu's chest is like this.
In the Capcom official Chinese manwha (like how udon's comics are official here in america) Ryu awakened and lost control in the middle of a fight with Akuma. Akuma was struggling with his own restraints on as Ryu started to win Akuma however was having none of this, went shin, and PUNCHED a hole clean through Ryu's chest. needless to say Akuma won the fight. Ryu survived and gained control and could activate at will after.
Heh, cool. His shirt is pretty timely too. Was that at the recent London event?J. M. Romeo said:A bit off-topic, but
He signed my bluray of STREET FIGHTER: THE MOVIE! Really nice guy.
J. M. Romeo said:Nope. Madrid. He is making a European tour or something.
I will buy the shit out of that if you do it._dementia said:Where can I buy this?
I want to edit that panel with Ryu lamenting over his wound and ruined gi exclaiming:
My chest!
My bloody chest!
My outfit!
OMG, thank you! This is it right?Mikhal said:No need to go to Chinatown. Udon translated and released it a couple years back. Just look for Ryu Final on Amazon or your local bookstore.
_dementia said:Where can I buy this?
I want to edit that panel with Ryu lamenting over his wound and ruined gi exclaiming:
My chest!
My bloody chest!
My outfit!
Sean bought the last oneInfinite Justice said:So he wasn't wearing any Jamaican colors then.
USD said:Haha, I remember that match.
Indeed!V-Ryu is broken.
Those are Brazil colors. Sean and Blanka are countrymen._dementia said:Sean bought the last one
No wonder people hate them.entrement said:Those are Brazil colors. Sean and Blanka are countrymen.
I wonder if we'll hear anything at Captivate early next month. SF x TK is supposed have it's big debut there, so I'm kind of skeptical :/Baiano19 said:I love the first youtube coment of the video:
And now that bad ryu is re-revealed, I wonder how long it will take for the Consoles version...
_dementia said:Sean bought the last one
DryEyeRelief said:
That's interesting. Isn't this the Florida tournament that will be held on the same weekend as Revelations?
Yup.DryEyeRelief said:
That's interesting. Isn't this the Florida tournament that will be held on the same weekend as Revelations?
Sucks that this will go on at the same time as E3. My attention will be split between two streams and potential game megatonsDryEyeRelief said:
That's interesting. Isn't this the Florida tournament that will be held on the same weekend as Revelations?
DryEyeRelief said:
That's interesting. Isn't this the Florida tournament that will be held on the same weekend as Revelations?
_dementia said:Sucks that this will go on at the same time as E3. My attention will be split between two streams and potential game megatons
Rice-Eater said:Honestly, how the fuck did they pull that off? As we know, Tokido and Gamerbee are top SSF4 players, Revelations has a 20k guaranteed pot for SSF4. So why did they choose CEO over Revelations. I know many American players have pledged there support for CEO instead because they had there date set first. But I didn't think the international players would care, but maybe they actually do? I guess Daigo might be the only Asian(and I mean from the continent) player going to Revelations, unless Mago can pony up to come along as well.
DryEyeRelief said:Some players care more about Evo seeds. That's why Eduardo Perez is going to CEO.
_dementia said:Is ReveLAtions even legit? Who is backing it?
_dementia said:Is ReveLAtions even legit? Who is backing it?
DryEyeRelief said:Some players care more about Evo seeds. That's why Eduardo Perez is going to CEO.
ProtoCents said:Alright, how many people have accepted that they'll never pull off the wombo combos and just settle for a more basic version that is 10x easier to execute and does 30 less damage?
Rice-Eater said:Care to specify? I'd like to know what boat I'm in when it comes to this.
Joekage said:Difference between being a Ryu player that goes for cr. fierce after every solar plexus vs. just doing shoryuken after solar plexus.
I'm the type to try cr fierce and if I miss, I'll just use st mk next time haha
Rice-Eater said:I do go for it, but I have a criteria.
-Only during casuals, never tried it in a tournament
-Only when I land a focus attack or during sure punish opportunity, I've never tried it after landing a randon forward fierce
-I never go for the DP finish, always a EX tatsu or regular tatu to avoid a really big punish.
So in other words, I probably don't count since I never try it when it matters. The damage is worth it, but just too risky for someone like me with average execution. Even America's best Ryu, Alex Valle, almost never attempts that link.
ARXIN said:Evil Ryu Alt[IMG][/QUOTE]
so bad it's good