Invisible_Insane said:I'm not sure if you saw some of my earlier posts--I am terrible at this game. I wouldn't be at all surprised to have my ass kicked squarely by her, or by anyone else. I also don't know how good you are, so that doesn't really tell me anything about how good she would be in comparison. I'm more of a highly-interested observer than I am a player.
Nonetheless, I wouldn't call anything about this match (Southern Impact, pretty recent) exceptional, even though she won. She could be better than the majority of Kens, but 51-99 is a pretty significant range, and I'd probably put her in the mid-60s to low 70s.
You may be a highly interested observer, but you are not a good judge of skill. Her ken was solid as hell. She definately needs to stop jumping so much and mix up her step kicks a bit, but she is otherwise a really good player. She barely dropped any combos, FADC'd correctly every time and had a really good spacing game. I win about 80% of my matches and I think that if she learned to stop jumping she would probably whip my ass. It's pretty hard to have that "special something" with Ken due to the fact that he really doesnt have many things that can allow him the wow factor. That being said, i never once saw an ex tatsu in the high low combo which allows the 50-50 moment that can make ken seem godly. I would put her at around a 75-80 no problem from that video alone. Maybe if she gets rushdown and she gets frazzled I would demote her to your rank, but that bipson had decent pressure and she didnt crack so I cant just assume she sucks.