So after a night with a stick for the first time, I gotta say, this is going to take awhile to get the hang of. I'm able to get special moves off easier now, but I'm having a bitch of a time trying to do Ryu's DP FADC to Ultra. I always fuck up on doing the ultra. I can do the DP FADC, but it just seems to go too fast after having to dash. I can't seem to do the motion fast enough, and I fumble around like an idiot.
Also, I find myself doing down-forward instead of forward alot. Really annoying.
Also, doing some of the trials where you have to do a (don't remember the exact moves, just giving an example). I think those are links right? The timing on some of them is really weird, and I can maybe do them once awhile.
Too bad I have to be away for the whole weekend, or else I would be practicing more.