Axis said:why not?
He's got really good execution but I've never seen him do anything impressive against a person that actually knows the match up. Kinda the same way I feel about Liquid SRK.
Axis said:why not?
cHaotix8 said:He's got really good execution but I've never seen him do anything impressive against a person that actually knows the match up. Kinda the same way I feel about Liquid SRK.
Imm0rt4l said:poongko's been playing seth in AE, I think he beat infiltration in a tourney recently.
co-sign on liquid. I was pretty dissapointed in his dudley at guardcrush, Marn on the other hand did the damn thingcHaotix8 said:He's got really good execution but I've never seen him do anything impressive against a person that actually knows the match up. Kinda the same way I feel about Liquid SRK.
30 tiger uppercuts per round Ironfist?God's Beard said:I want to see Ironfist's glorious comeback at EVO.
simtmb said:I wouldn't say he's gonna win EVO, but I'm just remaining hopeful that it won't be like a guaranteed win due to the circumstances.
30 Angry Scar EX Uppercuts per minute. Expect it. Ironfist taught me the value of a good 50/50._dementia said:30 tiger uppercuts per round Ironfist?
rivals said:Tried out XBL for free yesterday, miles ahead of PSN. Consider me completely sold on picking up a stick, super, and a year of live. Now to decide between the white BB TE, the Round 2, or the inevitable AE stick that will come out.
Most people are sticking with him (currently) so he may not be as bad as first puppy said:going to miss playing Guile when AE comes out, looks like he is nerfed to hell and is going to suck against the rest of the cast (da twins)
Threi said:Most people are sticking with him (currently) so he may not be as bad as first thought.
Can't say that capcom isn't trying though.
One thing to note is that if your playstyle suits guile, switching chars to someone like deejay for example isn't gunna help, even if he is buffed. At a base level guile's normals are and will always be superior, its just the differences in how those chars are played.
rivals said:Tried out XBL for free yesterday, miles ahead of PSN. Consider me completely sold on picking up a stick, super, and a year of live. Now to decide between the white BB TE, the Round 2, or the inevitable AE stick that will come out.
vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
Kadey said:You get what you pay for.
But no. LIVE isn't "miles ahead" of PSN.
The differences are more like an M3 to a 335is than an M3 to a Civic.
All I know is that I prefer the XMB to over saturated colors and countless boxes on LIVE dashboard.
DAAAAAAAAMN... SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!!vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
You cheated!!!! to buffer!!!!!MIMIC said:Posted cuz this guy called me wack after beating him 10 times (and losing only once).
Zangief standing ultra FTW
mr. puppy said:going to miss playing Guile when AE comes out
vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
Satyamdas said:Oh boy, a huge streak with a character who does stupid huge damage with some of the best mixups in the game and braindead easy ultra setups. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
vissione said:Every post of yours is trolling PSN. You're still free no matter where you play dude.
JJcao said:Nothing is wrong with him trolling PSN when XBL is a more superior network for SSF4 and no input delay like the PS3 version.
Are these Ibuki-only?eva01 said:
I'm not sure about the sweep combos, but the cl.MK → UC2 combos should work on everybody._dementia said:Are these Ibuki-only?
_dementia said:Are these Ibuki-only?
rivals said:Seriously not trolling, it's just what I noticed. Every time I've played on PSN it's been so bad that it hiccups multiple times per round, and when I played on live yesterday for a few hours it didn't happen. Sure it's anecdotal and a small sample but from what I've seen it was much better. If I had some time on PSN that felt how XBL did I wouldn't bother, to be sure. But meh, mostly trying to justify the fact that I'm about to throw another $250 into this (hoping it's worth it) and as you said I'll still be free as shit.
EDIT: Also,![]()
Same here. Also feels like there are more players on Live than PSN.cackhyena said:There is no switching back for me after going to Live. The game runs smoother for me in every way. Menus, Endless Battle connections. The works. It's enough of a difference that I only play friends who invite me back on PSN. No trolling. Just my experience, personally.
Zapages said:nope, it has happened to me while playing as Ryu. :| Plus the internet lag depending on the connection. Ken players really exploit this.![]()
Imm0rt4l said:Then there is likely something up with your connection, I hope you're not playing wireless. But if live is treating you well, good for you, stick with it. You're not in gafchat are you?
Also stay free.
JJcao said:Nothing is wrong with him trolling PSN when XBL is a more superior network for SSF4 and no input delay like the PS3 version.
Axis said:there's still input delay but the quality of connections seems to be way better from my experience(could be due to people running wireless more on the ps3?)
rivals said:I definitely don't run wireless. I am in gafchat but very rarely, my monitor is in a different room from my router so unless I'm planning to play online, I don't bother running the cable out to it which hasn't been often lately as I've mostly been working on execution still. I'm definitely down to try it out more though, if I have time tonight I'll run the cable and I'll be around gafchat.
vissione said:He played twice. Twice. Unsubstantiated trolling is against the ToS juniors, and that's exactly what this is. Maybe you should learn the rules before it's too late. Trolling PSN in every post he makes in this thread is provocative, especially when he admits he didn't even play very long.
Playing randoms with no context as to how well the ping is an empty statement. We can't gauge how far away from him they were. Playing people mainly on the west coast all the time is not scientific proof of a better network... you're supposed to play players closer to you for a better experience and if buying a different console achieves this so be it. Especially if you want to play now because PSN is down,. On the East coast I have a fantastic time with PSN, and I can admit the experience degrades with further out connections like when I play people in the UK. Canada is fine most of the time.probably forever
However, there's things about people who complain about lag never tell you. What's the ping like? If it's horrible lag spikes it's inconsistent ping probably the perils of a shared internet connections. Did they try quick matches or host? Quick match pairs you up with the lowest ping host and players in a lobby (relative to your location) it can find. If you're having trouble with crappy hosts, try hosting yourself. Proximity is the key in a quality game play experience. The network performance is constant (when it's not down, lol) but not every ideal player is playing right at the moment you want to.
The "diplomacy" in the way you phrase this isn't taking away from the fact that you either have a vocabulary issue or you're just ignorant. Way better. Really? Reaaallly? How can you quantify way better as a sales pitch for other people to justify spending money. Oh wait PSN is down so it's money well spent. Point is...
Be witty and you guys can troll PSN for fun, but the thought that you guys are being serious is sad. None of us are going to win EVO so unwad your panties and stop trying to get back at PSN for having fun in the thread without you. Also, stay
vissione said:PSN is down so we can't play... probably forever and this is all meaningless.![]()
cackhyena said:I'm not looking to start anything. This "stay in line, juniors" bullshit is ridiculous, though. Assuming juniors have less say so or something. Hilarious.
Juniors don't have less say, but if the guy only played on psn for a limited time and he's crying about how shitty his 2 matches are then their really isn't anything wrong with behest putting a junior(or anyone for that matter) in his place for thinking that's justifiable. Let the guy kick knowledge or put juniors on game on whats considered trolling in tos.....cackhyena said:I'm not looking to start anything. This "stay in line, juniors" bullshit is ridiculous, though. Assuming juniors have less say so or something. Hilarious.