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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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played my first really good Yun tonight ,I was using Duds and it was pretty tough. Not sure what to do to prevent shoulder spam, though I know it can be focused. Won half of the matches which isn't so bad considering I'm not really that familiar with the matchup, but that shit wasn't easy. He could seemingly spam shit with impunity and If I so much as didn't block target combo 5 or whatever than I ate a 50% geneijin combo. The match is still very winnable though.

Something I've found is that short swing blow (any version) beats his lunge punch clean. I'll have to check if it beats ex lunge though.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Yuns ex-lunge, when blocked. Does it leave Yun at an advantage or is it equal? The only thing I can seem to do is mash throw for the tech. Also backdash is mad unsafe against other lunges and even palm.

Suggestions? ( as yang )

bonus - question : Are their palm strikes the same or do they differ in speed/hitbox ?

rivals said:
No it doesn't. Same range, same startup, same recovery, +7 for all. EX has larger grab distance but I think it's still just +7 (can't remember off the top of my head).

Thank you man :)


LakeEarth said:
That's actually a good thing. EX slash is not safe, and should only be used if know he's afraid to push buttons.

I find it best to use for a set up with block strings. Such as c.lk, c.lp, c.lp, c.mk, l.slash to start. From there you can FADC into his target combo of s.mp, s.rh, ex.slash. Finish with U1. With the use of a l.slash, I think it adds a bit of mind games. You could jump right after it, back dash, FADC, etc. Of course if your opponent reads right into it, you could take a beating though as I've discovered with my replays, goddamn people go ape shit button crazy.
Corky said:
Yuns ex-lunge, when blocked. Does it leave Yun at an advantage or is it equal? The only thing I can seem to do is mash throw for the tech. Also backdash is mad unsafe against other lunges and even palm.
I forget the frame data for normal lunge (I think it's even, at best), but a blocked EX Punch leaves him at an advantage.


Corky said:
Yuns ex-lunge, when blocked. Does it leave Yun at an advantage or is it equal? The only thing I can seem to do is mash throw for the tech. Also backdash is mad unsafe against other lunges and even palm.

Suggestions? ( as yang )
Don't mash throw tech after a blocked EX Lunge, that is exactly what they want you to do so they can blow it up for free. I've read that Yun is at +1 after blocked EX Lunge and that seems about right. The best thing to do after blocking one is to keep blocking because it is likely a jab is coming right behind it, or another lunge. If they don't press a button right away THEN you might want to be ready for the throw.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Satyamdas said:
Don't mash throw tech after a blocked EX Lunge, that is exactly what they want you to do so they can blow it up for free. I've read that Yun is at +1 after blocked EX Lunge and that seems about right. The best thing to do after blocking one is to keep blocking because it is likely a jab is coming right behind it, or another lunge. If they don't press a button right away THEN you might want to be ready for the throw.

Ah I see, thanks.

Is there a link to a future archive or something where I can view the upcoming SF stream fights ceo/rev without bumping into the results/spoilers beforehand? The timezones are not in my favor, I think the SF pools starts at 02:00 am so I'm fucked.


Professor Beef said:
I forget the frame data for normal lunge (I think it's even, at best), but a blocked EX Punch leaves him at an advantage.
Normal Zesshou has to be spaced properly. At best, Yun will be -2, and since most people are using it from a distance away, it's either unpunishable or a very tight punish. Any point-blank Zesshou (except EX of course) is always punishable.
Corky said:
Ah I see, thanks.

Is there a link to a future archive or something where I can view the upcoming SF stream fights ceo/rev without bumping into the results/spoilers beforehand? The timezones are not in my favor, I think the SF pools starts at 02:00 am so I'm fucked.

I think CEO AE starts at 11pm for you Corcy so you might be able to see a few matches.

Also I'd really consider throwing out FADCed DPs against Yun's ex-Zesshou, delayed teching/blocking can result in you getting command grabbed. Though as Saty said in a situation where they're throwing out non-OSed lunges in hopes of catching a back-dash you should definitely be blocking and punishing.


Spirit of Jazz said:
I think CEO AE starts at 11pm for you Corcy so you might be able to see a few matches.

Also I'd really consider throwing out FADCed DPs against Yun's ex-rush punch, delayed teching/blocking can result in you getting command grabbed. Though as Saty said in a situation where they're throwing out non-OSed lunges in hopes of catching a back-dash you should definitely be blocking and punishing.
IMO the command grab is the thing that puts the twins over the top and into fucking stupid ridiculous territory. I can deal with their dive kicks, stupid combos, safe specials, etc., but that command grab is just too fucking much. Same thing with Fei. Those fuckers have too many tools already for you to have to be worrying about being reset into a goddamn free combo. And it highlights why characters without a dp type reversal are completely helpless against them. They get in for free, and then can just put pressure on nonstop and mix you up all day because they have no dp to fear. Since they don't have fear of a reversal they can command grab your monkey ass all day and it's just stupid. I know they had their command grab in 3S and I don't give a fuck. Take that shit away from those fucks. Fei never had it in SF2 so take that shit away from him too. :mad:


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Spirit of Jazz said:
I think CEO AE starts at 11pm for you Corcy so you might be able to see a few matches.

Also I'd really consider throwing out FADCed DPs against Yun's ex-Zesshou, delayed teching/blocking can result in you getting command grabbed. Though as Saty said in a situation where they're throwing out non-OSed lunges in hopes of catching a back-dash you should definitely be blocking and punishing.

Oh sweet, night not ruined afterall :), thanks for the tips will keep those in mind. Waitaminute, are you telling me the commandgrab has priority over normalthrows? Either I read that wrong or I'm tuuuurrrrrible slow at tossing out the commandgrab input.
I really agree with you Saty, the top tier in the game are bullshit and this is coming from someone who thought the Breathless nerf was ludicrous.

Corky said:
Oh sweet, night not ruined afterall :), thanks for the tips will keep those in mind. Waitaminute, are you telling me the commandgrab has priority over normalthrows? Either I read that wrong or I'm tuuuurrrrrible slow at tossing out the commandgrab input.

Ex-command grab beats grabs ala Abel TT, though I was referring to it beating delayed techs and not grabs.


Fong Ghoul said:
Oh my god. Finally turned on AE for the first time. Yun. Yun. Yun. Yang. Yun. Yun. Yang. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK these guys. I understand the hate now.

I dunno, maybe the game is not for you then. I had no problems fightin Ryus every fucking day for years in SFIV/SSFIV, or Kens, Rufuses for that matter. Yun/Yang is fresh.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Spirit of Jazz said:
I really agree with you Saty, the top tier in the game are bullshit and this is coming from someone who thought the Breathless nerf was ludicrous.

Ex-command grab beats grabs ala Abel TT, though I was referring to it beating delayed techs and not grabs.

Oh I see :) <3

V_Arnold said:
I dunno, maybe the game is not for you then. I had no problems fightin Ryus every fucking day for years in SFIV/SSFIV, or Kens, Rufuses for that matter. Yun/Yang is fresh.

Same, granted I've barely even played much on xbl but the yuns/yangs I've bumped into have been bad. I'm that much more afraid of SRK spamming kens than any run of the mill twins. They're deadly in the right hands for sure, but in the hands of 99.5% of the xbl community they're as harmless as any lariat/spd/tt/srk/sbk/etc spamming character.


yeah its been a yunfest....damn

why is he so much faster than everyone else?

not like im losing to him (yun players tend to play like HUGE idiots) but still jeez capcom


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
hitsugi said:
THANK YOU! I don't mind how he as a character looks, but that stance kills me

I also hate the fact that they're both on fire. Somebody put them out for crying out loud.


Man I'm loving that Guy's forward mp hits twice now, its sooo good. And I love replying to hate mail with "lol banter", seems to piss them off even more.

Haven't really run into many Yang's online, been mostly Yun's with a few Evil Ryu's here and there.

def sim

You know, I'm glad I've been on that Bison tip since Vanilla because he seems to go even with all the top tiers in 4.

Anyway, it's annoying how I'm starting to see what Ono meant in breaking the game to gain some more interest. I'm looking forward to the community figuring the hell out of the twins and giving them a hard enough time.

Hopefully people find a bad match up or two for them. That would be pretty funny.


Satyamdas said:
IMO the command grab is the thing that puts the twins over the top and into fucking stupid ridiculous territory. I can deal with their dive kicks, stupid combos, safe specials, etc., but that command grab is just too fucking much. Same thing with Fei. Those fuckers have too many tools already for you to have to be worrying about being reset into a goddamn free combo. And it highlights why characters without a dp type reversal are completely helpless against them. They get in for free, and then can just put pressure on nonstop and mix you up all day because they have no dp to fear. Since they don't have fear of a reversal they can command grab your monkey ass all day and it's just stupid. I know they had their command grab in 3S and I don't give a fuck. Take that shit away from those fucks. Fei never had it in SF2 so take that shit away from him too. :mad:

Join the dark side today:
Spent about an hour(?) trying to get that Sako Ibuki link down. My execution is making it a lot harder than the link actually is, because I keep flubbing the mk after the far lp (when the lp connects). It leads to SO MUCH though, so I'm definitely going to jump back into training a bit later.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The ultimate fighting cross over game:

Dark Phoenix, Evil Ryu, Oni, Pyron, Ken's Fist in,

Street Fire Fighter-cross-Crispy Chicken Can't See Shit


Lost Fragment said:
is it just me, or is shit get waaay laggier after AE came out?

It's been awful for me. SSF4 was great for me. I'm wondering if it's just because it's the new thing and a lot of people have been playing.


Lost Fragment said:
is it just me, or is shit get waaay laggier after AE came out?
I thought I was going nuts. I swear even against players I played a million times in Super with perfect connections, there is a lot more lag, and an overall more sluggish feeling to the game. Don't know how else to describe it. I am noticing a ton more dropped inputs as well.

As for beating me with Mak, I am fucked no matter what. Jlai never karakusas after a reset, he just spams st.mp and mashes buttons like crazy. So I've been trained to block rather than jump after a reset. And since you like to karakusa after reset, that training has fucked me up and let me get combo'd and beat down for free, when if I was just mashing jump like I usually do, I would get away to safety. In conclusion fuck the both of yous. :mad:


Satyamdas said:
I thought I was going nuts. I swear even against players I played a million times in Super with perfect connections, there is a lot more lag, and an overall more sluggish feeling to the game. Don't know how else to describe it. I am noticing a ton more dropped inputs as well.

As for beating me with Mak, I am fucked no matter what. Jlai never karakusas after a reset, he just spams st.mp and mashes buttons like crazy. So I've been trained to block rather than jump after a reset. And since you like to karakusa after reset, that training has fucked me up and let me get combo'd and beat down for free, when if I was just mashing jump like I usually do, I would get away to safety. In conclusion fuck the both of yous. :mad:

*high fives lost*

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yo Oni's pressure is something serious. I wonder why the JP peoples don't consider him that good. I'm sure it might be like, just not knowing the right way to deal with his weird-ass pressure after only playing the game for less than a day, but whenever he's in on me I'm constantly just like "ohmahgadwhatthefuck."

Satyamdas said:
I thought I was going nuts. I swear even against players I played a million times in Super with perfect connections, there is a lot more lag, and an overall more sluggish feeling to the game. Don't know how else to describe it. I am noticing a ton more dropped inputs as well.

As for beating me with Mak, I am fucked no matter what. Jlai never karakusas after a reset, he just spams st.mp and mashes buttons like crazy. So I've been trained to block rather than jump after a reset. And since you like to karakusa after reset, that training has fucked me up and let me get combo'd and beat down for free, when if I was just mashing jump like I usually do, I would get away to safety. In conclusion fuck the both of yous. :mad:

Yeah maybe, but you still get the better of me pretty much every time we play. I think I mostly have trouble against you from close range when I don't have frame advantage of some kind. Slides and back shorts fuck me up.


Mrs. Harvey
Congrats to Sp00ky. He deserves it. And shoutouts to the Cannon bros and Mr.Wizard for listening to the people and letting a man live his dream.

I probably won't be streaming any lobbies this weekend. Besides the fact there are two major streams going on I'm too busy and have to get caught up on certain things.


black_vegeta said:
Dem backdashes. :)

I find that staying stationary against Mak = Doom. Gotta stay light on my feetz.

Yun palm strike owns mak for free. I'm sure I left somebody on live very very salty.


Team Spooky X iplaywinner streaming @ EVO is a bigger upset than Sako not making Top 8 at Revelations. I have to eat major crow because I was certain that Mr. Wizard and the SRK illuminati would not ask Sp00ky to stream EVO. I am so happy to be wrong about that shit. Huge fucking props to Wizard & Co. for giving TS x IPW a shot at streaming EVO, and congrats to haunts and Sp00ky and all your people behind the scenes.

I hope the Level-Up guys aren't too salty, as they are a classy bunch of guys who also do good work. In an ideal world, there would be multiple streams ran by Level-Up X TS X IPW. Best of all worlds and shit. Lord knows there are enough matches and games to warrant multiple streams.
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