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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Nose Master said:
Spooky doing EVO is the best god damn news I have heard all day. <3

Don't forget, this also means Haunts and the IPW team is doing EVO as well since they form the blazing sword. But it's good to know that EVO will be in good hands. I'm going to be there and some part of me still want to stream monster it lol.
It would be neat if EVO pulled some crazy multi stream stuff.

That way something besides top 8 would get stream time for non-Capcom games
Great post from Saty, there are clearly enough games in the show for even a Spooky, IPW, Off-cast, and Level up stream, even if it came down to them putting on money matches. Though I'm really hyped for Spooky on desks given he's been providing the best streams from nothing and always providing great commentary/commentators for years now, along with Haunt's given IPW is one of the best fighting game websites out there.

It will be a great evo and I'm really hoping that it's at least a duel stream.
Satyamdas said:
Team Spooky X iplaywinner streaming @ EVO is a bigger upset than Sako not making Top 8 at Revelations. I have to eat major crow because I was certain that Mr. Wizard and the SRK illuminati would not ask Sp00ky to stream EVO. I am so happy to be wrong about that shit. Huge fucking props to Wizard & Co. for giving TS x IPW a shot at streaming EVO, and congrats to haunts and Sp00ky and all your people behind the scenes.

I hope the Level-Up guys aren't too salty, as they are a classy bunch of guys who also do good work. In an ideal world, there would be multiple streams ran by Level-Up X TS X IPW. Best of all worlds and shit. Lord knows there are enough matches and games to warrant multiple streams.

Very true.

Would have been sick to see Spooky x iPW x Level Up.

Congrats Haunts and Spooky, your streams are god like.


makes good threads.
Ono 's been answering a bunch of questions on Twitter today (including one from me) about SFxT with a few AE questions. Here's some of those. There's some others on there that are in full Japanese if anyone wants to go through and see if there's anything info in there of some worth.


@EnkBits: On the Capcom side are there going to be any non SFIV characters? Maybe someone little known like Geki from SF.
it's non,we'll add some another Char. Ok? ;D

@regiskakaroto: We also Cole on PS3??
yeah! Cole on PS3 and VITA.

@Medikor83:Retsu will show those Tekken guys who's boss, right, Ono san? ;)
I can't say it ;P

@jvictorslva:will X360 version of SF X TK have any exclusive chara?Im looking
We don't have idea about exclusive Char for 360 until now.

@CelesteOrchid:maybe we should put Gon back in from Tekken 3 <3 <3 cute little
I know,but Gon doesn't Namco's rights. we can't use him.

@TheAwesomeMan: MikaMikaMikaMikaMikaMikaMika = 3=!
Yeah!! I luv MikaMikaMikaMika!!

@LamboCJ:please consider Mokujin for SFxT. I think he would be a great fighter
Oh! Mo,Mokujin is great!?? ;P

@twelvezero8: no 3ds news??
yeah,sry we don't have new it. ;(

@ComboChamp: Paul from Tekken in SFx T ?
I want him... it dubious until now. hehehe. ;D

@tole_cover: Is Dr. Boskonovich in Street Fighter X Tekken?
hahaha, it so aim low... ;P

@Vyomesh1984: Steve Fox vs Dudley. British bper bout!!
Ummm, it so sweet! nice idea! I tell it to Director ;)

@pawsupzeke:All I want in SFxTK is Poison! Pleaseee Ono for your fans! ;_;
I can hear it opinion too much ! ;P

@MendozaNeo: will Skullomania ever be in a Street Fighter game again? We need our kamen rider back! :p
Ex char has problem for CAPCOM. ;(

@LunirLlednar: Ono-san, WHY VITA!? I wanted to see SFxT in a Nintendo console u_u
I think VITA has good solution. I love it at first sight

@BlaiddWolfe: Q vs. Yoshimitsu!
Oh! Q! wow something surprising opinion!! ;D

@deice3: Are we going to see Juri in SFxT?hoping for it!&#12472;&#12517;&#12522;&#19975;&#27507;
yeah, I hope too. but some Korean fan doesn't like her... sad situation ;(

@Croydon22: is there going be an update for ae to have the new character trials in them?
if can we have chance,we'll be it ;D

@ArmorKing2nd: Plz add Armor King in SFxTK! He deserves to be in there, his style is very d
I know,but we have limit slot of char.... ;(

@LunirLlednar: We want Karin and Poison Ono-san!! Pleaaaase ): ): ):
I give serious thought to her/him.... hehehe ;P

@NsideU: Make sure Street Fighter 5 has a new engine but still 2D.
Yeah,if I follow the trade of SF series, I'll be. ;D

@rafaelmartines:don't make Ken doing Fatalities, MKvsDC was horrible and SFxMK will be the
I hope make Marvel vs DC. how about this? ;P

@Azard3: Will SSF4 on 3DS be getting ONI,Evil Ryu,Yun & Yang? please please Ono-san
we hope too.If can we take a chance so we'll be. ;)

@FuZzY_KeBaB: can we have capcom vs dragonballz one day?
Ummmm, someday? ;P


Imm0rt4l said:
steve fox vs dudley would be dope. I wonder if gouken will make the cut, probably not since he's not particularly popular or good.

Rolento better be in this. The lack of him in SF4 is seriously disturbing. :(
_dementia said:
excellent news

Hell yeah. EVO hype going up 10 fold.

Spent a good portion of the day in training mode while watching streams.

MK Axe Kick, cr.MP xx Tatsu will NOT connect on Rufus or Blanka, anywhere on screen. LK Tatsu will whiff b/c cr.MP pushes them out too far. It's fair game for the rest of the cast.



Tiger uppercut said:
And so is my adblock on j.tv. :/
Fucking weaksauce, homeboy. You are provided with how many dozens if not hundreds of hours of free streaming, and you can't sit through 15 or 30 second ads to help out the guys providing them to you? I know you're not obligated to watch those ads but goddamn man, I think it is the courteous thing to do since dudes like Sp00ky provide so much entertainment that you are paying nothing for. A few measly seconds isn't gonna hurt you.

I understand using adblock in general because basically everything has ads and they are no doubt annoying, but for guys like Sp00ky & haunts who are doing this streaming shit out of their own fucking pocket I would think a person who appreciates what they do would at least white list them so they don't get fucked out of the little ad money they get. I'm fucking happy to sit through ads every time a stream is popping off or when Sp00ky throws one up randomly, because I support where the money is going. An ad front of a random video or youtube clip? Yeah block that shit all day, son.
Poor show Tiger Uppercut.

Saty hits the nail on the head with this one.

When he runs ads during the stream it is always during a lull, when they're setting up a new game or there has been a prolonged delay.

Post on gaf when the ads are running, but show some love for a top class stream.
Satyamdas said:
Fucking weaksauce, homeboy. You are provided with how many dozens if not hundreds of hours of free streaming, and you can't sit through 15 or 30 second ads to help out the guys providing them to you? I know you're not obligated to watch those ads but goddamn man, I think it is the courteous thing to do since dudes like Sp00ky provide so much entertainment that you are paying nothing for. A few measly seconds isn't gonna hurt you.

I understand using adblock in general because basically everything has ads and they are no doubt annoying, but for guys like Sp00ky & haunts who are doing this streaming shit out of their own fucking pocket I would think a person who appreciates what they do would at least white list them so they don't get fucked out of the little ad money they get. I'm fucking happy to sit through ads every time a stream is popping off or when Sp00ky throws one up randomly, because I support where the money is going. An ad front of a random video or youtube clip? Yeah block that shit all day, son.
Maybe he supports them by donating? that's what I do

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Anyone up for some PSN training Monday or Tuesday during the morning through mid-day? (CST) I'm on summer break (teacher, not a student) and I have lots of time during the day to get some practice in.

PSN: adam_prime


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So happy for Haunts and Spooky. Congrats folks.


Heavy's Sandvich said:
That was sick against the Akuma.

Man I miss hands mk hands

Where is Yeb these days?
He really shouldn't have started trolling in the first round though, almost cost him the match.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'm really appreciating the tweaks to DeeJay. It seems a lot of people online don't know how to fight him at all and I'm getting a lot of wins against folks who keep walking or jumping into his slide, heh. Not to mention seem to forget the machine gun upper exists.

Nose Master

Corky said:
*smokes pipe*

Block, wait for blanka to be stupid ( random slide/ball/ultra/elec )-> punish.

No one that scrubby still plays Blanka after the nerf. Still not sure of what to do against EX rainbow ball now. He has such control over it, that he can tweak it to go pretty much anywhere on screen. Back where he was, directly behind you (without actually hitting, so focusing wont really work if he lands and slides), etc. He's also got damn near no recovery on it after he lands. It sucks.

That and hop shenanigans are the worst. Crouch-teching the hop shenanigans seems to be the most reliable defense, sadly. Unless you have a godlike reversal and he doesn't just block.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Nose Master said:
No one that scrubby still plays Blanka after the nerf. Still not sure of what to do against EX rainbow ball now. He has such control over it, that he can tweak it to go pretty much anywhere on screen. Back where he was, directly behind you (without actually hitting, so focusing wont really work if he lands and slides), etc. He's also got damn near no recovery on it after he lands. It sucks.

That and hop shenanigans are the worst. Crouch-teching the hop shenanigans seems to be the most reliable defense, sadly. Unless you have a godlike reversal and he doesn't just block.

Who do you play? Keep in mind his backward hop is now more punishable/throwable(?) in ae.

edit : people who don't like blankas, how do you not knifemurder your neighbour when playing annoying deejays? That's what I feel like anyways...

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Satyamdas said:
Team Spooky X iplaywinner streaming @ EVO is a bigger upset than Sako not making Top 8 at Revelations. I have to eat major crow because I was certain that Mr. Wizard and the SRK illuminati would not ask Sp00ky to stream EVO. I am so happy to be wrong about that shit. Huge fucking props to Wizard & Co. for giving TS x IPW a shot at streaming EVO, and congrats to haunts and Sp00ky and all your people behind the scenes.

I hope the Level-Up guys aren't too salty, as they are a classy bunch of guys who also do good work. In an ideal world, there would be multiple streams ran by Level-Up X TS X IPW. Best of all worlds and shit. Lord knows there are enough matches and games to warrant multiple streams.

Quoted for the truth.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
GGs Rocky.

I hope my day 2 yang didn't embarrass me too much or annoy you for that matter, I have yet to master his inputs so teleports/upkicks/dropped links galore! This was technically the first time I've played AE online, even though I've got like 5000 games played across the different iterations/platforms/accounts I still got the online shakes like if it were my first time xD .

Anywho, same ol same ol me being random and jumping too much, the randomness goes away after a while but the jumping needs therapy to get rid of. I think my divekick execution was like 50% >_< each random j.hk/mk/lk was a divekick... curse you 360 dpad!!!

I don't know about you but it felt oddly lagfree between us, as if it were me and my 100/10mbs mate who lives like 5km away from me playing. You leveled up your ISP?

note to self :
-do not try to out jab balrog
-yangs teleport seem to have 4minute recovery, don't use
-figure out better, safer, setups for super.
-wake-up light upkick has shorter ranger than rufus's bloody FA, stop it, stop it.
-punish every neutral jump with U2
-stop FADCing the 3rd mantis slash, there's like nothing to do.
-command grab against rog isn't easy.


So to the people who were mentioning that AE now makes online more laggy I have to totally agree. Back in Super I think I'd get 1 laggyish game out of 10-15, and even then it wasn't super bad. Now it's more frequent, and I've had games that are pure unplayable that turn into slide shows.

What's up with that? :(

I have the most ass Yang on the planet, but I LOVE playing him. My biggest problem is how to maintain pressure on people online. With Yun or Rufus you can keep your dive kicks low, and for whatever reason Yang even if he gets a dive kick right next to him, I can't seem to get his combo going from it. On the other hand if the dive kick hits from far away, then I can do the crouch lp, stand lp, crouch mk, into Hslashes pretty consistently.

Watching J.Wong play Yang yesterday he seemed to always be able to keep on his opponent, but when I try that online I get exposed fast with wake up DP's or wake up jabs. :(
Corky said:
GGs Rocky.

I hope my day 2 yang didn't embarrass me too much or annoy you for that matter, I have yet to master his inputs so teleports/upkicks/dropped links galore! This was technically the first time I've played AE online, even though I've got like 5000 games played across the different iterations/platforms/accounts I still got the online shakes like if it were my first time xD .

Anywho, same ol same ol me being random and jumping too much, the randomness goes away after a while but the jumping needs therapy to get rid of. I think my divekick execution was like 50% >_< each random j.hk/mk/lk was a divekick... curse you 360 dpad!!!

I don't know about you but it felt oddly lagfree between us, as if it were me and my 100/10mbs mate who lives like 5km away from me playing. You leveled up your ISP?

note to self :
-do not try to out jab balrog
-yangs teleport seem to have 4minute recovery, don't use
-figure out better, safer, setups for super.
-wake-up light upkick has shorter ranger than rufus's bloody FA, stop it, stop it.
-punish every neutral jump with U2
-stop FADCing the 3rd mantis slash, there's like nothing to do.
-command grab against rog isn't easy.
GGs. I just really hate playing the twins. Not that they are that annoying, but the fact that they have everything. Then at the same time Rog is getting nerfed, so it just pisses me off.

I have changed my connection. It is faster, but I'm not sure if it is actually that much different.

Yeah randomness and aggressiveness doesn't go far. I noticed that I kept winning when I just lamed it out. Also Rog's jab isn't that godlike against the twins because they have +10 on every move on block. Your messed up dive kicks probably were a good thing sometimes, because I was constantly looking out for them. c.MP, FA and j.HP are quite good against dive kicks.

Anyways fuck the twins. I hope they make a patch and make them D-tier.

Edit: Btw. I haven't noticed any extra lag after AE.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Rocky_Balboa said:
GGs. I just really hate playing the twins. Not that they are that annoying, but the fact that they have everything. Then at the same time Rog is getting nerfed, so it just pisses me off.

I have changed my connection. It is faster, but I'm not sure if it is actually that much different

I agree it's infuriating really, I mean with the regular mains blanka(pretty much retired by now) + rog I get maybe 1 out 3 matches against you. Granted todays games were far from "serious" but I still managed to get more matches with a character I never played in 3S and have like 100 matches or so played with in AE.

In the end it's as you say, they simply have too many tools combined with all the other BS. After only two or so days with AE I kinda realize how when it comes to tourney play the twins truly become terrors.

I don't know about that, it really felt smooth on my end and I have garbage ISP.
Corky said:
I agree it's infuriating really, I mean with the regular mains blanka(pretty much retired by now) + rog I get maybe 1 out 3 matches against you. Granted todays games were far from "serious" but I still managed to get more matches with a character I never played in 3S and have like 100 matches or so played with in AE.

In the end it's as you say, they simply have too many tools combined with all the other BS. After only two or so days with AE I kinda realize how when it comes to tourney play the twins truly become terrors.

I don't know about that, it really felt smooth on my end and I have garbage ISP.
Command throw
Crazy normals
easy BnB combos with good damage
non-charge specials
good ultras
good specials

I hate that compared to eg. Rog, they can do so much damage so easily. Basic slash combo with Yang does a lot more than Rog's c.lp ~ c.MP xx special and that is a 1 frame link. Doesn't make any sense in a character design perspective either. Rog is a hard hitting beast and they are just fucking teenage skaters.

About my connection. It used to be an ADSL connection, but now it is a faster cable connection. Tech is different, but so is speed. Against some people it is better, but against some other people it is not.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I know, I know, first reaction from Corky will be "What the fuck is this TRAITOR doing in our thread?!"

But I just wanted to say that I got to play AE today for the first time... It really feels completely different for some reason... might be because I play Makoto and omigod she's so fucking good now? Or am I just drunk? What did they do to her? I'm playing her just like I'm playing 3s Makoto and it actually works now.
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