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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Could the online problems many people say they are experiencing with AE be to do with that it's a patch? I know nothing about this kind of thing, but so many people are saying they have a problem online, and the only way to get the game so far is disc/DD+ patch?

Is it possible the problems would not be there when using the disc release in a couple of weeks? (Sounds crazy I know).


kirblar said:
I hope Blanka's troll costume ends up banned in tournaments. I actually can't watch the break winners finals, it's making my eyes hurt.
This costume is the worst. It's far too distracting and changes your reaction times because you're looking at Blanka as the whole thing rather than just his model.

The same can be said for Dhalsim's 3rd costume, and really even Akuma and Gouken's 2nd, although they weren't as bad. Costumes are fun and though they don't change the mechanics of the game, hitboxes etc, these huge wacky ones definately have an impact on the player - they need to stop.
BitchTits said:
This costume is the worst. It's far too distracting and changes your reaction times because you're looking at Blanka as the whole thing rather than just his model.

The same can be said for Dhalsim's 3rd costume, and really even Akuma and Gouken's 2nd, although they weren't as bad. Costumes are fun and though they don't change the mechanics of the game, hitboxes etc, these huge wacky ones definately have an impact on the player - they need to stop.
No hate for Rufus' Muumuu


_dementia said:
No hate for Rufus' Muumuu
That one is fine for me, his proportions on screen when moving aren't change drastically. Even Rose's with the dress and hat are OK. It's really the Blanka one - I agree it should be banned from tournaments.


Ichabod said:
I had no idea about the new s.Lk cancel. I mean I'd heard about it, but I figured it just meant it was easier to cancel from s.Lk to kara. I've still been doing kara kara the old way and was kinda disappointed it was still so hard to do, so finding out about the new kara kara has me all giddy to get home and test it out.

The thing about the new s.lk Kara Kara is that you have to space it out properly. The Kara comes out after the s.lk animation so you have to be too far for the lk to hit (if it hits you'll whiff a kara) but close enough for the Kara to grab. Still trying to work on tick setups for it. I'm not sure exactly how shiro landed that against mago, but I think he connected s.lk and then did hk kara (non kara) as a regular tick. I do that a lot just after naked s.mp hit or block. I like to use the new Kara Kara on opponents wake up which usually surprises them since I'll be standing a little bit away from their body.

Been also trying the post hp hayate fukiage/karakusa OS, but so far only caught some backdashes. Seems no one is really jumping up or away after. Also ate a lot of reversals/jabs for my troubles.
I don't know why I bother to talk to random XBL dudes. 95% of the time they are assholes who don't know how to talk normally.

For example last night's Rose/Yun player GT: ModestSteak. Played about 15-20 matches and I won most of them except when he changed to Yun. Then it was pretty even. After the set I sent him a message saying something like: "GGs. Nice matches against Rose but Yun is just so ridiculous :D. Fuck the twins ;)". Guy didn't get that I'm partly joking about the fuck the twins comment even with the smiley.

He started to send me messages how Rog is easy-mode character and fuck me for complaining. I really just wanted to state how crazy good Yun is and that is all. So I tried to explain to him why Yun is god tier and Rog while good, isn't that high on the tier list anymore. Well it didn't go so well with him and basically he started to just send messages about me being a scrub for using Rog and so on. This is happening when I'm am just trying to have normal conversation about characters in the game. I'm not insulting or writing rudely. Even apologized for the first comment and explained that I meant it as a joke. He ended up blocking me and telling me to fuck off.

Stay classy.


Disco Devil
Some guy said that I had no skillz 'cause I use Yun :(

I dunno, that comment actually made me salty and I added him and i'mma put him on blast with dat low tier class. My Dudley is waaaay better than my Yun, I actually haven't lost a single ranked match with Duds and I've lost too many matches with Yun...

Yun is fun as hell to play with. Fuck the haterz.
Satyamdas said:
Something is up with it, I don't care what anyone says. All you need to do is go to the Replay Mode or Leaderboards and scroll down. It is choppy and laggy as fuck, reloading constantly, whereas in Super it just scrolled down smooth as butter. Some shit got fucked up in there somehow.

Also the game is dropping a ton more inputs than it did in Super. I am getting real tired of being full screen, double-tapping fierce punch, and seeing Sim just standing there doing nothing. I can deal with sluggishness, lag spikes, and all that shit, but dropped inputs make me rage like crazy. :mad:

Same kind of stuff seemed to be happening to me early on, too. It feels like it's gotten better on PSN, but something just doesn't feel right.
Morro! said:
Some guy said that I had no skillz 'cause I use Yun :(

I dunno, that comment actually made me salty and I added him and i'mma put him on blast with dat low tier class. My Dudley is waaaay better than my Yun, I actually haven't lost a single ranked match with Duds and I've lost too many matches with Yun...

Yun is fun as hell to play with. Fuck the haterz.
Don't let it get to you. Yun is the best mayne.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Natural said:
Yo Corcy, no idea why I couldn't join your lobby earlier, even reset my router and everything :(

I'll try again tomorrow!

Cheers mate we'll give it another shot tomorrow, I do know that that particular problem happens to me aswell from time to time, very frustrating. If all else fails you can try to start a lobby and I'll try to join :)
Satyamdas said:
Something is up with it, I don't care what anyone says. All you need to do is go to the Replay Mode or Leaderboards and scroll down. It is choppy and laggy as fuck, reloading constantly, whereas in Super it just scrolled down smooth as butter. Some shit got fucked up in there somehow.

Also the game is dropping a ton more inputs than it did in Super. I am getting real tired of being full screen, double-tapping fierce punch, and seeing Sim just standing there doing nothing. I can deal with sluggishness, lag spikes, and all that shit, but dropped inputs make me rage like crazy. :mad:

Man I thought it was only in my head. But playing as Evil Ryu, I would do certain things, and even hit the buttons twice and still nothing would happen. I'd look back at it and felt sure that I wasn't in block or hit stun at that point so I'm confused as to why my inputs didn't come out when I pressed the buttons.

But you're right, something just isn't right going from Super to AE when it comes to this. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way.
Hey guys, is anyone in GAF going to NCR this weekend? I just move out here to San Francisco and I don't have access to my own car yet. If anyone from the area is heading out there and willing to pick up a hitchhiker, PM me and maybe we can arrange something. (I'll buy lunch, or pay for a game entrance fee.)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
YulB.Yeung said:
Hey guys, is anyone in GAF going to NCR this weekend? I just move out here to San Francisco and I don't have access to my own car yet. If anyone from the area is heading out there and willing to pick up a hitchhiker, PM me and maybe we can arrange something. (I'll buy lunch, or pay for a game entrance fee.)

See this is what I'm missing out on by living in the north pole. I wish I had friends like this, I would've done stuff like that every day :(

Grifter said:
Consider it broughten.

Is Yang nearly as bad as Yun so far? Didn't feel that way to my limited play.
He's bad in a different way.

And are all these complaints about lag happening with the 360 version? Because I haven't suffered with any laggy matches since I bought AE, and I'm on dat Triple.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Fuck how I wish the twins weren't this good. I want to play Yang like for real, since I find him to be really fun to play but I don't want all that baggage of hate.


Ichabod said:
Awesome! I need to try that out. Is that reg kara or kara kara?

Yeah it's the new s.lk Kara Kara. I think it only worked on Hawk cause he's a big char, and worked on Ryu in the clip after because he whiffed throw and extended his hurtbox. Not positive though, haven't explored it in training mode yet.
Professor Beef said:
He's bad in a different way.

And are all these complaints about lag happening with the 360 version? Because I haven't suffered with any laggy matches since I bought AE, and I'm on dat Triple.

Yes. I have dat Tres version but haven't bought the AE update yet to test the difference.

It's not that bad. As Saty mentioned, I have been noticing some input drops here and there. Maybe I need to pound the buttons harder. >_>

Heavy's Sandvich said:
Going from stick to pad


You're doing it wrong son. Why the downgrade?


I oughta write an article on the psychological and societal pressures of tier-whoring -- conscience v. sociopathy and the divide in playing purely to win vs. the need for participates to have fun and/or be experimental.

I think it's time to go back to my ST main, DJ, to combat this dive-kick-athon.
_dementia said:
I think Art used a Premium VLX, no?

I think he did, I've seen him use the VLX many times. I've never seen him use the RAP VX though. But if you want that stick it's going to cost $200+. I bought one earlier this this year, among my 3 sticks(VLX, Mad Catz TE, Qanba Q4 RAF) it's easily my favorite. Too bad it's just so big that I don't want to take it to tournaments with me.
I think I will be going with the RAP.

It's the cheapest stick I could find out there for its quality. Almost all TEs in England are retailing at £150+

I can't stand the pad, played one, lost one :(

Anyone in Europe wanting some games?

Gamertag: Efeman

I will body you

I wish
Corky said:
See this is what I'm missing out on by living in the north pole. I wish I had friends like this, I would've done stuff like that every day :(


It's worth the risk. SFxT man!
Corky said:
Fuck how I wish the twins weren't this good. I want to play Yang like for real, since I find him to be really fun to play but I don't want all that baggage of hate.

Who gives a shit. Play the character you want to play. Don't you dabble with Blanka? He's not high on the tier list compared to the Twins, but I'm sure you catch some hate for it.

Screw you, Blanka. Screw you in your Carnivale outfit wearing troll face
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