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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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mastershake said:
Daigo with Yun absolutely bodied Champ. Champ managed to steal one round but it was never close.

Ryu vs. Sim was a lot more fun to watch. It was close the entire way. Make sure you check that out.
Isn't that a 7-3 Matchup? Daigo made it look 5-5. Good shit.


Grifter said:
Sorry to hear, BV. My buddies and I are skipping Evo so when you get back on your feet, we'll meet up next year.
Also skipping this year and attending the next one, so I'll join in this shindig. ;)

Hope things work out BV! Keep your chin up.


People keep saying Sim-Ryu is a 7-3, I don't think it's that bad. More of a 6-4 to me. It's hard for Ryu to get in, but if he does get in and knows how stay in, the match is definitely his.


USD said:
People keep saying Sim-Ryu is a 7-3, I don't think it's that bad. More of a 6-4 to me. It's hard for Ryu to get in, but if he does get in and knows how stay in, the match is definitely his.
People say the same about Cammy-Sim being 7-3. But when Sako plays Champ it is really hard for him to get in. That argument is kind of lacking.


Watching the Filipino v Daigo exhibition matches again (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vx48kvPssE&feature=player_embedded) and while I think it's still too early to be talking about balance patches I'm glad that Seth was there watching / commentating this shit and seeing peoples reactions once Daigo switched to Yun.

There was no increase in competitive spirit from Filipino or more hype from the crowd - it was just a joke.

But as I said, it's still early days so maybe that will change over time...
pirateben said:
Watching the Filipino v Daigo exhibition matches again (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vx48kvPssE&feature=player_embedded) and while I think it's still too early to be talking about balance patches I'm glad that Seth was there watching / commentating this shit and seeing peoples reactions once Daigo switched to Yun.

There was no increase in competitive spirit from Filipino or more hype from the crowd - it was just a joke.

But as I said, it's still early days so maybe that will change over time...

I just hope they address the Sim vs Yun issue. Its just not fun...
Its like the addition of the twins subtracts from people enjoying the other cast of Street Fighter.


MiniBossBattle said:
I just hope they address the Sim vs Yun issue. Its just not fun...
Its like the addition of the twins subtracts from people enjoying the other cast of Street Fighter.
I would not be shocked if people start banning the twins at casual tournaments.
Ex lunge punch has frame advantage. If sim jumps, DP him since he moves up so slowly. If he back dashes, do another safe lunge punch. If he blocks, attack low, command throw or palm strike. If Sim is in the corner, you can palm strike for free & do whatever. Can't even slide under the dive kicks.
Writing this make me fall out of love with SF4.


USD said:
People keep saying Sim-Ryu is a 7-3, I don't think it's that bad. More of a 6-4 to me. It's hard for Ryu to get in, but if he does get in and knows how stay in, the match is definitely his.

Did it look like that when Daigo did manage to get it? I would say not.


bigben85 said:
Did it look like that when Daigo did manage to get it? I would say not.
I was about to say the same thing. Champ got out of Daigo's corner pressure pretty easily. You could say that's just Champ being Champ, but he's against Daigo.

We all saw what happened when he picked Yun.
_dementia said:
Isn't that a 7-3 Matchup? Daigo made it look 5-5. Good shit.

Nah, it's not that bad.

Shit was like watching a snuff film after Daigo switched to Yun. I know zoning/defensive characters get a lot of hate, but for people who enjoy playing in this style or characters of that style it's rough.

The Geneijin chants were hilarious though


bigben85 said:
Did it look like that when Daigo did manage to get it? I would say not.
Did you somehow miss the rounds where Daigo got in close early and basically steamrolled Champ? It is hard for Roo to get in and he will lose health to do so, that is clear. Roo has to take risks and make guesses to get in and knock Sim down, yes. But the thing is, once he gets in and can pressure Sim up close, the match swings in his favor. Roo has great frame traps and focus traps which are very hard for Sim to deal with, and getting Roo off of him is not easy at all. Champ is a master at waiting patiently to escape the corner, and I'd argue that plus his godlike poking skills are the only reason he is able to scrape out those wins. Did you notice that the Sim/Roo set went down to the final round of the final game? I'd say that is indicative of a pretty even match up, wouldn't you? Especially considering it was between the best Roo player in the world and one of the best Sim players.

As far as the Sim/Roo match up, I think it was by far the most misjudged match up in Super. Because Champ beat Daigo and Valle a few times and Art & Mochi hung tough against Daigo as well, everyone went nuts and says oh it's a 7-3, or 6-4, and basically overstated Sim's advantage greatly. Sim does have a slight advantage, because if he plays perfectly then Roo will not get in and Sim will win. But that advantage is not huge. I think it is more than 5.5 but less than 6. Between Mochi, Art, Darui, Champ, none of them made the matchup look like a 6-4 unless playing a lower quality Roo. Every single match was either a Daigo win, or a scraped out win against him. And there are tons of matches where Champ or other top Sims were bodied by Roos like Grimmmz or Air. The only reason the match up looks so advantageous for Sim is because Champ/Art/Mochi etc., are fucking disgustingly good at poking and not pressing buttons when it would hurt them. If Sim makes just 1 or 2 bad pokes per round or throws even one careless Yoga Fire, Roo can get in there and body him quickly.

And that's why the match is closer to a 5.5-4.5 and not a 6-4 or a 7-3 like Abel/Cammy/Rufus-Sim. Match ups with that ratio mean that one character completely dominates and the other has little chance to overcome the disadvantages. But in the Sim/Roo match Sim has to whittle Roo's health down with a shitload of weak damage pokes, and *one* careless poke can swing the whole match the other way. Sim does have the advantage of being able to zone Roo out and forcing him to guess to get in, but at the same time he does small damage and can die very quickly at the expense of one careless button press. So the result is basically a 5.5-4.5 match up where Sim's zoning ability gives him a slight edge. Sim can't autopilot through the match the way Cammy or Rufus can against him, he has to be completely on point the entire time. If he was able to just mash buttons and block with his face, then I could see the claims of 7-3, 6-4.
Satyamdas said:
As far as the Sim/Ryu

I remember Art saying this match up was 6-4 at best and probably 6.5-3.5. This was a long time ago on GAF or on a team spooky stream.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn he said that.


Rocky_Balboa said:
GGs V_Arnold and Spirit of Jazz.

Damn I hate Yun lunge punches. One more thing to bitch about them is that they hit up also so they are pretty hard to stuff with jumping attacks.

There were some funny matches. I really enjoyed that time out victory with the super cancel in the last second. And of course that last victory with Hakan. :D

Gg, I need to take a break now, cant really stand a chance against any of your chars with my horrible experimental new chars, so I need to hit training mode seriously with them before I commit myself to online play :(


KidA Seven said:
I remember Art saying this match up was 6-4 at best and probably 6.5-3.5. This was a long time ago on GAF or on a team spooky stream.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn he said that.
Yea, Art said it's 6-4 in response to someone saying it was 7-3, he was saying it's bad for ryu but not 7-3 bad.


loves Arcade Sticks


Valle pulling out his Guy just means that he knows Champ owns his Roo free and was going for the relative unfamiliarity with Guy. Champ has played Choi, Grimmmz, Daigo and Valle in hundreds of Roo matches. Top tier Ryus. It is by far the match he knows the best and is a specialist at. And in contrast he has played how many top tier Guys? Combofiend a few times and????
V_Arnold said:
Gg, I need to take a break now, cant really stand a chance against any of your chars with my horrible experimental new chars, so I need to hit training mode seriously with them before I commit myself to online play :(
The best way to learn is to play. You can't learn match ups in the training mode. So if you're down with your combos, then it is time to get to the ring. But I hear ya, learning a new character can be frustrating.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Rocky_Balboa said:
The best way to learn is to play. You can't learn match ups in the training mode. So if you're down with your combos, then it is time to get to the ring. But I hear ya, learning a new character can be frustrating.

Hey rocky are you guys going to play again today? I might be "borrowing" my back my 360 under gun point if that's the case.


Corky said:
Saty when are you going to bring that juicy dhalsim of yours to yurop?
I dunno Corky. Lately I've had that Iyo feeling a lot. And I'm starting to already upgrade to that AE Arturo feeling, too. :*(

I was already pretty weak with a mid tier Sim in Super, but they have completely fucked him over with damage nerfs in AE. I didn't think it would matter much, but the amount of work it takes to win rounds now, plus the 9-1 match ups with the twins, plus the shitty match ups he already had, plus my inability to break bad habits and play smarter, all combine to make me less enthusiastic about playing, unfortunately. :*(

I'm hearing Sim is gonna be gdlk in SFxT, and the more I see of that game the more I like it. Hopefully some day I'll make it over there, I'd love to visit Europe anyway. You think you'll ever make it to our side of the pond?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Satyamdas said:
I dunno Corky. Lately I've had that Iyo feeling a lot. And I'm starting to already upgrade to that AE Arturo feeling, too. :*(

I was already pretty weak with a mid tier Sim in Super, but they have completely fucked him over with damage nerfs in AE. I didn't think it would matter much, but the amount of work it takes to win rounds now, plus the 9-1 match ups with the twins, plus the shitty match ups he already had, plus my inability to break bad habits and play smarter, all combine to make me less enthusiastic about playing, unfortunately. :*(

I'm hearing Sim is gonna be gdlk in SFxT, and the more I see of that game the more I like it. Hopefully some day I'll make it over there, I'd love to visit Europe anyway. You think you'll ever make it to our side of the pond?

I know the feeling :( , oh they confirmed sim for SFxT?

I'd love to get my ass to the states again ( if they'll let me in this time >_< ) and fool around with gaffers and play me some SF.

Heavy's Sandvich said:

@Corky, I'm up for games tonight. Got a bit of work to get on with first.

Cool mang, hook me later today then.


Has anyone played the #1 ranked guy on xbl. He had like 11,000 bp. I didn't even know there was time enough to get to 11,000 bp. Destroyed him 1 round using vortex. Then he p took half my life with two of his Izuna drop moves.

I also played someone random douche that after beating me yelled in the mike "clakeyD can't beat people in tournaments using vortex so neither can you". -_-


jdub03 said:
Has anyone played the #1 ranked guy on xbl. He had like 11,000 bp. I didn't even know there was time enough to get to 11,000 bp. Destroyed him 1 round using vortex. Then he p took half my life with two of his Izuna drop moves.

I also played someone random douche that after beating me yelled in the mike "clakeyD can't beat people in tournaments using vortex so neither can you". -_-

i played evanderson360 or w/e his GT is if that's who you're talking about...fraaaaaay ass lagger; his gief is asscheeks.


he's Virgin Tight™
Axis said:
and finished super as #1 in BP with sim on XBL...worldwide...

and managed to shut me out......

I wuv u Saty! Don't quit on Sim or get a secondary so you can fight the twins!

Axis said:
i played evanderson360 or w/e his GT is if that's who you're talking about...fraaaaaay ass lagger; his gief is asscheeks.

And this is true.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Heavy's Sandvich said:
@Corky, I'm up for games tonight. Got a bit of work to get on with first.
Sorry to leave you hanging mang but I won't be playing SF4 for a long time.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Rocky_Balboa said:
YEah, you'll be playing SSF4AE, right?

haha naw man I'm done, today was the final nail in the coffin I played against some random dude who beat me in the most re*arded ways possible I had enough. I'm not having fun anymore. Balrog ain't fun to play with the introductions of the twins and his apparently much needed "balancing", blanka is well blanka, he is nothing more than a novelty character for 99.99% of those who play him and we all suck. If you play the game for fun then by all means go for it but when you kinda want to get good/become better at the game then you're out of luck start playing one of 2 characters or be a god with one of the rest of the cast. And as I said before, I'm not saying I'm even half decent at times but when it only took me like 20 matches to have better chance of winning with yang compared to the thousands of games I've played with rog/blanka then it's just a fucking uphill battle from there.

Gamemechanics that are driving me mad, onlinemode where I can play against people 20 miles away from me at tops or else we're fighting in yoghurt. Everything is just piling up and I feel like moving on. Blergh, right now I'd rather play Rise of the Robots.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
3s online edition bro, 3s online edition


Oh there will be plenty of cheesy players in 3s, too. Be prepared for laggy SA3 Ryu's and Urien's that anti-air fireball into shoulder charge juggles.
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