hey guys, I haven't been keeping up much, but I've been wondering, has Cody seen any valuable improvements from AE balancing?
Spiderjericho said:Isn't the Sakura, Banana Ken?
They're all real good players. The only one getting the short end of the stick right now is Art.
Man, it's crazy. Art can play Rose, Seth, Dhalsim and Fei Long.
Marn can play Viper, Yun and Dudley (and his Rufus is probably a bit rusty but was decent back in the day).
Banana can play Ken and Sakura.
Floe has Rufus, Juri, Sagat, Yun, Yang, etc.
I have 0. I is @$$.
Evo is going to be mad hype.
robotzombie said:hey guys, I haven't been keeping up much, but I've been wondering, has Cody seen any valuable improvements from AE balancing?
eissan said:the trick to a big tourney like evo is to not give a fuck and take it round by round. the moment you give a fuck you're done.
makoto is top 5 in the game easily.Lost Fragment said:Sometimes I wonder why I still play Makoto when Yun has a dive kick, good mobility, AND a command grab that leads into death.
Just switch it back to Super and play with the stragglers who didn't update you dumb coconut!Relix said:Why can't there be a day I play where no Yun appears online? Jesus crap. So annoying to fight against. As Chun that dive kick pisses me off beyond recognition. Its even worse than Rufus' one.
Thats like saying why do i bother playing any character thats not the best character. And she is easily top 5.Lost Fragment said:Sometimes I wonder why I still play Makoto when Yun has a dive kick, good mobility, AND a command grab that leads into death.
Imm0rt4l said:7 hours of streaming everyday till EVO eh? Marn really wants to win, I hope he can at least make it out of pools.
It's funny he used to be the guy everybody used to love to hate, but he's one of the more likable players now. I think fchamp has taken the crown as player I root against no matter who he's playing lol.
Laundry list of shoutouts + thinking he's bigger than Shao Kahn at MK, I think._dementia said:What did Tom Brady do to piss people off?
fei yun yang gouki ken sagat viper cammyConceited said:I'd say Mak is definitely top 5.
~Devil Trigger~ said:fei yun yang gouki ken sagat viper cammy
I'd put all of them on top of Mak still
im at peace with the fact that SF4 itself keeps Mak from top tier status
~Devil Trigger~ said:fei yun yang gouki ken sagat viper cammy
I'd put all of them on top of Mak still
im at peace with the fact that SF4 itself keeps Mak from top tier status
Sums it up perfectlyThrei said:
Relix said:Damn my Mak is getting better by the day. w00t w00t. After I Fukiage someone... what's the follow up? Medium or strong? I know after that I need to EX Ax Kick. I can never get the timing right. So much damage I could be doing and I miss it.
Conceited said:I'd say Marn's low point was last year at Season's Beatings, his attitude and general demeanor have only improved since then.
jlai said:IMO her terrible defense brings down her overall rating. Despite her offense being so explosive, sometimes you just can't get it started.
biosnake20 said:Thats like saying why do i bother playing any character thats not the best character. And she is easily top 5.
_dementia said:What did Tom Brady do to piss people off?
Satyamdas said:Yeah, well I liked Marn before it was cool. I always knew dude was just trolling hardcore and misunderstood. I remember when he and Arturo used to hate each other too. Now they are like BFFs and shit. <3
just watched it: Beef said:I've definitely noticed the lack of Marn hate. I think it "officially" stopped around the time he had that talk on Cross Counter concerning his EG contract.
Rentahamster said:just watched it:
So, is there any sort of writeup on what went down at EMP and EG? I'm not really sure I follow what Marn was talking about at the end with all that stuff about helping Justin leave and stuff.
Mak is still no better than Akuma Ken or Sagat imo, she still has more tough match ups then these guys. And almost all the match up Cammy was trouble at, she still troubleConceited said:I'll give you Fei, Yun, Yang, and Viper but Makoto is the 5th for me. Ken is probably 6th, Sagat/Akuma are definitely top 10, and I haven't seen or played enough AE Cammy to really judge but I'd be surprised if she was top 10 anymore.
Lost Fragment said:This. I don't think a character that's so bipolar can be top 5 in this game.
It's still reasonable to think she miiiiight be top 5, but I don't think she is. Not that I'm really complaining; I think they went overboard with her in a couple of areas, actually. Just semantics and all.
His command grab recovers faster on whiff too. It also starts up just as fast as lk karakusa. And it has more range. Ex is throw invincible and starts up in 5 frames same as Mak's. It also does zero damage so you don't have to worry about the scaling on GJ.Lost Fragment said:Sometimes I wonder why I still play Makoto when Yun has a dive kick, good mobility, AND a command grab that leads into death.
Seth belongs in the top 5 discussion because of his mobility, mixups, best uppercut, and he has a command grab just like those twin fucks. His only weakness is his health which is what makes me put Akuma/Viper slightly above him.SamVimes said:Seth? And Viper is a glass cannon?
His mixups are mad unsafe? His dash isn't any good?!? (yeah dash > spd is just shitty, poor Seth) He isn't supposed to be a zoning character and never was. Like it or not, losing his j.HP has made him in the the character he was always meant to be: heavy rushdown with the best mixup in the game, offset by his low health/stun. But now the muthafucka has 1000 stun and 800 health and does more damage than before. Good Seth players never tried to stand full screen and zone with sonic booms and j.HP. They were in your face mixing you up, getting you stunned and perfecting your ass.SamVimes said:Only weakness? He sucks at zoning now that he lost jhp, most of his mixups are mad unsafe (unlike Viper's and Akuma's), he doesn't do any damage, has one of the slowest walkspeed in the game (and his dash isn't that good) and horrible footsies.
He's not even top 10.
Not even top 10? LMAO. How can he suck at the zoning game when he still has teleport, st.hp and divekick to deal with fireballs? He has wall jump to pressure from full screen and early dive kick to bait anti-airs. The slow walk speed is an issue, but he has all these other tools. The main thing is his health which is really bad, but he's definitely top 10.SamVimes said:Only weakness? He sucks at zoning now that he lost jhp, most of his mixups are mad unsafe (unlike Viper's and Akuma's), he doesn't do any damage, has one of the slowest walkspeed in the game (and his dash isn't that good) and horrible footsies.
He's not even top 10.
That good is the key. And yes, his mixups are unsafe: if you block a dp or neutral jump an spd you can destroy him.Satyamdas said:His mixups are mad unsafe? His dash isn't any good?!? (yeah dash > spd is just shitty, poor Seth)
Oh, i like it, the rare time i use him (even in vanilla) i played him only rushdown, to the point that i would never choose him against a grappler, i just don't think he's that good.He isn't supposed to be a zoning character and never was. Like it or not, losing his j.HP has made him in the the character he was always meant to be: heavy rushdown with the best mixup in the game, offset by his low health/stun.
He doesn't have 1000 stun and the nerfs to the stomps and the dive kick both hurt his game a lot. And i'm not even talking to the nerfs to both ultras.But now the muthafucka has 1000 stun and 800 health and does more damage than before.
Yun, Yang, Fei, Akuma, Viper, Makoto, Sakura, Ken, Sagat and Cammy are all better than him.Good Seth players never tried to stand full screen and zone with sonic booms and j.HP. They were in your face mixing you up, getting you stunned and perfecting your ass.
Seth isn't top 10?
Makoto and Sakura are better than Seth? LOL, crazy pills indeed.SamVimes said:Yun, Yang, Fei, Akuma, Viper, Makoto, Sakura, Ken, Sagat and Cammy are all better than him.