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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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-PXG- said:
@ you guys. I should have mentioned that I'm still practicing. Jesus Christ.
Russian wrestling school sez no more unsafe scissors/slides :)

seriously use bison's normals more, they are very good.


I like to dash back and forth throwing out the standing mk and standing hk depending on the range...It seems to work, as ridiculous as it sounds.


Seriously, what the fuck do you do when a person is up in your ass that far? You can't move, or else you get hit. Can't block forever, because you just keep on taking chip damage. That and you're eventually get thrown.


Sometimes the best option is to block, if they are jumping in try an anti-air, if they're too close to hit them try teleporting them immediately backdashing and throwing out the medium standing kick...These are all tips from a noob Dictator, mind you.
HiResDes said:
Okay if there are any other other Dictator players out there help me with something...

Why do the top dictators use three short low kicks into wheel kick instead of short low punch, short low punch, short low punch, short low kick into wheel kick?

And very few players use the combo: low medium punch, low medium kick, wheel kick...Why is that? You can jump in with medium kick and combo into this
Low short to low jab is a 1-frame link. Same why most don't go for c.short > st.short.
And a jump in into c.strong > c.forward xx special is bison's highest damage combo with no meter.
Seraphis Cain said:
Man, beating a B-Rank Ken with FAR more PP/BP than me with my Fei Long felt SO good. Especially since I pulled off a FADC->Ultra, which I rarely manage. Huge confidence booster. :D

That said, is the GAF SSFIV scrub thread/community still around? Or have they all moved on in the months I've been away from the game?

There are still a few scrub lurkers like me who like to follow the thread. Are you on XBL? If so go ahead and add me (same XBL name as on GAF). I'm on a few nights a week ~11-1 Pacific time currently. Usually I'd not be on as much, but I'm currently taking night feeding shifts with our newborn so I like to play a few matches after I feed him and before I head back to bed.


AE Guy feels..

..the way Guy was supposed to feel in the first place. Still confused about his close stand short having no purpose at all, but oh well D:


HiResDes said:
Okay if there are any other other Dictator players out there help me with something...

Why do the top dictators use three short low kicks into wheel kick instead of short low punch, short low punch, short low punch, short low kick into wheel kick?

And very few players use the combo: low medium punch, low medium kick, wheel kick...Why is that? You can jump in with medium kick and combo into this

Axis and DBJ already answered but it should be noted Cr.LP is also 4 frame start up where as Cr.LK is a 3 frame start up.

hitsugi said:
AE Guy feels..

..the way Guy was supposed to feel in the first place. Still confused about his close stand short having no purpose at all, but oh well D:

I've seen Kiryu whiff the MP in bushin chain after 2 x LP > bushin chain when normally it would connect, seems like that MP hitbox really did get nerfed.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
TheFightingFish said:
There are still a few scrub lurkers like me who like to follow the thread. Are you on XBL? If so go ahead and add me (same XBL name as on GAF). I'm on a few nights a week ~11-1 Pacific time currently. Usually I'd not be on as much, but I'm currently taking night feeding shifts with our newborn so I like to play a few matches after I feed him and before I head back to bed.

Sorry, should have mentioned I'm on PSN.

Hm...maybe I should work on getting the SSFIV GAF Scrub Chat back up and running. That was good fun back when the game first came out.


Okay this is ridiculous I can do cr mp, cr mk, wheelkick almost every time and even after focus attack dashing now...But cr lk x 3, wheelkick is still impossible. I need turbo or something.


I disagree.
Yo, is it me or does the console version have spot lights like the arcade version? I haven't played in awhile but that just kind of jumped out at me.

Yes the console version has the spotlights.

Been playing AE for the past week and a half and some notes on the graphics.

- 360 version of super looks better.

- Arcade version has no AA and very little to no AF. (360 version is superior in both cases)

- Arcade version has downgraded shadow / trail effects. Ibuki is the best example of this when she does her specials that result in a trail effect in the arcade ver its a downgraded trail that looks like super low model with dots all over it. Yun and Yang display the same ugly sort of effect when they do their super combo, and when yang "teleports".

- Due to the downgrade in AF the texture work looks worse in arcade version.

- Lighting looks exactly the same between versions.

- The better looking drive in stage from arcade SF4 (the one where that car would get fucked up if you were near it fighting (left side)) is gone and replaced with console version in AE.

- Playing on a 32" HD cab.

I need to go back and play the PS3 version of Super again but I expect it to look better than arcade as well due to trail effects being intact.

Also regarding the inputs, the input timing in this game feels different to 360 ver, some people I talked to about this said it feels much more like PS3 input wise.

On to some gameplay thoughts.

- Yun and Yang seems like solid characters for sure, but the real surprise for me is how fucking boss Fei is in AE. Yes, I heard people say he was good but I honestly had no fucking idea. I only ever played Fei in ST so I decided to try him in AE went on a 13 win streak just by abusing is stupidly good normals and baiting into rekka.

- Big bad Gief is not as bad as people seem to make out Sagat destroys him so so so bad in AE that the match up without a doubt would have gotten worse, due to gief not knocking down.

- Blanka is still super solid in this game. The blanka player I know well said he thought AE Blanka was better for his play style because he never really done raw balls and really loves the buff to slide and he is sure electricity is better in AE. (He was also liking some of the slight buffs to his normals)

- Ryu nurfs are going to hurt him bad. Like people have said his c.mk is just LOL worthy now and with no escape tatsu in corner anyone that can keep him in the corner will beat him down so so hard in this ver.


GeoNeoAlso said:
regarding the inputs, the input timing in this game feels different to 360 ver, some people I talked to about this said it feels much more like PS3 input wise.
This would mostly depend on the type of display used in the cab.


GeoNeo said:
- Big bad Gief is not as bad as people seem to make out Sagat destroys him so so so bad in AE that the match up without a doubt would have gotten worse, due to gief not knocking down.
That's pretty much what Daigo said about the Gief-Sagat match-up, but that's only a single match-up. Zangief will still be good.


I disagree.
Zanken said:
This would mostly depend on the type of display used in the cab.

The display does not lag (well it is under 13ms from what they tested against a CRT - which is under a frame), it's just the inputs feel different in arcade to 360 version. The guys I know that play a ton on PS3 ver said inputs felt very much like PS3 version of the game.

Like I have developed muscle memory for doing some of 1f links in the game and even on a laggy tv (for example putting my HDTV to Dynamic mode from game mode), I can pull the 1f stuff off. But, while playing in the arcade I definitely had to slightly change my inputs to land the 1f links. The same thing use to happen whenever I play PS3 ver.

As for the timing diff between PS3 and X360 ver that has been documented pretty well on SRK for people that want to track it down.

Still these are just some things I thought I would point out since most people never think to report on such things (being too caught up in gameplay changes only)

Overall, I'm enjoyed AE a ton and honestly can't wait till it hits consoles. But, yeah expect to see a ton of people hopping on the Fei train come console release.

That's pretty much what Daigo said about the Gief-Sagat match-up, but that's only a single match-up. Zangief will still be good.

Guile, DJ, Sim, Chun, and Dic also gave Gief players huge huge problems due to not knocking down. Every Gief player I asked said No KD EX is a huge nurf to Giefs game and his vortex mix up after knock down.

The people that were saying Gief is too good at the arcade never used him so take away from that what you will. He has good match up against the other supposed top tier in the game but yeah people are hyping Gief up a bit too much. Don't be too afraid guys. :lol


Solune said:
I've seen Kiryu whiff the MP in bushin chain after 2 x LP < bushin chain when normally it would connect, seems like that MP hitbox really did get nerfed.
Small price to pay for the other buffs he received. As much as I like his style, 2 jabs before bushin chain is completely unnecessary. I'm sure he'll adjust and go for far s.mp -> whatever after multi jab strings or confirm with one jab before bushin chain.


GeoNeo said:
Guile, DJ, Sim, Chun, and Dic also gave Gief players huge huge problems due to not knocking down. Every Gief player I asked said No KD EX is a huge nurf to Giefs game and his vortex mix up after knock down.

The people that were saying Gief is too good at the arcade never used him so take away from that what you will. He has good match up against the other supposed top tier in the game but yeah people are hyping Gief up a bit too much. Don't be too afraid guys. :lol
I do agree with this. I really don't expect Zangief to be top 5.
USD said:
Tokido calling some dude from the comments section of his blog out. :lol


Why the fuck is Tokido so awesome?
That's so fucking awesome.
biosnake20 said:
more than 20 minutes of gameplay from pr rog



and an interview with him about boxer

Thank you sir.

Edit: that st. C. mp is the business. Big combo/damage potential there.

Rawg will be just fine. Minor nerds in my opinion.

Also, he's right about Gief and Sagat, those matchups looks painful.


USD said:
Tokido calling some dude from the comments section of his blog out. :lol
What's the standard for Marvel money matches? It'll be at least 5 grand minimum. :p

Wiseblade said:
You know when you learn a new trick and all you want to do is use it, but it keeps on getting you killed? Yeah, that sucks. ¬.¬
It's totally worth losing 10 games in a row on ranked, because when you finally hit Rog's Final TAP xx Super, you don't stop laughing for at least a minute.


I disagree.
God's Beard said:

I don't know all his AE combos and the like, and his match ups. I'm sure if he was my main and I knew all this the streak would have been bigger. He really is a super super strong character in AE, I thought people were over hyping him in AE before I used him, now I mostly can see why people think he is so godlike. (Not SF4 Sagat level but still super good)
GeoNeo said:
I don't know all his AE combos and the like, and his match ups. I'm sure if he was my main and I knew all this the streak would have been bigger. He really is a super super strong character in AE, I thought people were over hyping him in AE before I used him, now I mostly can see why people think he is so godlike. (Not SF4 Sagat level but still super good)

Fei Long's a really one-track character, and normal and rekka abuse are pretty much his gameplan in every matchup. I only use his normals in ranked and I still win a lot.

Other than that, his only other stuff would be like option select cLP, jab into tenshin, flamekick FADC chicken wing, and and chicken wing, FP xx Rekkas/flamekick.

The main thing that makes Fei so strong in AE I think would be his improved normals, especially that he can jab into sweep, which is godlike and way better than rekkas for setups.


Updates from UFO regarding AE.

Cody is slightly improved. 3 frame cr short is great for various punishes and his footsie game. Not a game changer though. F. RH into ruffian is really easy and does great damage, although you can't combo into it. But works great as a poke. Cammy is definitely still good. She's Cody with a DP. I used her once and hit all her links effortlessly. Definitely still a contender without tkcs. Deejay is really good. His fireball game is much better although it's still not that great in terms of zoning effectively IMO. His knee shot is definitely easier.to do and couldn't test if low short combo'd into sobat though I'm 99% sure it does. Ryu is still decent, low forward nerf is significant but I believe he can still hang in there with the top cast. Gief is ridiculous now. Jab SPD range and his buffed U2 is borderline broken. Definitely top 3. Yang is incredibly fun, not as good as Yun but very capable. Definitely gonna put in the work with him. Yun is the new Cammy. His divekick game is up there with Rufus and has a shit ton of priority. His pressure strings are ridiculous, puts Cody's to shame and almost every option he has is plus or even on block. His upkicks have quite possibly the best invincibility in the game besides Seth and Cammy. Also upkicks are kinda difficult to punish if you bait it, due to the pushback. His combos are easy mode and honestly he doesn't require alot of skill to pick up and be effective. Hsien was fucking up everyone here with Yun although I got a few wins in. Just crazy pressure. Genei Jin isn't very scary, especially after target combo and etc. There are some good uses for it though. Overall I like AE, just kinda pissed that there's a new Cammy aka Yun and I played like shit today. But all in all, thumbs up.
That just seems like impressions, everyone's been saying that Yun's upkicks only have a little invincibility. I don't see how Genei Jin isn't scary when he builds meter relatively quickly and has various hit confirms into 50+% damage.
Joekage said:
Updates from UFO regarding AE.

Cody is slightly improved. 3 frame cr short is great for various punishes and his footsie game. Not a game changer though. F. RH into ruffian is really easy and does great damage, although you can't combo into it. But works great as a poke. Cammy is definitely still good. She's Cody with a DP. I used her once and hit all her links effortlessly. Definitely still a contender without tkcs. Deejay is really good. His fireball game is much better although it's still not that great in terms of zoning effectively IMO. His knee shot is definitely easier.to do and couldn't test if low short combo'd into sobat though I'm 99% sure it does. Ryu is still decent, low forward nerf is significant but I believe he can still hang in there with the top cast. Gief is ridiculous now. Jab SPD range and his buffed U2 is borderline broken. Definitely top 3. Yang is incredibly fun, not as good as Yun but very capable. Definitely gonna put in the work with him. Yun is the new Cammy. His divekick game is up there with Rufus and has a shit ton of priority. His pressure strings are ridiculous, puts Cody's to shame and almost every option he has is plus or even on block. His upkicks have quite possibly the best invincibility in the game besides Seth and Cammy. Also upkicks are kinda difficult to punish if you bait it, due to the pushback. His combos are easy mode and honestly he doesn't require alot of skill to pick up and be effective. Hsien was fucking up everyone here with Yun although I got a few wins in. Just crazy pressure. Genei Jin isn't very scary, especially after target combo and etc. There are some good uses for it though. Overall I like AE, just kinda pissed that there's a new Cammy aka Yun and I played like shit today. But all in all, thumbs up.

damn, i wish they buffed cody more, but cant complain cuz they didnt nerf him at all


Setec Astronomer
God's Beard said:
That just seems like impressions, everyone's been saying that Yun's upkicks only have a little invincibility. I don't see how Genei Jin isn't scary when he builds meter relatively quickly and has various hit confirms into 50+% damage.
Put Geneijin into a combo though and it'll do like 10-20%. Hell, I saw a vid of Yun doing Geneijin on a near death Ibuki and he still lost.


No I assure you the invincibility on upkicks is pretty signifigant. I never saw it trade once, not even against Zangief. Genei Jin used in it's most common form (combo enders) has HEAVY damage scaling and throughout out all the various matches, the most damaging combo did around 35-40%. Definitely still valid but not as scary as people claim IMO.

Cody is better, just not enough to change any of his matchups. Also Yun and Yangs palm is fucking great. Active frames were crazy.
GeoNeo said:
The display does not lag (well it is under 13ms from what they tested against a CRT - which is under a frame), it's just the inputs feel different in arcade to 360 version. The guys I know that play a ton on PS3 ver said inputs felt very much like PS3 version of the game.

Like I have developed muscle memory for doing some of 1f links in the game and even on a laggy tv (for example putting my HDTV to Dynamic mode from game mode), I can pull the 1f stuff off. But, while playing in the arcade I definitely had to slightly change my inputs to land the 1f links. The same thing use to happen whenever I play PS3 ver.

As for the timing diff between PS3 and X360 ver that has been documented pretty well on SRK for people that want to track it down.

Do you happen to know what kind of cab it is? I can tell you if the cab lag or not.

I was one of the first on SRK to bring upon the lag difference between PS3 and X360.


and the follow up

The more I play Gen, the more I want to play Gen. I'm learning him more or less in a vacuum, so it's really fun just experimenting for now.

My techniques so far:

BnB combo:
(Mantis)cLK, MP, MK xx short Gekiro ~200 damage
(Crane)cLK, (Mantis)cRH ~130 damage?
(Mantis)cLK, cLP, FP, Hyakurenko ~150 damage

Super combo:
(Crane)cLK, (Mantis)Super, (Crane)Ultra 1 - 610 damage
(Mantis)cLK, cLP, FP, Hyakurenko xx Super, (Crane)Ultra1 ~350 damage?
Oga, (Mantis)Super, (Crane)Ultra 1 - 670 damage

Cool stuff:
random resets into crane FP/cFP(gimmick)
(Mantis)MK xx Hyakurenko(safe chip/meter)
Mantis Parry, cRH(fireball punish)
Crane Parry, cLK(sweep/slow normal punish, godlike)

Also, crane RH is the worst air-to-air juggle in the game. No normal or special combos? Get serious.

I spend so much time parrying. I'm getting closer, I know it. C'mon 3rd strike let's go. No guess high/low, but you have to cancel into something or you lose 5 frames. Still testing parry->focus on 2 hit fireballs, inconclusive.

Hitokage said:
Put Geneijin into a combo though and it'll do like 10-20%. Hell, I saw a vid of Yun doing Geneijin on a near death Ibuki and he still lost.

Well we still don't know the best combos and even still, variety of confirms into a super that can do 30-50% combos and ends on a reset seems like a solid deal.

I know for a fact that Seiei Enbu can do some stupid damage, though. Unless it's just really good with resets.


Played all Makoto today online. I've never hated the game as much as when I play her, and I've never enjoyed my wins as much as when I win with her. :lol

I've watched a ton of tutorial videos and what iplayerwinner.com put up on YT too. I can probably do everything she can do without any problem, but all that goes out the window when your opponent is Chun Li or Cammy. Those are the two absolute shit awful bad match ups when I play Makoto that I may as well put the stick down b4 the fight happens. I can play SO solid non stop online, but one whiffed Karakusa = get torn alive. One badly placed axe kick = focus into torn alive. One crappy dash into focus/grab = get torn alive. Chun Li sucks because I feel like the Chun player can just roll his face across the buttons and it'll stuff whatever Makoto tries to do in Super. Cammy is a lot worse because she locks you down so easily.

Haunts please tell me all the pain now will pay off when AE DLC hits. :(

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I swear, every time it feels like I'm having a horrible night online (which is most of the time, honestly), when I finish up and check my win % it's pretty much the same as it was before I started. :lol No better, no worse. At least I'm consistent, I suppose.

Also, fucking hell, Blanka is the worst matchup ever for my Fei Long. I have never once beaten a Blanka player. What the hell can I do against Blanka with Fei?


Seraphis Cain said:
I swear, every time it feels like I'm having a horrible night online (which is most of the time, honestly), when I finish up and check my win % it's pretty much the same as it was before I started. :lol No better, no worse. At least I'm consistent, I suppose.

Also, fucking hell, Blanka is the worst matchup ever for my Fei Long. I have never once beaten a Blanka player. What the hell can I do against Blanka with Fei?

Block blanka ball-Rekka. That works right? If so that should make the match up really easy. If you knock him down, just assume he's going to spam out a ball or electricity. Best thing to do is knock down, walk kinda close hit jab once then block. At this point he'll do something and you can punish it. If he sits still do a walk up grab or an over head kick.

Best tips I can offer.


zlatko said:
Block blanka ball-Rekka. That works right? If so that should make the match up really easy.
Rekka punish for straight balls is pretty tight. You have two options: Dash forward &#8594; LP Rekka or MP Rekka x2 (first Rekka whiffs, second hits).
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