[Editor's Note: Here are some great impressions of Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma from Red Rapper. Also, a recorded stream that went on earlier showing some gameplay is available.]
Alright... some notes:
E Ryu
-can combo into U2 with Low Forward xx EX Fireball FADC U2. With ANIMATION. Sick.
-Has low health. Pretty bad. Two wrong guesses and you dizzy from some characters =/
-Does a TON of damage. One combo into tatsu did about 35- 40 percent on chun li.
-Low forward is third strike low forward... Pretty damn good, but slower than ryu's. You can't combo into it off jabs.
-You CAN combo into his STRONG off jabs though, and his c. strong is REALLY REALLY good. Thing has a LOT of range and stuffs a LOT of shit. On bigger hitbox characters you can combo 3 c strongs into whatever you like. so far you can do it on Oni.
- The new overhead stomp move isn't an overhead unless ex'd. You can combo into the normal versions from a low forward. Ex doesn't combo.
-Hop kick. =)
- Teleport.
- His super is R. Demon. His ultra's are a mega fireball and a metsu go shoryu uppercut thing which he hits you with three uppercuts: flies into the air and charges evil energy... and slams you're face into the ground with it.
-Fierce Uppercut Anti Air is back.
- It's all about risk reward. I played E Ryu, and I played normal Ryu against him at one point. Does he makes Ryu obsolete? No way. Essentially, you're getting a different version of Ryu who does more Damage, but in return takes a LOT OF DAMAGE. His low forward is better or worse in some ways, but he has some cool tools that could help out against normal Ryu's bad matchups. However-- he's for sure not overpowered. No way.
He's not like Vanilla Sagat either. Vanilla sagat you could guess wrong quite a few times and still pull out a victory with one ultra combo. E Ryu you guess wrong twice you're fucked. V
Very cool character though. Tons of fun to play and a nice vary up to normal Ryu's style.
Most of my Oni notes have already been stated but:
-he actually probably has good health. But low damage output. Fierce fierce uppercut with Ryu didn't hurt him that badly.
- Can combo U2 off his ex slide dash move.
- Some of his normals are fairly good(s HK) some are so/so.
- His c. strong is pretty decent.
- His fireballs don't go full screen unless ex'd.
- His shoryuken is good at times and hit and miss at others.
- His demon flip is a really good anti air from some ranges.
- Air teleport seems REALLY good with some practice.
- Can do air ultra fireball... possibly for chip.
Overall: seems to have a lot of potential, but needs to be learned. Like I said before, also not overpowered.
Both of these guys are pretty fun to play. They look cool, they're pretty solid, and they're definitely beatable. E Ryu is different from the other Shotos and tbh I wouldn't really call Oni all that shoto like. Yeah, he has a fireball, an uppercut and a tatsu... but the properties are pretty weird, and a lot of his playstyle seems quite different. Exciting stuff.
AE has peaked my interest again =)