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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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Smallville used the Superman Returns suit...does that mean that they're the same Superman, too?! :V

Anyway, all you can clearly see are his shirt sleeves and part of his cape, and I looked it up, and his sleeves doesn't match the Man of Steel version.

Hmm, I didn't notice that and it's been a while since I last saw MoS. Good catch.

So it's not MoS Superman, but another Superman. I guess that's fair enough.
Kara's probably no older than 28. She was 13 when she arrived on Earth, and 24 years "passed" in the Phantom Zone. Supes is probably no older than 39, himself.

Kara was 13 and Kal was a baby. it took her 24 years to arrive so Superman is 24 when he finds her. 11 years have passed and she is n her mid 20s (24?) so figure Superman is 35 and has been doing his thing for about 10-15 years.
She's 24.

Kara was 13 and Kal was a baby. it took her 24 years to arrive so Superman is 24 when he finds her. 11 years have passed and she is n her mid 20s (24?) so figure Superman is 35 and has been doing his thing for about 10-15 years.

Ah, I didn't recall them saying 11 years had passed - I was guesstimating that part. So yeah, 35.

Aside: I typed the word "guesstimating" while fully expecting a red underline, and yet, there is none. "Guesstimating" is a real word?


So I notice they're in National City or something. That's not an actual place in DC Comics lore right? Just made up for the TV show the way Starling City was for Arrow?


So I notice they're in National City or something. That's not an actual place in DC Comics lore right? Just made up for the TV show the way Starling City was for Arrow?

Yup, probably because they don't want her to be in Metropolis with her cousin.


So I notice they're in National City or something. That's not an actual place in DC Comics lore right? Just made up for the TV show the way Starling City was for Arrow?

DC Comics used to be known as National. (Just as Marvel used to be known as Timely.)


Not expecting much but pretty good actually

Some beef:

Glasses - still thinks its a silly disguise

Also she seems to just throw them away just before flying, she must have a ton of it

My sister is a secret agent trope

You stay because of you trope

'James' Olson the perfect guy

Other than that a pretty decent series


Yup, probably because they don't want her to be in Metropolis with her cousin.

I guess theoretically they could always say that Metropolis is on the other side of the country. Not really sure why people would be so hung up on Superman not being able to save the day there if that's the case.


So I notice they're in National City or something. That's not an actual place in DC Comics lore right? Just made up for the TV show the way Starling City was for Arrow?
Starling is jut renamed Star City, it's directly adapted from comicbook. National City I think is made up for the show only.


Maybe National City is the real National City!
It is probably not, just found it funny there is an existing one
I liked it more than I expected to actually, but i'm going to chime in with the doubters that
Superman's mentioned and not actual presence will be bothersome if continued. I mean, asking Jimmy to give her as personal a gift like that? Why wouldn't he fly over and do it himself while giving her a pat on the back. I can buy it once or twice. But if they continue to relay motivational messages through proxies I won't care for it. Melissa was wonderful.


So the pilot
The contrivances to not have him show up when his aunt is trying to take over and kill his cousin will be something else
She's Kara's aunt not Clark's and why would he suddenly show up to stop her specifically if he doesn't stop the other prisoners?


She's Kara's aunt not Clark's and why would he suddenly show up to stop her specifically if he doesn't stop the other prisoners?
Because he is Superman. If a bunch of convicts from the Phantom Zone got free on Earth he would be all over that.


I think I said this already a couple of months ago, but they should have worked with Superman being a thing of the past, dead or at another mission away from Earth.


If they had to go with the whole Superman-exists-but-is-never-going-to-appear thing, I'm not sure that having characters repeatedly refer to Supes as "he" or "him" or "my/your/her cousin" rather than "Superman" makes it less awkward.

It's going to be drinking-game fodder very quickly.

So it's like Batman in the old WB Birds of Prey show?

Which I think I was its only viewer :lol


Hey.. Why isn't it Superwoman!? Sure it's an extra syllable and doesn't roll off the tongue the same as Supergirl/man but...

I might watch this show.
Having seen it, I'll reiterate: I hope this leak was internal, and planned, and I hope they're taking notes on what appears to be the one thing almost everyone whose seen the thing is agreeing on: Superman's presence is completely distracting and detrimental. Either you're going to have to make him a recurring guest star for 1 or 2 episodes a year, or you're going to have to eliminate his existence entirely.

The pilot, as written and shot, makes it really hard to just pull him out of the show, and I don't believe they'd have time to reshoot the 1/3rd to 1/2 of it needed to get rid of his presence.
The other issue with having Superman in this world is if they do go through and tie this in with the CWverse, then that means Superman exists in that as well. And if he did, they would probably have mentioned it and not have been as surprised at seeing people with super powers showing up.

Unless they just go the angle of having Kara just cross over into the CWverse for an episode then being sent back.

As of now, we know this is its own thing and separate from those other shows, but they want to cross over. And doing so opens a big can of worms with Superman existing.


Hey.. Why isn't it Superwoman!? Sure it's an extra syllable and doesn't roll off the tongue the same as Supergirl/man but...

I might watch this show.
Real reason: Branding. She's been Supergirl for like 50+ years.

Also there's already a Superwoman in DC. I suppose you could make a show about her, but it wouldn't be very heroic. lol


Hey.. Why isn't it Superwoman!? Sure it's an extra syllable and doesn't roll off the tongue the same as Supergirl/man but...

I might watch this show.

The way the lead actress looks and sounds.no way she could have pulled superwoman. Too adorable :D


I don't have any problem with Superman being in the 'verse, but he's really gonna have to show up at some point. It's the hemming and hawing and "aw-shucks" references that I find grating. Having him deliver the blanket in person would have been perfect.

This nitpick is so weird coming from people I'm assuming read comic books. Crossovers happened frequently but they didn't mess in each other's turf all the time.

To put a real world spin on it many countries have army bases near cities. They don't deploy the army when the police usually have it covered. Heck in situations we could use the army the police escalate to SWAT level task forces.

Flip, Ollie, Flip.

We're done here folks. No need for any other contenders.
Basically, everything that isn't about Kara, anything that pulls focus off her, is not great. And the biggest thing pulling focus off her in this show is Superman. And the way they treat him exacerbates the situation, because they're literally treating him as such a superior being that they won't even speak his fucking name.

For a large part of the show, Kara's motivation is realizing her potential, and helping people, making a difference, and starting to feel like she actually does belong in her own skin. That shit is charming as hell the way Benoist plays it, and I invest in that pretty strongly when that's happening. But then they undercut it by essentially adding a heavy glaze of "If only I was as cool/strong as my cousin! I hope he approves of me!"

Not that there isn't a way to do that (look at Spidey and Captain America in the comics, for example) but you either need that superhero to be around every now and again, and one-on-one interacting with our protagonist, or you need that hero to die so OUR hero can step up.

In fact, for a quick second there, I thought this was essentially going to be a riff on Spider-Man, starring Supergirl, and I thought that was a decent way to go at it.

And yeah, as Cheebs pointed out, the level of threat this show introduces makes it really weird that the Superman won't show up. That's not the kind of shit Superman would shrug at and go "eh. Cuz has that one."
Superman should have been dead already when she arrives.
Gives greater cause for concern to her sister to not have her suit up, she still gets to be the "under-dog" still has that mythos around him and the sentimental objects (cape, photos) etc.


I've always wondered why they didn't just modify her origin in this to what was originally supposed to happen: Kara arrives on Earth the same time as Clark.

That way he's still in his early teens, she can be the main character with a version of his supporting cast/rogues gallery and can just pop in on the Kents from time to time to check up on him.
Superman should have been dead already when she arrives.
Gives greater cause for concern to her sister to not have her suit up, she still gets to be the "under-dog" still has that mythos around him and the sentimental objects (cape, photos) etc.

I agree, but the way that pilot's laid out, you'd have to reshoot a LOT of it to just get rid of him. Best case scenario is that they actually cast someone to play him and put him in a couple episodes at some point. But if you could reshoot in time, I think it'd be more interesting if
the opening sequence shows that they sent Kara ahead of Kal, (it's weird that they'd send the helpless baby first, and then the baby's protector AFTER him. That's kinda dumb, honestly) and Kal ends up either never getting off the planet before it explodes, or he's knocked into the Phantom Zone, to be used as a villain in later seasons.

But either way, his being around at all just adjusts the gravitational pull of the show to be about him, not her. This nagging tug away from what the show should be doing.
She's Kara's aunt not Clark's and why would he suddenly show up to stop her specifically if he doesn't stop the other prisoners?
Uh Clark and Kara are cousins, if that woman is Kara's aunt then she's either Superman's mother(lol) or also his aunt


Uh Clark and Kara are cousins, if that woman is Kara's aunt then she's either Superman's mother(lol) or also his aunt

Uh, I think Kara and Clark are related through their dads (House of El). That woman is Kara's aunt from her mom's side. Probably. I think she even has a different family crest.
I agree, but the way that pilot's laid out, you'd have to reshoot a LOT of it to just get rid of him. Best case scenario is that they actually cast someone to play him and put him in a couple episodes at some point. But if you could reshoot in time, I think it'd be more interesting if
the opening sequence shows that they sent Kara ahead of Kal, (it's weird that they'd send the helpless baby first, and then the baby's protector AFTER him. That's kinda dumb, honestly) and Kal ends up either never getting off the planet before it explodes, or he's knocked into the Phantom Zone, to be used as a villain in later seasons.

But either way, his being around at all just adjusts the gravitational pull of the show to be about him, not her. This nagging tug away from what the show should be doing.

They could say he
died in her teen years, the flashbacks still work and have way a more sentimental purpose. Jimmies mission, the photos etc all still work. Only the last conversation should really become "he wanted you to have this, if and when you made the choice. The show could explore ways of bringing him back, but moreso the show would be about her.
They could say he
died in her teen years, the flashbacks still work and have way a more sentimental purpose. Jimmies mission, the photos etc all still work. Only the last conversation should really become "he wanted you to have this, if and when you made the choice. The show could explore ways of bringing him back, but moreso the show would be about her.

I like that idea. Leaves minimal things to tinker with, and gets the elephant out of the room.
There is no chance WB/DC will allow Superman to be cast for this whilst in the middle of the MoS franchise. Similar reason why the Smallville producers couldn't cast Bruce Wayne despite trying. Why risk a billion dollar property by confusing audiences?
Why risk a billion dollar property by confusing audiences?

But that argument is bunk as fuck.

Audiences aren't confused by shit like that. They just aren't. They've already got proof that it doesn't matter from Superman Returns.

If there was a significant percentage of the audience so easily addled by the concept of two different versions of the same character that *billions* would actually be risked, then the amount of dumbing down we already think we're burdened with would become like a mountain of stupid being forced on our shoulders.
People really arent the dumb, knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers we make them out to be 99% of the time. They can accept two Quicksilvers, they could probably differentiate between a character on TV and movies. (although i don't want Supes in this show either).
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