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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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The opening of this is a cheesy sci-fi tale that morphs into The Devil Wears Prada.


I don't really like that Superman is in this. I wanted Kara to be the Superman of this world. That would have been far more interesting.


Maybe it's kind of the point, but this seems like Superman except with the main cast's genders reversed. It also seems obnoxiously aimed at its target audience, as if they can't take the hint.


Anyone have official confirmation this is Arrowverse? Lots of people saying yes but I can't seem to find definitive source.
Sure thing

Though Supergirl will be airing on The CW’s parent network, Berlanti has already gone on record to say that the heroine exists in the same universe as the scarlet speedster and emerald archer, so we could be in for an epic cross-network crossover with The Flash and Arrow—and the superhero team-up spin-off, should it move forward.



If you want to throw out all the comic shows in development

I believe Goyer is working on a Krypton TV show.

There's DMZ
Hourman is rumored
Cloak and Dagger for ABC Family is one that is constantly in the background
The X-Men TV show if they can ever work it out with FOX
Chew.. is a constant

Oh and there's Powers on PSN


Unconfirmed Member
It felt like the trailer for a generic romantic comedy.. but with super powers. Yeah, I don't think this one is for me.


Water is not wet!
If it moves at a fast pace and what is in this trailer happens in the first couple episodes, this looks great. If it moves slow, no thanks.


This feels more like Flash than Arrow... which is a good thing.

The whole Superman thing already exists will be an interesting thing that they'll have to ignore... so that'll be interesting to see how they walk around that constantly.
Well, the main character is a female and her boss is also a lady and there's a vague possibility of romance mentioned as well as some comedy, unlike in every other superhero show on television, so it's basically dripping estrogen.

You're right. Her sister is also female so the show is definitely for girls. It's basically like The L Word but with Superman making a cameo in S2: E1.
That dialogue... I can't do it.

Think it's gonna be a hit though. Obligatory spotty CG aside, the show looks surprisingly slick and expansive.


Not sure how I felt about the trailer. I mean you take out the supergirl stuff and it basically seems like a trailer for any rom-com. Not saying every comic book show has to be the same and be all dark and gritty, but it just seems like two totally different shows put into one. So I'm interested to see how they are able to mix it all and hopefully find a good balance.

I do like Kara though, so that's definitely a good start. Calista Flockhart's character on the other hand seems terrible. I hope being a stereotypical stuck-up jerk boss isn't all there is to that character, because that will get old real fast. So yeah, I'm going to check it out and hopefully it will surprise me, but I wouldn't be shocked if it all just doesn't work and the show isn't very good.
Doesn't look too bad at all.

I can just picture someone using Kryptonite on her kicking her ass, then the stinger comes in and here comes Oliver. Or the same with Barry, which is probably more likely if they do the crossovers I'd guess?


I wasn't sure I would like her as Supergirl. Seeing her in action was pretty convincing though. She looks awesome. Might just watch this.


I initially didn't like Melissa Benoist as Supergirl due to the early released reveals of her but seeing her act in motion has me eagerly excited for the show!


This just might fuckin' work.

but yeah, Jimmy being Superman's message-sender is gonna get pretty forced really fast.
It's just...a weird choice. Kara is his cousin. He can't call her or deliver that cape himself? Would have been better to just leave Superman out.

Beyond the hiccup, I loved what I saw.
Have you seen Teen Titans Go?

Exception to the rule. Consider Superman & Batman TAS
This show is wayyy too perky...

Also, the Teen Titans animated series went to some rather dark places
Kind of wish Superman didn't exist though, Kara will forever be in his shadow and angst about it

Doesn't look too bad at all.

I can just picture someone using Kryptonite on her kicking her ass, then the stinger comes in and here comes Oliver. Or the same with Barry, which is probably more likely if they do the crossovers I'd guess?

One thing they should take from Man Of Steel, no Kryptonite but her weakness is Krypton's atmosphere so they would have to gas her or lock her in a gas chamber of sorts


They totally showed Superman

It's just...a weird choice. Kara is his cousin. He can't call her or deliver that cape himself? Would have been better to just leave Superman out.

Beyond the hiccup, I loved what I saw.

Yeah I liked what I think was the original idea of Superman not existing at in the shows universe. Would've been more interesting I think.

It also makes the whole sisters name being a version of Lex and Jimmy being on the show less odd in general.
there's some good scenes (actual powered villains) and cringe worthy scenes

first scene airplane already. I would have thought they build up to it


So, I don't follow the DC tv stuff, is Superman going to appear at some point (whether it be Cavill or nor I don't care, but for continuity sake, it would be best option) or does DC/Warner still have infighting between the different groups?


It's just...a weird choice. Kara is his cousin. He can't call her or deliver that cape himself? Would have been better to just leave Superman out.

Beyond the hiccup, I loved what I saw.

They probably want to hold off on having him show up to make his eventual arrival more of an event. But you're right, using him sparingly but directly would be more elegant and make more sense than using Jimmy as a constant middleman for his sage advice.
lol, that department of extranormal operations guy was extra lame.

Music at the end was awful.

Benoist looks like a ton of fun. Girl's got charm up the wazoo.

I'm in.
They probably want to hold off on having him show up to make his eventual arrival more of an event. But you're right, using him sparingly but directly would be more elegant and make more sense than using Jimmy as a constant middleman for his sage advice.

The last we heard from Geoff Johns on the issue is that Superman and Batman would not be on TV for the forseeable future since they're in the movies.
Not sure about this yet. Looks pretty cheesy.

I thought it would be connected, but no way Oliver/Barry would not know about Superman though. Guess we'll see..

this could be a year or two removed from Arrow and Flash debut.

Hopefully the movies wind up bombing and they just bring superman to TV. I'd like that much better.

what kind of logic is that? good lord ,some of you....

Admittedly I typed that around 3 mins in and it seemed a bit vacuous and shallow like SiTC. Last 3 weren't too bad. Seems fun and I like the main actress.

hehe, 2 minutes in, and this reminds me of the Black Widow SNL trailer.

Edit: ok, just after 2 minutes, it turns into something better

you two just couldn't wait to be heard? come on, at least give it an honest chance.

that didn't seem to confirm anything. just that it's a title they are thinking of.
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