Supergirl - What You Can Expect This Season (season 1 trailer)
Tons of new footage. And for those complaining about people not saying Superman, they do there.
Good trailer....
Supergirl - What You Can Expect This Season (season 1 trailer)
Tons of new footage. And for those complaining about people not saying Superman, they do there.
"earth doesn't have one hero anymore"
Wut. Isn't she in the same universe as the movies?
"earth doesn't have one hero anymore"
Wut. Isn't she in the same universe as the movies?
"earth doesn't have one hero anymore"
Wut. Isn't she in the same universe as the movies?
They talked about her having the ship of baddies come to earth. Wasn't that the same as the movie? And the S symbol nonsense.This isn't connected to the movies.
And Batman is Gotham's hero, not really the world's.
Nope. The Krypton you just saw in the pilot looks and acts nothing like the one in Man of Steel.
No dickships, for one.
Sorry, I didn't see this before I posted the above. What was the explanation given in the scene?
Supergirl - What You Can Expect This Season (season 1 trailer)
Tons of new footage. And for those complaining about people not saying Superman, they do there.
How old is her character supposed to be? And "because that's what she goes by" isn't really a good reason. The writers could have come up with anything so it seems like a missed opportunity to rewrite Super Woman into positive character instead of a demonized powerful woman.
Sorry, I didn't see this before I posted the above. What was the explanation given in the scene?
So when does the cat and horse show up?
Didn't watch, but is there a good reason she's Supergirl instead of Superwoman? .
There is an entire scene that deals with this directly.
Basically, she is given the name by people on Twitter. When the news paper the company she works for owns runs with it; she gets upset & thinks she should be called Super Woman. The owner of the company, a woman, pretty much says: I'm a girl, I'm pretty, powerful, rich, & hot, do you have a problem with me being a girl. Along those lines. Then the scene shifts when Jimmy shows up. But that basically sums it up. It came across pretty well, how it was played.
That came off a little harsh so I apologize. What I mean is the character has been around for over 50 years as Supergirl. Is that a better explanantion? No. But it is what it is. It's what she's recognized by to the general public.
So when does the cat and horse show up?
Tbh this would be the perfect opportunity to rebrand her as Superwoman after a season or two like they did for Ollie on Arrow becoming the Green Arrow. The name really is outdated.
I'd be down for:
Batwoman (just because I love the character, though honestly she should be in Gotham or in her own show)
Batgirl or Huntress (given their friendship in the comics)
Mary Marvel (for the obligatory rival trope episode and eventual magic weakness team up)
J'onn (he needs to be somewhere)
PG from the future/alt timeline
Cat Season Finale, Horse when it moves to HBO
Okay, thanks. I'm not totally sold on how that was explained by the show based on your description, but I didn't watch it so I can't really judge how it came off. It seems like it boils down to "I don't mind being called X. Why should you have different feeling about being called X than I do?"
I also didn't realize how old a concept Super Girl was, not that necessarily should determine things today.
Yep, Action Comics #252 - from 1959.
Pairing it after Big Bang Theory was smart. Now to see how well it did.I feel like ratings are gonna be massive.
And then he tells her to keep her ID a secret and drops her off at an orphanage.
Sister "So why do you call him the Super Horse?"
Kara "Cause he's hung like a..."
Sister "Nevermind!"
Pairing it after Big Bang Theory was smart. Now to see how well it did.
Yeah I wondered about that.Okay I've been looking forward to this... but I'm just over 4 minutes into the pilot and one thing that kind of gnawed at me from the get go.
"I'm telling you, they're out there... Aliens."
"There's no such thing as aliens."
... Superman has been an established hero for a while, so... what?
Okay I've been looking forward to this... but I'm just over 4 minutes into the pilot and one thing that kind of gnawed at me from the get go.
"I'm telling you, they're out there... Aliens."
"There's no such thing as aliens."
... Superman has been an established hero for a while, so... what?
Let's not talk about Comet.
Bugged me too. A cutesy moment that defies logic. Unless the public doesn't know that he's an alien.
That is the biggest reveal in the trailer.Supergirl - What You Can Expect This Season (season 1 trailer)
Tons of new footage. And for those complaining about people not saying Superman, they do there.
I really would like to know why they thought the Comet thing was okay. Or maybe they knew how F'd up it was but did it anyway.
I feel like ratings are gonna be massive.
The pilot is cute but the villains are so cheese. Like pure stinky cheese lol. Dunno if I'm sticking with this.
I really would like to know why they thought the Comet thing was okay. Or maybe they knew how F'd up it was but did it anyway.
Or it's been so long that people have just don't think about or don't really associate the word with him, especially those that are younger. There would be a whole generation of people in Supergirl were Superman has always existed for them. That's an interesting thing to touch upon I think. I don't think there has been a Superman related story were that has ever been a issue outside of maybe Legion of Super Hero stories..
For anyone who watched both, were there any differences from the leaked pilot a few months back?
I really enjoyed the pilot.
Longer trailer for future episodes. The name Superman is mentionedI guess they didn't say it for some reason since it was filmed way back in March. Obviously things changed since then.
Didnt we see of bunch of villains when they where at Headquarters scrolling on that big screen for a few Orange face guy,someone purple like with a hood on, etc etc...that looked promising.
Kara openly says "Superman" within the first minute of this show's beginning, though.
It's not like they're being forced to avoid it.
They probably skirted around it a bit in the pilot because of weird, stupid, Hollywood licensing issues.