So here are my thoughts on the pilot. Most of it doesn't give any details on the content, which should fit the rules, but let me know if you want the whole thing spoilered anyway.
Okay, so first thing you should know is that I hate Arrow. Flash too, but Arrow is up with some of the worst TV I've ever had the displeasure to witness. This applies to any season you care to name, hell, any episode. They are unequivocally awful. None of hte cast know how to act, and even if they did, the writing doesn't let them. Characters talk like they're not human beings, their abilities often contradict themselves within the same episode, everyone is one dimensional, jokes are painfully unfunny, the pacing is all over the place, they have no idea how to do proper mystique, and the content itself often becomes questionable itself. I hate, hate, hate these shows. I hate them more than AM hates humanity. I've written a lot about why I despise it, and I won't repeat it here, but understand that is how I viewed Supergirl coming in. A show made by essentially the same people? Oh god, another sad bundle of wasted potential.
So I came into the pilot with the lowest of expectations. And Supergirl beat them. I honestly don't know if this is just me being caught offguard or if there is actual potential here. I mean, it's the same team, so...idk, maybe Berlanti managed to find some poor intern that actually knows his shit and is trying to heroically save the show from producers in the background. Or maybe it actually was CW, the network, and I'm selling Berlanti short, and they are now free from their bonds to be able to produce something genuinely adequate instead of hair whiteningly awful. Or maybe this was a miraculous accident of having to do a pilot, and it will crash and burn into a bloated, melodramatic, cringe mess as they try to fill 20 episodes of content.
Because the pilot actually did a lot of stuff. They establish Kara's origin, show her growing up and deciding to be a hero, the doning of the costume, establishing relationships with her sister, boss, friend, new guy, villain, background information on why there are villains, in addition to the internal drama Kara faces. Maybe I'm just more forgiving of the CWisms because the Pilot is actually being somewhat ambitious in trying to make a very large amount of narrative work. But I wouldn't be shocked at all if this was them putting their best foot forward.
And there are plenty of CWisms to be found here. Characters unnaturally stating their inner emotions, there is already misblaming (Kara is blamed for criminals being on her world when she had no idea how or why her pod brought them there[/SPOILER]) and stupid outrage (yes, Kate, be mad that Kara saved you and hundreds of people's lives, goddammit). I hope they have Kara genuinely being clever instead of what happened (having tech support give her the answer on how to beat the baddie with plot device power), but I don't expect it as that's what flash does most episodes.
That said, what suprised me was....acceptable acting. Like, when Supergirl is sad or excited, Melissa Benoist conveys it well enough. And the jokes...They're actually funny somehow! And delivered well! I can tell you that all seasons of Arrow and Flash maybe made me crack a smile a grand total of 6 or 7 times. I'm not exaggerating here, I made sure to count. Flash gave me 3 or 4, maybe 5, Arrow precisely 1 or 2. Here, 5 minutes into the show has Cat Grant: "I had a board meeting at lunch, so cancel sushi with my mother. Also cancel my therapist, I won't be needing it if I'm not having lunch with my mother." That....was actually pretty funny. Like, don't get me wrong, I wasn't going crazy with laughter, but they managed to make me crack a smile more in one episode than either of the other CW shows did in 4 seasons. That was the point where I had to stop for a moment and realize that this might not actually be the pile of crap I had every reason to believe it would be.
Even in terms of Cinematography. Like, again, don't get me wrong. It's not great. But they had the plane landing sequence. But they added a twist, Kara has to manuever it around a bridge, so she turns it, and we get a shot of the plane wing scraping the bridge's from a ground shot. Like, it's not great and the CG is awful, but I thought it was a somewhat cool shot.
Look, you have no idea how much this blew my mind. I have certain expectations of CW show and this show definitely has CW blood running in it, but it's by far the most competent take on it that I've seen. Which I admit might not be saying much, but right now, I can't gauge that properly because I'm caught so off guard by it making me not want to stab my eyes out. They can use that as a blurb. Does not make me want to stab out my eyes. Which, believe me, is not just better than I expected, but magnitudes better. It's like expecting to come home to have your house burned down and only to find it's been TP'd. Not great, but you can work that out atleast.