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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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Just watching the episode now. Me when Supes said he was on his way: shiiiiiit

Moments later: got dang it, DC. I hate thee.
Max's plan has two glaring flaws:

1- He's creating a no-man's land that Superman and Supergirl can't enter, which means it will be filled with super powered menaces terrorizing the populace without consequence.

2- It probably hadn't been discovered in universe yet, but while short term exposure only harms Kryptonians, long term exposure to Kryptonite is highly carcinogenic.

So if Max got his way, National City would be full of people dying left and right from cancer and alien attacks.


Max's plan has two glaring flaws:

1- He's creating a no-man's land that Superman and Supergirl can't enter, which means it will be filled with super powered menaces terrorizing the populace without consequence.

2- It probably hadn't been discovered in universe yet, but while short term exposure only harms Kryptonians, long term exposure to Kryptonite is highly carcinogenic.

So if Max got his way, National City would be full of people dying left and right from cancer and alien attacks.

So Max's plan it is then!


Seeing Maxima gave me renewed hope for appearances from EXTREME JUSTICE and Capt. Atom..........


Never giving up hope.
Max's plan has two glaring flaws:

1- He's creating a no-man's land that Superman and Supergirl can't enter, which means it will be filled with super powered menaces terrorizing the populace without consequence.

2- It probably hadn't been discovered in universe yet, but while short term exposure only harms Kryptonians, long term exposure to Kryptonite is highly carcinogenic.

So if Max got his way, National City would be full of people dying left and right from cancer and alien attacks.

Depends on the writer, in BvS I believe they stated it was completely harmless to humans.


When you're doing 20-22 episodes a season, they can't all be winners.

Ali Adler actually said she likes 20 episodes and thinks it's the perfect number to not have too much filler. That's her opinion anyway. The CW shows are a bit more stressful with 23.
The episode was fine but it mostly felt like a build-up episode, which it was. The explanation for Superman being affected is laughably dumb, but whatever. The logic I can't get over is why Non wouldn't just send Superman after Kara if he thought she was such a threat. I know why it doesn't happen from an actual logistics perspective, but in-universe it makes your big villain seem like an idiot.
Ali Adler actually said she likes 20 episodes and thinks it's the perfect number to not have too much filler. That's her opinion anyway. The CW shows are a bit more stressful with 23.

Does she think this season had no filler, because if so...wow.

That's not the way I would describe it at all.


We don't know the limits of his powers. Up until now, we don't even know if he could keep up his powers for 10 minutes at a time. He has been neglecting them for years.

Stop it, Joni! I need you to plug the holes for me. You're the key!
Let's try: the Myriad works typically on a genetic basis. It was orchestrated so that Astra could keep seeing her family, so they are excempt. Maxima in one way or another was just stronger in resisting and they didn't show it.

Does she think this season had no filler, because if so...wow.

That's not the way I would describe it at all.

She said 'not too much filler'. It also depends on the interpretation. Certainly in the case of Supergirl, you need to show her bringing hope. That doesn't work with just one villain, she needs to be doing stupid stuff, like saving kittens.


She said 'not too much filler'. It also depends on the interpretation. Certainly in the case of Supergirl, you need to show her bringing hope. That doesn't work with just one villain, she needs to be doing stupid stuff, like saving kittens.

I'd agree with this. If you look at Avatar:The Last Airbender it did 20 episode seasons, and while there were filler episodes. Those episodes tended to add to develop the characters emotionally in new and interesting ways. Which ultimately was just as important in making that show great as all the plot centric episodes
The only thing is on point always is Melissa, I personally expected more from this show, is a fun show but it lacks that something special, at least for me.

I agree with this. I think the show has definitely gotten better over the season, but if you look at where Flash and Arrow were by the end of their first seasons from a quality standpoint Supergirl is lagging pretty far behind them.


I agree with this. I think the show has definitely gotten better over the season, but if you look at where Flash and Arrow were by the end of their first seasons from a quality standpoint Supergirl is lagging pretty far behind them.
Doesn't help when Non is a boring middle aged man
Too many characters just not working be they antagonists or supporting the protagonist hasn't helped. Are there people who are actually interested in whether or not Kara and boring James get together? Or Winn for that matter?


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Too many characters just not working be they antagonists or supporting the protagonist hasn't helped. Are there people who are actually interested in whether or not Kara and boring James get together? Or Winn for that matter?

I am, were not exactly overflowing for white women and black men romances on TV.

As for Winn, why don't you want my boy to get some, the guy has it hard enough as it is.


Pretty weak episode. Didn't feel the dread this kind of situation should have been causing. And plenty of illogical behaviours.
At least that power armor with kryptonian katana looked sick as hell. Plus that Maxima woman was a thing of fierce beauty.


Ali Adler actually said she likes 20 episodes and thinks it's the perfect number to not have too much filler. That's her opinion anyway. The CW shows are a bit more stressful with 23.

She might be right. Of course, everything depends on a team. Something like Babylon 5's season 2,3 and 4 had 20+ eps and almost none of that was filler, meanwhile Daredevil S1 had a lot of filler with merely 13 eps.

What I find dissapoiting is that none of those long superhero shows actually uses the number of episodes to it's advantage. If you look at science-fiction shows, especially space ones, the good ones used that space not just to tell traditional standalone stories or push forward big arcs, but also to experiment. They had couple high-concept episodes each season that were just weird and experimental to ever appear in most cable-like shows.
Superhero shows could really use that, but they don't for some reason. Gotham is the exception, but that's because it's all crazy all the time :D Person of Interest also does that quite often. Berlanti shows really could use those type of episodes.
Outside of Barry, I actually think Kara and Winn have the best chemistry, though I don't want it to go that direction because number 1 it'll be a retreat of Arrow (and we know how badly that can go) and number 2, I like the idea that he had a crush on her, it wasn't reciprocated, so he moved on like an adult and now they're just good friends, which is a refreshing characterisation in these type of shows.


Outside of Barry, I actually think Kara and Winn have the best chemistry, though I don't want it to go that direction because number 1 it'll be a retreat of Arrow (and we know how badly that can go) and number 2, I like the idea that he had a crush on her, it wasn't reciprocated, so he moved on like an adult and now they're just good friends, which is a refreshing characterisation in these type of shows.

The destiny of Winn should be to sleep with as many female villains as possible :D And yeah, once he got over Kara he really turned into fun character.


Gotham might be the best comic based show in doing multiple mini-arcs over the season and not sticking to one story for too long.
The best thing about Gotham is that it doesn't constantly try to 1-UP itself and tells incredibly solid stories instead of just bigger ones. Every character has very defining arcs too. It is the best comic show on TV.


I think the Kryptonian aspect of the season really has been the weakest part and I think that's going to make the season go out on a whimper instead of a bang. When I look back all my favorite episodes have been the ones not dealing with Astra or Non. The exception being the episode where Astra dies and that's large because of her fight with Martian Manhunter.

Maxima was wasted this episode. She should have gotten an entire episode to herself instead of being a bit player to this nonsense Non has going on.

Also did they say exactly why Superman was affected? I know at the beginning of the episode they refer to him as not going to be a problem. If Myriad isn't affecting Kara I can only assume that Non and his group finally made themselves known to Superman and they attacked him to the point they were able to get Myriad to control him. That or they built in exceptions to the control for themselves and Kara which can't be undone. Which is something I could see Astra doing before she died.

They had a good out for Superman with him being off world. Why bring him back just to sideline him like this and not use him to attack Kara as suggested. That way you Non doesn't get his hands dirty or risk being killed himself.

Then there is Alex not being able to listen to reason or really think about a situation. You know MM needs to concentrate to use his mind powers. So you want him to shield both of you on top fo fighting because you know full well you can't do a damn thing to the kyptonians. I normally like Alex a lot, even when she does dumb things, but there was no defending her this episode.

I don't think there has been an episode with this many in your face issues. At least for me anyway.


Are we still waiting for news on whether Supergirl is renewed yet? I hope it is because history has proven over and over that comic book shows get so much better in Season 2. (Agents of Shield, Gotham, Arrow)

Gotham might be the best comic based show in doing multiple mini-arcs over the season and not sticking to one story for too long.

Gotham's producers said they changed the format/pacing of the show for Season 2 because they wanted it to be a series that could be "binged" like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, or Breaking Bad.

And the format / pacing of Season 1 didn't make it easy to binge the show.

So that's why the pacing and format of Gotham S2 feels significantly better than S1.
Superman was effected because he has a human brain or whatever. I guess they mean more like "thinks like a human" or whatever, I don't know, it was a cheap copout so they could show him for a few seconds for some reason and explain further away why he couldn't lend a hand or something.

Yeah, it was a change for the better with Gotham. Hopefully Supergirl's second season is better, they made progress this season but it could still be better.
I'd like to see more shows adopt Gotham's format. Mini-arcs are fantastic. You always feel like you've got character and plot development, even if the myth arcs aren't progressing (though frequently they are). Much more satisfying than either the episodic/serialized hybrid you've got on the Berlanti shows or even the wholly serialized format of the Marvel Netflix stuff. They gain total control over the pacing.
Too many characters just not working be they antagonists or supporting the protagonist hasn't helped. Are there people who are actually interested in whether or not Kara and boring James get together? Or Winn for that matter?

I think James and Winn are both dull characters. Kara, Cat, Alex and J'onn are all cool though and Maxwell Lord is growing on me.
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