He heard them talk. And he said she could fly him out of there before dropping the bomb.I wonder if Lord realized that his Kryptonite bomb plan would have legit killed Superman. Was he there in time to see him fly in?
He heard them talk. And he said she could fly him out of there before dropping the bomb.I wonder if Lord realized that his Kryptonite bomb plan would have legit killed Superman. Was he there in time to see him fly in?
He heard them talk. And he said she could fly him out of there before dropping the bomb.
There is a problem with how Myriad works. It works on aliens, but not on all the aliens in the DEO base but it would be able to conquer their planet?
Kara's super important to suppress. Let's not send mind controlled Superman after her... Because???
That would mean we'd actually see Superman on screen. Can't have that.
Someone should have told Max that kryptonite is deadly.Imagine if Superman turned out to be Brandon Routh.
Damn...Max's plan has two glaring flaws:
1- He's creating a no-man's land that Superman and Supergirl can't enter, which means it will be filled with super powered menaces terrorizing the populace without consequence.
2- It probably hadn't been discovered in universe yet, but while short term exposure only harms Kryptonians, long term exposure to Kryptonite is highly carcinogenic.
So if Max got his way, National City would be full of people dying left and right from cancer and alien attacks.
Max's plan has two glaring flaws:
1- He's creating a no-man's land that Superman and Supergirl can't enter, which means it will be filled with super powered menaces terrorizing the populace without consequence.
2- It probably hadn't been discovered in universe yet, but while short term exposure only harms Kryptonians, long term exposure to Kryptonite is highly carcinogenic.
So if Max got his way, National City would be full of people dying left and right from cancer and alien attacks.
Depends on the writer, in BvS I believe they stated it was completely harmless to humans.
God dammit Supergirl, sometimes the show is fantastic and sometimes it just shits the bed.
When you're doing 20-22 episodes a season, they can't all be winners.
When you're doing 20-22 episodes a season, they can't all be winners.
Ali Adler actually said she likes 20 episodes and thinks it's the perfect number to not have too much filler. That's her opinion anyway. The CW shows are a bit more stressful with 23.
Why did Alex and J'onn take the bus when J'onn can fly? ��
Definitely. When it's good, it's good and when it sucks, it sucks.God dammit Supergirl, sometimes the show is fantastic and sometimes it just shits the bed.
That seems like a bad idea when you're trying to lay low.
Then they'd be easy to spot by simply looking up. J'onn is big green alien, and he'd be carrying a woman around. He'd stick out.Fly below radar?
Let's try: the Myriad works typically on a genetic basis. It was orchestrated so that Astra could keep seeing her family, so they are excempt. Maxima in one way or another was just stronger in resisting and they didn't show it.Stop it, Joni! I need you to plug the holes for me. You're the key!
Does she think this season had no filler, because if so...wow.
That's not the way I would describe it at all.
She said 'not too much filler'. It also depends on the interpretation. Certainly in the case of Supergirl, you need to show her bringing hope. That doesn't work with just one villain, she needs to be doing stupid stuff, like saving kittens.
God dammit Supergirl, sometimes the show is fantastic and sometimes it just shits the bed.
The only thing is on point always is Melissa, I personally expected more from this show, is a fun show but it lacks that something special, at least for me.
Doesn't help when Non is a boring middle aged manI agree with this. I think the show has definitely gotten better over the season, but if you look at where Flash and Arrow were by the end of their first seasons from a quality standpoint Supergirl is lagging pretty far behind them.
Too many characters just not working be they antagonists or supporting the protagonist hasn't helped. Are there people who are actually interested in whether or not Kara and boring James get together? Or Winn for that matter?
Ali Adler actually said she likes 20 episodes and thinks it's the perfect number to not have too much filler. That's her opinion anyway. The CW shows are a bit more stressful with 23.
Outside of Barry, I actually think Kara and Winn have the best chemistry, though I don't want it to go that direction because number 1 it'll be a retreat of Arrow (and we know how badly that can go) and number 2, I like the idea that he had a crush on her, it wasn't reciprocated, so he moved on like an adult and now they're just good friends, which is a refreshing characterisation in these type of shows.
The best thing about Gotham is that it doesn't constantly try to 1-UP itself and tells incredibly solid stories instead of just bigger ones. Every character has very defining arcs too. It is the best comic show on TV.Gotham might be the best comic based show in doing multiple mini-arcs over the season and not sticking to one story for too long.
Doesn't help when Non is a boring middle aged man
Gotham might be the best comic based show in doing multiple mini-arcs over the season and not sticking to one story for too long.
So he would be like Cisco or Oliver.The destiny of Winn should be to sleep with as many female villains as possibleAnd yeah, once he got over Kara he really turned into fun character.
Too many characters just not working be they antagonists or supporting the protagonist hasn't helped. Are there people who are actually interested in whether or not Kara and boring James get together? Or Winn for that matter?