I hope they fix the dialogue next because wow, it's terrible. Even worse than Arrow.
Yeah! I heard that voice and I was like "whaaaaaaaaa"Ya Herd with Perd killed me.
Melissa Benoist is so adorably awkward.
I just assume Cat Grant knows Kara is Supergirl and is just trolling the fuck out of her.
Benoist really sells it well though. That whole kitten video excuse she did felt so darn genuine she reminded me of my own friends. It was uncanny.
Like Flash, this show can be a bit preachy, but there's no one with the gravitas of Wells or Papa Joe West to sell it with gravitas.
I also feel like they could do with injecting a bit of darkness into the show.
Yep, his eyes flashed red for a split second.
My first thought was Martian Manhunter, but I guess he's a cyborg?
How do you not melt when she smiles. Too cuteHit her with your best shot
Enjoying it so far, but man, wtf is up with shows these days revealing shit before the third ep.
The Player, Blindspot, the fucking godawful Quantico. Jesus.
Sometimes I feel like people are just adamant and determined to hate this instead of actually giving it a chance. This start hasn't even been bad in my opinion.
Meh writing, subpar effects, and everyone's favorite aspect of the show seems to be how adorable Benoist is. I wouldn't think too much of the quality of this show.
Enjoying it so far, but man, wtf is up with shows these days revealing shit before the third ep.
The Player, Blindspot, the fucking godawful Quantico. Jesus.
THAT'S who that was. Yeah I was laughing too but I couldn't remember where he was from.Ya Herd with Perd killed me.
General Auntie is underwhelming and doesn't come off threatening. DEO Director doesn't really fit as the detracting mentor (and the detracting is redundant with Alex Danvers).
Both those problems were directly addressed at the end of this episode, though.
Sort of? Introducing someone else behind General Auntie and DEO Director complimenting Kara and then having his eyes flash don't do enough to make me think the issue is really handled.
Joe West should be on every superhero show.
Meh writing, subpar effects, and everyone's favorite aspect of the show seems to be how adorable Benoist is. I wouldn't think too much of the quality of this show.
Probably because the rest of the show hasn't happened yet, though. You're saying those two aspects are a problem. I'm saying the show just pointed out to us that those problems probably aren't problems because they're showing us those characters aren't what you thought they were.
It's pretty similar to how the Superman complaints seemed valid in the pilot until you got to episode 2 and you realized how they're using his presence, and why.
Now if we get to episode six and whatever arc we're being shown the beginnings of doesn't actually arc? Then that's a problem.
Oh and yeah I don't know if it was padding or if Benoist's arms are just that jacked now but wow.
However I'm not just going to give them the benefit of the doubt that these things are going to be fixed. They could be fixed going forward and I'm going to wait and see but I'm not going to take two minor segments of one episode as evidence that they will certainly be fixed.