Jest Chillin
Dunno how you can't. Those two minor segments are the definition of blatant foreshadowing that the things you're noting as problems are already accounted for.
I don't disagree that they could botch the execution of it. But the specific complaints you made seem to have been already addressed before you even made them - within the text of the episode itself. That's what I'm saying. Meaning they're not so much problems as they are setup for what the characters are going to actually be.
I'm just going to go ahead and list Almost Human as a recent example of foreshadowing that never paid off. They foreshadowed a deeper plot arc in the early episodes and then abandoned it, going completely procedural for the rest of the ordered run. This is broadcast TV. And for every series that pays it's foreshadowing off, there are 2 or 3 that change direction entirely.
Edit: And actually I can list Arrow as a much closer example of character foreshadowing that was clearly altered. The Laurel character was shown as being competent in combat, clearly foreshadowing. However, that was dropped almost entirely when plot changes created another, entirely new character and that character was loved by the fans. The foreshadowing eventually paid off but seasons later than it should have and at the cost of basically retconning the early foreshadowing and basically resetting the Laurel character, almost entirely.