I'm sorry, but every time I see a gif, commercial, or clip of this, the effects look cheesy and horrible. Is it just me? Or is it better in context? Or is it a part of the charm?
It really turns me off to the idea of this being worth my time. What say you GAF?
Stat Bro! Great to see you in a different topic!
It's a bit hard to say if Supergirl is really worth anyone's time at this point. We're 4 episodes in and it's not great or amazing by any means, but also not terrible. The show is still new and stumbling along while trying to figure out what it's going to be. It makes the procedural story parts stand out a little. You can feel the growing pains. You can also feel that they're trying to cater to the female audience, which is absolutely their right and doesn't really bother me, but it means that there are sometimes scenes that make me groan. Right now, the biggest draw for some people seems to be the main actress being adorable, which is kinda weak.
That said, it's still kind of fun to watch, if you're into superhero shows. But they are going to be cheesy and have lots of annoying and stupid drama and sometimes weak SFX. I think it just comes with the genre being on TV.
So ultimately I'd recommend The Flash or Gotham S2 over Supergirl at this point. Especially The Flash should be a good indicator of how this show is going to develop, since it's from the same show runner. Watch Flash and if you like it, come back in a few weeks or months to check how this show has developed.