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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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It would be a nice twist, as that would force him to be a good guy, right?
Yep. Plus it would explain why he's been such a good dude so far, especially evident in disabling the bomb.

It would still give us the real Hank Henshaw there too so we can still have
cyborg superman

god I'd love for the show to do that. Also Red Tornado looks great in the promos. I think people freaking out were a bit silly considering it's a prototype and nowhere near the superhero he'll become.


Kara (and Superman, for that matter) has not been explicitly shown to have superspeed in this universe. I have no objections to leaving that out of her power set.

But she been shown super fast, when she dipped into that bush and walked right out in her regular clothes


She went mach-2. She might be faster than Barry, at least compared to his consistent speed. Her problem seems to be she can go superfast, but not act fast at the same time.
The episode was okay. It didn't necessarily blow me away and that Lord was a dick was clear from his first appearance. It's a bit of a shame that they have to recycle some of the starter Superman themes, like tests by Lex and red kryptonite. Also, fuck love triangles. They're the most boring and lazy way to get some human drama into a story.

whats with all the stupid music remixes

I feel like they're doing it to give the show a more girly vibe.
But the last song was already done by a woman to begin with.

I meant the mood in the songs. Like that Ellie Goulding cover from last week. That said, I'm not exactly sure if it makes sense what I'm saying. It's just the vibe I got when I heard the cover last week and the one in this episode. It's always during those kind of scenes.


some people are speculating that Henshaw could actually be Martian Manhunter and I AM SO HERE FOR THAT

That's what it appears to be, despite the Henshaw name and not John Jones. The red eyes, the super strength, and also that Kara never noticed that he is secretly a cyborg. If he ever phases through anything , that's the teller. Could MM have impersonated a now deceased Henshaw perhaps?
That's what it appears to be, despite the Henshaw name and not John Jones. The red eyes, the super strength, and also that Kara never noticed that he is secretly a cyborg. If he ever phases through anything , that's the teller. Could MM have impersonated a now deceased Henshaw perhaps?
Wouldn't he have phased through the bomb instead of ripping it open?
I suppose. But if he is really a cyborg, how is it nobody can tell, not even x-ray-eyes "I can hear water in a pipe under the street" Kara? I'm probably expecting too much...
It seems like Kara has to selectively turn on any of her powers to use them on this show, so maybe she just never had a chance or reason to take a closer look at Crenshaw. Plus, there's all the kryptonite stuff he carries on him all the time (like that knife he pulled on Astra), so maybe that's protecting him from her scrutiny.


Well, I am NOT familiar with Cyborg Superman or Henshaw's character from the comics. Based on the animated Justice League, and Smallville, I initially thought he was supposed to be MM. I can't wait to see if they satisfactorily pull off Red Tornado, a character I always thought was really cool and retro.

I never read Supergirl comics. Did anybody? I used to get DC Action comics, the $1.25 thick book, in the 70's and 80's. I think the stories were repackaged reprints. You'd get Superman or Superboy, Jimmy Olsen, and Supergirl stories all bundled together, and sometimes you'd get Green Lantern or Elongated Man stories too. The Supergirl stories were usually very weak. But I like her character from the Animated series. So anyway, what were her usual villains? Max Lord? (I never heard of him until this tv show).
Winn has toys and eats cereal for dinner, and she admonished him for it. He's so deep in the friend zone he should build a house there.

you know the more I think about it the more I hate the Kara/Jim/Winn thing.

Kara who is a "nerd" herself drooling all over the alpha male who just showed up, Jimym is supposed to be a nerd himself), while shunning if not completely oblivious to the long time admiration of Winn.

Yea she can like whoever she wants etc but the whole alpha male Jimmy thing thats shes drooling over is just so.... CW.

Seems like real life to me.

Find someone that looks like this:


Henry Cavill as a teen lol
How would a 13-year-old Kal-El/Clark/Superman being around Kara make any sense? She was stuck in the Phantom Zone from when he was a baby until he was in his mid-twenties. The only thing that would make sense is it being a flashback for the Danvers, since it was stated that they helped young Clark figure out his powers and stuff.

It's a 13-year old Clark around a young Kara, not the current version.

I don't wanna go through the thread, so I'll just ask, how is this show turning out so far? Is it fun?

Good, though it suffers at times from the repeated comparisons to Superman.
It's a 13-year old Clark around a young Kara, not the current version.
...but, how does that make any sense? Unless Clark got de-aged by some villain at some point in the past while Kara was still young, or Kon-El exists in this universe and was in the past somehow. Or maybe an AI hologram of young Kal-El or something.
You know, it might be cool to see Earth 2 Kara, Power Girl, show up (maybe with Huntress, too). I wonder how differently Melissa Benoist would play her.
Yeah, I don't buy Henshaw being the real Henshaw or a Cyborg rebuilt version of him. Makes more sense for an alien/alien technology to be impersonating him and leading an organization to hunt aliens. Evidence for Eradicator is compelling, plus this draws more from the Superman mythos. Martian Manhunter works too, but I'd prefer it to be Eradicator.


Malcom Merlin Dark Archer.

No it was Malcom Merlin you know like Ollie's second dad/ best friends dad.

I don't buy him as an ally, he had very little scenes with Oliver. If they are allies, it is more of an informed attribute. It would be more like Maxwell Lord turning out to be a bad guy.
She has known Jimmy for like 5 minutes, I'm not buying any of this feelings crap, what is she, a 13 year old with her first crush based on next to nothing?


She has known Jimmy for like 5 minutes, I'm not buying any of this feelings crap, what is she, a 13 year old with her first crush based on next to nothing?
He is also a celebrity. And you just need to look at the older women crushing on Bieber or Pattinson to see how that goes.
I am curious if they'll keep Lord's other aspects since Countdown to Infinite Crisis. They did sort of allude to it but it could just be coincidental dialogue. It'll be a nice contrast to Jessica Jones.


I'm liking that the plot is getting thicker. It's not just villain-of-the-week now that they've added the intrigue of Maxwell Lord and Hank Henshaw.

Come to think of it, they could have done this earlier and introduced Astra later on. It just feels weird having this huge threat hanging over the show that we haven't heard from since episode two.

I don't wanna go through the thread, so I'll just ask, how is this show turning out so far? Is it fun?

It's getting better with every episode now that all the main arcs (read: main villains) are getting introduced. Every superhero show is only as good as its main villain - see Arrow's Deathstroke and Merlin, and Flash's Reverse Flash, and I'm glad they're bringing in those elements of mystery and shady characters pulling the strings in the background. The humour and dialogue is very deliberate sometimes, and you'll probably hate the love triangle stuff, but I enjoy this as much as Gotham and Flash and Arrow.

Cat is actually turning out to be the best character so far.

Also, that multi-monitor setup is the absolute least fun way to play a video game.


Supergirl is so clueless. Lex would have tagged her with a traceable radioactive dye and found her apartment by now. I'm really curious as to what motivates Henshaw.
I have to admit, I did not expect that they're going to develop Cat into an actual character. I thought she's remains this cartoon character, the annoying and demanding boss, without us getting to know why she's that way. It's definitely interesting.

I'm also wondering when Kara and Lord are going to have a thing, because that's totally going to happen, even if it's a season or two from now. That, or he's getting her sister.


I have to admit, I did not expect that they're going to develop Cat into an actual character. I thought she's remains this cartoon character, the annoying and demanding boss, without us getting to know why she's that way. It's definitely interesting.

I'm also wondering when Kara and Lord are going to have a thing, because that's totally going to happen, even if it's a season or two from now. That, or he's getting her sister.

Betting it's that.


I have to admit, I did not expect that they're going to develop Cat into an actual character. I thought she's remains this cartoon character, the annoying and demanding boss, without us getting to know why she's that way. It's definitely interesting.

I'm also wondering when Kara and Lord are going to have a thing, because that's totally going to happen, even if it's a season or two from now. That, or he's getting her sister.

Peter Facinelli is 41. It would be really strange to see him hook up with Benoist. Chyler is 33 so that would fit better, even if Kara and Alex are supposed to be closer in age than Melissa and Chyler. Also, I just noticed why Facinelli got casted: he is engaged to Jane Doe/Lady Syf.
How would a 13-year-old Kal-El/Clark/Superman being around Kara make any sense? She was stuck in the Phantom Zone from when he was a baby until he was in his mid-twenties. The only thing that would make sense is it being a flashback for the Danvers, since it was stated that they helped young Clark figure out his powers and stuff.

A live action version of
Kids Stuff?




Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
It's Thanksgiving, and people love mashed potato, but like that... take this with a grain of salt...

Supergirl may meet a certain Scarlet Speedster in May if ratings decline more...


Should've done this from the beginning, I think people would've cared more. Now it reeks as a desperate move to boost ratings.

CBS was stubborn, they thought they could make a standalone superhero show when it's obvious that doesn't fly around anymore (Gotham being the exception here), they should've been honest and say this was part of the Arrowverse from the beginning. Might be a bit late by May for this show IMO.
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