Lmao, plsJust like my hentai.
With Gotham City? Highly unlikely.
Please, please, please have Barry mention Metahuman Guatanamo to Jimmy.
Plot armor > actual armorAlex should wear a helmet for safety concerns...
Oh Kara, honey, don't expect Lord to be nice or just less of a bastard from now on.
There's a yoga studio across the street.James starts every day by taking pictures of railings that tickle his fancy.
I only have time for one hourlong per evening!
Kinda miss that on Arrow. It feels like all they do is fight Cal of Duty runoffs nowadays.The villain of the week thing is staring to wear on me. There are some multi-episode arcs, but they're leaning way too much on a new bad guy each week.
I literally cannot imagine what a post-S1 Gotham/ Supergirl crossover would look like.
Forget oil, it's like potassium and water.
I wouldn't want one unless it is time adjusted(Gotham + 15ish years)
That kid really is just a few years from being Batman material, if he built up a little. Don't think you'd need more than 10 to have Supergirl vs. Gotham!Bats.
Would still be utterly unworkable, though. Shows are just... so different I have trouble putting them in in the same thought, let alone the same episode![]()
I just mean in a sense to match Supergirls setting where Clark has likely been Superman for maybe 10 years.
just to line them up as parallel.
Pretty average episode... other than based Italia.
That look on Kara's face when she woke up. Hot damn. Really wouldn't ever want to be on her bad side.
I just want to say that moment when she wakes up and being all silent was probably the best acting Benoist ever done.Supergirl brings the feels again.
And Melissa Benoist has the best "suppressed rage" face I've ever seen.
I wonder if the CG run animation in Supergirl will look worse or better than in The Flash.
That Lobo reference!!!!!
Well guess that was a Lobo tease
Lobo tease.
Yo. A Lobo and Gotham reference in the same night?