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Supergirl S2 |OT| The Sky's the Limit - Mondays 8/7c on The CW

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they're going in an interesting direction with James becoming a vigilante. him and Winn working together again is gonna be great

Alex subplot really warmed my heart this week :>
Every episode I'm more and more convinced everyone in this show wants to hook up with everyone else.

Also I enjoyed the Heavily inspired Bruno Mannheim character
Every episode I'm more and more convinced everyone in this show wants to hook up with everyone else.

Also I enjoyed the Heavily inspired Bruno Mannheim character

Who wouldn't?! Everybody is so damn attractive. That's one benefit of working on the CW.

*note to self - get attractive and get hired by the CW*


"It's kinda a coincidence that Cadmus releases a new video just as criminals get their hands on alien weapons." "Not a coincidence if Cadmus is the one giving them the guns."

See, in a show that treats its viewers with respect, Kara's last line wouldn't be necessary because it's blatantly clear from the video that they're behind these attacks. But no, this is Supergirl, where the writers assume that we're blithering idiots who can't make these connections by ourselves. Drives me crazy.
That's was a great final scene with Alex. Her nervousness, her hand shaking. It was well done.

Chyler Leigh has got great genes. I can't believe she's popped out 3 kids.


#2.06 "Changing" Promo
THE GUARDIAN DEBUTS IN NATIONAL CITY – The Guardian debuts to lend a hand after a parasite alien drains Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) of her power. Mon-El (Chris Wood) considers a less than desirable new career which then leads him to contemplate his motives. Alex (Chyler Leigh) struggles with a new reality. Andrew Kreisberg and Caitlin Parris wrote the script based on the story by Greg Beranti. The episode was directed by Larry Teng (#206).

Next week should be a good one. Big guns being brought out.


Just noticed the crossover starts November 28th.. same week as FFXV...

It's going to be a good week. Are you guys going to watch them every day or binge all four at the end?


Just noticed the crossover starts November 28th.. same week as FFXV...

It's going to be a good week. Are you guys going to watch them every day or binge all four at the end?

Supergirl (the show) is only part of the crossover at the very end of the episode, it's a standalone episode otherwise.

Watching daily for the discussion, duh.
Fun episode.

I used to dread watching this show last season, but not anymore. It's just so fun now. Chris Wood was a great addition to the cast.





That's was a great final scene with Alex. Her nervousness, her hand shaking. It was well done. .

With Adler and Berlanti, I knew they'd handle this well. Great stuff with Alex from the writing/Chyler.

I also think barring the weird building collapse scene, they're doing James becoming Guardian fairly well, too. The moments between him and Winn are special and it's smart of the writers to integrate that because Mechad and Jordan are so chummy IRL.

I lol'd that the promo was promoting this raging jealous James over Mon-El and it ended up absolutely nothing in the episode.


When I started watching this show last year I never expected I would ever get such a heartfelt moment from Alex. It was so reminiscent of what I went through, great writing/acting and I'm glad it was on TV.


So looks like Lena wants to get down with Kara and Supergirl?

Winn is apparently down for Mon El, Jimmy and Lena.

Alex and Maggie wow huge surprise there. Also in their final scene was in the alien bar with extras in alien makeup just because why not.

Show is so damn gay. They just need to accept it, their straight pairings are a lot more miss than hit.

Cadmus is more interesting with the Mother Luthor reveal, but still weak and Supergirl's low point.


Supergirl is such a jobber. Wish this show had a bigger budget.

Supergirl getting taken down by three dudes with *alien* guns makes it blatantly obvious that she's still a very green combatant. Her laying down artillery fire while flying overhead was dope though, I bet we'll see that in the crossover. Girl needs a training montage with the Green Arrow.
I hate when villains get away from Flash and Supergirl in a goddamn car, or on foot, mere seconds after a battle. It happens a lot on these shows. Supergirl is fast enough to fly away from Lena Luthor's party to quickly change back into Kara as she turns around, Flash is fast enough to frikkin time travel, but they still have difficulties with these lame ass villains.

Olsen's character is becoming lame too. And what they're doing with Alex feels so incredibly forced and rushed that it just seems like they're doing it to be like, "Hey people, we tackle all kinds of social issues!" Especially with that incredibly contrived discussion on alien gun control.. Yet, I'm seeing I'm in the minority here.

I used to love this show up, but now not so much. If it wasn't for Melissa Benoist, I think I would've dropped this show a while ago. She frikkin NAILS the part, but the surrounding context and execution is just not doing it for me that much anymore ;'[
I'd say there's something missing this season that last season nailed too; last season definitely felt more like Kara's story. This season seems overrun with side plots in comparison. I'm still enjoying it, but I'd definitely like it better if they pared it back a bit.

I'm going to blame it on the loss of Cat.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
"Hey, Hot James. Meet Hot Kara's friend, Hot Mike." Lol, how would anyone realistically get work done in that office?

Alex: It's kind of a coincidence that CADMUS releases a new video just as criminals get their hands on alien weapons.

Kara: It's not a coincidence if CADMUS is the one giving them the guns.

Lmao, does Kara not understand sarcasm or...

Also, it's interesting that the upbeat CW comic characters like Barry or Kara are oddly sexually repressed for adults in their mid 20s. But the darker ones like Oliver or Sara Lance smash everything in sight. Just an observation.

James putting in that work! Good that they found a way to get him back into the show without being a love interest. He's a good character. Hopefully this plot means him and Winn will bounce off each other more.

Lena Luther's American accent got way better. Although it feels like she's always hitting on Kara...and Alex...and Supergirl...

Episode was kinda bad. Just a little sloppy. It's hard to make normal people with rayguns a match for someone with superspeed, and sometimes shows like Flash and Supergirl don't even try. And that last reveal "...Mom." woof they just sorta let that clunk like a block of wood. The Luthors are a well known family, they're infamous. It's weird enough that Kara wouldn't know who Lena's mother is. It's even odder that Lena would bother obscuring that. They could have had Lena introduce her to Kara and have that be the reveal. It's literally the same effect without the awkwardness


Wonder if Lena knows about Supergirl...

The CADMUS lady being Lena's mom was such a CW muddying the plot thing.

Did Mehcad Brooks get a face lift or something? He looks a little different...

Speaking of looking a little different, Kara's face was looking a little puffy this week too.

Liking the Alex subplot. Gotta wonder if a woman who was just dumped really wants to handhold Alex out of the closet though.

Glad that Winn is happy at the DEO, can't wait to see James in action in his suit.


Still not a fan of the Guardian thing, it seems a contrived thing to make James more relevant. Though honestly i felt the same way of Laurel where she would more useful and add more "diversity" if she stays a lawyer that helped the heroes. Though i heard Laurel got better after becoming black canary so what do i know.

Also don't know why i have to keep reminding myself that the detective is Sawyer not Renee.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Still not a fan of the Guardian thing, it seems a contrived thing to make James more relevant. Though honestly i felt the same way of Laurel where she would more useful and add more "diversity" if she stays a lawyer that helped the heroes. Though i heard Laurel got better after becoming black canary so what do i know.

Also don't know why i have to keep reminding myself that the detective is Sawyer not Renee.

Laurel was kinda useful as Lawyer though....James real-life job brings nothing to the table.
Still not a fan of the Guardian thing, it seems a contrived thing to make James more relevant. Though honestly i felt the same way of Laurel where she would more useful and add more "diversity" if she stays a lawyer that helped the heroes. Though i heard Laurel got better after becoming black canary so what do i know.

Also don't know why i have to keep reminding myself that the detective is Sawyer not Renee.
I liked that he wasn't some amazing fighter right off the cuff and actually got his ass beat by some regular guys, despite having a black belt. Meanwhile, Laurel takes a few boxing lessons and then keeps up with Green Arrow. Hmm.

Also, the robber who got hit in the head, full force with a bat must have super armor.


Still not a fan of the Guardian thing, it seems a contrived thing to make James more relevant. Though honestly i felt the same way of Laurel where she would more useful and add more "diversity" if she stays a lawyer that helped the heroes. Though i heard Laurel got better after becoming black canary so what do i know.

Also don't know why i have to keep reminding myself that the detective is Sawyer not Renee.

It only feels contrived due to poor introduction and foreshadowing. It is actually a pretty good idea otherwise.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
All the reasons Wynn listed.

Probably the wrong show for you if you expect non-reckless or realistic behavior from the characters lol. Its not like James wants to 1 on 1 fight Martians - the episode was about regular thugs gearing up with alien weapons and causing havoc. Thugs can gear up, Alex has her Power Ranger Mega Suit to fight Aliens and so on.... dont know how James wanting to level the playing field makes him an idiot.


Still not a fan of the Guardian thing, it seems a contrived thing to make James more relevant. Though honestly i felt the same way of Laurel where she would more useful and add more "diversity" if she stays a lawyer that helped the heroes. Though i heard Laurel got better after becoming black canary so what do i know.

Also don't know why i have to keep reminding myself that the detective is Sawyer not Renee.

No, she was Inferior Canary.


plus those assholes destroyed his dead dad's camera. not sure why it's hard to imagine letting his emotions take over


I hate when villains get away from Flash and Supergirl in a goddamn car, or on foot, mere seconds after a battle. It happens a lot on these shows. Supergirl is fast enough to fly away from Lena Luthor's party to quickly change back into Kara as she turns around, Flash is fast enough to frikkin time travel, but they still have difficulties with these lame ass villains.

Olsen's character is becoming lame too. And what they're doing with Alex feels so incredibly forced and rushed that it just seems like they're doing it to be like, "Hey people, we tackle all kinds of social issues!" Especially with that incredibly contrived discussion on alien gun control.. Yet, I'm seeing I'm in the minority here.

I used to love this show up, but now not so much. If it wasn't for Melissa Benoist, I think I would've dropped this show a while ago. She frikkin NAILS the part, but the surrounding context and execution is just not doing it for me that much anymore ;'[

I feel the same way about everything you mention, and after this last episode I don't even feel like watching any more (although I probably will for a while longer). Feels like most of the main characters are having their character development pathways wrenched hard in new directions, so abruptly that it doesn't seem believable at all.

I'm generally pretty forgiving and regularly enjoy watching stuff under circumstances where most people have trouble suspending disbelief, but this is just too much. Having a hard time liking Olsen, J'onn, and Alex this season. And Mon-El could have been an interesting character but so far he's just an idiot, a dude who is apparently an adult but has the cognitive development of a kindergartner.
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