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Supergirl S2 |OT| The Sky's the Limit - Mondays 8/7c on The CW

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Finally getting to last night's episode. I'll just edit my thoughts into this post as they come.

  • This entire show is just cute, happy, and fun.
  • Jesus, Alex is so thirsty. "Who would break up with you?"
  • Jimmy put up a good fight for his first shot.
  • This guy talking about "good guys with ray guns" seems like its leading to a Science Police formation.
  • The Kara X Lena ship has probably already sailed on Tumblr.
  • Alex: "Please let me date you, Maggie. I'm not gay, but I so want to date you. PLEASE."
  • Holy shit, Mon-El moves fast.
  • Can Jimmy just keep waltzing into the DEO whenever he wants?
  • Jimmy is the CW universe's first Batman! Get it? =D Honestly, he's doing far better than he should be.
  • "Bro, build me a suit." "I can't lose you, bro."
  • Kara loves NSync. So cute.
  • Lena cock-blocking Alex's coming out speech! Shame!
  • "Son and daughter"? Is this lady the Luthor mom?
  • "Have you thought of a superhero name?" TEAAAAASE.
  • Alex trying to come to terms with being gay/bi is adorable!
  • Luthor mom!


Is there a list of must see episodes for Season 1? Ive heard that the beginning of the season is really meh and doesnt pick up till around the mid way point. So far ive only seen the pilot and episode 4. Is that a good place to pick up from or should I skip more?
Is there a list of must see episodes for Season 1? Ive heard that the beginning of the season is really meh and doesnt pick up till around the mid way point. So far ive only seen the pilot and episode 4. Is that a good place to pick up from or should I skip more?

Also who is Alex Danvers lol? Shouldnt it be Carol Danvers? And who ends up as Indigo, because that should be Carol right?

Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel, over in Marvel.

My original take was Alex was a distaff version of Lex Luthor, but they've put the nail in that coffin.

Short version: The third comic Supergirl was Linda Danvers, a young woman who was merged with the second Supergirl, a construct named Matrix. The "Danvers" name is a holdover from the first Supergirl Pre-Crisis, who went by the name Linda Lee Danvers. The TV Supergil is a vague amalgam of various Supergirls. Alex is a newly-created character.

Indigo in the comics is a version of Brainiac. She fulfills somewhat the same role in the show.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I assumed Cadmus lady is Lena's birth mother (seeing as Lena was adopted by the Luthors) and not a Luthor herself.
Thats what I was thinking till I remembered she mentioned she had a daughter and a son. Could go either way I think.


Hey, whether she's a Luthor or a birth mother, she's still not an effective villain. And nothing can take that away from her.

leng jai

This show is so much better during its light hearted moments it's ridiculous, everything else just falls flat or doesn't make sense. I just can't take all the other stuff seriously, too many inconsistencies. Supergirl loses to three random guys with alien guns? Really?
This show is so much better during it's light hearted moments it's ridiculous, everything else just falls flat or doesn't make sense. I just can't take all the other stuff seriously, too many inconsistencies. Supergirl loses to three random guys with alien guns? Really?

Yeah, when Supergirl took Mon El under her wings and told him what to do and what not to do as they went around the city, those were the best moments of yesterday's show, by far. So hilarious.

Yeah, I really dislike how Supergirl is so underpowered on the show. She continually loses to enemies she should easily beat.

While the show has its faults, though, I still enjoy watching it. Melissa is awesome as Supergirl.
Yeah, when Supergirl took Mon El under her wings and told him what to do and what not to do as they went around the city, those were the best moments of yesterday's show, by far. So hilarious.

Yeah, I really dislike how Supergirl is so underpowered on the show. She continually loses to enemies she should easily beat.

While the show has its faults, though, I still enjoy watching it. Melissa is awesome as Supergirl.
I like to think that she just holds back a lot.


Subete no aware
Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid that Kara keeps whispering about her secret identity at her extremely busy office with her friends and no one seems to overhear how she keeps saying she's Supergirl every time she has a "private" conversation?

leng jai

Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid that Kara keeps whispering about her secret identity at her extremely busy office with her friends and no one seems to overhear how she keeps saying she's Supergirl every time she has a "private" conversation?

Like how no one can recognise her because she's wearing glasses?


Turns out moving to vancouver might have worked out pretty well for the Super Girl team. I wonder if Kat Grant will be back any time soon


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Turns out moving to vancouver might have worked out pretty well for the Super Girl team. I wonder if Kat Grant will be back any time soon

We need her for the cross over and the seasons final episodes.


Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid that Kara keeps whispering about her secret identity at her extremely busy office with her friends and no one seems to overhear how she keeps saying she's Supergirl every time she has a "private" conversation?

Superheroes talking about their secret identity in public really annoys me in general. It especially annoys me when they're in costume and on the streets and casually use their real names. If your in suited up and on the streets you should always use your superhero names unless there is some sort of major plot reason to use the real name, like they're fairly sure someone is going to die.


Superheroes talking about their secret identity in public really annoys me in general. It especially annoys me when they're in costume and on the streets and casually use their real names. If your in suited up and on the streets you should always use your superhero names unless there is some sort of major plot reason to use the real name, like they're fairly sure someone is going to die.
The secret is that everyone is blind and deaf in this world. Or they just assume she is crazy. If someone says he is Jesus we don't believe them either.


You pretty much have to assume that everyone in the DEO knows. Honestly, she's worse than Barry with the identity thing.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Pretty sure everyone there knows that she is close to Alex - so figuring it out would be easy anyway. No point in hiding it.
So with Lex and Lena's mom being the head of Cadmus, that has to set us on the path to Superboy, right?

Superior Superboy incoming!?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
4 night event. Good lord, people. We're not ready or worthy.
H'okay, I got caught up and this season is pretty good. Definite improvement, IMO, though I still ship Kara/Jimmy and am not terribly fond of Mon-El. Couple of thoughts/impressions in no particular order:

Alex and Maggie are super cute together!

Why didn't Kara point out how uniquely Luthor the "are you a people" scanner is?

What's up with Mon-El having the same last name as the Supers? Is -El just like the Kryptonian/Daxamite equivalent of Smith?

I'm looking forward to the traditional Daxamite weakness getting demo'd, that's probably going to be funny.

Jimmy as Guardian is not a play I would have made but okay, let's see how it works out. I guess they decided that running CatCo wasn't enough on his plate.

This is sort of vanity talking but I feel like they kind of messed up Superman's intro. Considering how he was apparently okay with Kara handling all the stuff she did last season, I'd imagined that they'd have an appropriately powerleveled Supes who actually DID have better stuff to be doing than chasing down rogue Kryptonians. Instead, he's basically Supergirl's equal? I dunno.

Not sure how I feel about making M'gann and J'onn complete strangers.


4 night event. Good lord, people. We're not ready or worthy.

From what I've read it's not really going to be a 4 night event, Supergirl is pretty much going to end with her going into the Arrow universe so the Supergirl episode wont really be a part of the crossover.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
From what I've read it's not really going to be a 4 night event, Supergirl is pretty much going to end with her going into the Arrow universe so the Supergirl episode wont really be a part of the crossover.

I'm actually cool with that. I'm most looking forward to seeing Diggle and everyone else react to Supergirl. The different character dynamics and clashes are the best thing about crossovers for me.
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