Finally getting to last night's episode. I'll just edit my thoughts into this post as they come.
- This entire show is just cute, happy, and fun.
- Jesus, Alex is so thirsty. "Who would break up with you?"
- Jimmy put up a good fight for his first shot.
- This guy talking about "good guys with ray guns" seems like its leading to a Science Police formation.
- The Kara X Lena ship has probably already sailed on Tumblr.
- Alex: "Please let me date you, Maggie. I'm not gay, but I so want to date you. PLEASE."
- Holy shit, Mon-El moves fast.
- Can Jimmy just keep waltzing into the DEO whenever he wants?
- Jimmy is the CW universe's first Batman! Get it? =D Honestly, he's doing far better than he should be.
- "Bro, build me a suit." "I can't lose you, bro."
- Kara loves NSync. So cute.
- Lena cock-blocking Alex's coming out speech! Shame!
- "Son and daughter"? Is this lady the Luthor mom?
- "Have you thought of a superhero name?" TEAAAAASE.
- Alex trying to come to terms with being gay/bi is adorable!
- Luthor mom!