Galatea incoming.
So we've had Nth Metal here and on the Arrow/Flash crossover
Thanagar mentioned here and on Legends.
Superman here to save the day!
This is gonna be a trap, isn't it?
Somebody say Cyborg Superman?
How? She's already their prisoner.
Somebody say Cyborg Superman?
Oh that's right. I forgot all about her. That makes much more sense. Though taking blood from Mon-El might mean Superboy as well.
He's here!!!!
Winn made a huge deal about building Jimmy's suit, but this random vigilante is doing well for himself in paintball gear.
Would rather watch a Guardian solo show than Arrow tbh
You know what? I like James as Guardian
'Cause Winn is more interesting than the entire Arrow team put together.![]()
Unless you're bringing in the Newsboys, Dubbilex, and Best Superboy...
Random and surprised Barry Allen appearance before the credit rolls or nah?
Guardian vs Mon-El
Just strolling into the Fortress of Solitude. Security worse than STAR Labs.
Superman contracted STAR Labs for security?
Kara forget about Hank Cyborg Superman already?
Just strolling into the Fortress of Solitude. Security worse than STAR Labs.
Superman contracted STAR Labs for security?
Setting aside walking into the Fortress, bleeding over a console is the messiest way to log in you can think of.
Setting aside walking into the Fortress, bleeding over a console is the messiest way to log in you can think of.
Guess no last minute segue into next week's crossover. No biggie.
The security for these bases on the CW are just the worst lol.
Next week's Supergirl is just going to be a regular episode that has Barry pop up at the end to begin the crossover.